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I posted on here at the time from the Little Canfield FB group that neighbours heard horrendous screaming from a woman and possibly called the police
KSR’s friend came here and said that KSR also was involved that night so they could have got more than 1 call
Little Canfield is quiet and not much drama goes on, it was deffo heard by outsiders
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I’ve said before I share an office with my very dear fellow Tattler, one of our lunch break topics was exactly this. We thought they go to Thailand far too often so there has to be a reason, and Crawls drug dealing was our conclusion. i Think all this saying he’s skint, cost of living blah blah blah, is bullshit. He has an income but can’t be too flash to draw attention to himself, you know cos he’s so famous now.
I think you and your fellow office Tattler are spot on! She’d make a great mule based on previous escapades with Nokia phones…
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Oh my Fkg God - I cant breathe for laughing 😂 😂 😂 the state of her ... out in public 😂😂😂 Carol must have done a double take when that appeared saying it was ready to go, she looks like an extra from 'Stranger Things'

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Ohhhh just had one positive thought, something that had slipped my mind but the stain that is Sink-Boy cannot go near being involved with this, surely the family are going to exclude him from any family get-togethers around Amy. No photos of him included in any media articles, how does Skank explain his absence. Him sat in a car whilst driving her to hospital and Amy’s home when she recovers, haha imagine it, imagine his face (no don’t do that, it hurts) Don’t forget the Red Tops never really mention his non appearance with the family, but it’s going to glaringly apparent he’s not there, how will they run this and what will you tell Lorraine Bloody Kelly eh Skank. Cheered me up a bit this thought. There still could be a bit of a spanner in the works with her sob story 😁
We know they read our comments. I would love to see their faces when they find out their paid publicity ‘secret’ has been leaked before THEY got story released 😂👍. Bet they’re choking on their Tea’! Loose lipped, loose dick Mr PP .
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Rita Chevrolet

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The weapons grade cunts trotted off to Thailand again for more surgery, oops I mean another tryingly arduous Work-Trip with SB & Slymi Rymi in tow, only now its looking increasingly like someone within the scabby Price Clan has only gone and ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOined her 'oliday somehow, "forcing" her to return to UK before she can get some more chronically bad tattoos done on her acres of scar tissue.

According to Her, she turned up at one of these shonky clinics with her Wish List for some more surgeries she wanted done and they REFUSED because, she's
already then they allegedly told her bluntly that she doesn't need any surgery to improve her God-given luscious looks. :ROFLMAO: Yeah haha! More like they declined her generous offer for them to do the onerous task for NOTHING in return for all the (bad) publicity she could give them and then AFP refused to raid the Mattress Fund (or H's Trust Fund) to actually PAY FOR IT ALL for her. (Paying for stuff being an unknown concept to the Skank of course).
And now it has sneaked back into the country to try to snatch back some brownie-points having fucked-off abroad in the full knowledge someone in the direct Price Clan is in dire straits. How very skanky of her, true to kind as always :)
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And she clearly wasn’t in Thailand when she posted this! Smoke & mirrors, from a BIG con woman. Trying to deflect the fact she’s in UK, not on her jolly. Crawl must be so P’d off if he’s had to leave with her. Bet he came back for part of the paid publicity & taking all the endless photo’s.

CASH, from the stories probably🤢💩
Well, according to KP, going to Thailand was for ‘work’ and not a holiday, so surely she would put her mother over any ‘work’ 😡😡😡
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And this is online today about woman going to Turkey for tunny tuck & ended up like this! View attachment 1730042 Katona & KFP will end up at some point with a procedure going wrong. Oh wait. hasn't KFP lost her nipples & had various infections already in her boobs?
Many infections but I'm not sure if it's the clinic or her hygiene standards?

Mind you I do vividly remember her in the 'pre op' anestethic area (not sure what the clinical name is) asking if anyone spoke English once in Turkey. Then a woman, I presume a nurse, walked into the same area, took off a rucksack and a pair of wellies and chucked them in the corner! Skanky was still happy to let them carve her up. Me, I'd have been off that gurney faster than a rat up a drain.

Think it was the surgery on her show when she turned up at her hotel with bottles of blood hanging off her head and kids were scared and crying. In the pool the next day with weeping wounds.

