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VIP Member
She’s lost the plot. If she really wanted sympathy putting removal of hair extensions at start of a post wasn’t the best idea especially when mixed with the sad death of her dog.

It’s not even funny any more.

She’s a vile, deluded, narcissist who needs to do a lot more work than doing a few hours charity to rehabilitate her character.

As Kim said about Miss Holly Willoughby. Silly b***h!
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Time to start a #CancelKatiePrice campaign on social media I think, it seems to be the only way of getting vile cunts out of the press and away from all decent folk. #CancelKatiePrice #KatiePriceIsOver
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I've just seen the news! I cannot believe it, poor poor Blade, I was always worried about him! I would of loved to of had him, I'm so so upset I absolutely detest her, my blood is boiling, I hate her to the high heavens and I've never said that about anybody before, I wish she would get run over, I'm sick of reading about her and her poor animals, she should be banned from owning any animals at all. She's never there, I took a break for a while and I've just read about Blade, this has really upset me, I'm glad I don't live near her that's all I can say!
I am so very, very sad to read about Blade, as we all are. I am also completely disgusted that steps were not taken to remove ALL animals from her. Now will something be done. NO, it won’t. That beautiful boy . Bet Stan will be gutted. He wanted to take that poor lad off her hands. She is pure evil. 😡😢
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I've seen GB News not holding back on the Philth story this week, I don't care who outs her mistreatment/lack of care of animals but surely to god something has to be done now? I'm so upset/angry tonight and it's not like me to cry, but this is awful xx
Well,you are going through so much pain with your darling,we know what’s it’s like losing our babes,I’m still not over my darling Dave.Still have his ashes on his bean bag.😢
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Product description
Book Description
The true and honest story of Katie Price told from a mother’s perspective revealing untold and new facts
About the Author
As the daughter of an American GI and a mermaid – yes, you read that correctly – a simple life was not on the cards for Amy Price. A talented swimmer, she seemed destined for the Olympics, however experience of sexual abuse cut short her career, and she chose motherhood over medals.
Amy achieved a successful career while raising three children who all earned success in various fields; but for one, Katie, fame was part of the bargain. Amy found herself catapulted into the media circus that followed her daughter, sometimes with devastating consequences. She has always been there to support, guide and console.
As a grandparent to Katie’s son Harvey, Amy has also become a prolific campaigner for families of children with disabilities – but there was one battle she had to fight alone. To many, Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis is regarded as a killer disease without hope of a cure. But submission is not a word in Amy’s vocabulary and so she refused to capitulate to her greatest challenge.

The author's detail according to Amazon.🧜‍♀️ 🇺🇸
…however experience of sexual abuse cut short her career, and she chose motherhood over medals.

So Amy also experienced sexual abuse? Yet took KP to a photographer at a young age (and that’s after KP said she was assaulted in the park aged 6/7) now, KP is doing exactly the same with Bunny.
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Chatty Member
So to deliberately kill a dog, you’d go to the effort of forcing open someone’s gates, steal the dog, place it onto a busy road and then purposely drive at it? Does she think she’s that important that someone would go to all of that effort? Next thing will be, it was a deliberate attempt to leave her defenceless so they can go after her easier.

I have never heard such rubbish in my life as an attempt to avoid any accountability. Were the others who passed under the same circumstances also deliberate attacks? Thought not.

Let him have one shred of dignity in his short life, poor boy.
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pepe le pew

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Here is copy of the PETA email I sent and received today. With my name blanked out.

Hide original message
From: me
Sent: Monday, June 5, 2023 8:51 AM
To: Rachel Peresie <[email protected]>
Subject: Another Dog has died today under the care of Katie Price . I enclose her media post.

Hello Rachel.

Regarding Katie Price.

Another dog has died. This is the seventh. His name was BLADE he was a protection dog gifted to her from a protection dog service. Her other protection dog died three years ago. If you read the letter you and I exchanged . I include a photo of the latest death.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do something, There is something happening in that house, it needs investigating.
Please do something. A letter to her home she isn’t even going to open won’t work. This is the seventh dog. Two horse, cats, iguanas, a tortoise, all dead and 7 dogs.

Thank you.

Rachel Peresie
To xxxx
5 Jun at 17:25

Thank you for alerting us to this new death. We’ll look into this.

Rachel, PETA
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Brah Day Izit?

