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I'm not coming on to bash women but I have a good friend who 10 years ago split with his wife, they had a 1 year old child, he had a successful business, she made rape alligations and then when that didn't work made alligations about him and their child, he lost his business due to stress and court fees etc and they still found in her favour, nearly lost his life, hasn't seen his child since, she mat a new partner and moved away. I know men do shit things also but I still think some courts go easy on women, and to keep on track as a single dad skank really is a poor human and she is no mother. To add, he will win in the end, my lads both in their 20's and understand what I went through raising them from young primary school kids till now, had a lovely dinner with them today and their partners, hang tight Kieren, you'll get there.
It sounds like Sussex SS are totally inadequate, as many here have pointed out.
I have a couple of positive stories which may give us all a bit of hope:

A couple I've know since we were age 10 finally decided to get together and marry. I was delighted as they were well matched. They had two gorgeous boys. Sadly they split up, and the mother messed him about by continuously moving from house to house in a different area miles away. Every time he managed to track her down she'd move house again. Eventually he got in touch with FFJ who put a stop to her shennanigans and they share custody nowadays. I love his posts with the children.

Then there's a couple of friends up the road and round the corner from me. I got to know her first, and was invited to their wedding. A few years down the line they split up, but he made the mistake of getting intimate with her 'for old times sake.'
Blimey, she only deliberately got pregnant again by him (he was pleased about it) and they tried again to make it work. They were both known to social services.
Throughout the pregnancy she was smoking weed and drinking copious amounts. I went to see her and baby on the day she was discharged from hospital and she was quickly rolling a J before the nurse came back.
What a mess. Now at home she was shouting and screaming, accusing him of all sorts and the police were called BY HER. A window was broken and she told police that HE did it in a violent rage. He was arrested,but upon questioning he remained calm and coherent and explained how the mother had actually broken the window, then released without charge.
Naturally they were referred back to SS and after an incredibly short investigation, the father was given FULL CUSTODY. He was generous enough to allow contact with their mum, but rarely turned up at arranged times, and was frequently pissed and high. He's doing a great job with all the children (3) and has turned his life around x
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I don't expect any thanks for donating to the GFM. I choose to make donations as those children should be back with Kieran and Michelle where they are loved and looked after as children should be.
I did get a surprise after my most recent donation on fathers Day, a message of thanks from Sam


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She's just back from another begged weekend away in Suffolk or somewhere. She was trying to promote it on her stories but sounded so pissed off, obvs knew what she was coming home to. I did laugh!
That’s a bit too close to me for comfort. Sophie is evil to the core too. To enable Kipper’s behaviour, sell sensitive photos to the red tops, show no remorse over animal deaths, torture poor Kieran.
Pure scum! Hiding behind her William Morris/Amish facade. She’s just as *** as the rest of the grifting arsehole tribe 😡
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Stan Butler

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Quick coffee and two bacon&egg butties at work and silence in skankyland. Doubt there'll be a late night rant from skank on social media but if there is it'll be quickly taken down. So hope some lovely krustie is monitoring the situation 😘
If there is silence from skank this evening there's going to be the inevitable shift blaming and excuse story tomorrow from the famous Sophie the source.
Think the bollocks will go something like this..
The source told us " it's true Katie has had sole custody of Jett and Bunny since November, Katie had to rush home off holiday because she was contacted by someone regarding allegations surrounding the kids welfare so Katie had to inform the authorities, when more allegations were made by someone contacting her Katie being a loving devoted mother who's children are her world her reason for living decided not to return Jett and Bunny until police finished their investigations, Katie was happy to go back to 50/50 arrangements but once again further allegations were made by someone contacting Katie and Katie is awaiting police to finish them. Katie only wants to protect her children and is doing what any mother would do if their children were in danger."
I know it's bollocks but skank will play the loving protective mother, blame someone else for making the allegations and she had to act. 🤪😎
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Stan Butler

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Think sink boys a bit jealous that matey "THE FINGERS" has gained tattle fans and become a krustie mascot and is being talked about more than him.. sink boys posted 3 pictures now and "THE FINGERS" has been cropped out or not in shot. Don't worry sink boy you still are and will always be a #1 tosser in my books. 😘🤣
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I wonder if he would have married her had she not got pregnant straight away though? I think maybe he's just an old fashioned guy and when she said she was pregnant he thought the decent thing to do was marry her. He was very young at the time wasn't he? 24? He was probably initially drawn in by being with someone famous and getting to go to events etc with her.
Yep absolutely no evidence he got with her for her reputation. Abusers manipulate, they put on an act, the victim or whatever you want to draw you in. So many people don't seem to understand that's what these people do. They do it to try and force some sort of commitment,( usually very quickly in the first few months) a marriage is good but a baby is even better, no going back from that.