Oh also remember when she had a facelift and there was puss seeping out from behind her ears which were virtually hanging off and Kris tried to sort them. He asked 'didn't they give you antibiotics?' Skank 'Yeah but nobody takes them do they'.
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I'm just trying to imagine the trauma those poor little kids went through that night.
And here she is, insisting Carl comes along on a holiday with them (Spain/Portugal/wherever it was back in the summer).
Great mothering, Katie.
This is exactly why social services put in so many restrictions but he was cleared, so she got what she wanted and it all had to be dropped. I assume she did have to comply with their terms and he had to stay out of trouble. I feel so sorry for them though as they clearly were very scared of him it was an open secret Kieran put out the info Jett was afraid of him at the time
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It's a mystery Willow 🤔. Don't know how it works but could skank and the clan have done an exclusive story and picture deal with one of the red tops or mags then told them to sit on the story until AFP was out of danger, i'm presuming that would tie there hands and stop them printing or selling the story on but would it silence or stop the other rags from printing, could they be sued if they printed and she'd already given the exclusive story to another rag/mag. I don't know could be just nobodies interested. 🤯
I agree Stan. I think AFP is probably in ICU & the family don't want to do a story until they know more about transplant being accept & risks of infection. You can bet for sure, they'll not miss an opportunity, when they can, to milk the drama for as much paid publicity as possible. KFP will say she had to dash across the world, 3 flights (1, she was strapped to the wing, as no seats available inside the cabin)/taxi's/tuk tuk'/camel's s etc, to get home quickly. Her 'fans' won't question why she went on holiday number THIRTEEN, as a bankrupt with a sick mother. There will be the obligatory picture of the grifters surrounding AFP's bed, with loads of flowers & get well cards. 'Never under estimate the Pricey' - We don't, we know she's a scheming, calculating, devious CON artist, who will use any opportunity/situation to turn it around about her & earn lot's of cash in the process. 100% sure. deals have already been lined up to the highest bidders.
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Chatty Member
Afternoon everyone bit off topic but been a lovely but sad and somber morning,, did a short shift at work got home changed and met up with some ex service men and women to pay our respects and lay a wreath at the cenotaph in the city center, it's always nice and very humbling to see ordinary members of the public showing respect and observing the silence for the fallen. ❤❤❤
Thank You For Your Service To Our Country Stan
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Just had a text. It’s back in UK. Now the drama begins😡. Well disguised on arrival. No pictures like it usually has at the airport💩🙀
So possibly the person who commented they were in France was correct.
Let’s wait for HER drama to begin… 😡😡
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Why is her body so lumpy and bumpy. There really isn't so much as a hint of a nipple anymore unless she starts sticking a pea to the front of phil and grant,
What makes it so much more hilarious is the fact she thinks she's hot and desired by men. Read the room skanky, you're a laughing stock and a total embarrassment to your poor kids.

She looks like Hulk Hogan!
What an insult to Hulk Hogan 🤣

This was done at her ex managers house, their first Christmas.
You can tell, they actually seemed to like each other then, before reality hit home.They can't fake that "we're so in love" look anymore. Wanky can barely bring himself to kiss it, which begs the question - why you still with it? you sap! Because he'll be in the gutter forgotten about - that's why!
I hope they are both as miserable as sin stuck in a 'relationship of convenience'
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She is wearing another top under thst T Shurt
She is hiding something
She isn’t though is she ?
She hasn’t been “ papped ” because nobody is interested in her any more .
They have had these pictures taken themselves & sold them as per usual .
Now I don’t profess to understand what the hell goes on in her peanut brain , but I can only guess that she wants people to speculate whether or not she has had more surgery for attention seeking reasons ( Munchausens again ) or whether she’s feeding into the “ poor mental health” narrative for bankrupsy / further documentaries/ media attention again …. Or as I said previously , she knows only awful pictures of her will get her in the papers . For attention.
Who knows !
The only thing I’m sure of if is that it cuts an increasingly sad & desperate figure & I have not a single drop of sympathy for it whatsoever.
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Chatty Member
Could someone please sort my head out ?
I'm reading on here Iron Lung could be dead or in ICU and pricy has flown home in a rush from somewhere... but
Sophie is posting on IG from a food store seemingly chirpy
Pricy is posting on OF today
Pricy is posting on IG stories a song from some random wannabe x factor

I don't get it... where did all this come from ? I'm all messed up here and haven't even had a fosters yet ... 😕😕😕😕
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