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She was the most interesting thing in the SAS programme last night - well, her, Joey Essex and my secret crush Ant Middleton. After watching her reality shows for decades, now she comes across as a shadow of what she was. Like the original KP, who was so down to earth and honest, has been obliterated by drama, self-destruction and the need to keep relevant for the cash.
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Sexualise yourself whilst your kid is right next to you ya bloody tart! 😡😡

This lockdown has made Z listers DESPERATE for attention, even more so than normal 😡😡
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Oookay....Not sure the first one looks like he offered, just that she went in for a lick...but that second one. The fact that princess is watching her intently bothers me. I really hope she's thinking "WTF mum" rather than picking up tips for posing
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Hi! New to Tattle but was a regular on the DS site back in the day when there was always a Team Peter and a Team Katie and everyone used to spend their time arguing furiously until the threads were deleted. Anyway - nice to find somewhere where I can sit down with a lockdown gin and read the KP latest. We watched Celeb SAS and I said to husband that she would definitely be the first out.
Hi, Speechdancer here, also new to Tattle after getting some wise advice to drop in, I am also a refugee from DS who have banned all mention of Katie Price. I'm here for similar reasons to Fitnessqueen. My last thread on KP was closed after 35 minutes, however my first thread on KP lasted 200 pages under a different username many years ago.
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His parenting is just fine all things considered and those kids now have a stable home life. You're welcome to the info.
Plus your bias is patently evident when you call him "pandre" and yet the horrendous neglectful mother of the kids gets a cutesy "Katie" when she's more deserving of "cuntface".
Eh? Katie is her name! Pandre is a silly nickname, not an abusive term. This is the most surreal argument I’ve ever had on the internet. Does anyone CARE this much, without any irony, about total strangers?
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God no, not me, not a bit sorry for her no matter how she ends up.
She lied through her fake teeth on the SAS show. There was no attack on them in SA. No police report, no corroberation from anyone else and the gear and phones she claimed were stolen were still in use next day for more filming. Her mother has a degenerative lung issue, not cancer. Nor was she ever in the Priory, just took photos in the grounds and was sent packing with her camera crew for being dicks.
I was surprised ... actually come to think of it I wasn't ... that she was constantly sat alone on her bed. Generally the women on there hive with each other. Maybe her attention seeking rep precedes her. I did laugh at Ant and co falling for her sob stories and drooling over her. That old titty magic and the passe bo derek corn rows never let her down. :ROFLMAO:
Anthea is 20 years older and Laren only has one hand and both made katie look like a lazy tart.

Thankfully SAS still have Foxy 🦊 and new hottie Jay to compensate for the covid-won't-touch-me-cos-I'm-Ant-Middleton arse
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Team JCM

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Rightly or wrongly, I think people look at autism or Aspergers for katie as she lacks empathy and is emotionally flat.

People with autism are the same as those without. Some are dicks, some are lovely.
It isnt the only trait a person has.

You would think with all the therapy she has had she would have been diagnosed by now? Althought its under diagnosed in women.
She would then surely milk it for all its worth?

I know from friends that katie had a major coke problem. I was shocked at the
I don’t know about kieran and his cheating. Nothing would surprise me though!
That’ll actually be down to the face that’s been frozen for decades and monotonous, mind numbing vocal tone - nothing to do with autism at all. “Never under estimate the Pwicey“- I think I may have actually overestimated the Pwicey.
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Jelly Bean

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I did laugh at Ant and co falling for her sob stories and drooling over her. That old titty magic and the passe bo derek corn rows never let her down. :ROFLMAO:
Anthea is 20 years older and Laren only has one hand and both made katie look like a lazy tart.
I think there is a wierd thing where people like Ant etc tie themselves in knots not to appear to be judgemental, and to look for hidden depths where really there are none. They don't really feel sorry for her or believe her shit - but it is fashionable to pretend vacuous celebrities are actually quite deep. Only *they* really get the hidden torment.
She is playing a game too - over acting being scared so when she actually does something she looks so brave so has been on a 'journey'.
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Team JCM

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Fuck it live a little. We’re just venting shit about lame celebrity behaviour that’s pushed our buttons and that we’ve got an opinion on. No physical harm or threatening behaviour on here - we are not sugars. But acerbic wit, biting venom and laughter yes, because this world is fucking insane and I/we gotta laugh.
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I'm sure she did an interview recently saying she was happy being single and her next relationship would be private :cautious:

