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Now she is showing a clip from when she won Big Brother, (on her stories) touting to get back on tv…. 🙄 think the story about her tv career needs to happen sooner rather than later.
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small town girl

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He looked well and cheerful on the decorations reveal on instagram
There’s a video my friends late other half is in for a well known suicide charity. the last videos of men before they kill themselves. All looking happy, joking around and having fun.
Now I’m not saying he’s suicidal or he even has mental health issue, but just because someone puts on Instagram a video of them smiling looking happy it’s true to real life.
Just because someone puts on Instagram how much they love their step children doesn’t mean behind closed doors things aren't different.
People show on social media what they want people to believe - it’s not real.
Also I have seen at work (in a part of the health service) one child being on a child in need plan but not another. Could be that child on the child in need plan lives with stepdad and other child is biologically related to both adults in the house,
it’s not unheard of. Again doesn’t mean this is the case here.

But what I find uneasy in all of this is how some people are saying well even IF this did happen and Michelle threw a pudding at bunny its understandable, we’ve all shouted at our kids.
There is no way behaviour like this is acceptable. I’ve been a single mum to 2 children for 9 years. I have never done anything like that to my children Age 16 & 11. Massive safeguarding concerns on here I’ve been reading 🥴
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Backgrid pictures of her leaving a hospital again, this time with Harvey
deflection again,advertising the frog clothes (harvey wearing top) and them both standing under a poster that says "no excuse for abuse". her tactics are so obvious, its boring.
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I always,always thought H disability was her re pregnancy drinking etc,I still do it was her that has caused it.
i thought this years ago,never took much notice of her just thought she was drunk old glamour model,never watched her shit shows,well I did round a friends and she was vile to Pete he was cooking.She just kept nagging in that fucking awful gob of hers.
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Fucking hell I’m glad I only view this post on and off and hardly ever comment… the majority of posters are happy with the same thing being said over and over ad infinitum is beyond me! Also people constantly sniping at others. It’s a gossip forum FFS….people are therefore entitled to their own views. Yes I’m sure there are some infiltrators on here but there are also a lot of people who just want to vent. Sometimes it makes me feel people are no better than Skanky cunt the way they behave on here 🤦‍♀️.
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Stan Butler

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Is Sophie still at Pricey Towers might be having a little belated birthday celebration all Sophie had yesterday was a bowl of spaghetti rings with Albert while husband Harry was sniffing coke with skank in the bathroom.
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From the Kieran Hayler thread 12 mins ago. Wow
I do not believe this for one second, if it were true we would know about it and it would have been leaked.
Michelle acting like this would be all Katie's Christmas's at once and she would have made sure the information was leaked.

You would not have CCTV in a child's bedroom, the poster is lying
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i did say they may not be able to post the facts but you can bet the headline would be a SOURCE as told us that a incident took place and they are now under investigation(no way do social services leave kids in the home after one incident report then decide to remove them 5 months later they would have been removed at once if they thought it was bad enough to investigate for 5 months,if it was that bad that they needed removing think of the outcry if anything worse happened in the 5 months they took to investigate)and someone would have released the video on the internet(even if it contained the kids by now)it is just strange this as come to light the exact week she needs a deflection,plus she as not shown the kids actually living with her she would have posted 24hours a day videos of them in her home just to get the point across they are with her yet all she as posted is the few shots that look like visitation times and looks like another adult as to be present at the time,just my thoughts on this
If KP had kids back full time ( which I don’t think has happened) she would post pictures of them going to school, doing homework etc
If KH has lost custody SS would find a safe place for kids
It would not be KP
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Chatty Member
Well.... the Hummer's back. The RR's gone and there's a new car! A grey Fiat 500 with orange go faster stripes 🤔
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I have to say you guys have given me a right giggle tonight with all the dessert stories etc.
As I live near the MM I have decided to start up a tour company to drive people around the back streets and round the Pricey haunts, you also get a free depop smelly item. Any takers? 🤣
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The bottom line here is that her behaviour (drugs, drink, convictions, kick offs) and things like this from Carol make her less & less employable on TV, media or in advertising work, regardless of how she or the family or whoever else tries to spin it. The deflection posts are about drawing the public eye away from the bad stuff being reported in the media, it doesn't change that these things are in the public domain ... its not just one potentially career ending scandal with Kipper it's a drip drip drip of multiple scandals mounting up that together are finishing her media 'career' ... Kipper has got away with relatively minor indiscretions again & again over the years still managing to hang onto her celebrity ... but ... she carries on the same, her arrogance that she is somehow made of Teflon is her downfall its the weight of all these numerous scandals that HAVE ended her career ... its pretty much over ... there isn't going to be a big TV comeback ... whatever TV deals she has today won't be renewed anymore than her Loose Women contract was after the coke singing fiasco ... she can't even get a reality TV show on the OF TV channel - she is playing lets pretend on her OF page, claiming she is being paid £250k to make it when (if it ever appears) it will be self funded .... I don't think there will be another Harvey documentary on BBC, this is the end, she is fading from view ... the media rarely take her calls anymore and the majority of their doors are already closed to her, Carol is going to nail them shut
If you are waiting for a spectacular fall from grace it's not going to happen ... Kipper is just slowly & painfully (for her) sliding back down the greasy pole she climbed in the first place
Indeed Tracey, this is it. I for one got a bit too overexcited that it was all going to blow up big style with Sink-Boy’s coke revelations and what I thought would be even more damning evidence that he has recorded. Already though that coke revelation has slipped away, even The Scum labelling him cruel and her defenders turning it on him for recording her secretly. Think we all been waiting so long for their sham relationship to combust some of us (hands up me 🙋🏾‍♀️) jumped the gun a bit, she’s not going down with a Big Bang, unless Sink-Boy has really dynamite stuff. Drugs and drinking wont cut it, all that might do is make TV companies pass on her for mainstream daytime projects, or any family entertainment shows like I’m a Celeb, she’s never getting them again.

