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Chatty Member
@Emeline i soooooooo must be. Get a hairy dog down u, stop letting the side down 🙄 🍷🤣

RIGHT, so clearly there is a loophole in the whole ‘bankruptcy’ shite, as we’ve seen countless slebs do it, Kerry katona etc. Being the great detectives we are, we need to figure our ‘double back loophole’. Any solicitor tattlers amongst us to point us in the right direction of the info we need to stop this sneaky bastard shite 🤬👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
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Pink Squirrel

VIP Member
I must have missed this one. '' Katie is joining Harvey as an Ambassador for our Charity. She loves the work of our charity and wants to help Harvey raise awareness about trolling through Harvey's Law and our Give us a Break Anti bullying Campaign.''

Ambassador for an anti bullying campaign. KP of all people.

That's it, I fucking give up 🤦. I shan't be using her website anymore now.
I swear if Skanky Flaps turns up as a speaker at the next Autism Awareness show after lockdown, I'll chuck rotten eggs at her 😡.
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Chatty Member
@Pom Bear i LOVE the rondseal pommy just brilliant 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣♥♥♥♥

God she is boring me to death atm, I have tissues for when my eyes leak blood ☹. Girls night in? Why the fuck would u want to sit and listen to that balling at you. CARL fuck off aswell, you are not in a 15-16yr old relationship. My fella couldn’t think of anything worse when I’m on FaceTime to my girls cackling. He sneaks past like scream with his hood up on his dressing gown, we all laugh when he does it as he looks like he’s gonna stab me(prob would like to after the red wines I’ve sunk doing our quiz 😂) Why is she pushing the ‘cap of tee’ narrative aswell? Does she think now, at the age of 42, that will undo the years of coke and alcohol? Oh yeh Kate, ur an innocent tea drinker now, we’ve all forgotten that. Bore the fuck off, get a job and stop trying desperately to be important. U couldn’t give a flying fuck about a petition, u want ur face in the middle of it, that’s all! The sooner these deluded people this the better.
Has she just done one girls night in? =£1k. Let’s keep counting for our friends that need this!

HAPPY FRIDAY 🎉🥳🎊🎈🎁 bastard tattlers. To the guys that are struggling, hang on in there and I’m sending healing hugs to u all ♥♥♥♥♥♥
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Just sent another email to Cannel 4 , I wrote one previously about Steph’s packed lunch also , but added into it this weekend story about Debbie Sugrue and Madge owing her £40,000 and her foul mouth rant . I stated it was unprofessional and she most definitely was not an advocate for a family show amongst other things .I also told them I was reporting them to Ofcom . Let’s see what response I get .
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Not a hint her feet hurt in Fern’s little videos.


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First thing I do relaxing after work is catch up on here, my guilty pleasure, seen a bit about trolls etc,
Nobody on here is a Troll, that thing thinks anybody who criticises her is a Troll, (or a W**nkr as she so politely put it) We are just people who don’t like bloody liars or chancers, She puts herself in our faces every day talking shit, so we are allowed to call her out, as I have learnt Tattlers are nobody’s mugs
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That clip is disgusting. He's distressed because he's rocking. Probably worried about getting the forced speech wrong. And at the end he's clearly confused as she's got him rabbiting on about signing as in written signature & Harvey clearly thinks she means signing as in sign language/Makaton because that's what he's doing at the end. She's evil 😡

How long before this makes its way to The Scum?
And it’s in the Scum 😡


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liar liar

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I'm genuinely disgusted at the BBC for giving her air time. It takes no effort whatsoever to bring up multiple articles of her cuntish behaviour. In my honest opinion they have just dropped their credibility down to the level of The Scum. I really expect better of the BBC. I didn't watch it & have no intention of doing so. I've had a quick look at Twitter & there's not many positive comments.

I do hope many people let the BBC know how they feel 😁

She's such a deluded mental case that she probably thinks everyone has adored seeing her on TV. And that she's loved by all. Errrr, no....shut up & go away because nobody gives a shit at your pathetic attempts to stay relevant!

