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Is she seriously trying to claim that her arse is real? She said she had fat put in and sucked back out and now it’s just all her own arse. She always had a very flat, boyish bum, now she has a shelf. Along with a clear outline of the implants. Fuck off liar.
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Who does this remind you of View attachment 2518174
That ws my avatar for a while 🤣🤣🤣
Anyone else thinks her stomach looks really bloated when she was wearing the 'dresses' unbuttoned?
She comes back with a pot belly after every holiday
Poor Harvey. Why has she taught him to say fucking Peter fucking Andre? She is such a selfish bitch, why can’t she just let him be himself. She treats him like some sort of performing seal, stuffing him with cake and burgers when he says what she wants him to. And as if he wants his own TikTok ffs :mad: :(
So, this is my take on H saying that, Carol dumping get again and on her randomly calling Princes 'Princess Pricey' ... she is incandescent with rage over Emily being pregnant ... she is obsessing and constantly going on about it and ranting about 'Peter fucking Andre' ... Carol has had an entire week of it on his own with her and has had enough (he will be back) ... H is just parroting because he has heard her saying the same thing over and over ... she is claiming Princess as belonging to her again to get back at Pete because she cannot contact him directly to vent her eternal rage at him leaving her in the first place
Just had to buy a new phone, latest one, as she put her one underwater on holiday and bust the camera. John Lewis.
Kids are waiting for her to finish.
You just know she exploded at something to do with Pete and pregnant Emily and destroyed her phone 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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She's got to feed the horses after this.
Bunny has burnt her finger she said, but not bothered as asked Bunny to make her a cup of tea
God she is so damn lazy! that poor girl is like Cinderella at the moment - there to do all the cooking for the others and gets completely ignored otherwise!
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So KP can afford holidays, all her beauty treatments, mortgage on MM and a rental nanny and cleaner plus every day expenses
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Rita Chevrolet

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Oooohhhh I’ve found Edam’s threads 😁 I have no idea who she is, but I do now, had a quick skim through her wiki and the latest thread 👍🏾😁 Oh my, we have another nightmare in the Skanky house, she sounds horrendous 😱😁 Seems consensus over there is she is using Skank to get in on Skank’s trolling campaign, as Edam is trolled relentlessly as she’s full of 💩 Edam has a little buddy called Yaz, who was with her last night at the MM, also a nightmare, Edam has personal hygiene issues like our Skank 😁 Edam has made derogatory comments about disabled people, but is suddenly loving H. My fav comment on the recent thread is that Edam and Yaz “wouldn’t be seen dead in that JYY crap”, so despite all that gushing over Skank, Edam is a complete biaaaatch it seems. Edam also has a strange partner, like our Skank does, let the fireworks begin, this could be fun, two self-absorbed twats hooking up, with a sidekick thrown in, looks like Yaz is always with her. Well, this new relationship will blow-up big style eventually wont it. Interesting 🤔😁
Oh this is going to be AMAAAAAAAAAAZIN' innit?
I'm betting Edam's partner Wensleydale will be offerred a "fishing trip" sooner rather than later............................................ :ROFLMAO:🎣
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Stan Butler

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Would have loved Princess to have turned up 10 minutes earlier and heard H's little outburst about Pete that mummy dearest must have taught him. Wonder how that would have gone down and wonder if someone will inform Princess of what was said.
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Mellow Yellow

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Just watched Peter on james Martin show. He comes across so well the complete opposite of skanky. It makes you wonder what he saw in her
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Dog keeps farting, says he needs a 💩 she will let him out (in the storm) soon.

Tank has 💩 in the house.
Princess is taking a long time to get there, surely she’s not bullshitting saying she’s coming over?
Talking with a mouthful of vape. (Only realised tonight she was vaping after being in the Priory after the crash)
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Imagine being told by your cleaner to try to keep house tidy before their next visit!! She really is Fungus the Bogeyskank 🤮🤢
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Didn’t she say this week that Bunny has been ordering stuff off temu cheap website?? KP prob getting her to do the orders for her so she can then sell on pjs for extortionate markup ! There isn’t any investment in marketing or merchandising! Just a phone selfie photo and the stock pictures used for deluded fans to part with their money 🤷🏻‍♀️
There has to be a bank account for ordering online. What bank account is this coming from? Sure the forensic accountants relating to the bankruptcy enquiries would be interested in how all this tat is being purchased. I'm shocked there has not been measures put in, to limit her spending, seeing as she's not making any attempt to clear her existing creditors debts. Is she allowed this collaboration with TT, as an undischarged bankrupt? Hope the Redtop's pick up on this. Also, HOW are the kids (if Jett does attend), getting to/from school? Is Crawl ferrying them around?
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American’s used to use coke & speed , they call it a speed ball I think this is what skanky’s probably using now for a prolonged high 🤪
American here. A speedball is a mix of cocaine and another opiate, generally heroin. Carry on.
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I've not really been keeping up.The chemo has made me so rough, but I can't believe what I'm reading, it's going from bad to worse she literally seems untouchable. As for the Harvey situation, he's looking really angry at times now. She'll push him too far it's a disaster waiting to happen.
So sorry to hear you are feeling so rough. I hope you start feeling a bit more like yourself soon, love and hugs xxxxx
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It was a flippant comment not meant to insult, I really find it difficult on this thread there’s always somebody who wants an argument and to be fair there is a certain poster who is incredibly rude and sometimes downright nasty but they seem to get away with everything.
Possibly because most of us have that person set to ignore. I took your comment as the joke it was meant to be x
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Just a shout out to @Emma Manchester-Furniture ...skanky wants a grey leather sofa (y) 🤭

Cheap and tacky as possible please (no recliners)
Haha. I'm never going to be able to forget about this whole alias thing am I? I blame @PTMe who shared that delicious tea in the first place.
Anyway, (spot desperate attempt at deflection) didn't she hide her noo-eggs on her phone now as Camilla Hampshire Carpets and Lucinda Holdyah Horses ?
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