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It would be nice if people didn't totally write off a child just because of who her mother is. She will be affected so much and already has so much to deal with. Anyone who had a parent with MH issues or drug issues should realise this. There's a reason we don't usually stick 15 and 16 year olds in jail or let them do all kinds of stuff. Hopefully P gets to enjoy her prom :confused:
Thanks Helena. I don’t give a shit what people say about KP, she deserves it and I’m here for that, but some members here seem to be way too interested in this child, one or two in particular who never miss an opportunity to slag her off or talk about her very inappropriately
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So it healed 🤦🏻‍♀️ and she just happened to have an ECG a week before this comes out. Attention seeking drama Queen 🙄
I am sure th multiple plastic surgeries would have been problematic with a hole in the heart.... WHAT A LOAD OF BOLLOCKS
shes lost the sparkle in her eyes
Because the mattresss isn't as comfy now the money is evaporating ...
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Fern isn't a very good makeup artist.

Anyone else wondering if Princess is becoming more distant from Peter and maybe not taking Claire Powell's advice? She seems to be spending an awful lot of time at the MM and doing things that Claire as her manager wouldn't be keen on for Princess's brand (like Q&A with KP, dancing videos with KP).

I might be completely off the mark here but maybe Peter thinks the BF is too old and there's been a row? I suspect he's 18 or older
I think Princess is a young girl trying to look after her mother who is clearly spiraling - the rest of the family seem to be giving her a wide berth
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Didn't Pete (ya cunt) wait til Junior was 16 before he told him the truth about Skanky and why they split? He's seemed to have distanced himself a fair bit since. Well, well, well Princess is turning 16 this week so tick tock, tick tock - pretty poor timing to spew such crap from Skanky dressed up as by AFP. Bad move. Very bad move. Don't poke the bear Skanky. What will her 'mini me' ' my world' think about her then if Pete (ya cunt) sets the record straight with Princess on the back of this. At least we might no longer have to endure the awful singing duo vids. I'll put the kettle on and get the popcorn ready.
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Chatty Member
Dying or not ...Amy is throwing around vile accusations that could lead her to be sued or book withdrawn at this rate... She's using same style as daughter but obviously missed out the several versions she's already put in books about past relationships
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I finally see some sort of Karma coming, even if it’s just more people waking up to her lies, and also realising her family are as delusional as her.

Whilst obviously I would rather these things never happened, in the last fortnight or so we have had :—

Kieron telling the truth
People questioning yet another pets death
A live when off her face
Amy being shown for the delusional enabler she is.

The comments everywhere are brutal, and show that their bullshit doesn’t work anymore.

Finally, they have gone for the wrong people going for Pete and Claire. Bring on July 7th 🙌
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...and 'I don't lie!' Yes you do!
That's exactly what Kipper said in that sloshed live the other night! They're obviously got material written for the promo and are both
spouting it. ( Hole in the heart, I don't lie) What utter, utter shite it all is. I'm not sure if Alex, after winning his case, got a restraining order or just an injunction but here's Amy about to go after him again on behalf of Kipper to try and get round any order in place. Dodgy ground I would think!

I noticed Amy is putting in 'in my opinion' a lot. As far as I know, that isn't a magic bullet against libel / defamation. Interestingly she is calling Kieran a 'complex exhibitionist'. That seems a very awkward but carefully considered phrase which the actual writer has probably picked to try and avoid all of Skank's outright allegations which have never been proved and would be libel.

I think this bog roll book could still end up in legal trouble.
So she's trotting out the old "Pete is controlling" line?
I expect he was just trying to stop Katie from reverting to type and ruining their lives. So, if Katie couldn't go out drinking herself into oblivion and embarrassing herself (as she does now) then she blames Pete for stopping her by being "controlling."
Of course he was, he didn't want the mother of two toddlers taking drugs and being pissed all the time. What a controlling knobhead! She said
he 'drove her to it'. Fast forward eleventybillion years and each bloke has driven her to take more drugs :rolleyes:
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“He wanted to be rich and famous, and my daughter unwittingly became part of the plan.” (So says Amy the Enabler)