She won't have time to follow up this petition rubbish anyway when she replaces her current children with the new really special ones. Actually saying that about your own children is disgusting. She couldn't be more uncaring & cold if she tried. Absolutely despicable piece of lying, plastic, fake trash 😡

Seriously, if she stopped using her kids & mother for stories what would she have left to market? Absolutely zero, zilch, not a single solitary thing. Nobody gives a flying fudge about her & Crawl. She has absolutely no talent of any kind whatsoever. It's soooo easy to drag up a million articles about her disgusting behaviour & probably impossible to find anything that she's done that's good!

And thus endeth my current rant. I thank you all for reading this far 😘
Perhaps if she just gave up all the crap she might find a level of contentment. She is so hyper all the time. She could retrain as a riding teacher for disabled and special needs kids and do something useful for the rest of her life. Give something back to this world like most of us do. She can't even Bee Kind to anyone without beeing paid for it ... I have to find something to punch ... 🥊
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liar liar

VIP Member
Think I forgot this trolling insult to add to the list the other day (this was the woman Carl was with in Sheesh, the first time) shall we send all these insults to this MP?
Practice what your preach you hideous trolling moron - that's my reply to her. Yes send it all but is he now dealing with it as I'm sure I've seen that post before and he may have distanced himself from her by now...

I hope she goes back to her old ways when Sheesh is open and BullyBoy dumps her
She will - you can't teach an old dog new tricks. Rinse repeat. 'E woz usin' me for fame. He had a willy like a baked bean. I no stuff about him. He better shut it. I bin in the Priory again. I'm stronger than ever. The Pwicey is back hic.'
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Bee kind

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She’s still saying ‘my law, Harvey’s law’ she can’t call it that because it already exists fgs
My mom came home for lunch and asked: “what is this?” (Referring to the program) and “what is that?” (Referring to the helmet head) 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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I wonder, did he do it because that skanky bitch still owes him money & he's skint? IVF isn't cheap either - not making excuses for him, just thinking out loud.
Not making excuses for him either but how come she gets away with all the stuff she’s done/doing/not paid and potentially this is going to be a bad outcome for him?
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Pink Squirrel

VIP Member
I officially became a pensioner today so to mark the occasion I'm gonna put on my national health syrup and copy Krusty's beautifully precisioned brows with my sharpie in readiness for my WhatsApp call with my kids 😉 they are in for a shock 🤣
🎵🎶 Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Monsieur Crumbleeeeeeee, happy birthday to you 🎵🎶🎁🎂🎉🍾🍹
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I wonder what her agency have managed to rent her or will Cole's poor father have to stump up a freebie for the dreadful driver?
Worst driver than me (I must point out I've not been banned or have any driving offences or points, just not a good driver).

My son sends me the attached picture of me and Dudley our dog in my mini when he wants picking up even though he's got his own car. Just can't be arsed driving it!

Confession, I do have a massive urge to drive through road cones like Alan Partridge, 'Ah Ha'.

Off to prepare for the 'Loose Women' interview with Pwicey crapping on about Harvey and being a hands on mother of 5.
Bajan Mount Gay Rum here I come. Might just cut out the middle man and inject it directly into my cranium.


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I can't stand that Fern.

She has the most diabolical language for a young women, every other word is 'fuck, fucking, fuckers'. She called her mum, on Mothers Day, a 'fucking whore' and then went on to talk about 'blow jobs' with her, WTAF???? Her mum seemed to think this was funny. If my son (don't have a daughter) spoke to me using that language I'd be distraught.

Fern then slagged off people who said it was inappropriate to speak to her mother like that. She just said in her eloquent way 'fuck off, my parents are proud of me' and blew a raspberry at the camera.

She is awful, I don't know why anyone, other than Pwicey (who won't pay anyway and likes looking like a pantomine dame), would use her. She is now advertising bridal make up. In her words 'fucking hell' the groom would be running for the hills!

Absolutely disgrace.
None of our kids would speak to us, or anyone else, like that because they've been brought up properly not dragged up. My son wouldn't use those words to anybody, ever, let alone his own mother. 😔
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VIP Member
Congratulations to Kieran and Michelle. I would like to be a fly on the wall in KPs house!🤣🤣🤣🤣. I’m waiting for all the digs she will make on social media (obviously she is not a bully or a troll), but she will not be able to contain herself due to jealousy.
Yes congratulations... so that’s her sister, his sister, 2 ex husbands, just her beloved Pete (& Emily) to go with some pregnancy news. 🥳
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