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The only hope we have is going by the title "The Last Word" is there shouldn't be anymore of this conflicting tripe coming from the KP camp ever again. Ever.

Find me someone who hasn't had some kind of trauma and has lived a charmed and sheltered life. Everyone's will be different but bad things happen all the time to people but we don't use it as an excuse to either continue to make shit decisions or behave so badly forever more.
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I read the article early this morning.

I’m sorry for Amy’s health problems but I was angry on reading this as yet again all the blame for the bad behaviour was given to the men in Katie’s life. She has enabled her daughter all her life and see the outcome. She can’t just brush it away with something like yeah my daughters not easy to deal with!

Mental illness is far more common than you think and I would say the majority of people do not use this to excuse their actions, we all take responsibility for how we behave.

Katie is never going to become a decent person, the horse has long since bolted, she’s a sad, freak show trying to hold onto her youth.

I don’t care how much money she has hoarded away, she and her whole family are a mess.
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Chatty Member
Be hilarious if the book suddenly gets pulled from launch day due to legal issues
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so according to Amy Katie and Peters wedding was SO GAUDY but it was Katie's dream wedding so i assume she planned it all(BUT BET IT IS ALL PETER'S FAULT for the GAUDY WEDDING)
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Hammers of hell

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At the end of the day, AFP can bleet on all she likes but there is just too much water under the bridge now. Too many dead animals, too many men, too many drunken bullying posts, too many offences etc etc the party's over, there is no redemption.
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I would love it if Pete, Alex, Kieran and SB all got together and did a joint statement, something quite short but applying to them all, such 'we all refute the version of events as portrayed in the book. We were all deeply affected by our relationships with Amy's daughter but have all
now happily moved on, we wish she could do the same.

Make it obvious KP is was the problem!
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KATIE Price’s mum has branded her ex-husband Peter Andre “manipulative” and claims he left her crying at home as she struggled with her mental health.

In her sensational new book, Amy Price reveals she warned her daughter off Pete before they both entered the reality TV show I’m A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! in 2004.

But Amy, 71, says Katie, now 45, ignored her and the pair entered a five-year relationship riddled with jealousy, where Peter manipulated rows on their reality TV series to make her daughter look bad.

Despite her concerns, Amy, who has the lung condition idiopathic pulmonary, says Katie was excited about getting wed and fulfilling her childhood dreams of a wedding with a pink dress and Cinderella carriage.

A week before, Peter, now 50, took Junior to Cyprus to celebrate his parents’ 50th wedding anniversary leaving Katie, who was suffering post-natal depression, crying.

Amy, who is battling a terminal illness, says “building a brand” had come at a “high price” and the “pursuit of money and fame was taking precedence over everything”.

She says one of the worst examples was at her daughter’s so-called “surprise” 30th birthday party in 2008 at the luxurious Luton Hoo Hotel, Beds. Amy went into Katie’s bedroom to find her manager placing “sex toys and condoms” on the bed to “try spicing it up for the storyline”.

She writes: “I actually felt sick to my stomach. I knew that, due to the post-natal depression Kate was still suffering with, sex was the last thing on her mind.

“To begin with, the reality TV editing process made Kate and Pete’s post wedding relationship look all lovey-dovey and nice.

“As the relationship progressed, there were clear signs of Pete’s fragile ego impacting his relationship, not least his continual need to rid himself of intolerable feelings by giving them to my daughter.

“Time and time again, she was the one made to feel insecure and bullied, so that she became the one on the verge of breaking down.

“The more insecure she became, Pete seemed increasingly repulsed by her vulnerability and cut deeper with his insults and passive aggressive mood swings.

“True, he did not beat her black and blue but his anger manifested itself in other ways. It chipped away at her self-esteem until she was a shell of her former self.

“Ultimately, he was and still is more skilful at separating his private and public self and presenting an outward facing Mr Nice Guy persona and it has served him well.

“Conversely, Kate has always worn her heart on her sleeve and it became an increasingly thread-bare garment.”

Amy says that towards the end of their relationship the editing of their reality show seemed to make Katie look moody and uncooperative and Pete look “the good guy”.

They went on to have another child, Princess, now 15, who was born in June 2007, but Amy says soon the marriage was in trouble.

The final trigger for Peter were rumours of an affair between Katie and international dressage rider Andrew Gould. Amy says she was never aware of any affair.

The final trigger which led Pete to call it a day was a photograph of Kate at the Badminton Horse Trials with her equestrian products manager, book agent and make-up artist. They were joined by the international dressage rider Andrew Gould and his wife Polly. They went on to a club where they were photographed.

Amy writes: “I was never aware of an affair between them.

