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Chatty Member
This will happen again and again and she will get away with it again and again, I'm glad I'm not on social media, I couldn't read the arse licking comments off the job dodgers who really believe she has all 5 kids at home and raised Harvey on her own etc etc we live in a poor world where these idiots exist.
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I don't know if it was the driver or some other kind person that brought poor Blade to the vet, but it was a good deed by a stranger and showed more kindness to that poor dog than awful KP ever did
It does sound like he was hit by a car last night, but his body not found to this morning, I pray he was killed instantly, and did not lay in a ditch till he passed. RIP Blade.
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That horrible fucking bitch knows exactly what she’s doing. How could you post that on Instagram knowing how many animals have died in your care, yet she posts it with absolutely no shame because she wants the publicity. She makes my blood boil that skanky manky bitch. Has the cheek to call him her best friend when she’s never looked after an animal properly in her life. I’m fuming.
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and to not even notice he was missing all night,shows she couldnt be bothered to bring him in at night. bet her parenting is exactly the same. god help those kids.
Did it know her young daughter was up till 5am, on energy drinks and looking for attention online, probably high as a kite passed out, with a bloke or both. It doesn't know its arse from its elbow, what fuckin day of the week it is. All it knows is when it needs its manky extensions changed or a new set of cruella de vill claws glued on.
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Usually she removes negative comments. I wonder if she's leaving them on view so she can use them as an excuse to visit The Priory?

The Hummer has been in Little Canfield for a few days now which usually indicates SB's at home but, her saying she's single is usually for attention and never true.

Who in their right mind would think to post like that on IG whilst grieving their pet?!

She is vile.
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The problem is, she gets gifted these pets - she has zero emotional attachment to them and just sees them as social media props and something for the kids to play with when they are puppies/kittens and the novelty hasn’t worn off. She should NEVER ever be gifted any pets again and should be placed on some kind of prevention order which bans her from owning any animals. She’s a heartless arsehole and won’t be the slightest bit concerned about this. She’s not even trying to hide it!
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Joanna Surrey

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So, so very sad this afternoon. He was a beautiful dog who deserved so much more than this horrible situation. If only Stan could have had him. Every time I’ve driven past that dump those gates have been wide open just why on a main road? Maybe left alone and bored for hours he wandered out to look for somebody? Who knows just beyond sad. Obviously RSPCA and all the others will be as useless as ever. I’ve got another idea, a ulez type protest outside the forever open gates.
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Stan wanted this dog..he looked into it and got in touch with the people who trained it!....heartbreaking news I have come home to after a 12 hour shift!..fucking unbelievable 😪 crying my eyes out now! Fucking bitch! The company who had the dog and trained the poor dog and handed it over to the fucking bitch have blood on there fucking hands.
I have to go to bed now and try to sleep as on a 10+ hour shift again tomorrow (NHS palliative care) please look after stan tonight as he will be devastated!! That fucking bitch..I have no words!! Poor blade! I will check in early hours innthe morning as my sleep pattern is shit at the moment! Thank you all for caring about this poor dog!
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Facey, from my digging, surprisingly, its ITV :unsure:

Tax evasion is the least of her worries now.
I've seen GB News not holding back on the Philth story this week, I don't care who outs her mistreatment/lack of care of animals but surely to god something has to be done now? I'm so upset/angry tonight and it's not like me to cry, but this is awful xx
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Great to see this has brought out many of our long time lurkers and some new people. Please stick around and keep contributing; and those of you how have info, how ever small, do please share. We need to keep up the pressure. We know this is where The Scum gets most of its information
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It's taken me from early this afternoon to post about poor Blade. As soon as I heard my thoughts went to @Stan Butler just like most of you. He must be so angry and upset about Blade after all he did to try and provide him with a safe, and well loved home. Skanky is evil but some of the blame must go to the company who supplied him. Firstly they should have had him chipped before he left their care as I am sure it is law. Secondly they could have taken the concerns about his wellbeing seriously especially from Stan who contacted/visited on numerous occasions regarding concerns for his welfare and the lack of appropriate training for a protection dog. Skanky must never ever own a pet again. She clearly has no control or any attachments to them. They are just accessories, easily replaced. I know where my dog is at all times. If I answer the door he is left in the living room with the door shut so he can not run out, the back, garden is enclosed and I filled in my fish pond as I was worried he could fall in. His safety is paramount he is treated better than I treat my husband. Fly high blade and run free over the rainbow bridge 🌈
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DCI Jack Logan

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I rescue abused and abandoned hunting dogs from Europe. Since 2017 I’ve adopted and fostered 8 of the darlings. As they’re usually in poor health, had little nutrition and no training other than to work, they require a lot of input, patience, understand and most of all love. Everyone of my dogs has had different needs, and it’s been up to me to learn what they need to be safe and confident in my home. It is my job as the owner to provide a safe and loving environment and to protect them from harm. That means modifying my home and garden to ensure that each dog is safe. It’s costly and time consuming being a dog owner, but I am their safe space and will do anything I can to protect them so they have a chance to thrive.
I am so sorry for all of the dogs that she has been too careless, stupid and neglectful to protect.
We took a dog that needed rehoming last year and before he came we spent thousands on new fencing and gates (as we have a lot of land) making our house and garden totally secure. That bone idle fucking heartless cow has known for years her property is not secure and to cap it all her shag nasty step father is a chuffin fencer. So angry gave my doggo a huge hug and promised him he will always be safe with me. #Stan Butler I’m crying for you this would never of happened if that areshole of a company had listened to your concerns, do you fancy contacting the papers with your story of how concerned you were with his well-being and they didn’t give a shit.
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@PTMe dreadful she gets a dog but can’t be arsed looking after them. What if the neighbour or you weren’t around. Also she has went downhill in the last few years. I think given the history this was going to be the most likely outcome unless he was removed from her care. She loves the idea of pets but clearly too lazy to put in all the effort you need to look after animals, particularly one blades size. My home looks like a toddler lives there but it’s all to keep the dogs safe . They are walked 2 a day by me and my husband and one by my daughter. They are loved, spoiled and would never think of leaving the at home for a month while I swanned off. I’m lucky to be going on o e weeks holiday in June and my daughter will be looking after them , if she couldn’t I wouldn’t go. My staycations are mostly with the dogs I also pay for 2 health visits per year in addition to top flight insurance. Having a pet is not cheap and not a photo op
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Why are the comments off on the DM? Absolutely no valid reason for it. Stan, even though it’s a horrible thought I think this could be a likely scenario. Coming down that drive pissed, late,in the pitch black maybe the dog , doing its job, possibly hungry and desperate for some company came tearing up to the car and she’s hit him. It’s just too awful to comprehend but she’d save her own skin over anybody else’s human or animal. I’m not sure if the vet said he was already over the 🌈bridge when he was brought in. For his sake I sincerely hope so. That dog, what a terrible ending after all he’d been through, but I’m afraid it was a dot on the cards. I absolutely detest her. I hope this sinks that ridiculous book without a trace. Unlikely any TV companies would have entertained them but a racing certainty now. Apart from Back-grid and JYY this will finish her. DM,you carry on after this talking about racy lingerie, feet, Harvey and the usual “posing up a storm” rubbish and you deserve an investigation into what the hell she’s got on you. Beyond angry over this.
I take back what I said before, but I think Ryan is even keeping his distance now. She’s probably let him down over the club PA, he’s probably rightly pissed off.
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