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From what I’ve read on here, she isn’t due in court for the BH, she has messed them about so many times they are going ahead without her. So teachers striking makes no difference.
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Said before Kylie,,, skank may not be able to leave the country because of bail conditions, she may have been charged with something and had to surrender her passport, could explain cancelling 2 Ibiza trips and not fleeing the country when the shit hit the fan over Blade. It's very suspicious she hasn't been to Ibiza when there was H's birthday to exploit, money involved and backgrid pictures to sell. 🤣
Yes something appears to be up, I do hope she’s had her passport taken away, no hols for Skank must be grinding her gears big style….frustration must be setting in if so, she gonna blow sooner or later….muahaha 😁
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The thunder didn't wake you up Kylie?!

Good Sleuthing!! Surely it's this sort of thing that should be sent to KH's lawyers to disprove anything she says about the kids needing to be with her!?

I've had an early wake up due to the thunder, I'm tired, grumpy and so sick of this situation of her seemingly getting away with everything (still)

@Stan Butler I like your theory on the passport being surrendered.... @Brah Day Izit? Do SS or CAFCASS have authority to make her surrender the passport? SS I'm pretty sure not....

Maybe she's been to Worthing Custody again (under the radar) and had to give it up....

Split with Carl so he can go to Vegas and she doesn't have to explain the lack of visit by lack of passport??

I'm also Sussex and I've not seen the video, that everyone in Sussex has seen 🤔

ETA: @DC16 welfare check?
Think the thunder did wake me up, was a bit groggy, and we had torrential rain hitting the roof 😁 Garden needs it so not complaining 😁 I am intrigued with my find, not only was Skank out again, but appears something happened in Sheesh that made her fire off the woe is me post, now thinking Crawl left her that night (Blade related ?) but still think he’ll probably comeback, she can’t be alone, whatever their relationship she always has to have a guy with her, and no new egg seen yet, but maybe he really does want to go, just she draws him back (blackmail?)…..whatever found this spot rather interesting 🤔😁
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I absolutely agree. It would be great if Kieran could spearhead a parental alienation law and call it Kieran's Law. It would need to be after all this Skank shit is over as I expect he couldn't cope with another issue but it would be a significant help to other men in his position. Let F4J get behind him to see it through.
There needs to be a law. My partners ex has done the same to him. He had a pension payout that he offered half off, refused to take offer and blackmailed him with the children to get him agree to hand it all over and then lied to the children and said he never paid for them, has every month and that he didn’t want to give her anything. Children are older and unfortunately fallen for all her lies. He’s too nice to tell the truth because he doesn’t want to put them through it and it’s his and their hearts that are breaking. The 12yo even told him it’s easier to not see him because mum gets angry if she asks. He is an incredible father and makes me so angry. I would never dream of stopping my 2 seeing their dad. Their are some spiteful, vindictive women out there and they just seem to get away with it. Even tried through solicitors and her words ‘I’ll only discuss the money’! Someone who works within the social service sphere too! Disgusting!
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I absolutely agree. It would be great if Kieran could spearhead a parental alienation law and call it Kieran's Law. It would need to be after all this Skank shit is over as I expect he couldn't cope with another issue but it would be a significant help to other men in his position. Let F4J get behind him to see it through.
Great idea.. shes well known as the biggest nasty vengeful bitch going with lots of exes children and relationships. Keiron has only ever been seen being honest working hard and being a good dad to his kids. I think he would have massive support especially from ALL her exes and their partners...
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Brah Day Izit?

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I think it will be worse.... I think there will be another allegation made at least, a truly vile one, that will just be for starters.

KFP is Q, she is plotting her revenge 🤢😡

ETA: Has there been any update on the harassment allegations made by KH? Surely that's reached its time limit??
We know the allegations are most likely false as we follow her more closely than others do, but the local police force, who are overstretched and simply want to catch the career criminal, must be sick to death of having to arrest KH and interview him, take up valuable space in custody then inevitably release him without charge.

