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I love the Krusties, over there years I’ve met some fantastic people, feel like I know them, Good hearted, some dearly departed, and some people come on here and post, Try to give both sides, Sort of see Skanky’s side, and they get upset when people criticise., and you get sarcastic comments like “flying monkeys” , nobody’s allowed to have an opinion, Everyone is allowed to have an opinion, But read the Wiki , and thread titles for gods sake , the clues in the names, say what you like, But come on here supporting Skanky, or excusing her behaviour , you have to expect some stick
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This makes me so angry. You’re supposed to teach your children to tell the truth. How many years of counselling are these children going to need later in life to get over the abuse from their narcissistic mother?
Something about Bunny in particular breaks my heart, she has such an innocent look about her and looked so happy with KH, to think KP is dragging her into her own sexualised lifestyle and dragging her into her shitty mess of a life is unforgiveable.
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Willow, thank you for your continued work ❤ I love reading your posts. Is the ‘beautician’ Lou? When you say her and Derek are in on the coke situation, what do you mean? Are they dealing? KFP, Derek and Lou? Are they all getting it from SB? I personally think the same as another poster who said earlier SB is KFP’s supplier, but that they both are users and she is the one that funds it.
Happy bank holiday to you and all fellow Krusties x
Her mate Julie who owns Lanes beauty. Apparently they’re all on the sniff. Don’t know where they get the ‘gear’, but I personally think Crawl has something to do with it now. But obviously been taking ‘gear’ for many years. KFP is an addict & may be taking God knows what.
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Chatty Member
Yes, AFP is limiting visitors, especially where there’s a chance of anything being passed to her, with her compromised weak immune system, following transplant. Strange how they’ve hushed up this, for so long. Everyone seems to know about it, even common knowledge for the people who knew her, from my night out! They obviously still want to sell the story at the appropriate time. The lung transplant now seems to be a waste of time as AFP still apparently having to use oxygen. Doesn’t appear to have turned out as she was expecting.
Let's face it, a lung transplant is a huge operation, her recovery will take time and she will need oxygen from time to time as her body will be fighting to reject the new lungs daily as they aren't her lungs (if you know what I mean ha) she will be on rejection medication to stop her body from rejecting the organs and many other meds for the rest of her life ,
I hope the op isn't a waste of time, as much as I don't like Amy, I wouldn't wish this on even KP and that's saying something.
sadly someone had to die for her to get the lungs so fingers crossed it will be a success. Time will tell .

I am forever bamboozled how no one speaks out on KP and her little habit, I remember cristo a presenter who also used to produce or work on loose women sticking up for her after she flipped the car while drunk and high🤬 and he was just keep saying how lovely she was and was amazing with H and she had a rough time. Like we have all said H has been her saviour as no one seems to want to say the truth about her because of him..imo
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Utter Bollx. She was climbing trees, taking out birds eggs & smashing them. Ganging up on other girls. Chasing and flirting with all the boys & men. She was a prick teaser from a very young age. Whole family thought nothing of walking around naked in front of each other, which was odd, considering Mr PP wasn’t their real dad ( KFP & Danny). Now her days will consist of plotting her next evil deed/revenge, trawling through internet to read all about herself & getting some pampering/surgery/sunbathing. When is Karma going to kick in? I am 200% sure, she’s behind this latest allegation about Kieran & it’s got something to do with BH. Must be so she can say she’s got custody of kids & needs a home (not 11 bedrooms) to support them. Surely bankruptcy must know, KH has custody of kids too, even if it appears she’s ‘kidnapped’ them💩. I’m sickened again by this latest accusation of Kieran. Who, I wonder, tipped off RedTops? I stepped back for over a week recently, as I’m finding her actions & the lack of punishment hard to deal with. I worry what next may happen to Kieran & the kids. She makes me sick, putting it mildly.
I know exactly what you mean - it’s one thing having a laugh at her ridiculous dated poses and corn on the cob/lawnmower shenanigans - this is just horrible watching the lives of 2 small children being damaged, and her utter disregard for their well-being and mental health. I don’t know how she is allowed to get away with what she is doing and why nobody seems to be doing anything about it. She was born bad that one - she is literally rotten to the bone, they all are. All of that rancid, chavvy, lying, grifting vile family have a hand in this.
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Cat Eyez

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Just copied this over from the last thread as it closed...

@Gx2018 said.....
Been laying low on these threads, but had to comment. Any man who marries Katie price after weeks of knowing her is just as unwell as she is. We all like to shit on KP and assume Kieran is the saint, but unfortunately, those kids have no fit parent. There’s lots more going to come out on Kieran. I truly feel sorry for Bunny and Jett.

@PTMe Can you shed any light on the above?

I find this confusing.... If KH is that bad, then how come he was allowed full temporary custody and this kids attended school, looked so happy etc?
@Gx2018 can you explain further please.
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Is this the face of a man who's going to be charged for gun crimes and child abuse or the face of a man who's just heard the length of sentence
coming to KP?