“Afterwards somehow, Pete remained the handsome prince while she became the evil snow queen. Those of us closest to her know this was no accident, because she was part of a publicity machine which had sucked her in and was now viciously spitting her out.”
Does the silly old cow really think this onslaught of hate and blame is doing her daughter any favours?
I hope it backfires spectacularly on your lying arse.
All this happened 15yrs ago, are they really still blaming Pete for the way her spoilt, entitled, narcissistic daughter turned out. Its unbelievable.

I hope Pete sends some legal letters their way..
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Joanna Surrey

VIP Member
Princess looked lovely, what a marvellous dress. Something definitely going on there’s no way kipper wouldn’t have been watching the make up session and “woo hooing and lovin it.” As for AFP well you’ve just wasted a whole lot of time and effort on something that will sink without trace. Even up to a couple of years ago it probably would still have sold well but the party is finally over, they are playing to a half empty village hall. Nobody is remotely interested in KP other than watching the inevitable unfold. They just can’t accept it can they? Lots of celebrities fade into obscurity for many reasons but mainly because they’ve had their day. They give up and go back to their old lives still getting the occasional job or opening the local fete etc, what’s wrong with that? No they just can’t let it go and they’ve all become a laughing stock. I met Julie T Wallace last year (the she devil.) I was doing a boot sale and she had the stall next to mine. We got talking and she was thrilled I still watched the she devil. She told me that when she did that they told her she’d be set for life and it would make her an international star. Guess what it never happened. The work dried up and she gets occasional bits on Open All Hours, Last of the Summer Wine etc and that’s it. Was she bitter? Not at all just a lovely lovely lady who was happy to have been given a go. What a difference to that rabble.
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I don't believe this for a minute. He would have blocked her surely, rather than put up with that many calls. It's just more drivel from one of them.
Reckon ‘Fingers’ took Sad-Boy’s phone off him after the first call, he’s on the case, he wasn’t having a Skank ruin the Vegas trip. ‘Fingers’ put it on vibrate mode, having a little chuckle to himself each time it vibrated in his pocket, knowing Skank was getting increasingly frustrated. Meanwhile they all continued to knock back the shots, Sad-Boy having a good time with the Vegas Girl, ‘Fingers’ is running the show 😁
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I would love it if Pete, Alex, Kieran and SB all got together and did a joint statement, something quite short but applying to them all, such 'we all refute the version of events as portrayed in the book. We were all deeply affected by our relationships with Amy's daughter but have all
now happily moved on, we wish she could do the same.

Make it obvious KP is was the problem!
Great idea. I’ve suggested it 😉
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Rockin' Robin

VIP Member
I have been reading the comments section in the DM, regarding Princess Andre going to her prom. Some of the comments are really awful, criticising her appearance. I reported a few of them, and said that the comments should be moderated.
I really can't understand how people can do this - she is 16 for christ's sake, and still an impressionable young girl.
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Heeyyy! I am still around, y'all, lurking away 👀👀👀 --- but currently unable to write abso-fucking-lutely ANYTHING about any of them without getting my bottom spanked or a big fat ban from the MODS.
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Shocking to hear her calling Andre. KP is the biggest user/slag in the business. Getting with Pete resurrected her flagging career. He’s no angel, and obviously seized an opportunity to elevate his Z rate status, but he’s always been the better parent of the two, whilst she goes from bad to worse - so suck that up Amy your daughter is a skank!
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The book is nothing short of a deflection. Price is finally in the crap and something is happening behind the scenes. And being dumb and not listening to good advice she thinks a book will solve all her problems. She can attack her ex partners under the guise of her mother writing it. Because, well, no one will sue a terminally ill woman would they.
If Pete, Keiron and the rest dont sue her and pulp this book, there is no justice.
Sue her Pete.
This isn’t a ‘rise above it‘ moment. Sue Amy Price and get a restraining order against Katie.
I'd sue her, I wouldn't give a shit about her hiding behind 'terminal illness' if she is fit enough to be in cahoots with kipper and going to keep dragging the past up, trying to ruin me, she's fit enough to be sued in my book.

