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Monsieur Crumble

Well-known member
Yes Skanky Bingo ( Bunion Enterprises) is back with a Bang, Accept No imitations,
Here's a sample all you have to do is mark off a box when you see a story in the Sun or Mail, Fabulous Prizes !
For one line an Hour online cooking lesson from a Secret Famous Celebrity
For two lines A set of Bath Bombs scented by a secret famous celebrity
For a Full House A Framed, signed picture of the Secret celebrity and her beau so you can put it by your bedside, so it will be the first thing you see in the morning.
Excited ??? You should be, Want a clue ?
This celebrity is Stunning looking, stylish and soon to appear in programmes based on her experience, including Remakes of, How clean is your house? Animal hospital, Rogue traders , Supernanny, and there is also talk of her taking over from martin lewis on the money show.
only £ 20 a card, the game will start when 100 are sold ,all profits will go to a charity ( Might have misheard, Charity for helping the homeless in Jordan or something )
So funny 🤣

Wonder where he picked up that parking ticket, Pricey been giving him pointers 🤔

and free balloons for mummy... so breaking lockdown AGAIN
What is it with the fooking balloon obsession! don't these fuckwits realise that Helium is not sustainable and is now in very short supply! Helium is used to cool MRI scanners 🤬
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Looks like she drinks pints of the stoof ;) Is that jumper on deplop yet does anyone know? 🤗 Tiddly @Pom Bear 💋

He won't like that one at all - good!

Nice he dressed up for the occasion - what a slob.
Liar Liar, think I'm brewing another threat of violence from Clearblue Cole!

Well I won't be as 'flexible' next time, Old Bill is on speed dial.

Could be another 'Rumble In The Jungle' face off, like George Foreman against challenger Muhammad Ali.

In the Blue Corner (me obs) 'Big Blue2018' AKA 'Human Sid' with his trainer Liar Liar with a fag in her gob, swiggling Bolly and vodka.

In the Red Corner, 'Clearblue Cole' with his trainer 'Pwicey Skanky Flaps' with a pail full of grey mash and ditchwater gravy to revive Clearblue during rounds.

Controversially, 'Clearblue Cole' has refused to wear boxing shorts, opting for french cami knickers instead also the Referee has refused to allow 'Clearblue Cole' to wear a gumshield as he apparently seems to be wearing one already!

Ding Ding, round one.

After one punch 'Clearblue Cole' is face down in the pail of mash. It's a 'Knockout'!

As 'Clearblue Cole' is carried out of the ring by the handles on his cami knickers, closely followed by 'Pwicey Skanky Flaps' on a zimmer frame, a triumphant 'BigBlue2018' is crowned 'King of the Ring'.

I thank you!


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Comments on the Daily Mail story about her shopping for horse stuff are all negative other than that looney Bunny Cuddles.

One thing's just occured to me.

Could she have 'shot herself in the foot', no pun intended, with the 'life changing injuries/I'm disabled' lie?

When she gets her driving licence back (probably for all of 10 minutes) will the DVLA allow her to drive if she's been so gravely injured?

Will she have to drive an adapted car? Will she be able to get insurance? Does anyone know?
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Chatty Member
Okay, I'm gonna say I the only 1 that finds it slightly disturbing that he's drawn a picture of her in bed with him? I believe his additional needs give him the mental capacity of a 7 year old. Is that a normal drawing for a 7 year old? I find it sad that's a "normal" thing for him to draw 🤔

I honestly find it highly unlikely that none of those cunts has had Covid. All carrying on as normal like nothing's happening 😡.
The constant danger she puts Harvey under makes me sick 😡
@DC16 I'm with you on this, I was in 2 minds whether to write it or not that's why i put ( Harvey has drawn mummy a beautiful picture wanting her to have a sleep with him 🤔 thinking face )
Im sorry guys some of you might hate me and fall out with me for this but he is 18,yes he has a lot of mental issues but he is a young man now and she keeps preaching that and how much he needs to become an adult.
The sleeping in bed together should have stopped a long time ago, quick cuddles yes but this, just NO its wrong!
Also letting him walk around the house with no pants on, yes I've heard his condition makes him want to take his clothes off but I'm sorry it should have been drummed into him to at least wear pants or joggy's especially with 2 younger sisters
NO i am not blaming Harvey i am blaming her!