I wonder if Kieran's claim of harassment would have been discussed at the police station after he was arrested. I'm not sure if they could actually do that but wouldn't it be wonderful if they'd just informed him she was going to be charged and what sentence might be possible?

Screen Shot 2023-04-10 at 21.56.59.png
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I’m loving all the positive vibes coming from @DC16 and @Brah Day Izit?

Wednesday can’t come quick enough, I wish I could just skip tomorrow altogether and wake up on BH Day.
I want her put on a watertight payment plan and all her lies exposed, but more than that, I want J and B to be reunited with their dad.
A few criminal charges would be the icing on the cake.
I hope she is absolutely bricking it.
Sounds like wanting Christmas to hurry up :LOL:

I'm at work tomorrow and Wednesday morning. I demand no good news until 1 pm Wednesday!
So. Much. Orange!
Must just add this is relates to J and B (and possibly the others even though they are of an age where this should not matter) and not the bankruptcy. That's @DC16's absolute specialty of which she is bloody brilliant.
I am intrigued by this and how it can relate to the other kids who are already resident at their other parents abode. Maybe something so serious has been uncovered it goes across the board and affects all the kids in a safeguarding way.

Just as long as they're going to be safe, that's the most important thing.
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I can just imagine P.C Policeperson’s face when the call comes in.
“ There’s been a serious complaint made “
“ What about”
“ Everything”
“ O.M.G fire up the Quattro, “
“ It’s from Dial Post”
“ We’ll stop off for chips”,
You can imagine them tracing the call to build evidence against Skank too.

Senior officer: "we need black and white truffs to prove she's behind all this harassment"
Eager junior office: "I've traced the call sir"
Senior officer:" Good lad, where did it originate?"
Eager junior officer:" From a Nokia 3210, lodged in the suspects cavernous flange"
Senior officer:"Oh fuck, we will need to retrieve it for evidence, bring the biohazard gear"
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I have faith! 🌠, someone said earlier said their narc abusers' lies escalated and escalated until they were obviously so ridiculous they were unbelievable. Maybe that point was reached when the police called on Kieran recently? There's no other real explanation of why he was so happy about it all.
I’m hoping it’s that and the amount of allegations that she’s made that have been unfounded. I’m also hoping that all the different agencies have collaborated and seen the overall pattern of abuse that we see. Whatever it is, if it ends up with those children being placed back with their loving father and provided some form of counselling or therapy, then that will be a result worth celebrating, if she ends up with supervised access in a centre or no contact at all then you’ll be able to hear me “WOHOOING” across the U.K. because I will FUCKING LOVE IT!!
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So she labels Kieran as disgusting, in front of his children. That’s disgusting and emotionally abusive. Hopefully that comment will be used as evidence of emotional abuse at the next hearing. What the hell else does she say to them about 50% of their DNA. She is an appalling person.
She kind of gave herself away there though, what she really should have said was that she couldn't comment as she didn't know the details! Nothing has been said about what the supposed child neglect was, so why would she think he was disgusting? I know that's her general opinion of him anyway but she was stupid to say it to the press.
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You forgot to mention a Cunt that calls itself a daughter!
And despite being a member of a meagre income household, I have donated again because of her abhorrent treatment of not only her ex, but the two children she shares with him too.
As for her being a danger to herself, well, who really cares.
Not her, not SB or any of her family judging by the inaction on their part.
KFP is doing wonders for kierons go fund me, its rising like a phoenix out of the burnt remains of skankys career and looks , ironic really ;) 😂 🔥
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I wonder who called the paps to let them know what time he was being released. This story wasn’t high profile enough for them to be camped up outside was it?

The whole thing is a mess and at the centre are the children . Not just B and J but the step siblings too. I wouldn’t be surprised if both parents (KP and KH ) loose custody for a while. Similar happened to someone I know. His 3 children were put in Foster care because his partner was an addiction and violent. It took 2 years of jumping through hoops for courts / ss to prove he had built a life away from the mother and was able to not get involved with her dramas. Now he has sole custody granted by courts and mum doesn’t have any contact at all.

The news reports say a neighbour commented on the gun arrest. I wouldn’t be surprised if they was one of KP’s cronies.
She doesn't seem bothered that her kids could end up in care. People on here said it months ago that's the way it was going of she carried on.

I'm thinking If it was KP that made the gun allegation, she also tipped off press. Then they waited outside the police station for a few hours? ...or maybe Kieran actually wanted to be picture smiling as he was leaving?
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you got me thinking, her first go at coercive control was Harvey. Think about it, the deliberately restricting access, the refusal to let him reach his full potential, deliberately keeping him dependent, financial control, the coaching him in what to say - there is more that could be added but I have fibro fog really badly suddenly. Harvey was her first domestic abuse victim.
Yes, she has decades of the same behaviour, on virtually every partner. It's why I have never believed any of her allegations against Kieran/ Michelle or that his arrests mean anything. You've got to look at who the reports come from.
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