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This one has been posted on Facebook too from someone who lives in the middle of nowhere in North Wales. Looks like Skanky and sink boy's antics have filtered through to the general public at last!

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H nearly smashed up the studio today with all the doors banging, but Eden calmed him down. H shouldn’t be dragged around like this, but like the situation with the kids, on it continues.
He's better off back at the college than just being another of her accessories and as for Jett seeing Eden fondle his mums baloombas - that's sexualised behaviour he shouldn't be witnessing :mad:. How much longer is this going on for 🤷‍♀️. Absolute rubbish.
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Junior is doing Accrington lights, I believe - it’s local to me, I did think of popping by. If I do, I’ll be straight on tattle if a wild KFP is there. I doubt she will be though to be honest.
Don’t have anything against J, but I don’t get why he’s switching accy lights on 😂 and why accy? It’s a small town in Lancashire up North, not far from Burnley. It’s a shithole to be honest, the town centre is dead - most shops closed/closing. I think Accrington are desperate for a *star* (I’m aware J isn’t exactly a star 😂) and I think J is chuffed for the attention/career boost/ego boost. Can’t blame the lad like, opportunity there & he’s taken it. He seems a nice polite lad, Pete & Emily have done a great job. I just think he’s going down the ‘singer’ route just for the fame.
Many years ago Bolton advertised that a 'Hollywood star' was switching the lights on ... the limo arrived to an excited crowd wondering who it was ... a Piglet on a lead with a bow round it got out ... the 'Hollywood star' was a fake 'babe' the pig 🤦‍♀️🤣 To say the locals were unimpressed was an understatement ... the council had to issue a public apology 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Me too, I can’t watch B cooking unsupervised, something bad is gonna happen soon, this is just what we see on the lives, imagine what it’s like 24/7. Taken from KH who cared for them, made sure they went to school, educated them out of school, ensured they had many trips out to fun kids things, to what we see now. Sadly I’ve just had to accept nothing will be done to rectify this anytime soon. KH has fought hard, still fights I know, but just watching his latest videos, the man is broken. I don’t feel he’s getting anywhere near getting them back, and guarantee she will still have custody at Christmas. The children have been failed by everyone who should be looking after their welfare, I just pray no serious physical harm ever comes to them due to her feckless care, she has already emotionally and educationally harmed them, J looks completely lost now, living in his own world, will take massive efforts in the future by professionals to help that boy. Just find it all so sad, it shouldn’t be like this.
I echo everything you have said. It's so hard to watch. They are crying out for love and attention and she is completely incapable of giving them either. I am starting to lose hope now, and I normally quite positive about things. Why does she always come up smelling of roses?
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So she's got Harvey signed up for TT, what level of understanding does he have to consent to this? There are massive safeguarding issues here. Will he be creating content or will she be the puppet master? Will he watch stuff on it himself? Has she set up parental controls because although an adult he is mentally still a child. He is a vulnerable adult, he should be protected from this stuff not exploited. Journos this is the real story you should be investigating, 😡😢😔
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She's such a shit show. I think that whatever stunts she pulls don't even register on Peter & Emily's radar. Happily married, lovely life, lovely children. The embarrassing ex-wife who won't let go. He's done exactly the right thing by never reacting to her & it seems that KH is now doing the same thing.
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Chatty Member
Poor Jett is paraphrasing what he has heard her say.
So skank reading the messages says no I’m not on the sniff it’s from vaping
Jett immediately replies do they think you’re on drugs
Skank replies yes
Imo any child who has had no reason to think their parent used drugs would reply why would they think that and would be shocked ,Jett replies come on guys she has 5 kids it’s exactly what he has heard her say and is repeating it, why does she think it’s normal or ok to talk to her children about what people post about her, she should be protecting them ,shielding them from it but not her 😡
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Pom Bear

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Yay! love your pics Pom!! cheer me up when I'm feeling down about the Skanks behaviour ❤😍💃🏻
Always happy to cheer people up and thank you too Love from Pom 😀❤🥰💖❤💖😀😘 xxx.

