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Pink Squirrel

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@Dollylovesshoes the way today's stories are going, I think we'll need to lend Skanky the really big pisspot 😂😂🤣🤣 Kieran getting exposure for the situation, Crawl pictured with a blonde in Vegas giving zero fucks for Skanky, Junior having the best time on his hols, a fan suggesting she is a bigger lady, strangers donating to Kieran because they hate her. And her best to compete with these?????....selling cheap JWhyWhy & more boring not sexy at all pics in another crap bikini. Even Harvey's world record attempt is underwhelming & not helping her.....Quick Skanky, get the ice cream photo out & follow that up by announcing a stay in the priory for your mental health 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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I know I'm about to get slated big style but I don't really understand the love for KH. I appreciate you all hate KP but KH was a total cheater who was apparently addicted to sex so couldn't help shagging all KP's mates. Just because you hate her, doesn't make him a nice person. Why are people donating to him for his legal fees? Does he not have a job?
Yawn 🥱 so tedious and predictable. 😴
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She looks a bit like the Wildenstein cat woman! I wonder what night this was?

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She's been stunned by his teef no doubt. Confused and dazed like the victim of an angler fish.

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One reason I suspect the break-up is real is because why would she let the opportunity of a holiday pass? She needs 50 a year. No way she
would let SB go all the way to Vegas alone if they were still on.
a) I think she's a girl not a trans, she's just fallen for the fillers so many young women are defacing themselves with

b) She's obviously a lot younger then Skank.

c) There's a softness about her Skank lost over 20 years ago.

d) Carl is leaning in to her and looking in her eyes

Fingers crossed it's for real and they spent the night together.
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Never really heard P speak before, she is so the adult in their relationship, was really sad to see what a bumbling incoherent drunk mess her mum was around her. P just seemed to accept this is who her mum is. She seems a lovely level-headed sweet girl, complete opposite of her Mum, but sadly Tattlers some TV company is making that TV show with P and Skank, P confirmed it, a months filming incoming 😔
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My daughter who is princess age disowned me last week when the young girls at work made me pretend to faint for a mrs rabbit from peppa pig TikTok. If I was gyrating around off my tits like a homeless man on spice, she would have called social services herself and had me sectioned.
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Do you know what it’s actually so refreshing to hear this take on here. Seen so many people say it’s grim, he shouldn’t be doing OF, some quite judgemental stuff. To me it has absolutely no bearing on him as a father and a partner. Sex work is work. If they’re happy with it then power to them. And he advertises it on his insta on occasion but the pics are no more revealing than him in underwear. I wouldn’t have had any idea he was doing OF in the sense he’s actually doing it until your post. And at the end of the day I didn’t have to look. 🤷🏻‍♀️ But of course I did, lucky Michelle indeed!
It doesn't bother me at all, it's his choice. I also don't want to look at it but I also don't get the shaming he gets or why people tag it on to reasons
he's not seen his kids for 6 months. He's not seen his kids because his ex-wife is a domestic abuser!
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I know I'm about to get slated big style but I don't really understand the love for KH. I appreciate you all hate KP but KH was a total cheater who was apparently addicted to sex so couldn't help shagging all KP's mates. Just because you hate her, doesn't make him a nice person. Why are people donating to him for his legal fees? Does he not have a job?
She was cheating as well.Pregnant with Bunny.I don’t think you really know half if it,only what you’ve seen in the papers out if her gob.
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Pink Squirrel

VIP Member
Yawwwwn..... Comments are open.