Alex Reid had a marriage arranged and sprung on him, in America on a trip, so no family or friends there. He said he felt he didn't know what was real at the time and what was lies in the press, which she controlled. That confusion is typical of abuse victims. She's a weirdo who can only snare men by deception and psychological gameplaying, once they realise, she turns to full-on abuse and gets nasty.
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Wasn't there a video though of his wife abusing their children? I mean I've never seen this video but it's quite an accusation to make. Although I know Michelle has a restraining order against Katie!
bunny sent his girlfriend a birthday card on her birthday calling her mummy, NEXT DAY skanky took the kids and refused to give them back,THEN spouted a load of shit about video, saying she had to save her kids. shes was and is jealous. read the wiki or even the threads back in November 2022, the time line is all there on how things happened, you can even see the birthday card THE DAY BEFORE on michelles birthday. its all there.
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I know I'm about to get slated big style but I don't really understand the love for KH. I appreciate you all hate KP but KH was a total cheater who was apparently addicted to sex so couldn't help shagging all KP's mates. Just because you hate her, doesn't make him a nice person. Why are people donating to him for his legal fees? Does he not have a job?
Serious question - what has his shagging got to do with him not being able to see his kids for 6 months?
Okay can someone explain please as I think I've missed alot! Last I heard was that Katie Price stopped Kieran seeing the kids due to abuse in his home by his new wife?? Also apparently there was video evidence of this.. I've now seen his video and the go fund me for him so I'm guessing these accusations were proven false or people just don't believe her?
It's 99.9% likely her accusations are false. She said at the time ( last December) 'Kieran is still allowed to see his kids'. So why has she stopped him?
Nothing she says holds up. Kieran was cleared of one allegation of stalking and that took 3 months.
Wasn't there a video though of his wife abusing their children? I mean I've never seen this video but it's quite an accusation to make. Although I know Michelle has a restraining order against Katie!
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Brah Day Izit?

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Kipper's silence is deafening. I wonder if expert Edna has confiscated her phone whilst composing a measured and erudite 'victim impact statement' on behalf of her snow-white sister?
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You're probably right in that I don't know the half of it, but the depths that tattlers have gone to to find out info is just ridiculous. I literally couldn't be arsed to hate someone so much that I have never met.

Even if she was cheating, didn't he literally fuck his way through the nanny, her best mate and countless others? He admitted it didn't he? Didn't he say he was a sex addict (nice get out clause)?

Still doesn't make me want to donate to someone who is only even remotely famous because he exhibited really bad judgement when he married her.

This thread is fun though.

Flying tonight.
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How much longer can she go on like this? She looks near the end and her behaviour is just bizarre.
Just seen the video, OMG I so wanna see her do that Panto, it will be complete chaos, though it’s months away and way she’s going she won’t be around by then, she is clearly using/drinking heavily. We just have to pray now nothing happens to the little ones, and this video should be on the desks of SS tomorrow…Skank is nowhere near capable of looking after and safely caring for those two, she’s completely lost now, it looks like she’s been hammered since lunch.

I said yesterday I was concerned Skank was luring P into her sordid life, but like others have said tonight, I’m starting to think P may well be there to make sure the little ones are safe and ok. I think there’s a good case to be made this is what she’s doing, f*cking tragic if we’re right, that this burden has been put on a 15yo girl. This is a complete failure from all involved in the welfare of those kids and I include AFP and Edna in that.

I’m not so worried about P now, Skank is f*cked, I think she knows she’s f*cked, yes she’ll fight on, but she‘s losing, she actually looks possessed tonight, this is going to be resolved by her own hand, she is going to do something that gets those kids removed and I reckon it must happen soon, she’s completely lost the plot.

Not a lot shocks me in life, but that video is awful, I’m gobsmacked at how bad she is, really getting end-game vibes tonight, and DC added there was a LIVE TikTok which was also appalling, probably even worse viewing. It’s bloody tragic now, I cannot see how anyone can view that performance and not step in to stop her, put her in the Priory properly this time, for a long time, but they wont will they, so it will end very badly and we just have to pray it’s only herself she hurts.
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Stan Butler

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It’s waffle of the highest standard, lots of talk about dissing Flying Monkeys, hating tractors, and of course “Fingers”….what’s not to love 😁

Oooh la la The Sun covering the ‘break-up’…..gonna be a fun few weeks incoming. Will he go back or will they keep this going, hope she does and has more girls nights out where she’s goes missing for periods of time, plus she hasn’t showed herself up yet, last weekend was a very poor return on that. Plus no holiday for a while, a solo holiday would be big big big lols 🥳
Said before Kylie,,, skank may not be able to leave the country because of bail conditions, she may have been charged with something and had to surrender her passport, could explain cancelling 2 Ibiza trips and not fleeing the country when the shit hit the fan over Blade. It's very suspicious she hasn't been to Ibiza when there was H's birthday to exploit, money involved and backgrid pictures to sell. 🤣
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The harassment investigation was mentioned last night and extensions to the investigation? What if Kieran knows
it's going to be finalised and that's why he did his statement yesterday. He basically laid all his cards out on the table and said
he had 'loads of evidence' maybe the police are done with it?
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Will Harvey’s World Record Attempt be how many times he can say the word cunt in 3 minutes or how many carrot cakes he can eat? Or maybe both at the same time?
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