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It's on Stiffs munch box tomorrow 🤬 I know many(inc me)fired off emails regarding this however I believe there are many others who although not happy didn't send complaints in believing others would( if you get my drift) a bit like the petitions re her animal abuse, loads of people signed initially but then it waned, not sure what the total is now 🤔
I sent a complaint into C4 which they responded to.

They defended using Pwicey as a roving reporter and said she was especially relevent on the subject of trolling as she has so much experience of it. Not sure if they meant being on the receiving end or being one of the biggest trolls out there. I sent them back a response but have heard naff all back.

I'm now getting really angry about how, dispite her completely anti-social and unacceptable behaviour to others, her kids, the law, creditors etc, she is still getting press coverage and clearly making money.

Icing on this particular shite cake is her appearing on a Mothers Day Special of Loose Women on Friday talking about her relationship with Harvey and being a hands on mum to 5 kids. Homeschooling etc!!!!

Beggars belief!!!
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Crikey her face resembles my front garden after it’s been dug up by the local badger population looking for grubs to eat! 🤣.

If this is what she looks like without all the filters it makes you wonder whether ClearBlue has been hypnotised, like in the film Shallow Hal, so that no matter how rough she looks, she is beautiful in his eyes!! What state must she look first thing in the morning with no makeup or filters!!🤢
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And it’s in the Scum 😡
Perhaps it should be to see that she is a nasty bully on a disabled boy..I’m sure they won’t like it..
perhaps also posting her filthy photos of her rubbin her big huge dimensions in Harvey’s face.That is abuse.
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Just want to reiterate no one gets paid when there's comments on articles. Daily mail or The Sun. That's not how it works
Is there anyway on the Sun KP can moderate the comments, or is this done by an outsource, are people reading too much into the thought that she can control the comments. Do you know if they comment on their own stories under different names, or troll their own accounts so they can make more publicity for themselves?
How long ago did Carl see Fern?
and as you can see from the photo of Harvey going back to residential the other day, he clearly wasn’t slimmer like the photo in the new Born Anxious clothing range, why don’t journalists comment on this....? Thanks as always for your insight.
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I believe the kidnap attempts, they kidnapped Shergar , easy to see why people could get confused between the two of them
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@DC16 I'm with you on this, I was in 2 minds whether to write it or not that's why i put ( Harvey has drawn mummy a beautiful picture wanting her to have a sleep with him 🤔 thinking face )
Im sorry guys some of you might hate me and fall out with me for this but he is 18,yes he has a lot of mental issues but he is a young man now and she keeps preaching that and how much he needs to become an adult.
The sleeping in bed together should have stopped a long time ago, quick cuddles yes but this, just NO its wrong!
Also letting him walk around the house with no pants on, yes I've heard his condition makes him want to take his clothes off but I'm sorry it should have been drummed into him to at least wear pants or joggy's especially with 2 younger sisters
NO i am not blaming Harvey i am blaming her!
Why would we fall out with you for that lovely? I totally agree, every child needs to be taught to respect their own intimate privacy and that of others too. She at times is overtly 'sexual' around H if I'm honest, lip kissing, cuddling up to him half naked etc. For a young man with his difficulties he will not understand sexual boundaries and appropriateness, poor boy. 😔
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Hi everyone,
Brand new on here , I’m also a regular on the Sun comment section and have spoke to many of you on the comment section over the last year . I originally used my name ( stupidly ) then got blocked but came back as Mercedes . I’m absolutely sick to the back teeth of all her lies and fraudulent ways . I have , like a lot on here have done loads of emails and reporting behind the scenes lol . Lovely to be on here .
Hello you! 😘 finally got you here 🥳 you won’t get deleted or ghosted here. X
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Chatty Member
Oh crap.. the insurance companies are shit hot on the fraud and I’ve seen someone jailed for something very similar. He’s gonna be really lucky to get away with it.
Ive really felt for him recently with all the bullying he's had and his autism diagnosis then this comes out, he's a stupid sod, especially so close to having his baby girl after all the fertility problems
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Chatty Member
Good morning Tattlers,(or is it) 🤣 im hanging,damn vodka,i really should get some of them things that pour the appropriate measures rather than having double whammy shots 🤮
It was one of them this morning, woke up grab the phone and check who i drunk texted with on eye 😂 just the brother so not so bad
Mother phoned at 9am and said are you still going shopping for me today 😏 (sorry mum ive got the cold) 🤥 ffs i still cant walk straight let alone drive
Anyway i hope you all have a great day,i'll pop back on later after ive removed my head from the sick bowl xx
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She’s on packed lunch right now. The absolute state of it and she can’t even speak properly, it’s embarrassing. Slurring her words and constantly licking her lips.

She up next talking about making trolls take account for their crimes. She can start with herself and carwash then. Nerve of the cow.
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Pink Squirrel

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My prayers and best wishes for recovery. May God bless you

I agree but she wouldn't smear the stuff over herself, she would do that to someone helpless, like perhaps Harvey..?

Again, I feel like perhaps I am from an outdated generation -and I am really not that old - but I would be ashamed to be photographed wearing a track suit, especially if I knew that the photographers were going to be there!!

Believe that they would bring her back with a sack full of money 💰just to be rid of her

I wanted to say that this thread is why I came to Tattle. Tattle has helped to get through lockdown and has been a blessing. I followed some other threads including Meghan and Harry and they exploded, with threads not even lasting one day, and it was impossible to keep up. I have my opinions about that and other things and step away from the other threads, except here and one other.
@Cloud Chaser @Fifthavenue @Pink Squirrel @265 and @Bigblue and so many others thank you so much!

