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It’s odd at her age I think. i read a woman in her 40’s who’s ribs ruptured her lung, when she was in a train crash, needs a lung transplant & been waiting for nearly 2 years😢. What I don’t get, is why the family are acting like nothing happened? Kindly DC has just posted a picture of Mr PP with a pint! Don’t know anyone who’s had a transplant, but would AFP be up & about and ok so quickly? Something odd going on & it’s got to be involving KFP and a web of lies that will be sold for paid publicity. Of course, these grifters, know they can say what ever they like & hospital can’t agree or disagree. Honestly, I can’t wait to see what’s going to be said, especially WHY KFP was in Thailand when her mother was having the op & afterwards. I have a connection in The Sun, I’m going to email him.
Maybe they will try spin a story that KP has dashed to thailand to have a lung removed to donate to her mother. Due to the pressure on the NHS at the moment, KP decided to be the martyr and do this at risk to her own life. The fact they removed a cpl ribs was purely for the removal process and not to make her waist look smaller . The new scars round her eyes and hairline were also part of the lung surgery, no matter what people try say
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We all know the slap gate thing was faked with makeup but something happened i wonder cos planky was off his rocker on what ever and him chasing skank in the street has he threatened amy and the family over the phone/text they all made it a family affair the next morning collecting her things
i don't understand the bit where skank says she ran to harveys house.was they renting a house for harvey within walking distances nothing really adds up
i don't think we will ever get to the bottom of anything because they all lie so much
I don’t think it was faked, there is too much evidence, police, ambulance and hospital records, but at the end of the day KP wouldn’t cooperate, despite telling the hospital she was injured in the head by her partner.
Harvey had a house, just a few minutes up the road, which also had rooms for his 2 carers. KP went all Caroline Flack on the police 😡 hence why the charges where dropped.
The interview with the Sun was done while her items were being collected by her family and ex manager.
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Ok mag saying they came home early from Thailand as they were arguing about KP congratulating boyson on his engagement .
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Popped in for a quick nosey to see if anything has hit the fan yet, left me with more questions than answers so I'm going to finish my bacon+egg butty drink my coffee and go back to work tea break in half hour so just a few questions,, is skank home, is sink boy home or still in Thailand with Ryan and rymi, have the clan gathered at Amy's to get their stories straight on how their going to milk this for every penny, maximum publicity and sympathy. 👍🤔
Just finished a late shift at Wildlife Rescue & was thinking driving home. She would have got 2 or 3 flights and various taxi’s to get back to UK. Would a hospital know that she’s done all the travelling back from Thailand & allow her to go in & see her mother? With COVID risk still around, seems risky. She wouldn’t tell them. It’s going to be all about her. Bet her & SFP have already lined up the stories😡
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Yep, I am sure they’ll get the highest offer & KFP will make it all about her. I couldn’t be 100% until now what had happened, just AFP was in hospital. I‘ve had a text, saying the mother is in Harefield & had a lung transplant, (Mr PP Fencing, not kept it quiet from telling people he knows), so surprised press haven’t got wind of it. not sure if op was Monday or Tuesday. Think Tuesday. Don’t get why KFP didn’t come back from Thailand, or even went for that matter. It must have been very important for her to go to Thai, which makes me wonder if what’s being said about the drugs is true. Maybe so short on cash, needed more supplies, but I’m only guessing. Why would anyone go so far away, when such a major op being carried out on her mother, who she supposedly adores ? i imagine such major surgery on a 70 year old woman, is life threatening, so the fact SFP & KFP are sending out normal messages is a smoke screen for some reason. Plus why is KFP pretending she’s still away, if that’s what her posts mean. She certainly wasn’t sunbathing in Thailand 2 days ago. She’s back in uk. All some bloody cover up I assume, to try and make the creature not look like a shite daughter.
I'm utterly gobsmacked she went away knowing her mother had taken a turn for the worse, putting surgery above it, if she knew about an impending transplant...any of it, it's just disgusting behaviour from a daughter.
I found out my mum was going to need an operation, we didn't know when but were told soon, I cancelled a family holiday in a cottage. It was an hour away. I was that scared of not being by her side. My mum was terminal and her chances were low, but it was a tiny chance.
She didn't get the operation sadly and she died age 53 and I didn't barely leave her side even with 3 young children.
Katie must be doing something that's more important...what I don't know🤷‍♀️
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Let's explore the cash-in opportunities....