Digging those disabled feet into the sofa pretty good.🤔 still not a mask in sight.

Jeyda, owns the company KP is just a partner.
Exactly so why is she sat on their smelly carpet boxing up shitty bath bombs, does she not have staff lol 🤣🤣

Digging those disabled feet into the sofa pretty good.🤔 still not a mask in sight.

Jeyda, owns the company KP is just a partner.
Digging those disabled feet into the sofa pretty good.🤔 still not a mask in sight.

Jeyda, owns the company KP is just a partner.
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My grandson (19) has Autism,ADHD, Anxiety and depression, my daughter has brought him up single handed(with some help from me before I became ill)whilst holding down a full time job, with a lot of patience,hard work(by both)and nurturing he got the grades he needed to get into Canterbury University to study Military History in the UK and USA, ( a subject he has been obsessed with since a little boy)I appreciate my Grandson is on the higher end of the spectrum but it just proves that with the right encouragement these young adults can achieve more than we give them credit for 🤗 I believe Harvey is capable of so much but that beast of a mother has held him back purposely 🤬 I will add that my grandson still cannot tie laces or use a knife and fork but there's velcro and spoons 😀
Just proves it,you are obviously a good mother,because youve brought up a Fantastic daughter by example,and you have a great grandson,bet youre proud of him,My Grandson has Downs,We have never treated him special,just as a normal boy,and he has grown up from a fantastic boy into a fantastic young man , I think you were being polite saying beast of a mother,Id be banned on here if I said what I really think

Just proves it,you are obviously a good mother,because youve brought up a Fantastic daughter by example,and you have a great grandson,bet youre proud of him,My Grandson has Downs,We have never treated him special,just as a normal boy,and he has grown up from a fantastic boy into a fantastic young man , I think you were being polite saying beast of a mother,Id be banned on here if I said what I really think
Apologise,Great Mother,good just doesnt cut it,can imagine all the h ard work
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Oh crap.. the insurance companies are shit hot on the fraud and I’ve seen someone jailed for something very similar. He’s gonna be really lucky to get away with it.
How could he be so stupid with his and his fiancees much wanted baby on the way?

One thing has crossed my mind, please don't think I'm defending Alex or condoning his actions, not in the slightest, but he seems like a man with serious mental health issues and financial problems recently. Quite erratic.

He seems desperate for money and Pwiceys trolling, tormenting him to the point of driving him to suicidal thoughts and leaving him with a massive solicitors bill must have taken its toll?

On top of the legal bill she has been told to pay, by a court of law judgement, I believe there is £35,000 in damages she must pay Alex, which he must really need. As usual she's just stuck 2 fingers up at the court and ignored the judgement.

Maybe in his fragile mental state 'desperate times call for desperate measures'.

This is the after picture. 😆
What the hell? Is this fashionable? I'm behind the times.

Might add a procedure to my facelift today, my lips.

Not got injectable gel nor a syringe but do have a tube of Pollyfilla and some chillies so might mash those up together and get my son to inject into my lips with my piping bag?

Looking for this effect?


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Pom Bear

VIP Member
OMG I just googled ladyboys...up comes pics of full naked ladyboys and they got the boobs and willie's out in full graphic detail with some using sex toys😱😱😱😱😱
Damn Google search 😱😱

Fucking Hell! 😱

Don't Google that seriously. I won't forget that in a hurry 😨😨😨😨
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Cloud Chaser

Well-known member
I hope a 6 year old didn’t use the kettle unsupervised! And pizza again?
can this event be done under the trades description act?!!! 🤣 Yep...definitely no mention of men being on the call!

Few £££ there @Cloud Chaser
Sorry still unwell.

What was the time stamp of the video? Although she showed a handful of people there could possibly be more. Unfortunately for the people who attended there are no refunds. Yes Carl was there but no where does it say it would only be Katie 🤷🏻‍♀️

So far she has had nearly 4000 sales of her bathbombs.

I’m concerned about the online security of you all. Please don’t put yourself at risk of exposure by emailing the programmes and/or mentioning the fact on here.

Let Katie go on these programmes and do the interviews. Do you know why? Because Katie’s biggest troll and worst enemy is herself. Look carefully at the body language of the people in her presence. She isn’t being taken seriously at all.

