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I think she was out Friday and Saturday with the girls, nothing more to it.
Friday night at the Jin Bo Law rooftop bar, Saturday, a pizza and then on to the concert with drinks afterwards.
Personally I don’t think a lot of people would even care, or recognise her, hence the lack of comments and pictures of her out in the wild. Her mates probably said no paps this is just a night out. If she was behaving herself no one would bother, if she was making a scene then yes, people would say.

On a very rare occasion I slightly disagree with you DC 😁 Maybe my Sherlock thinking is off but I think Skank’s whereabouts over the weekend were strange.

Still think on Friday Jeyda and that other woman (think she’s called Livi) went on without her to London and she disappeared somewhere else…Gatwick, whatever 🤷🏽‍♀️ Believe we only saw photos of Jeyda and Livi together after the train pic, no Skank to my knowledge, do we have any ? That’s odd, there would have been pics of her out, she’s loves showing off, never known her not to, there is strangely no evidence she was with them….I think 🤷🏽‍♀️😁

Saturday, Skank was on the train by herself, didn’t see any photos of Jeyda and Liv at the pizza place, I’d expect a joint one of the girls, just that one of Skank with a waiter. We didn’t see her at Artic Monkeys (or did we 🤷🏽‍♀️) ….I don’t think she was with them, she was elsewhere, but she did turn up later at that bar with them. Her movements were odd, I think she was seeing someone else for periods, she wasn’t with them all the time.

Maybe I’m wrong and photos will appear to knock my theory out the park 🤦🏽‍♀️😁 but at the mo I’m believing Skank was up to no good this weekend and was hiding whatever it was, her friends being used as deflection, which they were willing to do.

Sorry DC, hate disagreeing with you, and I do get things wrong about her 🤦🏽‍♀️ but I’m thinking her behaviour was odd over the weekend, still love ya 😁x

Might add that other woman Livi posted a photo with the tag #massivespending 😁 she took a Uber home both nights by sound of it, not last train like me, though I’ve done a taxi when I’ve missed train (Mr Kylie wasn’t impressed with that bill…..London to Brighton) two nights out in London, amazing for a bankrupt, spare cash deffo not a worry.
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Remember when Harv bear deflection used to be a winner 👇

And now I don't think its working anymore skank, people are wising up to your BS and no amount of flying monkeys or deflection best mummy in the universe is gonna cut it..

Best get on that phone to your pimp
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Miss Villanelle

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Speaking of blow up dolls my friends had a male one with a mask of Rick Astley for my hen do which was seeing him live. He loved it. However the following day whilst stuck on m25 coming home I broke down with blow up Rick in car. The police man almost wet himself laughing 😂
Anyway, skanks still a grade a cunt and SBs mate is a legend haga
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im wondering if the police have uncovered things about her and her campain of harrasment towards him and MP ? they may have been monitoring her in someway or even have evidence, that she is behind him getting arrested for varies things. perhaps even watching smoeone enlse and they spotted her and what she is /was up to ? he seems to have the confidence to post this video now for some reason and she hasnt yet retaliated, which is not like her at all.
He knows many of her ` secrets ` the dodgy stuff she does off radar, one example, getting paid cash in hand to avoid the taxman, she's been doing this for years, could the HMRC start to dig deeper, with info from him, and finally nab the bitch for not declaring earnings, there`s no expiry date, when it comes to tax, they often chase people for undeclared earnings, going back many yrs and hit them with a hefty bill ... she just never figured he would be brave enough to start speaking out ... I think she's shitting herself, hence the deafening silence ... that he may just reveal what really happens behind closed doors ... its about time, she has spent yrs upon yrs badmouthing him with vile lies, trying to destroy his life ... If he plays this correctly, he will have her, exactly where she deserves to be ... suddenly, she will start to be reasonable with him, wanting mediation, playing on his good nature .. this is where fathers for justice come in, they were once not taken seriously, but that was over 20yrs ago, if you go to their website, it seems very well put together, KH can cause her a lot of misery, if he starts blabbing, which Im sure, after 6 months, he may take that advice and start exposing her dirty tricks, being nice, reasonable does not work with her 🤷‍♀️
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She went in the change people's.perception of her and Peter helped her do that. She got a.proper couple image with him as before she was just a page 3 girl.famous for.getting breast implants and having to leave page 3 . She was a glamour model and a trashy one. She made her with Peter as a coupel so she can hardly say she made him famous as thats why he got into the jungle as a single person.

Her life time putting down her exs and she has become a real mess and fallen down the ladder career wise. That was her doing.
She needs to own that behaviour and say a few GENUINE sorrys to people she has hurt. She can keep digging at Pete or Kieran. But they are truly happy with the love in their lives and their unhappiness seems to have come from being brought down by her publically.
I bet she would love to have had Leandro or Kris back. But no one goes back to her.
Except Carl.

She can never say again she was used for money. Fame etc. She doesn't have it now.
Yep agree with all of this, yet in her mind she made him famous, and everybody else? The way her brain works boggles my mind. That’s a big part of the reason I came here as I find her ability to twist the truth scary but kinda fascinating at the same time. She’s just fucking beyond the pale to be honest. I mean if anything she’s infamous now. Or famous for being a bit of a twat? I just could not be arsed. Never understood why she doesn’t just pack it in and disappear into obscurity. She could have done that years ago and lived a comfortable life with her kids but the narc in her couldn’t let the fame go. She’s ruined her life and she’s just on a mission to ruin others. It’s fucking tragic really, for Kieran and those kids in particular.
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Was it last Monday that Keiran saw Bunny at the contact centre ? Hope that means he’s seeing her again today, maybe even Jett as well. That vindictive poisonous bitch can’t twist things to her own nasty agenda, everything about contact will be on record now.
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Apologies if this has already been posted but saw there is a mutant pigeon trending on TikTok that to me resembles a certain trampy dirty skank we all know and love to hate.