Thank you too for your lovely comment @puddleduck ❤💖💕🥰😀😊🥰❤😘 xxx

It's been fun today esp laughing on Rita the cleaner and Edam..I think Edam is having a joke at Katie also. Back later or tomorrow Love from Pom 😀❤💖💕🥰❤💖🥰❤😘 xxx

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About 80p a litre for heating oil at the moment. I don't know what size tank she would have ... ours is 1200 litres I think so she probably needs more like 2500 litres? Obviously she let it completely run out which you should never do so it will need bleeding to get rid of the airlock which will have resulted.
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When my children were little they loved cooking, still do, but we started off gradually chocolate cornflake nests etc how to safely chop veg etc. Someone always supervised. It only takes a second for boiling water or oil to cause serious injury. We were told of the damage just a cup of tea can do to a child when I did a paediatric first aid course. The Skank not only doesn't care enough to supervise when they cook she sends them off to make tea for everyone 😡 After all it was under her so called watch that Harvey got badly scalded.😞
I know accidents can still happen under the best of care and attention but she makes no effort to keep her children safe😠😡😤
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House seems stupidly expensive for what it is.
London 4-5 beds are £3k a month why is this £6k?
I’d price it at £2.5k pcm.
The grounds and patio areas are a mess too. I don't see why someone with 6k a month to spare would settle for somewhere with grounds that look
like they've been modelled on Chernobyl. There are similar-sized properties for the same rent which look immaculate. Why would anyone cough up that amount for loose paving slabs and grotty peeling windows?

Maybe it was all a little trick to try and placate the trustees for the last hearing?
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In my case I got really furious about something she did, went on a few rants
His teeth were perfectly fine the fool
I had my teeth “done” a few years ago. I had one big snaggle tooth at the front so had a few crowns put in to get a straight smile. (My teeth were weak so didn’t think veneers would work well). I had the choice to get them whiter than white and be perfect. I only had the snaggle one changed. It looks natural and not mega white. My friend had hers done like Kipper and Sinky. She looks like a twat.
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So there’s a cost of living crisis going on, virtually everyone I know have been cutting back on their spending, many are people who are earning a decent income. All my friends are looking for bargains these days, we pride ourselves on getting a great deal, it’s a bit of a competitive thing, saying well I got this outfit so cheap, yet here are the Skanky fans spending a massive markup price for cheap tat which probably loses shape and colour after a couple of washes. Honestly who are these people, chucking their coin away like this 🤦🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️
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Partnership with TT shop 😡
No new extensions in 🤔
Whatever must these people think they're doing? Up close next to her, must be laughable. Seeing the glued on wig, lumpy, inside out hare lip. Yacht varnished looking eyebrows & those huge tits. Teeth that you could see from the Space Station. She look's a freak. How anyone would want to do a collaboration with this bankrupt, just totally amazes me.
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I cannot find the words , she’s supposed to be working yet she’s ramming food in her gullet slurping tea, talking with her mouth full, leaving her 9 year old daughter unattended while the bairn makes pancakes why couldn’t she sort their breakfast before coming on live
She doesn’t do any cooking it seems Bunny is the main cook poor girl
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Jett just said her arse is the only thing that isn’t fake on her 😂
For the love of all that’s holy. In what universe is a nine year old boy talking about his mother’s arse on social media funny or acceptable?
Please, someone tell me it’s not just me.
If it is then I’m fucked and on my own 😳🤪😂
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Rita Chevrolet

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Makes you wonder though with so many signs and gigantic pointers as to her "habit" the SS still seem to think those children are safe in her company. And as for AFP and Edna enabling the thing to retain it's grip on the children, well they are despicable beyond belief :mad::poop:
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He probably hardly if at all remembers him,it’s the Narc telling H…We know how vile she is to ex’s,poison that’s all the comes out that vile mouth.
My kids (all adults now) are estranged from their dad…. His choice. NEVER have they spoken about him in the way H did. For 1, I wouldn’t allow it irregardless of what a dick he has been and 2. H is repeating what his incubator says. If you listen closely to H’s speech, he doesn’t respond appropriately to what the conversation is, he repeats things that he remembers, and this is no reflection on H, it is a common trait with autism. When he says daddy Dwight he has no idea who or what that is. She’s disgusting!!
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