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Police acted on 'claims made over a week ago'. So they took more than a week to check out alleged threats of someone using a gun :unsure:

She was calling Kieran a narcissist and saying he lives a double life just over a week ago.
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Hammers of hell

Well-known member
I honestly think the best way for Kieran to live a happy life will require enormous self restraint and discipline, as he need to shut the door totally on the whole unhappy chapter. This would mean, not capitalising on his notoriety, cease posting pics of the kids, his home, Michelle praise on social media. Quit OF as this will cut off KFP supply. The least she knows about his ‘new’ life, the less she can do to cause damage to it. As alluded to, I was provided funded representation from the national centre for domestic violence, who the police provided contact details for. I honestly can’t recall if it was means tested, but I was represented from the moment I first made the phone call. They were very strict, in that they said if I responded to or initiated any contact they would not longer represent me. I would like to think if it proven that Kieran is being harassed by KFP, that he would be able to obtain state funded representation.
I totally agree, the best thing for himself and his kids would be to get them a normal life and out of the spotlight and away from drama. I really hope he is able to access funded legal assistance as you did because without it he's got a mountain to climb 😩
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Stan Butler

VIP Member
Speculation time... Skanks been on one since it got back from Thailand but this week it's escalated it's attacks on Kieran so my thinking is.
1, because plods dropped its harassment allegations against Kieran the focus now turns to kierans allegations against skank, so skank could be getting dragged in for questioning regarding potentially harassment, breach of restraining order, malicious communication, making false allegations, wasting police time to name the obvious charges she could face.
2, SS have completed their own investigations regarding J&B and are about to either take the kids or give Kieran 50/50 custody.
Now skank knowing this or has been tipped off has made up these allegations of firearms and child neglect knowing plod will arrest Kieran and while the new allegations are investigated the kids won't be taken from her. It also means plod will hold off any charges as this will relate back to her allegations against Kieran so further prolonging her been dragged in and charged.
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Agree KH being reported to the police has Kipper written all over it. If the allegations are true, why did it happen when he doesn’t have the kids, unless it was related to V & A??
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Pink Squirrel

VIP Member
I just thought back to the end of last month. KP started posting stuff about 'narcs' aimed at Kieran. With the timing being before Easter I theorised maybe he had won a small court victory such as her not being able to take the kids away for so long.
She also posted something about 'ex partners making you look bad to others'.....which made me also think it was court-related.
So maybe something bigger was going against her weeks ago, hence the desperate escalation to the gun accusation?

I would be sorely tempted too, I only think he doesn't because of the kids.
All those holding dirt should fling it all at the same time. Take the bitch down once & for all. She wouldn't know who to hit back at first.

Surely even the most stupid of her 'fans' can see she is behind this latest attempt to get Kieran into trouble?
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Must just add this is relates to J and B (and possibly the others even though they are of an age where this should not matter) and not the bankruptcy. That's @DC16's absolute specialty of which she is bloody brilliant.
Thanks for the info, feeling good... Those kids really deserve a break.
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Here she looks ok..she has nice legs..god how she must hare how her body and face/hair is now!
Some of these throw-back photos can catch you out sometimes, I found myself thinking she was looking ‘cute’ when a pic from her youth at The F1 car racing was posted recently. I was immediately physically sick, filled with shame and reported myself to the Tattle Sin-Bin for the rest of the day. I now have to take weekly therapy sessions for the rest of 2023. If it can happen to me it can happen to anyone, beware looking at Skanky photos from back in the day is my advice to all Tattlers 👍🏾
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Personally I feel like he should speak out. Tell his story, out her for everything she is. He doesn’t deserve to be dragged in the red tops and on social media like this. Get the story about her out there and do it quickly. Then just disappear. No OF, no social media, just go. No way for her to be able to see what he was up to, cut off her oxygen supply. No contact regarding the children, everything through a third party, disappear and live a normal life.
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My friend grew up in Patcham a few roads away from the Price family. She’s 49 so a bit older but remembers her as being an absolutely horrible girl. Always causing trouble and says that some of the girls her age were really terrified of her, literally afraid to go out, as she was such a terrible bitchy, nasty bully. AFP wouldn’t believe a word against her and any parents going round to complain were given a really hard time. An absolute family from hell, total trailer trash. When she started modelling my friend said everybody was gobsmacked as she was known for being dirty, smelly and unkempt.
She's been such a lucky bitch her whole life, she was nothing special yet made it. She doesn't deserve none of it. She's lost it all now anyway, just scrutting around for any dreg ends it can find to stay on the fame train.
I can imagine the family are a right bunch of hillbillies making everybody's life a misery on the estate they lived on.