i don't mean to be awful but really? 11 people drawing a long train & taking a month to do it is a world record?? So someone from Guinness World Records is going to stand & watch them for a month are they? I'm fairly certain I could draw a long train in less than a month.
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Has anyone on here actually seen this video?
Of course not Blue, didn’t you know it can travel beyond the confines of the village of the damned? Apparently there is an ancient burial ground or curse or something that means it cannot travel past the boundary of the of the damned.
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Hmmmm :unsure: .... IF this break up is real ( this could very well, all be set up, by pwiccee herself .. playing childish games as usual ) .... how long do we think it will take before she goes full nuclear, ranting and blasting his ` small pecker ` all over IG 🤷‍♀️ .... looking closely at this blonde, I'm getting trans vibes, which is fine, if that's what floats his boat ... I mean he was with pwiccee for 3yrs .... ` TICK TOCK ....... tick tock ` ( Keiran may just be getting the children back, pretty soon, if this break up is for real ... and she predictably BLOWS!!!💥💥 )
Ooooooo go on Carl (promised to stop calling you SB if you actually did walk) remains to be see if it’s a date or legit but he’s sure never been pictured with another woman during any of there other many ‘break ups’. I hope she kicks off at this. Take her down Carl, she needs stopping and we know you have the dirt to do it. Also why are they calling this woman a KFP lookalike? She looks absolutely nothing like her.
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What’s Kieran actually meant to have done?
He's had the temerity to escape Skank's clutches, be a good and loving dad to his children, fall in love with a moral, stable woman and remain happy with her for years, be a devoted house husband and work while the kids are at school so that he's there for them when they need him and can support his lovely and loving fiancée. For all of this he deserves the harshest of punishments to be dished out by his nightmare ex-wife.
Here’s an odd one, woke up at 5am this morning, nothing to do till 6am 😁 so thought “Hey Kylie let’s go Sherlocking on the FB for any spotting of the Skank and the strange gaps in her whereabouts over the weekend 😁“. Did I find anything, did I f*ck, bloody tumbleweed, but I did find something curious. A spot in Sheesh on June 9th, the week of Blade’s death and a post timed an hour before her suicide post…..Checked in the Tattle what we thought she was up to in that Friday, we thought she was at at home when she posted that, she wasn’t. The FB post says she was with Lewis Hamilton’s brother, but I think he was just at the bar. No sign of Crawl though. No real theories about this, but maybe this was the night Crawl and her had a big row and he did leave ? Also shows she again had left the kids for a night out, she is leaving them more than we think I reckon, bloody ridiculous, she doesn’t give a shit about them does she, but hey they are better off there than with the safe and constant attention of their father 😔

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I'm in awe of your ability to rootle out info, it's amazing what you come up with. Sheesh is almost 2 hours drive away from the Shitty Shack so did she stay sober and drive home, get drunk and drive home, or stay out all night?

Did her 'I'm sorry I don't want to be here any more' simply mean she didn't want to stay in Sheesh when there were no lads for her to grope and no-one was paying her any attention?
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Okay can someone explain please as I think I've missed alot! Last I heard was that Katie Price stopped Kieran seeing the kids due to abuse in his home by his new wife?? Also apparently there was video evidence of this.. I've now seen his video and the go fund me for him so I'm guessing these accusations were proven false or people just don't believe her?
He confirmed on his video that he dropped them off on the Friday and she just refused to hand them back on the Monday. And ever since she’s chucked all these false accusations at him via social media to draw out any kind of court proceedings. But aye the fact she’s a born liar deffo contributes! I wouldn’t trust her as far as I could throw her and judging by the size of them norks that wouldn’t be very far!
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I honestly think he misses school, socialising with his peers and doing football, he always looks bored and fed up
I think he may not "know" he's missing school, football, friendships and normality, he will be able to do what he wants, and being told by that thing repeatedly how much better his life is with her, and how much happier he is.. I bet he's totally confused. Superficially enjoying the lack of rules and school, but with a sadness that he can't explain or escape or express 😞
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What do people here think of Fathers 4 Justice offering their support? Some on this thread have already said that they could be more a liability than a help, given their propensity for stunts like - if I remember correctly - scaling the outside wall of Parliament and refusing to come down. Unless they can do something useful like giving Kieran practical advice, they might hinder his efforts.
There are some idiots involved with F4J (particularly when it first started - it was a series of public stunts and some of their tactics were very bad) ... they also publically made examples of men who turned out to be DV perps with genuine reasons why their access to children was restricted) but, there are also some very well informed qualified people involved more recently (I know of at least one barrister that I have had dealings with), the crazy aspect has been significantly reined in, they still have a bad name but are very useful in genuine situations like KH because the legal teams know what they are doing. They were really out of order years ago with Katona - some elements were threatening her in personal emails and online messages, not just ranting in the press, I dont wish to speak ill of the dead, BUT, George Kay was not safe to be around her or the children, I know for a fact he was in drug treatment with significant violence issues, his access was restricted for valid reasons. The situation with KH is entirely different - he needs all the help he can get.
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Is he feeding her a chip 🍟 😂
It'll be a better quality chip than she had at the cinema...! I bet she is raging right now...! Snigger..... Carl out shagging Donatella Versace in the US and the national papers have picked up KH's video. That means his GFM will reach a larger audience now....
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