I apologize in advance about setting a wildfire, but here it goes:
Before I even start, because I am not in the UK, I request that the date is beyond December -maybe even no masks? How about a Tattler Klattie and Kawrl Convention or meeting if you will???
@nomorefakers it's lovely to read that tattle has been a positive lockdown distraction. I also find it helps me. It makes me laugh & it's also somewhere I can have a good rant.
There are some lovely people here. Everyone is made welcome.
I think your idea of a convention is brilliant 😂. Everyone attending could dress as Skanky Flaps or Crawl 🤣

The queen (Katie) of anti troll movement, body shames, face shames, calls them whores etc etc and Crawl who threatens women, these two are still allowed air space...fkn pair of lying, scamming trolling despicable disgusting lowlifes, the media is their whore, filthy money grubbing lying filth will back this foulness all for the money. I am in my own legal battle atm with a piece of scum like them and their ilk, the truth means nothing, the truth makes you weak because the scum always seem to win..I have had enough.

The reason I despise her so much is she represents the a**holes I am battling, and she is them and lies and cheats and gets supported for being a lying piece of filth while I get run into the fkn dirt for speaking the truth...I am projecting my anger hurt and pain on her...I don't even know her but she represents what is so fk'd up in this world. Sorry rant over, just so fkn tired of people like them always getting away with being C***t's and hurting other's.
Don't apologise my lovely. And rant away as much as you like & as often as you like.
I'm sorry to read you're having a difficult time. I totally agree with you that the wrongdoers get all the protection & the victims suffer.
I have been a victim of identity theft. I have suffered mentally & spent 100's of hours trying to clear my name & prove who I am. I'm still dealing with it 3 years later. And what come back has there been for the cunts that deliberately ran up debt in my name? Nothing, no punishment, fuck all. Even though they've done it to several others, putting us all through hell, they get away with it.

Skanky Flaps & Crawl are everything that's wrong with the world. And I 100% agree with your description of them. They're pure scum 😡
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Bloody love Alan Partridge, absolute genius 🤣.

@BigBlue2018 Thanks for volunteering for Loose Women. I just can't do it today. I'm stressed enough.

Plasterer's are currently putting me a kitchen ceiling in. My kitchen is covered in plastic & resembles a scene from CSI 🤣. Plaster dust & lots of noise. But they're happy with the coffee cakes with toffee latte frosting I made for them 😊. All contractors love coming here because I always bake them cakes. The last time the plasterer's came out was a Sunday so they got a roast chicken dinner 😂. Gotta look after the workers. And they've all been bloody brilliant with the kids, especially the 2 with additional needs.
My advice would be DO NOT RENOVATE A HOUSE WHILST YOU'RE LIVING IN IT, DURING A PANDEMIC, DURING LOCKDOWN, WITH 4 KIDS AT HOME (2 additional needs, 1 mental health), 3 DOGS (2 large, 1 huge) & 2 CAT'S.
@Facehugger if you ever need recommendations for good local tradespeople just ask 🤣

I have had some truly dark days & you lovely lot have certainly helped cheer me up.

I think I get so bloody wound up by Skanky Flaps because so many of us here are genuinely fighting battles, often with little or no support. And she fucking carries on peddling the hard done by bullshit in every aspect of her fucking existence. It's wrong. It's insulting to the disabled. It's insulting to carers. It's insulting to those who suffer with mental health. It's insulting to those who pay their bills. It's insulting to those who have homeschooled their kids. It's insulting to those who have stuck to the lockdown rules. It's insulting to all those who don't break driving rules. I could go on & on & on. But I won't because my blood pressure is rising. She is a cunt THE END
Sending love.

Well gl with the Velar - it is very over-rated - we had one for a week when the Evoque was having fit!

Is mega impressed <bows and scrapes>. I wouldn't like to guess but am surprised you haven't written a series feating Klatty et al (who is al). Obviously you would have to disguise her heavily with wigs, plastic surgery, fillers, false nails, etc. I'm not gonna guess. I love situation comedy like 2 Doors Down and Benidorm though...
You know Liar, I'm sorely tempted to collate my rambing together into a story about a reality star! People will be guessing who it is!

NEWS FLASH! I'm watching 'Loose Women' and absolutely no mention of Skankey being on even though they promoted it earlier in the week! Has she been binned?????

NEWS FLASH! I'm watching 'Loose Women' and absolutely no mention of Skankey being on even though they promoted it earlier in the week! Has she been binned?????
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Wonder where he picked up that parking ticket, Pricey been giving him pointers 🤔

and free balloons for mummy... so breaking lockdown AGAIN
Why does he have to show what he got her for Mother’s Day? Who gives a toss. Such a twat
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This is sweet.:)

Happy Mother’s Day to this absolutely incredible person. Thank you for everything you do for jett and bunny. I am so lucky to have met you. Your an amazing mother to valentino and a great role model for all three children. We make an incredible team and so proud to call us a family. ❤My fiancée Michelle I love you. Hope you have the best day. #mothersday #rolemodel #motheringsunday #blendedfamily
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So came across the article of her going to court after shouting cunt across a school yard. She really has no respect for our justice system does she. How can she always get away with not turning up for things 🤬View attachment 482811
She wants 4 more kids cause she loves being a mother and she wants trolls tracked she better start with herself, how many kids were affected mentally by her vile attack in front of them, how many people has she abused verbally mentally and physically or threatened too. What a vile creature she is.
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