Why is it good things happen to the worst people and shit things happen to the good people
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MP’s Insta stories looks like they are having a great, family fun day for Easter. It’s really made me angry today, which takes a lot, that J + B aren’t there to be part of it and stuck with the skank and Cole elsewhere.
If KH’s arrest was down to the skank and nothing further comes from it, I hope they throw the book at her. Whatever her own personal agenda and or feelings are, they deserve to have a relationship with their father and brother 😡
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I need to be really careful. All I can say is don't believe what the red tops report re what Kipper instigates. It's all going to be ok.

She has nothing, and it's backfiring spectacularly.

Keep the faith.
Brah I always appreciate your posts, it’s good to have realistic ideas and expectations in how these things work and I am so grateful to you for taking the time you do to explain everything to us. I have no real knowledge of the child protection processes or system, I briefly temped at CafCass 20 odd years ago, but I have been feeling very hopeful after this morning’s initial rant. Seeing Kieran’s face wearing a smile gave me hope that I haven’t felt in ages. In fact I’m feeling fairly buoyant about the situation and next week.

I’m keeping the faith, I believe that justice and decency will prevail, I am feeling really hopeful for the first time in months. Those kids will be okay and be back with Kieran, and Skanky will be in the rear view mirror forever for the British public, bitch is going down!
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I would have thought it different though if a possible firearm was involved all points to them getting a call from someone they know is a regular bullshitter.
An air rifle is less serious than a 'proper' firearm (yes, I know it can still cause very serious harm though). However, I can guarantee that if it were an actual gun and there was a serious threat to life they would have been there instantly. If it took a week then the threat level was low.

She's a knob. They'll know she's a knob. I think this probably is just a case of give her enough rope.
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SB's just had a cull on his Insta comments. He's removed the post that slates Skank which had 29 comments on!
Truth hurts Cole. You are aiding and abetting someone who wants to drive another man to suicide or get him shot by police and you stand by what she's doing to those kids. It's utterly shameful.
Am I right in thinking it's about a week since anything appeared on her IG stories?
Just the JYY advert and and old pic of her and Bunny on her grid?
No gloating or comment on KH arrest?

Something must really be bugging her, hopefully 🤞🤞🤞
She made no comment on the fence graffiti either, just told the press about it....strange isn't it?
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Will the police look into her threats etc,she has form,she needs a massive investigation,then get fucking charged.
If there is evidence that the claims are malicious then yes it would be investigated if he made a complaint. It comes under malicious communications I think and potentially harrassment.

There's also the very real factor that invented claims of child neglect are considered part of parental alienation which will relevant if Children's Services are already involved.
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This is apparently advice she got from the Priory years ago. I think she really is a dangerous narcissist sociopath, the same sort of profile of people that harm their kids to punish an ex partner. She really has lost it, Kieran could have been shot by armed police that turned up!

View attachment 2087893
Yep.Spot on.A very dangerous woman.
I am really struggling with these latest shenanigans as I am trying to be objective.And there is always the possibility that there is some truth behind the headlines.But KP has form for instigating this kind of thing, and I can see her revelling in causing mayhem.I think she has lost all semblance of control over her actions.
When the dust settles, I hope KH considers getting some kind of restating order against her( easier said than done I know).
I am sure that the police are completely fed up with the entire situation.
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Chatty Member
Amy never liked any of her husbands & made it very clear. Even very rude to their families too. Pete’s family couldn’t stand Amy & the way Amy spoke to Wendy, Kieran’s mum, was terrible. Wendy is lovely & never believed the rubbish about Kierans sex addiction. She knew KFP was playing away & treating Kieran like a hired hand. He was stuck at home, looking after the kids, including P & J, getting them to school, doing work on the house, seeing to the animals. He was a lamb to the slaughter. Unless something legal happens to stop KFP, she will continue to crucify Kieran. All her hatred of her exes is being dished out to Kieran & she won’t stop. She’s very, very dangerous & sick in the head.
Do you think KH is getting all the venom she wants to spout at PA, AR and KB but is unable to due to the legal gags ? And KB clearly having some extensive dirt on her so she keeps quiet ?
This is how it feels at the moment because she just cannot shut up.
Or as I previously said, she is absolutely obsessed with KH and his life.
Or it's BH deflection.
Or Family courts have set a date.
This list could go on and on........
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