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So she calls him a disgusting human being and says there’s a reason she’s had custody for the past 5 months. Ok so what was the reason he had custody for like a year then? She’s such a contradiction. Fucking makes me brain spin. Dickhead
Ah, the 'reason'!
Not 'reasons for the reason'!
Just a 'reason'.
Made sure backgrid were there and of course the media to ask the obvious question as to be an excuse for being obtuse whilst slandering him at the same time in front of the kids.
Funny how she can be unseen leaving the country and then make sure she's spotted coming back when the grenade she's tossed has exploded.
The whole shenanigans with the latest allegations made to the Police and it's coverage by the media is to add to the, woe is me, my MH, recovering from suicide attempts and have to rescue my children from the monster that is KH, how can you take my home off of me or expect me to pay creditors when this has happened to ME, again.
Must be about time for another rape claim.
So fucking predictable!
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Kieran must regret the day he ever laid eyes on KP and same goes for Pete. Alex Reid must thank his lucky stars they never conceived. I cannot for the life of me see why Carl has not exited - he must be either besotted or thicker than we think. He knows she has knifed EVERY ex and acts like a total lunatic. What is he still doing there.
I feel very badly for Kieran today. The best thing he can do however is say NOTHING in response to her Insta rants. He’ll get his day one day.
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Are we assuming as it took them so long to arrest him that he wasn’t walking round the village threatening to shoot people while Apollo was alone in the bath at home….. So clearly Kipper reported him last week. Now has she made it up or maybe joking he’s once said to Jett or Bunny something like ‘if you don’t behave I’ll shoot you’ just like people say ‘I’m going kill you’ but don’t mean it and Kipper has rubbed her hands with glee and called the police. I can just imagine her questioning J & B about everything that has ever happened while they were living with their dad and twisting everything they say to suit her narrative. The scary thing is if she is forcing her hatred of him onto them and they start believing that he is a danger to them and disgusting as Kipper calls him.
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I wonder if she actually knows the damage she is causing to J&B
Or she just doesn’t give a duck they are just casualties in her war

They will need intensive counselling to even begin to unpick the damage she’s done
Skank is way too thick to think outside the box and far too narcissistic to think of others feelings, including her own kids.
I bet it has never once crossed her one barely there braincell the damage all this will be doing. All it cares about is winning! Leaving Kieran and Michelle's relationship in tatters, with the kids having an hour supervised visit a week with him.
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Well, if nothing else the latest arrest has compelled me to donate to Kieran’s GFM. If there was a hint the child neglect allegation had substance, would KH have been released without charge back to care for the two minor children, V & A, whilst their mother is away? One wonders where V’s Dad is in all of this, and what his opinion is on the matter. I for one would be taking steps to protect V from exposure to all of these allegations.
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A lot of tattlers have been asking if children's services are involved. I can't give a definitive answer, because I simply don't know, but based on years of experience I would hazard an educated guess that they will be involved in some guise. A strat meeting (S47, children's act) will undoubtedly be triggered on Tuesday morning to discuss the latest allegations against KH. He has children living in his home, and firearms and child neglect will automatically trigger an investigation (as it should). However, the police are not sufficiently concerned to exercise their rights to remove children via police protection. I'm certain KH's brief will have been clear that he is permitted to share that he is with the children today - that's a concrete "fuck off to Kipper."

I bet children's services are sick to the back teeth of this case against KH and MP. They have far more important things to be doing. Kipper is simply trying to get something to stick on KH but sees herself as untouchable (which will be very frustrating). They will undoubtedly have KH and MP consistently complying, attending all the core group/Child in need meetings, and thoroughly engaged in the process. Then they will have the stark contrast of KFP, who is continually out of the country and will think she is above engaging with lowly social workers 'cos she is a model with 25 years experience innit'.

If J&B are on a CP plan, children's services have a statutory duty to visit every ten working days with a combination of announced and unannounced visits. I bet several of these visits are outstanding at the MM. To be clear I don't know if they're currently subject to a CP plan, but I would bet my life they have been in the past (#slapgate)

I would guess her utter contempt for social workers could be her undoing. They will issue pre-proceedings if she doesn't comply (PLO - public law outline). However, as I have reiterated countless times, it's the judge's decision. Suffice it to say, I am often shocked when family court judges side with the parent whom CS has very real and significant reasons to remove the children.

I do my job to the best of my ability - I never want to recommend the removal of children unless it's unavoidable, but I need them to be safe. I prepare the best case, speak to the children to get their wishes and feelings and appoint the best CAFCASS court guardian I can find. I demonstrate coercive control if appropriate (and it very often is) with significant evidence to avoid the 'this has reasonable doubt scenario.'

Still, many judges do nothing and let vulnerable children down. I truly believe that family courts need a shake-up and radical modernisation.

We see a real seachange when something headline worthy happens. Then children's services become risk-averse to the point of ridiculous. Thankfully there haven't been recent cases, but sadly there will be, and KFP will hate the risk-averse approach they take.

I am watching with interest. I have a contact who knows what is happening, but I will not ask him as the family court is private, and for a good reason. However, last night I was told that KH would be released and be smiling. I'm glad that happened.