VIP Member
Yes they are overstretched, and yes the workers feel undervalued but there needs to be a massive shake-up of the system. I work with the fall out of this every day, all day and CS is not fit for purpose. Today I have had three suicidal clients, two professionals questioning their role and a judge pulling their hair out. Where will it end?
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I must have missed the post as I just posted to say, could it have been her
She has form ... think it was her that killed her other alsation years ago ... claimed it was delivery driver but the delivery firm came out fighting with video evidence that the driver never opened her gate or hit a dog ... she shut up when challenged
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So carl got blamed for beating the shit out of her so they could make some quick cash. Now is he going to take the flack for killing her dog so she can sell her story and make some cash. Shes a fucking joke for thinking anyone believes her shit and hes a absolute doormat for taking her shit.
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I’m pregnant again so my hormones are all over the place but I cannot not crying over Blade today. The thought of him running into the road and being run down and left to die breaks me. Even the thought of him being locked in the shed, waiting for someone to get him out, see him, and play with him makes me sob. According to the vet’s post he was only found by the road, so the person who took him in probably wasn’t the one who ran him over. So the poor darling died alone by the side of the road.

I am holding my dog tight right now as I’m typing this and cannot stop cuddling her today. Dogs love unconditionally, and Blade would have still given her all his love despite her treating him like shit. She didn’t deserve one minute of his love, and all her tears and feeling ‘devastated’ is fucking fake bullshit to deflect and make people think she has an ounce of feelings.

I hope this is what finishes her. We have all said it’s going to be something we hadn’t expected that will be her downfall and I truly think this is her cancelled. Now the media need to hold her accountable. Enough of all the PS and This Morning saga. Journalists need to be discussing this NOW.

I know that once someone on here named a big list of all the animals she has owned and what their fate was. Is there any chance this could be put up again as I can’t find it xx
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Wow…Skank is getting absolutely trashed on that IG post, some even actually calling her a murderer of animals….have to say don’t think I’ve ever seen so many turn on her like this, even more than the drink-driving incident, really does look the public have had enough….we always say she’s Teflon, but it does look like the death of poor Blade after all the other deaths has made way more people wake up to to what she really is, I’m seeing people saying they are fans having a go at her. The Sun haven’t pulled any punches again as well, listing all the pets who’ve died for the second day running. This isn’t going to go well for her, yes she’s going to brazen it out, but looking at her IG I’m not so sure people are going to forget this quickly, this narrative she’s trying to run is not being believed. Praying this continues.
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Oh I would love to, but not sure I am brave enough 2) be absolutely convinced, 3) be absolutely certain without doubt and 5) erm....what is the finger on your hand that's not called a finger but sometimes points upwards?

Thankfully six isn't on my radar.

Love you all. If there is a murdered barrister from Kent tomorrow, come to my funeral, please ♥
This is what Crazy Nights and Days alleges:

June 7, 2022
Until this foreign born former A list celebrity in her own country, who has also dabbled in porn, dumps her boyfriend and stops using drugs, she will end up homeless, broke and either in jail or dead. She is a mess.
Katie Price

December 2, 2022

I told the foreign born former A+ list celebrity/porn star in her country to break up with her drug dealing/abusive boyfriend years ago. Instead, now he is looking to make a buck off the numerous sex tapes he has made of them.
Katie Price

January 4, 2023
This foreign born former A list celebrity in her country who has also done porn and horse riding, is charging a massive fee per hour spent with her, but has an endless number of suitors.
Katie Price

April 4, 2023
This foreign born A- list celebrity in her own country, and non existent to anyone other than me outside of it, needed some publicity for something other than her breast enlargements, so defaced her own property and then called the press.
Katie Price/House tagged with graffiti
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I’m about 12 pages behind, but just wanted to put this out into the universe - I really hope someone spikes her supply or she doesn’t wake up from her next anaesthetic.

@Stan Butler I have no words, I am thinking of you. Please know that there was nothing further you could do, I hope Ty and Diesel give you extra enthusiastic love today as you definitely deserve it x
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Brah Day Izit?

VIP Member
Let's look at the evidence over the last year.

She has almost no revenue streams to speak of. The OF £250K came to nothing, although I now believe this was planted for a reason.

I think at the last count, she had been on 14 holidays, including one where she paid for business-class flights to Thailand.

Yes, she dresses like a tramp, but many designer items are supremely expensive. Louboutin trainers and designer handbags, of which there have been many.

Plastic surgery and hair and nail appointments will regularly make a huge dent.

The bills for the house. - £3k monthly heating bill, and if reports are correct, still meeting monthly mortgage payments

The big one - Legal representation

Clothes for the kids, ipads, and technology.

I could go on, but I'm sure you get the picture.

Mermaids are certainly hinting at the scent around KFP and her financial affairs.
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I've been lurking and not posting as the absolute slag has just got to me recently. I'm absolutely disgusted and beyond heartbroken on the news of the death of beautiful Blade, I have no words, their are so many wonderful animal lovers on here including myself who would literally die for our animals and the wonderful @Stanbutler who fought to re home and give blade a wonderful life with him and the rotties :* ( this is just so so upsetting. Fly high Blade, Paul will be waiting for you.
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The horse that was killed
Plus all the others from years ago...

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I don't know if it was the driver or some other kind person that brought poor Blade to the vet, but it was a good deed by a stranger and showed more kindness to that poor dog than awful KP ever did
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