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Katie Price #241 All the 'gear' and no idea, embarrassed her boy and showed her rear.

I know it's early but I'm cooking again! 🤣🤣
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Pom Bear

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I'm on the last thread up to page 42 😀 x.
I be on later tonight to do more catching up 😄 x ....

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Well done @animalcrackers for a great thread title 😂


It’s been an interesting 24 hours 😂😂 I’ll leave the recap for someone else but here goes!!!

link to previous thread

Thanks to @Angelic37 for spilling the best yet most disgusting tea we’ve had in a long while…. Proving that the Skank really is a vile cretin 🤮


I’m cracking up at myself. I said I was sitting having red wine at my local… it wasn’t even supposed to be a joke linked the the latest revelation … it’s the actual truth 😂
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So Ms Price what can you bring to the role for your paramedic training…?
Driving offences ✅
Poorly feet ✅
Massive boobs ✅
Admits she can’t concentrate ✅
Can’t listen or take advice ✅
Admits she can’t fill out forms ✅
Druggie ✅
Calls her own son disgusting names ✅
Needs weekly hair and nail appointments ✅
Needs weekly therapy for her MH✅
Needs time to do her volunteering at the local food bank ✅
Needs to care for 5 kids and do the school run ✅
Needs a monthly holiday ✅
Needs to do pap shots ✅
Needs to be inappropriate with her best friends b/f ✅
Needs to ride her six horses ✅
Needs to take her x amount of dogs for a walk/s ✅
Needs to fit in all her cosmetic procedures ✅
Needs to break multiple ROs ✅
Needs to chase after any bloke with a heartbeat who looks her way ✅
Needs to run all her businesses ✅
Needs to train as a life coach ✅
Needs to open her care agency ✅
Needs to pay her bills ✅
Good luck with the interview Katie 😉
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The more I look at those photos last night the more I see someone facing their end of days, she looks absolutely wasted every time she’s out now and she was really on it last night. Skank honestly believes at 44 she’s competing with the 20 somethings on the scene, sadly for her she just looks like the faded has-been she is, complete with a grotesque plastic body. She thinks that those lads love her, they don’t, they are laughing at her, just want a photo to take the piss about later with their mates, feel for Junior, he will know this, his mum is a joke figure now, she’s no glamour model anymore, just a woman who refuses to accept her age, and the constant surgery has made her look even older.

When you are in your 20s you can party all night, you can drink and take drugs to excess, and usually the worst that will happen is a hangover from hell. Skank is living that life at 44, I think it’s a given she’s taking ❄❄❄❄❄ regularly at home as well, on top of all the pain meds she takes, Skank Is looking at an OD, stroke or heart-attack waiting for her now, she’s not indestructible, just takes one lethal combination and voila. I’m surprised it hasn’t happened already to be honest. I said at the beginning of the year she had 25% chance of making it through 2023, think the odds are worsening on that now, reckon the BH will not go well for her and consequences will be severe, she will spiral further out of control, she won’t cope. She will become increasingly desperate and manic, using more to blank out reality. She won’t be around much longer, grim reaper is knocking on her door now and looks like he won’t be waiting long.

Have to add I’m dismayed she still has custody of the little ones. Sorry this is now a complete failure from SS, those children are suffering, where is their safeguarding, their welfare, emotional and educational needs are being severely damaged under her ‘supervision and care‘. Taken from a safe family home where it always seemed they were loved and happy, to the care of a women who is a wreck and has zero ability to parent in any meaningful way, it’s beyond belief. This isn’t just useless by SS it’s bloody neglect, and they are failing those kids terribly. It’s always the same, if anything happens, it will be lessons learned bs yet again, bloody pathetic, it’s clear she is not fit to care for them. Just makes me so sad this is still being allowed, those kids are being so damaged, it’s dreadful knowing it’s not been stopped😞
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Skanky at the boxing match means she was egg-hunting. I have some very old tea. Nothing like @Angelic37's one.
My brothers friend worked in security and him and his colleagues said that skanky was desperate at the time to be with a boxer or a UFC fighter. I can't remember if this was before or after Alex Reid.
He said she started "love bombing" Amir Khan. Telling him how amazing he was, how good looking, how talented etc.
She turned up at an event that he was at and despite him being so young at the time and flattered, he turned her down and she was furious.
But he then made a point of telling everyone how great she was as a friend as she started appearing unhinged and he didn't want to make an enemy out of her.
Apparently she was obsessed but luckily for him, she soon found another egg 🤣
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So ... this is my take on what's going on with Kipper and last nights appearance
Kipper has been posting throw back pics with known people from her 'glory days' ... in an effort to remind media of how successful she was once upon a time.
She has repeatedly failed to get a new reality TV show on mainstream tv, no ITV interviews now because she went too far with her SA lies, Harvey has failed to launch as a zleb and there are no more documentaries planned about him, her recent TV contract ended without renewal, she is on the beg for Instasham representative jobs and will rep any brand (however unknown), OF has not taken off for her (certainly is not providing the income she hoped for) and even OFTV wouldn't take her on for a reality TV series so she was reduced to pretending they had and paying herself £250k from her hidden stash or laundered funds, she has since found out that she cannot film J&B as part of her 'reality show' and put it on OF even if KH agreed, so, she is now rebooting her failed YouTube channel to do that instead. She has very few work offers on the table and will even sit there for £50 and a few drinks having free hair extensions fitted in a back street salon in front of a small audience.
So, the recent throwback pics are supposed to remind people where she started ... she is going back to the start, rinse & repeat of the page 3 bimbo turning up to the opening of an envelope in a revealing outfit thinking she will get her old glamour modelling days back, get media and public interest again, be front page in the mags again, get back on reality TV and 'rebuild her empire' ... she turned up last night knowing her son would be there with his mates, but, that was irrelevant - she dressed like that because it was what Jordan would have done and its all about getting her career back ... the thing is she is deluded ... because she is not a 25yr old pretty, sexy girl ... she is almost 45, looks older due to awful surgery and is just a freak side show embarrassment ... its pathetic, but, I think that she really believes this is the way back to her past success ... it started at Xmas with the santa slut walk pictures ... sexual activity with her younger prettier OF model friends fella was part of proving that she has still 'got it' ... she hasn't, she can't even score a new egg beyond being a notch on several belts ... she doesn't want Carol, but, she clearly can't find a replacement so wont let him go until she does and the moron will probably go along with it ... I expect more and more of these appearances and stories of desperation as she continues to circle the zleb drain, which we Tattlers will enjoy frankly.
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when angelic said she had tea and would spill later,you said you would confirm if she did,she spilt tea about tampongate then,i didnt notice if you confirmed it or not as the thread ran so quickly after. if you knew about it why didnt you tell us first ? and if you didnt know about it,what is it you thought she was going to tell ? i understand you cant tell us everything,because it may identify you, but if possible,can you give us a bit more tea please ?

