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SFP can get fucked aswell, she's not at all innocent in any of the chaos that Skank chooses to cause!!
She stands by and watches with glee as the skanky cunt harasses Poor KH and MP, in cahoots with her sister stealing KH children from a lovely, clean stable environment, full of age appropriate days out and education ( god forbid!! If anyone did that to her child mind) defends her illegal drug drunk driving, writing posts for he illiterate cunt of a sister, aannndd probably is fully aware of the disarray those poor dogs have to live in.
There is no way! To deflect from this current devastating news, no spin or excuse for the amount of animal neglect, cruelty... none!!
Of course the cowardly twat has turned off her commitments... she wouldn't want her horseshit fakery contaminated with truthful comment's about her god awful sisters behaviour
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I am still in shock that this cunt has done this again and without a care in the world. She honestly makes me feel sick to my stomach.

We fostered a rescue kitten who was very poorly and she died after 4 days. I sobbed for days and days and days. And even though only a foster we paid to have her cremated and she is buried in our cat nip plant! So she brings joy to other cats. I have stopped fostering now as I was getting too upset letting them go to new homes so we have 1 cat who is a spoilt little bugger and who thinks our guest room is her bedroom and gets shitty when we actually have guests and she gets booted out.
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I've sent emails to all the agencies, Peta, RSPCA, West Sussex Police etc and a DM to Protection Dogs Worldwide. It seems a bit like pissing in the wind to me because for all our outrage, messages, emails etc we know, deep down, that the cunt will get away with it.
Sadly, until a fellow human dies in its care, I fear nothing will be done.
The first person I thought of today was utterly heartbreaking.
RIP Blade...
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not on my watch

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For fuck sake.. now she is investigating it!..ok miss marple we wait with baited breath on the outcome of your investigations…silly fucker
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Long time lurker and first time poster. I just wanted to say that your friend @Stan Butler is a beautiful human being, his genuine love and concern for Blade is commendable and inspirational (we need more people like you in this world Stan).

I find this abhorrent, room temperature IQ cretin's behaviour loathsome, she has no concern for any other living creature other than herself.

I hope everyone is okay after the sad news, you all seem like a wonderful group of people :giggle:
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So surely if you are going to kidnap and kill one of her dogs the last one you would pick would be Blade
Surely he would be be trained to attack back if attacked
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Chatty Member
If the RSPCA, police or someone like PETA doesn’t stop this evil skank having animals she should be pelted with rotten fruit every time she’s seen in public. How anyone can be a fan of this toxic cretin is beyond me 😡 she destroys lives, human and animal. She doesn’t even care about emotionally damaging her own children.

And her toxic enabling family are just as bad.
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It must be those dodgy graffiti artists/post bock thieves after her, maybe her snow bill she owes has escalated to a dangerous level now and she's clearly advertising that she doesn't have a fiancé or protection dog.
Watch this space for more drama.
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Never posted before but been following for quite a while. I am so sad to hear about Blade. You are in my thoughts @Stan Butler I can only imagine how heartbroken and angry you must be feeling after all your attempts to help poor Blade. Just why? Why? Why? has this poor dogs life had to end like this.
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Chatty Member
Blade was not locked in the shed.

That chicken wire is at the front of the garden as you immediately go out the back patio door. The shed is at the end of the garden at Harvey's (is it still his house? Unsure) the wire isn't going across the entrance to the shed.

The shed was full of junk. No room for any animals.

The dogs would be left in the house, at the time it was blade and precious and the back door was left open so they could just go out into the garden.

Absolutely not defending skank because it's still disgusting they were just left all day.

Blade and all the other animals deserved better. How this tramp still has any is absolutely beyond me and hurts my brain.

My own images with my friends name scribbled out for some privacy.


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To honour lovely Blade ... maybe we can have a thread title which includes him ❤❤❤ .... most of us are rightly angry, because this was all avoidable, we saw it coming and are now feeling a mixture of emotions .... I'm tough as old boots, but shed some tears .... he has been in my thoughts all today, tonight .... social services also should be asking themselves, all these senseless deaths, show her true character of ` don't give a fuck `.... if all these animals were not safe in her care, neither are the children, it goes hand in hand ... I now dread the future headline ..... one of the children somehow ended up on the road ... got hit by a car in the middle of the night ( upset after she and her fucking twat have a massive drunk, drugged up row in front of them, which we know happens regularly ) ... its now very much a possibility ... her track record has gone beyond horrendous, and firm action must be taken before one, or both kids end up hurt, or worse ... someone in authority needs to act!!! NOW .... before its too late for those children, and anymore innocent creatures😡

( Stan ❤ ❤ )
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The comments on her Facebook posts from her braindead fans saying sorry for your loss, you gave him a great home etc are really making me fucking angry.
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Brah Day Izit?

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I'll bail you out and be your legal rep if required.

Humour aside, I can see our dearest Stan seeing red, and I might just join him.

Her actions are not OK
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Given that she is now apparently posting that she is single ( yet again!) maybe Blade's death was the final straw for SB and he has finally left?
Or she's getting ready to blame HIM for it ... maybe even Keiran 🤷‍♀️ ..... expect anything and everything from a vile creature who NEVER takes responsibility for her fuck ups and always throws others under the bus, she is already hinting with this post, its the usual BS MO ..... ` Someone else is ALWAYS to blame ` 😡 at this point I want her to be run over by a car, lay there, in the dark, alone ... scared ... in pain, and dying at the side of the road ..... I want her to feel ` exactly ` what poor Blade did in his final moments💔
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Long time lurker, I couldn’t hate her more now! She’s vile! As a massive animal lover (more than humans tbh) im heartbroken for poor Blade and she couldn’t give a shit! Her words are all fake just like her and all for sympathy from the fools that believe her! 😡😡
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You just know that the sly, lying, negligent bitch is building up to some huge drama at the MM.
” Oh no, poor me me me, I am all alone with my two young children. My protection dog has been murdered, my fiancé has left me me me, and I’m alone in this huge house where the gates are always left open. I’m going to get burgled, or attacked, or my house will be set on fire. Everyone must feel sorry for me me me”
I hate her so much, fucking bitch getting her hair done. Thank god the vet posted about poor Blade, Skanky would have kept it all quiet. She didn’t even notice that the poor boy was gone, does she never check on her animals?? He was gone all night, turns my stomach in knots thinking about what he went through.
Now fuck off Skanky and don’t let the door hit your flabby fake arse on your way out.
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Remember the rumour at Christmas, she was drunk and her horse and a dog got out of control and a neighbour had to put the horse in her stable?
Was this ever confirmed for sure? If so that's at least every few months animals are dangerously out of control near her house. It's not just animal animals, she's putting human lives at risk on the roads.
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I’m not one to burst into tears easily, but seeing Blade’s lovely sweet face here staring out of the screen, the tears just came 💔 Makes it worse knowing so many of us have tried to stop her getting any access to more animals, we sadly knew this would potentially happen again, but nobody in authority who could help did anything. RIP Blade you didn’t deserve this and I hope the people at the company who gifted her Blade feel terrible guilt and shame hearing this news, yeah I know they probably won’t. How do we stop her, nothing will happen will it. Many things she does are just annoying, but this is f*cking evil. Didn’t think I could hate her more, but like so many of you have similarly said, I find myself wanting to throttle this vile excuse for a human 😔 And f*ck you whoever is protecting her and I include our media, take her down, we’ve all had enough now, you are all enabling sick bastards, time one of you reported the full truth about her, but none of you will do it will you 😡

Such an adorable face, it really is heartbreaking RIP Blade 💔
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