Tv documentary (as you state).
Turn up at the NTAs with Amy post transplant as her special guest.
Appearance on Celebrity Catchphrase, chosen charity the British Lung Foundation.
Weepy exclusive in OK or Hello mag detailing Amy's miracle recovery.
Wedding to Carl brought forward as 'mum's illness made me realise life is short'.
TV interviews on Good Morning Britain, This Morning etc about the 'miracle'.
Play the mental health card again saying Amy's illness and stress of the transplant caused PTSD.
Material for her next autobiography, focusing heavily on Katie's mental health crisis.
Latch on to lung charities as an ambassador.
And all the time we're just waiting for an in depth documentary called 'Katie the Cunt'.

Sorry for my language, she's pissed me off!
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She continues to chase these early images, when she was way younger, and had good management to hide behind .... thinking fake big boobs, and countless botched surgery, will somehow magically make her, young ... desirable to millions of men ` again ` ..... delusional haggard old lush ... good news for tattlers though, to watch her scraping the bottom of the ` zlist ` barrel trying to cling on the last bit of fame she has ` desperate ` to recreate her youth ` hey day ` ... I'm enjoying her slow, painful downfall, really couldn't happen to a nicer person, dear pwicccceeee, please have more surgery👌 .... whoooo hooo LUV IT 🥳🥳🥳


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Straw hair matching her manky, cheap leggings💩 why is she holding the tips of the rank, dried wig? Pathetic looking grifter. I bet everyone thinks I’m a fraud. I’m not. Time will tell about her mother. They can’t keep the deception going too long. Probably waiting until she’s out of ICU, just a guess. 🙀💩😡
I know for a fact that anyone who's been around since you joined KNOWS you're not a fraud. ❤ x
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I'm just trying to imagine the trauma those poor little kids went through that night.
And here she is, insisting Carl comes along on a holiday with them (Spain/Portugal/wherever it was back in the summer).
Great mothering, Katie.
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According to the Sun this body is 'sizzling' 'sensational' ... she looks like a shot putter with pipe cleaner legs 🤣
Why is she so lopsided? One boob is considerably larger than the other, so is one bum cheek. And her eyes are wonky too. It’s as if she had two different surgeons operating on her at the same time and their work doesn’t match!
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SB has posted this, thinks hes being so cryptic. Is he trying to implying hes holding all the aces. Is that against KP or the rest of the family., or just everything in general
He's learning how to play snap but finding it rather too complicated.
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So is she still deceiving everyone that she’s still away? I don’t get why? presume the family are going to find the best way possible to leak what’s happened & why KFP didn’t come straight back. Plus get the highest price for the story . Whatever is told, I am sure will be utter bollx as usual. Obviously SFP is involved too, trying to act as if nothings happened.
Best leak what happened on here Willow. Beat them to it. Their story won't be worth a penny if you do 😁
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KP 218. Kipper packed her case for the latest holiday, even though her beloved mum was in a bad way

KP 217. Look at us tattlers go off on a rant as kippers mum has a suspected transplant

Maybe that last one was in bad taste 😇
Edited to add it was poor impulse control I must have caught ADHD
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Can anyone read what's on these leggings? I can't figure out if they've both got compression gear on or it's just her and then they've worn matching love outfits over the top?

View attachment 1732251
OMG it gets better ... nothing even vaguely co-ordinates on that outfit ... green rubber open toed sliders with socks 😂 😂 She looks like a crazy homeless woman who found some clothes in a skip and got a plastic bag over her to keep the rain off 😂😂
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So it's all hearsay which means it's probably bollocks. I work for a living so it's hard to keep up.
Plus I have a brain tumour, well I'm on my second now so I'm a little unstable.
So have I.
It's no excuse for sarcasm.
Yet here we are. Again.
Oh, and laughing in another group about deliberately using a different title to the one with most votes? Classy .
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