Peter Andre was already famous, you malingering old twat! Wasn’t he financially secure back then too, due to shrewd property investments? So he was only after Skank herself , not her money or fame. This family still continue to amaze me. When I think they can’t appal me any more, they come up trumps again. They really are cretinous. Bunch of grifting, soulless, lying CUNTS. I pray that this is what finishes them all off with the public.
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when was that Tracey? I’ve either forgotten or didn’t know about that.
It was what triggered Slapgate ... she went mental over Dane Bowers as well when he left her, he took her to hospital because she claimed to have swallowed a load of pills ... she stalked him for years trying to get back with him ... classic narcissist over reaction, I really do think this is a proper break up with Carol ... all the off the rails stuff as per usual when a relationship ends with her ... she hasnt been like this with the fake breaks
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Joanna Surrey

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There's more from AFP.
Amy says: “Pete was in his element that day but to me he looked like a sweaty marshmallow.

“Everything was so big and gaudy.

“The number of diamonds in their rings shocked me.

“Pete’s ring had 20 princess-cut diamonds mounted in platinum — yes, this is for a man!

“Kate’s ring had 35 princess-cut diamonds, elevated on a bridge of pink gold encrusted with pink diamonds.

“It was grotesque.

“It was so big it didn’t look real.

“It was like a toy ring out of a jamboree bag.

“Pete even had hair extensions put in before the wedding.

“They didn’t want to be outdone by each other and this streak of jealousy continued throughout the marriage.”

Amy describes it as a “management marriage” with their manager “so intrusively mixed up in their private life”.

Opening up about her decision to write the explosive book, Amy - , who has the lung condition idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, writes: “I’ve lived on the sidelines for years, forced to sit back as lie after lie has been printed about my daughter.

“Now, as I approach death, it’s high time I speak up and set the record straight.

“Her marriage to this man left her at her lowest ebb and set the scene for further toxic betrothals.

“He wanted to be rich and famous, and my daughter unwittingly became part of the plan.

“My daughter is no angel, but she became a sacrificial lamb in a celebrity slaughter the moment she paired up with Peter Andre.”
I don’t think even PA will have the patience to ignore this. What a horrible old witch she is. I hope Junior and Princess pull her up talking about their lovely dad like that.
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VIP Member
Thanks Helena. I don’t give a shit what people say about KP, she deserves it and I’m here for that, but some members here seem to be way too interested in this child, one or two in particular who never miss an opportunity to slag her off or talk about her very inappropriately
I think she looks lovely she's excited for her prom and whether I like what shed wear or her make-up its nothing to do with me, if she wanted to wear black lipstick and dress up as a pirate its up to her its what she wants. She's a young girl dressing up for her prom. I hope she had a lovely time 💙.
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the 100 calls to SB how very embarrassing
desperate much lol
Trouble is, it's getting harder & harder to tell what's truth & fiction. I'm pretty sure a lot of what is seen, written & filmed is done just for paid publicity. Leak a story, it's published by Redtops & they're earning ££££. I've noticed, when she's due for another BH, on the run up to it, we get bombarded with loads of stories a day. It's a quick way for to her to earn a lot of cash for really doing F all. And it give's her a ready income, so she can quickly flit off again, after hearing or in her case, cancelled hearings :poop: . She's like Katona, they know all the con's to get money from one drama to the next. I take it all with a pinch of salt, until it proves to be certain.
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I think we all need a can of this today ... don't despair though because the public don't care what AFP has to say, the book wont sell well whn its published, there won't be any resurrection of Kippers career.
For what it's worth, I don't think there was any interest in AFP miracle transplant story so the book was the only chance to make some cash and get in the media .... kipper is so low on the public interest scale they are using PA to generate interest - possibly why Kipper pretended to sell the wedding dress, she probably wanted Princess to wear it to prom to remind people for this headline ... I bet the next bit will be about how Pete deliberately humiliated her singing 'hole new worl' to stop her singing career competing with his - hence the apparent flogging of those outfits too ...


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Wait a minute! She’s accusing the husbands of using kp for their own gains, but isn’t this what her and SFP are doing? She was petrified when KP ‘tried to take her own life’ yeah right, petrified you’d lose your cash cow more like!
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