Have faith, Krusties.

I am rethinking my career tonight, not because of what has happened over the last 48 hours, but because it's a constant battle I simply can't win.
Thank you for that very detailed post, very informative. Your job must be very demoralizing I'm sure, I have great admiration for you and all your colleagues. Thank you for trying to protect vulnerable children.
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I absolutely hate how she says "I'm here to protect MY kids". Not "the kids".. not "Bunny and Jett"... MY kids. It sets my teeth on edge and I don't know why.
It made me think she’s setting the scene for her bankruptcy hearing ,oh don’t send me to jail or don’t kick me out the house think of the poor children who will have them, my mams Ill so is my stepdad so they can’t have them ,my sister is looking after my parents and my brother is looking after my stepdads business their dad can’t have them he has allegations against him there’s only meeeeee please release me and give them somewhere safe to live, then a few weeks later oh here you go Kieran you can have them. 😡😡😡😡
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Morning all. I'm happy in the fact that skanky face will be livid this morning that yet again her disgusting plans have failed. And it's another shot in the foot for her as well as the police will know she is behind this.
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Just running a tidy up of my Ipad photo gallery, used to be filled with the family and 100s of pics of my daughter, just seen the state of my groups now, bloody Skank and her crew ruining my photo library can be added to her crimes 🤦🏽‍♀️

State of it, expect @Pom Bear if you’re using a IPad you have one the equal of this horror-show 😁

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I think the next time we see KP will be at the Met Court case.She will be pulling out all the stops, long walk to court, interviews about protecting Harvey against the trolls and is bound to be wearing a Harvey’s Law T-shirt.
She will drag Harvey with her, even though Harvey is oblivious to any insults unless she tells him.We might even get the “ Wot chew fink Harv”.
All right thinking people are appalled by those with special needs being ridiculed, but I loathe the fact that she will glory in all this publicity.I bet she gets a couple of oblique digs in about KH.
I wish someone would ask her why , if her mental health is so bad that she can’t answer questions at her BH then how can she possibly look after two small children.
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That's very weird. Remember Michelle liked a few of CW's posts too. Can't make sense of it. I've wondered if CW was secretly helping MP and KH build a case against KP, but I've discarded that as a possibility.
I think Carl does it to intimidate. I think Michelle does it to show she's not intimidated. Just imho.
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SB‘s off posting 💩 about ‘mates’, this one 🤦🏽‍♀️😁..


You Tommy Tank limply into sinks for a fiver, you follow the most hated woman in the UK around doing her bidding, you have no inspiration to improve, you just do the same thing over and over, this break-up/back together nonsense, you really really really ain’t #Winning at anything.🤦🏽‍♀️
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I'd heard about these Labour ads but hadn't seen them. So this one came out 2 days ago, the next day Kieran is arrested for suspicion of that exact same crime?

Screen Shot 2023-04-09 at 13.06.12.png
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When you set boundaries thats when evil exs play up or they know you aren't doing great. It got back to my ex I'm not doing great health wise and all of a sudden he has popped up. Wants a divorce I was delighted I've been asking for 10yrs!! Yes of course I'll sign the papers just give them to me anytime you have them. The look of shock on his face 😂. Then comes the kicker he wants me to pay for it😂😂😂. Well lads he wasn't long fucking off with his tale between his legs. Don't fuck with a woman who has been raising kids on her own for 10+yrs and is in an almighty amount of pain I let loose!!
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Judging from Kieran’s face he doesn’t seem too bothered by his time in the police station. He looks quite jovial in those pictures, I wonder if the Skank has helped Kieran’s cause with this latest stunt? 🤔 If it is Skank or one of her minions making the allegations, it may help Kieran and the police with his harassment claims? There is a possibility it’s not the Skank who is behind this, but from past behaviour I’d say on the balance of probabilities it’s more likely her (or one of her flying monkeys acting on her behalf and at her instigation). It’s not like making wild or false claims/allegations are out of character for her.
Yep. I think from the expression on his face in those photos, he knows he's winning. There's been a more upbeat tone to his IG posts lately too which made me think he's had some other good news that's making things go in his favour, re the KP saga.
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Does anyone else think she clearly still loves KH? The opposite of love isn’t hate, it’s indifference. She clearly has an enormous amount of feelings for him 5yr (a long time!) after divorce and is totally not over it at all. Quite obsessive.

I’d be really disgusted if I was SB, seeing her obsess over an ex like this. It’s disrespectful to SB too - she’s not focussed on him, is she ?
I don't think it's love, more a desire for control and revenge. People like her can't stand what they see as losing in situations that most people would be able to process in a rational manner.
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Fingers crossed she won't dare turn up at the Met hearing if the BH goes badly for her. She seems to be in a really avoidant phase, lighting the touch paper on things and then hiding completely.

I hope so. I would like to think it could count as evidence of her coercive control over him, she's used the kids to try and control him, she's very probably behind 3 or 4 false crime allegations about him, she also threatened to show 'THE' pudding video to the public, these are all features of coercive control and harassment!

She's become what she is on the inside. No disguising that bitterness and lack of humanity.
And by saying what she did in front of the children, Parental Alienation charges should be applicable too.
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