The next few days will show what Sink-Boy has, and I’m not sure he’ll have much that can finish her completely, if he has stuff about H or the kids, can’t see Red Tops touching it due to welfare concerns, the only thing that can maybe damage her badly are dodgy business dealings and stuff about any hidden money, that could hit her hard especially with the BH looming. Legally though they’ll have to be careful, so I’m starting to not put too much store in him actually bringing her down, let’s see what he’s got or even if he delivers anything more.

As you say it’s drip drip drip, she’s not going away completely this is gonna drag on and on. with Skank becoming less and less relevant and more and more unattractive as her looks fade further, it’s all she had anyway, and that’s gone now, there’s no personality for a TV career, believe even the loose women lot wont work with her anymore, that life has already left her. The H and MM shows are scraping the barrel now, what mileage is left there.

I just have two hopes for the next steps really, there’s enough from SB or her own behaviour to have her access to the kids restricted to supervision again and she loses that bloody MM. Skank can’t afford to run a place like that long term, and it would hit her hard moving to a normal house, she believes that MM gives her a status, Despite what she says she’ll be gutted to lose it. Anything else will be a bonus.

If we ever doubt it’s over for her really I just look at the unfiltered HD images of her latest appearance on TV, that shows her TV career decline is terminal. Who wants this screeching at you incoherently 😁

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Way way back when she first moved in round here, she was seen in a black RR. Carl also often has one at his Essex house. It doesn’t surprise me

KH situation - agree

For those asking about SS, so the onus would be on KP to keep the kids safe, and having them around a man she’s accused of DV, has DV flags on him, has accused of coercive control, has been arrested are all not good on her part and she would be expected to show she can put the kids first - the threshold she clearly failed on numerous occasions way back in 2018 was lacking the insight into the effects of her choices on the kids and being able to demonstrate she was able to put their needs first. She was unable to prioritise them when in rehab and she’s clearly had a tough time showing she can prioritise them whilst she still chooses to be with Carl. SS cannot make you split up - the choice is whether you want to put the kids first. If you choose to keep your risky partner then it resulted in supervised access visits!
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Just like to say ,that I appreciate the different viewpoints.Thats what keeps it relevant.Even if you are all wrong and I alone have my finger on the pulse.😂
My take on this varies from day to day.
Right now I think we are all agreed on the AFP,Christmas-miracle-to -come story.Also that clan Price will close ranks, and protect the asset at all costs.
But everything else is up for grabs.I was s bit blindsided by the timeline of slapgate 2.I mean, is Cole really so emasculated that he will accept cheating because he gets a couple of shirt adverts off the back of associating with her?
I thought the revelations came from a place of anger, but perhaps he can be talked round.
Deflection overload
Subtle eh?
Just not enough to put them before drugs, drink, the presence of allegedly violent men, partying etc.
The phrase means nothing.
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