I would hazard an educated guess (after experiencing many, many hours working in custody suites) that the Police and custody officers are probably pretty pissed off with her. Custody is a strange place. The custody sergeant knows the 'wrong uns' as well as the ones there but shouldn't be. I suspect every time poor KH is there the custody sergeant will be offering him his special coffee normally reserved for legal reps and AAs.
And if they are adding allegations to the original, could that provide an extension?
No, it's based on the original allegation.
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on sunday mornings telly in the 70s, the farmer adverts were for something that was useful for getting rid of/ or treating of " sarcoptic mange mite". bet she got it, or has had it and if she hasnt,she looks like she has 😂
Off topic, but you’ve just hit a nerve with me 😁 Wasn’t the 70s, but the 80s, and I lived in Devon for a while as a child. Sundays were awful for me down there, I wanted cartoons on Sunday morning, but it was back to back bloody farming programmes on both BBC and ITV all morning, they were the only channels we had and we didn’t have a video. No cartoons for me 😡 As a consequence I hate anything to do with farming and have a real dislike for tractors, I hate them I do, I see one and I can actually shudder, really hate them.

Back to Skank, I still hate her more than Tractors, and as you now know, I really really really hate Tractors.
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She is completely nuts, this is brilliant, it is not showing her in a good light, I hope social services see all of this
Social services, Peter and Kieran all need to see it. She's a fcking disgrace. And now using an excuse of ADHD to cover up an alcohol problem. So fcking sick of her.
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I don't know, he mentioned he had evidence of her setting up pap s hots in the video but not how he was going to use it, he could just be using it in a legal sense?
im wondering if the police have uncovered things about her and her campain of harrasment towards him and MP ? they may have been monitoring her in someway or even have evidence, that she is behind him getting arrested for varies things. perhaps even watching smoeone enlse and they spotted her and what she is /was up to ? he seems to have the confidence to post this video now for some reason and she hasnt yet retaliated, which is not like her at all.
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Rita Chevrolet

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Where is this Sheesh place? Is it the IN place to hang out?

Is it the same place Boyson frequents? Also I noticed skanky follows his ex Elizabeth on insta.
Well skanky would follow that Elizabeth bint now they've split because she'll be after getting together to persecute Boyson.

Please remember that skanky did this when Alex split with that Chantelle then advised her to persecute him to the MAX and stop him seeing their daughter - once the damage was achieved she dumped that idiot Chantelle immediately. Its what skanky does
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He is but he's all private and that. Between that name and what's tattooed on his arm, you can find other stuff. I felt a bit cruel posting it
though as he may not deserve or want the attention that being a friend of SB might bring 😁
It’s better we keep ‘Fingers’ as a potato-headed man of mystery…..we may not like what we find with too much digging, and then he’s ruined for us….let’s face it, we don’t want that 😁
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but even daddy woods money is running out(first time since starting one of his so called luxury car companies(2013) according to accounts filed at companies house they took out a bank loan 10k to be paid back within a year 40k to be paid back in more than a year so looks like a 50k loan(5/6 year repayment) what millionaires would need to take a bank loan
Convinced that company is just a front for something dodgy, they function as an appalling car dealership organisation. Sad-Boy constantly driving the cars around on long trips seriously bumping up the mileage. The cars are not housed, left in the road, left at the MM, basically left in the open. Seriously if you wanted a car why would you buy from these dodgy guys and I believe they are overpriced as well. Nah something is very off about this lot, not surprised they making a loss.
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There must be a reason though. It can't only be because folk don't like her.

@karma4klattie - nah, I had double cream on them!

I'm not saying anybody's opinion is wrong, although that's what you're all saying about mine, but I don't get the huge amount of hate for her, and the love for him. He's only famous because of her.

I don't actually read any specific articles on her, I don't need to, I can just read them on here.
Oh you are aware of her being pregnant with H and high as a kite on drugs and booze in clubs then?
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