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Oh my, been out, come home and ooh la la we have the transplant revealed at last, now the family will rinse it. As expected appears the book is about Skank with a passing reference to AFP. As expected the whole exercise is to exonerate the saintly child from all her abhorrent behaviour, no blame shall be laid at her door. As expected the book is full of lies, (you never lie AFP, oh heal my splitting sides) the views of a blinkered matriarch who encouraged her child down a path that led to the monstrous shallow empty creature we see today. As expected all the men in Skank’s tumultuous car crashing constant drama of a life are to blame, not the angelic child who was fooled, deceived and used by every man who ever crossed her path. As expected this book is absolute weapons grade bollox of the highest order, a futile attempt to garner sympathy for her poor child as she faces accountability at her upcoming bankruptcy. Have to say AFP well done, grifting to the very ‘Last Word’

But…..oh goody do I see some signs of libel in these extracts, maybe, this book could still be pulled by expensive lawyers, seems some dodgy allegations are contained within….as expected 🤦🏽‍♀️

Roll on the podcast…..will there be more of the same….slander of the men who’ve wronged Madam….oh I do hope so 😁
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Chatty Member
Some of skanks exes have already stated she was obsessed with Peter and would follow him daily online does Amy explain that level of craziness... skank and her mother can't leave him alone even after nearly 15 years .. trashing him in public like this truly is low
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I know us Tattlers see through Skank - but it seems to me that she is the most unpopular she has ever been with the general public?

Do you agree - or is it just me imagining it?

I know there are still some die hard fans but they are slim on the ground nowadays and are drowned out by people calling for her to be in jail or asking how she can afford everything? The majority of these are non tattlers - just normal everyday people.

Hopefully this book is backfiring spectacularly.

I will always sympathise with the Amy situation (don't shout at me) as I lost my mom and dad both in the last 4 years in a very traumatic fashion and I don't wish or want harm to come to Amy.

Remember when she goes there are grandkids who will be heartbroken however much Skank is milking it. Also it fucking disgusts me how Skank is behaving. She should be making the most of her mom whilst she is here and trying to make sure she has nothing at all to worry about. No doubt AFP is scared and then all the shit KFP gets wrapped up in is enough to make you ill. I kept all my worries inside when my dad was deteriorating badly, he was already paranoid and scared and I didn't want to add anything to his mental trauma so I lied and said everything was perfect blah blah blah.

Skank is struggling to perform her manipulation now as she has dropped the ball by her substance misuse and it has made her sloppy with her lies and deceit. Plus she has repeated all these sly behaviours for so long we can all now see through it. I am sure if AFP tries to make her accountable she becomes either hostile (and threatens her mom) or tries emotional blackmail. She was always cold and snippy to AFP in the reality programmes. Also in the past if any of her circle tried to correct her she classed them as negative and pushed them away.

One of my relatives used to blackmail her mother in law by threatening to prevent access to the grandkids - which I wouldn't put past the skank.

I also think shes playing a lot of emotional blackmail on SB, admittedly he was stupid for ever getting involved with her and he almost certainly had an agenda, but even he realises she is a mess. But she snares people by playing on her vulnerable side, "I am katie price - jordan is a character" etc. You hear her do it regularly in interviews "Am I like how you expected me to be" "see everyone lies about me I am just a quiet delicate little flower really". Plus she puts on the sex kitten act and reels them in.

I don't wish harm on Skank - it would be too painful for her family, however what I would like to see is Justice and either her banged up in prison or living a moderate and less extravagant life in order to pay what she owes.

I really do hope the tide is turning and the big headed, lying, neglectful, smelly ho gets cancelled soon.
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Just read the scum articles. Christ, are we sure it was AFP giving that interview? Blaming the 'toxic' men and 'controlling' Pete. The only time she was bloody likeable was when she was married to him. She made her fortune (and then swiftly spunked it) during that marriage. She'd still be wearing ratty extensions and posing with her legs open if it weren't for him. Oh, wait....

What a fucking joke. Haven't caught up.on this thread yet but had to have that little rant. Bunch of rancid cunts, the whole Price clan (minus the babbies, of course).
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TG sounds a right loose cannon & a thick one at that, she has opted to ignore the fact that KH had no idea about the GFM, didnt bother her when KH was in her camp did it?
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Pete sounds sooo controlling....