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Mookiegoose your not allowed say anything in any way critical of KH on this thread or the coven will descend on you. I don't know if they are KH friends and family or his pr or both 😂😂😂😂😂

Doubt she'll get back into the State's with her convictions, I'd say this time it's real and she's on the hunt for a new victim.
Hope you`ve included yourself in the ` COVEN!!! `🖕 HAHAHAHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAA:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: .... TWAT!! :rolleyes: 🤬🤬
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No, for real, I had no idea. Are you implying that that's why Harvey was born with so many issues?
Mookiegoose, why not turn off telly, make yourself a cuppa and read the wiki (pink button at the top of the page). There's loads there so you many need to miss Eastenders and Corrie, but the trials and tribulations of Skanky Price make them pale by comparison.
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Rita Chevrolet

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Wasn't there a video though of his wife abusing their children? I mean I've never seen this video but it's quite an accusation to make. Although I know Michelle has a restraining order against Katie!
Ah! The alleged video that "Most of Sussex has seen" yet nobody has actually seen! Like this nonsense actually exists apart from in skanky's addled brain!!

Skanky is full of lies & accusations which is why K has been arrested so many times and NOTHING ever comes of it - its her method of gaining points scored over him then causing as much embarrassment and hurt as she can to repay him for the audacity of leaving "MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE". It rapidly twigged that stealing back the children from their sanctuary with Dad & M was the way to go, (plus it is handy with bankruptcy looming), so thats exactly what it did, it refused to hand the kids back after an access day and they've been marooned with it ever since :mad::poop:
The thing does not give a shite about the well-being of those children, its only "Awl Abaaaahhht MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE", it is using the children like it uses everybody else that falls within a radius of it, after all its hardly as if the thing is a full-time, hands-on "Mother" when its either "on 'oliday" or on-the-lash meaning the kids are dumped onto somebody else yet again :mad: And yet those children are still with it.........................
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And you know that how, @Mookiegoose? By believing the claptrap that Katie puts out there for clickbait and attention?

Katie was cheating left, right and centre herself. Or is that OK in your book?
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It sounds like Sussex SS are totally inadequate, as many here have pointed out.
I have a couple of positive stories which may give us all a bit of hope:

A couple I've know since we were age 10 finally decided to get together and marry. I was delighted as they were well matched. They had two gorgeous boys. Sadly they split up, and the mother messed him about by continuously moving from house to house in a different area miles away. Every time he managed to track her down she'd move house again. Eventually he got in touch with FFJ who put a stop to her shennanigans and they share custody nowadays. I love his posts with the children.

Then there's a couple of friends up the road and round the corner from me. I got to know her first, and was invited to their wedding. A few years down the line they split up, but he made the mistake of getting intimate with her 'for old times sake.'
Blimey, she only deliberately got pregnant again by him (he was pleased about it) and they tried again to make it work. They were both known to social services.
Throughout the pregnancy she was smoking weed and drinking copious amounts. I went to see her and baby on the day she was discharged from hospital and she was quickly rolling a J before the nurse came back.
What a mess. Now at home she was shouting and screaming, accusing him of all sorts and the police were called BY HER. A window was broken and she told police that HE did it in a violent rage. He was arrested,but upon questioning he remained calm and coherent and explained how the mother had actually broken the window, then released without charge.
Naturally they were referred back to SS and after an incredibly short investigation, the father was given FULL CUSTODY. He was generous enough to allow contact with their mum, but rarely turned up at arranged times, and was frequently pissed and high. He's doing a great job with all the children (3) and has turned his life around x
I'm so glad my son never had kids with his ex wife. At the time we loved her like a daughter and were so shocked when we found out the truth about her ( alcoholic and cheated on my son). If they had had kids I'm sure she would have been a nightmare with custody too, she was bad enough with the dogs! My son had to give up the dogs he loved because she was so difficult over letting him see them. As a grandmother I would be heartbroken if I had grandchildren I never saw. It's bad enough having two that live thousands of miles away, but I do at least see them about once a year. At least the other two live ten minutes away so I see them nearly every day.
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CRAWL would redeem himself if he helped Kieran get his kids back, by spilling some info & dropping KFP right in the :poop: . This and all the other info he knows could finish her off to JAIL.
I would forgive all his sins since getting involved with it if he just grows a pair with some hair and gives it a taste of its own medicine.
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Just seen this on her f/b page. Clown trouser/ homer Simpson Mumu alert!

I think her market must be XXX sizes cos she keeps saying 'they go up to 18 but they really do stretch'

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Surely though Helena if it’s true he would have been arrested! That’s why it just doesn’t make sense at all.
Well exactly and it was the same when she claimed it was a video of Michelle. The claim was the kids were immediately removed. Only police can do that in very serious circumstances but neither Kieran or M arrested and the police just leave the other kids, It was always such bullshit!

So many Kipper apologists were saying too, maybe Michelle abused her stepkids and not her own kids, now the narrative shifts to
Kieran doing something to his own kid 🤦‍♀️ It's obviously changed as the first lot has been shown to be nonsense.
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