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Hampshire Hog

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Good afternoon you lovely lot 😘 hope you are all keeping safe and warm.

Well just when you think it can’t sink any lower it does. 🤢 Her antics have kept me amused and my fellow krusties comments and observations have kept me laughing best thing for MH is laughter.

I have thought about her BH coming up andI have come to the decision that I have gone past caring about her getting her just deserts, because her behaviours have certainly made people think about having her on any meaningful tv shows. Long may it continue.

Also I think her age is something she can’t deal with hence all the surgery, unfortunately you can’t change the numbers.

Happy Saturday 😘
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Stan Butler

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Sorry about this but a very nasty and vomit inducing thought skanky had that rancid bloodied dressing on her ankle for a week how long had the tampon been in its cavern before she sent the rescue party in. 🤮🤮🤮
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Snap. Just said the same thing. Her behaviour is disturbing and is recorded time and time again. She carried out revenge porn, she's shoved objects up herself in public, she's exposed herself on various other occasions. I suppose she's a woman though so the media ignore it?
I’ve said the same before. She absolutely is a pervert. She should be on the sex offender’s register in my opinion.
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Sounds like she said he is filming a 3rd Harvey programme in that interview.
I think I am going to fire up the rocket now 😝.
Why, dear gawd why, would there be yet another Harvey programme?
This brings nothing to the table.It does NOTHING.It does not shine a light on mothers coping and fighting for their autistic child.
It’s Pwicey pwopoganda, pure and simple.
“ Gotta Love Harv”
No, no I bloody don’t.What I gotta do, is expect his human rights to be upheld, I gotta support his inclusion in society and respect and support his primary careers.I gotta defend him if he is exploited.There must be boundaries.
He is not a circus.A foul mouthed obese teenager is not to be celebrated as entertainment.He is not cute, he is not nightclub fodder. I do not find him prodded into swearing as funny.
I am putting this very badly, and am more than happy to be corrected by the Mums on here who cope/fight for/ live with children with special needs.But I And sick of her wheeling out Harvey for her own ends.
But, tbf to KP.The media want her to do this.So muvver of the year is going to exploit it for coin.

I knew only because Angelic had told me away from Tattle, wanted her to say, as it was her tea, not really mine! 😘
Ooooooo.I love the idea that some of us are chums in real life.
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Harvey is entitled to full time education until he’s 25 if he’s got an EHCP, so he won’t be ‘coming home’ any time soon. You get an annual review every year and any changes to placements, care plan etc. get discussed then and the EHCP gets amended.
And before he went to that college he was in a house on his own with residential carers as soon as he turned 18 and she could get the local authority to pay for it. He won’t be living in her annexe. She couldn’t wait to get rid of him.
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pepe le pew

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There are, in our culture, ‘markers of success’ for people, especially narcissists in the media world.

For men. The car, the watch, the house, the woman, the shoes and clothing. They need to be seen to be successful.
with women. It’s beauty, youth, fertility, sexuality (whore in the bedroom goddess in the kitchen)

Price is past it. Look at how fast those young men made a beeline to her, then away from her. Up close there are no filters. If that was my mum, I doubt I would leave the house.
She was definately egg shopping last night.

Did anyone else notice how she was almost refuelling on being the centre of attention. She looked like she was filling up with happiness. It’s a sad life. I’m glad I’m not her.
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To add to my other reply, this quote by Kipper in the linked article (lifted from the radio interview) really gets my goat:

"She said: "Harvey is a big baby. At college they are not allowed to cuddle and touch him or anything. When he’s here, he just wants to hold my hand, stroke my hair, give me kisses. I don’t care what anyone says, they can think what they like." "

Just stop Katie. This abhorrent infantilism of your adult son is gross and damaging not only to Harvey but to other disabled people. Especially those who have learning disabilities.
Although Harvey may have extra needs which mean he's emotionally functioning as a much younger person, he's still an adult and your fricking job is to ensure that you help him to develop to his full potential and advocate for him. Saying he's a "big baby" in a literal sense is opening up people with learning disabilities to being abused by people around them. When people are less likely to reach their full potential as they've been written off by their mother!!!
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On that interview the feet story is now:
She was galloping like a horse over a bush and then the drop was 20ft into an underground carpark, was in a wheelchair TEN MONTHS. FUCK RIGHT OFF WITH YOUR BULLSHIT!!!!
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Does Harvey really have a 'girlfriend' in the way she means it, or a 'a platonic friend who happens to be a girl'. KP obsessed with sex and smut so I can see her exaggerating what might just be a friendship.
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Brah Day Izit?

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The Pwicey is out tonight
What the fuck - I have so many questions - the face? (I seem to remember my dear old Mum saying don't pull that face, the wind will change, and it will stay with you forever. Then we need to talk about the plasters on the potentially missing nipples - is this a new trend no one knows about yet?

She looks off her tits (no pun intended)
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Skanky is there as a speaker given a talk one skank show 🤔🤣🤣🤣 not on the debating team. Yet She joins the gems of other speakers John bercow, rylan and some guy called Russ 🤣🤣 a speaker workshop..even can ask questions ..wonder if the Cambridge lot dare ask the questions the press refuse to publish
Given that she can barely string a sentence together I doubt she will make much of an impression - she has no personality, no character - she’s just a nasty, washed up old addict.
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