They're the ones keep poking the bear, won't let things drop and move on. It screams desperate to me
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Chatty Member
But wasn't Peter famous before skank got her page 3 stint? Amy forgets the wedding was filmed with the build up etc and it was skanks choices
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Chatty Member
It's really heartwarming to see the enabler has had a second shot at life, and what does she do with it, spread lies and bullshit to try to save her twat of a daughter, and the proceeds from this book of lies going to charity, what a way to repay those who gave you a second chance at life by donating money earned at the expense of decent men and father's, utter scum that family, also her hair, I don't think it's her hair style that people are having a go at just the fucking horrid lump of flesh it's stuck to.
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UGH so FPC is doing Ps make up for her prom? She's going to look like a middle aged slapper then!
It’s a real shame, I’ve never really seen much of P, and not really commented on her before the past few days, but this week she appeared to me on those LIVE videos a lovely girl with a really sweet nature, just a typical 15 going on 16 year old, no madam vibes at all. I have a feeling she wants a bit of freedom away from her normal life as all girls that age do and has taken the opportunity to stay at MM, maybe even had concern about B & J’s welfare knowing what her Mum is like, so is looking out for them. She is way more adult, sensible and grounded than her mother (not hard I know) admittedly from the little I’ve seen, but I usually can tell what people are like from early impressions…have to admit I’m not easily fooled, P seems pretty together, from what I’ve seen I liked her, think she has a good heart, she’s nothing like her mother.

Trouble is she’s being drawn into her mother’s fake world, example here with that awful FPC, her makeup is just an over the top fake trash look, she did a terrible job on P at Edna’s wedding if I remember rightly. She’s a very bad makeup artist. Hope P has some ideas of her own, and she tones the makeup down later, it’s a dated 90s look only the likes of Skank think is cool, P deserves so much better than this rubbish, but sadly maybe her mother‘s life and ways are starting to influence her 😔
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Apologies for the long rant...

Dear Amy,

So it is begins again, the book of lies and more lies. So let me get a few things straight in my head, 'cos they really don't add up, as we've been pointing out on this forum for years. Only liars need to say they don't lie, or it's the truth....both of you use those lines.
Have you actually ever said NO to your daughter, that's not how you behave? Did you ever teach her that actions have consequences? That it's serious if you lie and cheat and play the victim.
So when your darling daughter was 7 she was molested/sexually assaulted/or Kate's version was raped in a park (again several versions of this in your daughter's books, who was this mystery person, was it the family member she mentioned) she was affected so bad by this that you took her to a photographer, who just also happened to be dodgy too and YOU left her in his company ALONE when she was 13 years old...whose great idea was that? At the same ages Kate allows P & B to be seen on social media caked in makeup, a perverts paradise. Shouldn't you both be protecting them after what she went through?
So you watched your vulnerable daughter as she lived with at guy at 15, now Kate seems to be allowing Princess to be with her bf at the MM at the same age.
You describe all the men in her life as toxic, yet they have all eventually escaped her and gone on to be in happy, healthy relationships, having children with their partners/wives. No stories of Pete being 'controlling' with Emily or indeed unfaithful, the same with Alex, happy with Nikki, a little girl and twins due anytime now. Kieran, a little boy for them, engaged and probably the only rumours of unfaithfulness has come from camp Price.
Maybe they were trying to help her get clean from all those drugs she snorts, or the alcohol she consumes, have you thought about that? SB is on the front line after all. Kate wants to marry a guy 5 minutes after meeting them, she doesn't get to know them, they are always the one. Yet Kate is the one who constantly cheats in EVERY relationship.

Suddenly a week before this comes out, a medicated, slurring Kate has conveniently had an ECG for a hole in the heart that closed up after birth, why? It's very common you know, just another drama in the world of KP to put out there as an excuse.

So, you think Kate should of been sectioned, but didn't do it, but she's safe to carry on shouting 'suicide' and to look after kids. That she's medicated/drunk/in pain with her feet, but safe to drive a car. (A car which she has said twice she wanted to use to kill herself. Outside Harvey's nursery and the latest crash)

There's only one common denominator here, one person at fault. Kate. She has access to unlimited therapy (does she actually attend, does she actually listen...clearly not, as she's still lashing out) She just can't let anyone walk away from her without unleashing revenge on them, she wants to destroy anyone who dares to say no to her.

What about the families MH she has affected by her not paying, dragged through her bankruptcy?
Your book has just re-highlighted her bad behaviour, especially while she seems to be spinning out of control yet again at the moment. She just repeats the same mistakes over and over.

This is your last chance to step up Amy/Sophie/Paul/Danny and say no to Kate, to give back a relationship with Jett and Bunny to their father, to show how her behaviour is unacceptable.
Her fanbase is turning against her, they are appalled with her behaviour, her excuses, her lies (yes she does lie) just look at the comments on social media, you are pressed to find a supportive one at the moment.
The pathetic excuses have run out. Time for action.
Bravo DC
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They're one sick twisted bunch alright. AFP didn't need to say any of this. It might have made her a bit of cash but it will affect 5 ex-husbands and their new families, Claire Powell, then all her grandkids kids. Maybe AFP is a sociopath too, I don't see much other explanation.
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