she would want paying
Because it was Angelic's tea to tell, I was just backing it up as genuine, as I had seen the screenshots from her source, (I like to think people trust me on here)... and it was for #tampongate
No more tea at the present, sadly.
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Stan Butler

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Quick recap.
Boring boring boring for 40 pages then KaBOOM holy shit batnan 💥💥 skank always playing the bastard men cheat on me card got outed as the cheater,, seems old droopy draws and sink boy didn't split skank was keeping her eggs in one basket and her bestie mates egg gave skank the finger (literally) trying to retrieve a tampon but in true skank fashion there wasn't anything sexual about it he was doing her a favour while skanky laid back moaned and groaned and thought of England.🤪🤮
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Pink Squirrel

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Video from last night. Obviously off her face
She is grabbing random people who happen to be near her & trying to make out that they're just desperate for a pic with her 🤷🤦 there's 1, maybe 2 who do. But the rest have no idea what's going on. And probably no idea who she even is 🥴

Are there anymore pics of J from last night anywhere? Has he commented/posted anything about last night? I do not believe for 1 single second that she took him (according to the Mirror). Other than the forced press pic I've seen noing else. I would imagine he was there in some capacity to raise his profile as a musician. It would look good to be seen amongst other social media/reality TV types. But sadly for him, his sIag of a mother has pissed all over that & made it all about her as usual. She is a fucking disgusting piece of shit 🤬
That pic from last night has really upset me. J has very clearly, for some time, distanced himself from her. He's only been seen with her at family occasions. The difference in pictures at public events is astonishing. We've seen many pics where he's happy & proud to be pictured with dad, Emily & P at events. Last night's pic with his "mother" showed a young man who was ashamed, embarrassed, uncomfortable, wanting absolutely no association with IT.
She either A) knew he'd be there & still chose to dress & behave like she did. B) didn't know he'd be there & still chose to dress & behave like she did. I'm fairly sure she'd have had the opportunity to cover up somehow to save him the obvious embarrassment. Did she? No she didn't! At the very least she could've changed her behaviour. Did she? No she didn't.

I don't doubt that all her children will be in therapy for life as a direct result of her. She is pure trash in every single way.
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Wonder what position she was in when he was trying to ‘remove it’ sorry 🙈 not sorry 😂🤢🤢
One of the below?
Thought I would add a few more, to your impressive selection .... for those who believe, she would give a shit that there's a video of her being fingered, by some creepy desperado trying to find a tampon .... THINK AGAIN 🤢 .... this nasty, vile OLD scrubber .... does NOT do shame 😣


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I completely agree, and it’s getting worse. Any criticism is deemed trolling, dissenting opinions are not welcomed and the press peddle a narrative about most things which runs contrary to reality. There is a lack of research and fact checking is non-existent, probably because the press know how much they themselves lie to create a narrative. Division and hatred is stoked by the press but towards the wrong people.

The internet has provided a platform to people that would otherwise have remained unheard, I heard it described as the “democratisation of criticism”. I’m just grateful Tattle exists so I can excoriate the cunt, I can’t remember who the first person was in The Sun’s comments’ section who mentioned Tattle, but I have to say I’m really grateful to them. It seemed as if they were closing down criticism from the public and protecting her.
Completely agree. This same British press who protected the likes of Saville and max clifford despite knowing exactly what they were like. Holding the likes of Jeremy clarkson and piers Morgan up as ‘the opinions of the British public’

I haven’t bought a newspaper in years. A Sunday times two years ago to read an investigation they were doing. I’ve never even touched The S*n since their disgusting lies about hillsborough.

it was the press in this country who made Katie Price and the likes of her - famous. KFP must have thought her ship had come in when the press stated following her around. She was just a very plain page 3 girl. Not particularly bright but knew if she behaved badly she’d get in the press. The press enabled her. My one wish is that the likes of the s*n, mail, telegraph, etc go out of business and they are purely online. Far more interesting news sources out there who don’t put cunts like KP on a pedestal.

one reason I like tattle is that you shine a light on these cunts.
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