“When she asked Pete what he thought, his standard reply would be, ‘If I were you, I would do it, but of course, it’s up to you’.
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Wow AFP!
In the sun it says writing the book has brought us even closer. So this is KP slating everyone through her mum 🤔
All her exs say they had to compete with her talking about Pete all the time.
So Amy, you didn’t know about the AG”affair” then, but did you know about the others and why she aborted the baby. (Pete would have known it wasn’t his) hopefully it will all come out one day. Maybe now the kids are old enough, this is the time.
No wonder KP has gone to ground.
C’mon Claire I know you are in Dubai but the Skank mother has your client maligned on the Front page of a Sunday, going silent and ignoring the claims of the arrogant matriarch of the grifting family will not some stop people believing her stories, mud sticks, his reputation is taking a kicking here, pull that book, take the scammers down, I can’t see how you can let them make these accusations without any consequence, fight them Claire, fight them 👊🏾😁

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The headline: maybe if KP hadn’t broken the things Pete said he couldn’t stand. Drugs and affairs. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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That voice over - 'Innit like Chic like?.....' and 'do you like my hair darker' No is the answer! The groucho brows are full on now. They were dark before but you can tell she's thought, I need em blacker to match me 'air'. You didn't need them darker Kipper, them being 2 inches thick was always enough!

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Chatty Member
And so far they just printed about Peter shows a very bitter woman who refuses to believe that her daughter is a mess. Always blame the men for her daughter drug taking etc .. Amy price hated all the exes families as they all had a lovely family connection compared to her
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So, I’m confused…if she’s waiting for an ADHD diagnosis how come she’s blaming ADHD meds for her shenanigans the other night? Hmmm..
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Brah Day Izit?

VIP Member
Here we go.
AFP has done an interview with The Sun.

Edit: I think it's bits from the book, but there's a new photo of her.
The quotes that stick out to me are these:

The star went through a difficult time following a single-vehicle car accident, which saw a judge order her to undertake treatment.

The star - she's not a star - a star is someone who contributes over and above with a discernable talent. - Kipper's best talent is being a slag, liar and a stain on society.

A difficult time - this was all of her own doing.

Single vehicle - so because she crashed without involving another vehicle, that's ok? No it is NOT. She was lucky she didn't kill or seriously injure others. It was pure luck she didn't. She didn't set out to crash her car in a single-vehicle crash. Did she wait until she had researched the quietest times on the particular road she chose and conducted a risk assessment? - This is utter rubbish.

A judge was left with no option - Judge Kelly would have happily incarcerated her due to reading out Kipper's 'worst driving record.'

Wherever this has come from, its utter rubbish and misleading.

Very disappointed.
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He won't block her he is enjoying every minute of it and I do believe she had her finger on the redial many many times

She will be obsessive and nothing worse than being ignored he knows exactly what he is doing and for once I'm glad he did she hates the thought of losing power over him in this case
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I do think they have really split but back in November when It was claimed they'd had a row at the MM, it was actually Kieran calling police for a welfare check. What if police have been round and removed J&B or had words about the kids? I can't see KP taking that well.
I think that it was welfare check too. I think there have been more than we realise.
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This is what Claire Powell said the last time. I can't see her standing for this sort of thing again. Kipper is a devious cow, getting a 'dying woman' to be her mouthpiece so people won't sue. I hope they go after the book and publishers though.

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Good grief
That family are the first to claim all the exes are famous off the back of KP and would be nothing without her yet AFP has written a book bringing all the exes up in order to promote and apportion all the blame on them. It’s hypocritical and another example of her lifelong enabling traits. The entire book is a massive contradiction! What a different book it could’ve been if she’d used this opportunity to finally take her daughter to task and give her a massive reality check before she dies. Absolute grifters the lot of them.
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Let’s all slag off a 15 year olds makeup! She deserves it! Fuck sake, a young girl getting ready for prom is fair game apparently just as speculating about her virginity was a couple of days ago. Pretty gross
It would be nice if people didn't totally write off a child just because of who her mother is. She will be affected so much and already has so much to deal with. Anyone who had a parent with MH issues or drug issues should realise this. There's a reason we don't usually stick 15 and 16 year olds in jail or let them do all kinds of stuff. Hopefully P gets to enjoy her prom :confused:
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So yes, as I thought. The video the other night, Skank knew this was all coming out and that was the 'shit I've been through' and hole in her heat crap she was spouting. She's been waiting for this to all come out in an attempt to try and excuse her shite behaviour for one last time. She hasn't been assessed yet for ADHD but wants to use it as an excuse for everything.
This part of the interview about her heart and how it never heals is so feckin cheesy, I would bet my entire house that's a line by the writer. It has the sort of emotional hook and angle journos and writers look for.

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So it healed 🤦🏻‍♀️ and she just happened to have an ECG a week before this comes out. Attention seeking drama Queen 🙄
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Sorry KP but you’re not convincing us you are really there, Sophie doing all your dirty work as usual.
See, the paps aren’t following you 24/7 like you make out.
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