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I'm hoping that the company learns a valuable lesson about who to deal with after this. Slightly heartening to hear the company owner has a conscience and cares about his dogs. He needs to do the right thing now and speak out against her. Should never have given her Blade in the first place: time for him to step up if he cares anything about animal welfare.
He was warned about Blade’s living conditions and welfare. Stan spoke to the company. Nothing was done.
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So sad that Blade was only brought to protect her. So sad that she couldn’t do such a simple to protect him and shut her gate. Surely with all her millions she could have installed an electric gate? Or just got out of the car and shut the gate behind her and insisted that all visitors do the same. Neglectful, uncaring, repetitive, repulsive behavior.
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I like the idea of putting fake headstones of all the dogs that have died on her driveway.
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The dog's doodah

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I cannot put into words as an animal lover how angry and upset I am that another poor soul has died at the hands of this absolute cunt of a woman. I remember hearing long ago when she was married to PA about dogs or puppies that fell into her swimming pool and drowned. The amount of animals that have now died at her hands over the years due to her lack of care and neglect must now run into double figures. It really is time for action, the petition although a good idea isn’t doing anything, I think we really need to get serious. RSPCA are doing fuck all, PETA ? How about animal rebellion?! If this vile specimen can’t take care of animals how is she capable of looking after children?! It’s only a matter of time before J or B come to serious harm due to her neglect. She’s not fit to breathe the same air as the rest of us. Sorry for the rant but I’m livid! 🤬🤬🤬
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pepe le pew

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I implore you to reach out to PETA. I’ve just emailed them with a photo of Prices latest dead dog. I am OUTRAGED. OUTRAGED. Even the police should become involved at this junction. This is neglect. In view of the amount of people actually being attacked and killed by loose dogs now, a loose dog on a highway should be an offence. Absolutely Cunt that she is. I’m sorry, but this is too much. Some fuckwit will gift her another dog in days.
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She a lying cuntmeister. She is sat having new extensions put in while blaming the Mexicans South Africans Post Bocks Man any other fucker but herself. The only people other than her that would kill the dog would be her drug dealers. Hopefully they go for her next if it was them.
The media never call the fucker out on its blatant lies, from being gang raped in SA, that never happened, to the bullshit with Kieran being a nonce. It’s about time that drugged up lying bitch was held properly accountable.
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The dog's doodah

Well-known member
We all knew that she’d blame someone for Blade’s death but this is laughable 🤣 Does she honestly think anyone believes the shite that comes out of her mouth. As for her ‘investigating’ his death, who does she think she is fucking Columbo 😂😂!!
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Rockin' Robin

VIP Member
Consider the upset this will cause the little ones too. Another pet gone without warning and no chance to say goodbye. I don’t often comment on her kids but I really think P should read the room and not post anything that has any relation to KP.
What is even more appalling than another pet being killed, is the thought that the children are maybe becoming desenitised to this.
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I'm laying in bed, reading latest posts on this and the Philth Nofield thread. My rescued staffie is snuggling next to me and looking adoringly at me with her beautiful brown eyes. My heart breaks for Blade. Such a beautiful and trusting dog. And he ended up with her. I can only hope he wasn't suffering. RIP Blade.
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When I lost my last Goldie quite a few years ago I couldn’t leave the house for 2 days, I couldn’t speak about him or face seeing anyone. The last thing on my mind would have been to get my hair done. She’s warped. Really warped.
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1 hour ago on her Facebook, sick fucking evil vile scumbag cunt. I really hope the grim reaper pays you a visit very soon🤬🤬🤬
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First of all, it is illegal not to have dogs chipped. The company that fucking gave her the dog are just as bad as that insidious fucking bitch.
Never clutched my pearls at the Nokia phone, the sex, the drinking and drugs, knock yourself out love. But the animals is one of the reasons that lead me to find Tattle and I am just crest fallen. Poor Blade, so many people called it would happen. She's a user, an abuser and has the brass fucking neck to post about it and act all sad. My arse fucking sad, you got in there first and your stupid fucking moronic sycophantic followers will be straight up your arse. I hate her. I actually do.
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I’m absolutely gobsmacked as usual, and this is absolute BS of the highest order as usual, WTF, there is no way she can can run with this bollocks, no one other than her #bekind low IQ shallow fans on FB and IG are going to believe this 💩

Now waiting on SB to post some cryptic 💩 from the MM attic as he’s back in hiding.

No Skank this is on YOU, your neglect resulted in poor lovely Blade’s death, not the vandals, not the Mexicans, not the drug dealers, not the post box destroyers, not one of your ex’s… as YOU with your usual feckless only care about yourself behaviour.
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View attachment 2220098
Means more than you know stopped me doing something very silly.XXX
Lovely Stan, you did all you could. I grabbed my phone when I got up this morning hoping you'd posted and were ok.

I'm at a loss as to what to suggest as it seems the authorities don't react and the law doesn’t apply to this vile person. The only thing that's going to bring her down is the truth being laid out across the the media (a la Schofe).

If any journalists are reading here PLEASE read the wiki and the posts of @DC16 @PTMe @Brah Day Izit? Any anti-scam bloggers - look there too. It's time KFP was stopped from killing any more animals.
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Well-known member
First time on this thread, I’m absolutely horrified at this. How is this continuing to happen? Why the fuck is taking her hair extensions dealing with everything going on?

I feel so sorry for this animals. I dread to think what condition and state the animals she has left are in
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