People are not willing to keep quiet about her antics in the business world. We’re in a pandemic and everyone is fighting to keep afloat financially. HMRC has been encouraged to look again at the overall amount she owes them.
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@nomorefakers it's lovely to read that tattle has been a positive lockdown distraction. I also find it helps me. It makes me laugh & it's also somewhere I can have a good rant.
There are some lovely people here. Everyone is made welcome.
I think your idea of a convention is brilliant 😂. Everyone attending could dress as Skanky Flaps or Crawl 🤣

Don't apologise my lovely. And rant away as much as you like & as often as you like.
I'm sorry to read you're having a difficult time. I totally agree with you that the wrongdoers get all the protection & the victims suffer.
I have been a victim of identity theft. I have suffered mentally & spent 100's of hours trying to clear my name & prove who I am. I'm still dealing with it 3 years later. And what come back has there been for the cunts that deliberately ran up debt in my name? Nothing, no punishment, fuck all. Even though they've done it to several others, putting us all through hell, they get away with it.

Skanky Flaps & Crawl are everything that's wrong with the world. And I 100% agree with your description of them. They're pure scum 😡
Thank you, sometimes I feel like how dare I whinge, when so many are going through much harder times, it just isn't fair and it makes me so angry for myself and others.
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They have fingers in all the pies....must have money coming in left, right and does she so blatantly get away with it? Not paying any money back. I just don’t get it.... 😕
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Oh here we go, there’s been FOUR kidnap threats. She’s had them ‘pretty bad’.

There’s only me and DC16 watching it, going by the lack of fucks given on Twitter
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I haven’t posted on this thread for ages because she was just doing my head in and nothing ever changed with her nor was she ever challenged on anything. But good on you lot on here for doing your damndest now. Kudos to you all 👏👏But I just popped on to comment on this.
WHO in the name of fuck would want to kidnap Madam Tits ‘n Lips? Not just one person or group of persons but FOUR seperate ones!
And more importantly, why? What would they want with her? No one’s going to pay any big money for her. She’d be no good as a servant. You’d need to have pretty low standards to keep her as a sex slave 😱😳
So for the life of me I can’t think of a reason for anyone to go to the bother.
Maybe she has some twisted fantasy of being kidnapped and her latest rentaprick knuckle dragger racing to her rescue in one of his * luxury cars *😏 and selling the story of his gallant rescue to the highest bidder.
It’s the love story of the century dontcha know.
Or maybe she’s just a fucking head case 🤷🏻‍♀️
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I'm home, showered, had my maccy cheese and a magnum, just caught up with today's load of TAT!

Well done DC16 for enduring Steph's packed Lunch, take a hug out of petty cash. 🤭
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Bee kind

Active member
Tut tut Backgrid you didn't do a good job of her lumpy bumpy cellulite legs here did you?
I'm assuming this pointless non story was when she had Jett on her knee maybe? Trying to portray a nice normal family shopping trip. My local Tesco prefers 1 person from the household & no kids unless you have no alternative.
Why on earth does he insist on carrying his little wash bag everywhere and what does he keep in it cause his phone is in his pocket, 🔔end


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Couple of Blue observations on Pwicey current Instasham Stories.

1. Have you seen her Prep Kitchen Sausage and Mash lunch? It looks like something my dog has puked up, plus half the plastic film is still on the tray covered in condensation from the microwave. And she has the cheek to sign up to Masterchef! The tramp couldn't even be bothered to put it on a plate. Reminds me of someone I went to university with who couldn't be arsed to wash up so bought job lots of paper plates and plastic cutlery which went straight in the bin. I digress!

2. In Clearblue Coles car. What in the hell is 'Womens International Day?' Couldn't even get that right with her wig on all wonky. Then went on to say in support IWD 30% off her JJY range! Unbelievable!

3. More staggeringly unbelieveable is her wearing that IWD t-shirt supporting women when days prior she trolled, bullied and harassed that women from Colab and called her a 'fame hungrey whore'.
With a dirty tea towel on her lap under it.
How do her wigs get in a state so quickly? Obviously can’t be bothered to brush it and has probably always relied on a daily hairdresser.
Whatever the occasion, you can rely on her to be selling something 😔 here’s a reminder of some of the Masterchef worthy culinary delights we have seen...


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