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Pink Squirrel

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Crikey, he clearly wants to be absolutely nowhere near the old sIag does he? His face & body language are screaming "get me away from here". It's really upsetting to see 😢
The pics on his own are completely different.
I'll bet he has fuck all else to do with her all night. He's sensible enough to know that by having that photo with the sIag it'll keep some gossip at bay. Whereas if they'd not been pictured together there would have been a story about it 🙄

She definitely has no nipple's 🤣🤣🤣🤣 stupid vain mangled bitch 😂😂😂😂 off her face & looking like absolute crap 🤣🤣😂😂
Christ on a bike, I'll bet everyone is swerving clear of her tonight. She'll be after pulling anything with a pulse 😂🤣😂🤣 Filthy desperate old tramp 🤢
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I know she’s not that old but I had to ask my kids last year who this KSI person was because my youngest asked to go see him in Dublin, I had never heard of him! Fucks sake skanky let Junior enjoy his night out without worrying if his Mam will embarrass him (well looks like she already has by that photo and her just being there dressed like) poor lad , my child would be mortified if I had of rocked up to KSI with my mates pissed (I had my babies young, im nearly 40 with 3 children, two of which are boys over 18 and I would never go to places they go, leave them to it, its their turn now FFS but no Batnan has to be “down with kids” and thinks shes a “milf”! Delusional selfish skanky bitch.
I used to like KSI but he's been supporting Andrew Tate and he's gone right down in my estimations, my son is 24 and its Andrew Tate this and that, sending me videos from work about him, I have to block him 🤣🤣 but on a serious note my son is not a teenager and is buying into this shit, the amount of heated debates we've had about that tosser Tate is unbelievable, I've told him not to mention him to me again, I said stop being a sheep and think for yourself. Its frustrating as he's just not listening. I could imagine Skanky all over him for his cash!.
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I’m not clued up on the ins and outs … but surely a paramedic needs to be ..

1…a driver

2…pass a drugs test

3… turn up for work

Good luck in your new career Katie pet 🤣🤣🤣
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I just hope that the state of his mother last night shocked the Ali G Blaccent out of Junior because that is REALLY ANNOYING and embarrassing, if he carries on with it he will end up with his own thread on Tattle
Think its Telling that with all the posts junior posted from last night his mother wasn't in any. Poor Kid, how embrassing for him, his mother showing up looking like a right tit
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The most suitable egg for Skank to get together with is Stephen Bear, they’re both as depraved.

Perhaps she can work her usual magic and prevent him being jailed at the end of the month. However although he likes them rough Skank may be too rough even for him, let alone she’s 20 years older than the girls he goes for.
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The Duchess

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I know she’s not that old but I had to ask my kids last year who this KSI person was because my youngest asked to go see him in Dublin, I had never heard of him! Fucks sake skanky let Junior enjoy his night out without worrying if his Mam will embarrass him (well looks like she already has by that photo and her just being there dressed like) poor lad , my child would be mortified if I had of rocked up to KSI with my mates pissed (I had my babies young, im nearly 40 with 3 children, two of which are boys over 18 and I would never go to places they go, leave them to it, its their turn now FFS but no Batnan has to be “down with kids” and thinks shes a “milf”! Delusional selfish skanky bitch.
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OMFG, those pictures of her getting in the taxi. CRINGE. Jordan is officially back.
Can someone let SB know about the pictures 🙏🤣🤣🤣
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Her poor son must be mortified, how wasted is she
One day very VERY soon , it isn’t going to wake up - I predict it will be this year .

The state of it . Physically , mentally .

The family will blame , moan ( not like in searching a tampon way), bitch. The public will be relieved for the most part .
Some bleeding heart snowflakes will say it was misunderstood , lost , heartbroken etc etc.
And the rest of us will roll our eyes & say it was always going to happen .
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Stan Butler

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You've got to laugh,,,poor junior been on a wonderful looking family holiday no drama enjoying a good family atmosphere then soon as he lands back in the UK he hits the shit storm that is skank and her latest embarrassing episode. 🤪🤪🤪
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Late to the party,as I was lurking elsewhere.Poor Junior.It’s difficult to get down with the yoof when some old scrag is hanging off you like a bucket of chips.Then you realise that it’s your mother.
What, I repeat what, was KP thinking.
In what universe did she consider this sexy( doesn’t need male validation. Aye right).
So her take on sartorial elegance is baldy longjohns and masking tape on her tits? On the plus side it distracted from her face.
I’m not talking about the surgery, I’m talking about the state of her.
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Oooh that's so cool that you guys speak outside of Tattle. One day, I think we all will have a real life meet up... when skanky goes to prison! We can party outside it 🤣
But I love how you let Angelic spill the tea, I know people that blurt things out because they want to be the first to tell. In fact didn't skanky announce Boyson and Bianca were dating just to get in there first and break the news before they got a chance to do it? At least this time, the news was about skanky 🤣
I speak to several tattlers! 🤭
Glad she told you lot quickly as I was bursting 😂😂 #tampongate
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Oh boy I picked the wrong day yesterday to not check in on Tattle didn't I? Woke up this morning to find I'm 29 pages behind so figured something had happened! She really must be desperate if that's the level she is sinking to these days, a quick fingering from your supposed mate's fella while she is in the same house! Like Stan I also wonder if Kieran's CCTV posts are a sly jibe at this story, if so well played Kieran! I doubt the red tops will pick this story up, it's a bit too disgusting even for them.
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She’s the gift that keeps on giving. She needs some drama in the next 2/3 weeks…BH looming 🙄
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There is NOTHING attractive about Kipper ... She is just a loud, uncouth, badly dressed, ugly mess with an awful figure, lumpy face, terrible hair and an interesting odour
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Still 28st. 21 this year, Harvey wants to celebrate in a nightclub.

Going on about being criticised for being in bed with Harvey. The college don't do it.

Still saying she hopes Harvey dies before her.
That, right there, shows she's a complete narcissistic psychopath and by this point I truly don't think she even loves her children beyond them being an extension of herself. It is INCONCEIVABLE to her that Harvey can be happy without her. That's patently incorrect. And the other thing about this is no normal loving parent can comprehend, imagine, or in any way handle the thought of their child dying before them. Let alone actively want that to happen, and voice it. She is absolutely and categorically a psychopath.
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