His Love Island profile says "I want a girl that's able to laugh at herself but equally someone that acts like a girl. I don't want a best mate. A girl that makes the best of herself and is classy. And if she could look like Jodie Marsh that would be amazing. Jodie Marsh is definitely my celeb crush - she goes to the same tattoist as me." 😂
He wants a girl who is classy, like Jodie Marsh????? Erm, will you tell him or shall I?
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You act like you know everyone personally, but have never said that you do?
I didn’t even know what DS was until a few days ago when I looked on this thread. I have only hid my name as I don’t want me posting on this forum to affect my business. I have spoke about a celebrity the other day that almost outed me so I’ve created this one to speak now. I am quite happy to discuss my job with anyone, but not on a public forum for everyone to see.

The part about Emily, I didn’t know, in fact I know nothing about her other than she was training to be a doctor when they met. I just wasn’t aware that she had gone back to her studies/working after she had her children.

Which proves my point even more no? Anyone could speak out about her now and she could do nothing as she doesn’t have the money to pursue it. You will be surprised how much the papers/magazines are willing to pay for a story on someone like Katie.

I know nothing about her owing people money as I don’t read the papers so I can’t comment on that and people I know who have worked with her have all been paid.

It is well known in the celebrity world that anyone who tried to speak out against Peter Andre back in the day was paid off. They only went after Katie and not the others as it fit their narrative of Peter being a saint and Katie being an awful person.

I’m not a Katie fan and it’s clear for anyone to see her life is a mess and she needs to get her act together. Even since she has supposedly been in the priory and she is the new Katie Price, nothing has changed, she has moved her new bloke in and is still doing all the staged pap shots. She’s not falling out of nightclubs off her face but that will be due to the lockdown not the fact she has changed. It will take something serious to happen before she changes her ways but I feel she will end up dead before that ever happens and no matter what she is like as a mother, that will leave five children heartbroken without a mum and no one wants to see that for anyone.

In fact, I would have continued to use my own name if it wasn’t for the fact that it is the same as my TikTok name and the name I use on a parenting forum. I don’t normally come on the celebs board at all, i didn’t know there was one until a week ago. I’m usually over posting in the influencer section.
You said
The rumours about Kieran cheating with her ‘friends’ is 100% true, I’m not sure about the nanny claims but know the Jane and Chrissy ones are true. That is why they have never spoken out. Nothing to do with NDA’s, any money they would make from interviews if it was fake would more than cover any claims against them for breaching an NDA.

From what I have been told, there is no court agreement between Pete and Katie, she voluntarily let Pete have the kids when all the stuff with Kieran happened so that it didn’t affect them. same with Jett and Bunny, that is also not court ordered.

Does anyone know much about Emily? I have seen it mentioned that she is on the frontline during the current pandemic but I thought she gave up training/working to be with Pete, I could be wrong.

That all implies you have insider info or are "in the know".
Everything I posted is out there on boards and forums and social media. I don't pretend to know them, I don't need to. The facts are out there.
You however are claiming to know 100% about the affairs. Unless you were watching them shag then you simply don't know anything more than the rest of us or what someone (with an agenda in my opinion)told you.
You say you've "been told" there is no court agreement re the kids. You CANNOT know that for a fact. Family court decisions are kept private to protect the kids. However the evidence of KP's hatred of all things Andre is out there in reams and reams of accusations and bitching and endless endless pulling his pigtails for the attention he has steadfastly refused to give her. Taunting and sniping and bitching at him like a rabid mutt. She'd rather gouge her eyes out with a rusty tea spoon than voluntarily hand those kids to him. That I certainly know, and so does anyone vaguely familiar with the whole shit storm of the relationship break up.

I did say in my first post she definitely has a personality disorder. She is dead behind the eyes and the lack of emotion over anything is a huge sign that there is a mental health problem there, it’s just not normal.
A mental health disorder is no excuse for her behaviour though, with her money she could pay for the best mental health doctors to treat her.
Mental health disorder my arse. If she's been in the Priory as she claims then she would have been given a diagnosis and as sure as shit she'd have run to the press with the details wailing and weeping about her awful condition and how it affects her. FFS she's selling her own mother's ailments for cash to shove up her nose, nothing is off limits. She would so love a proper diagnosis she could label herself with to excuse her shitty personality, but the fact is that she's just a cunt and always has been. Sorry, not sorry.
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Well it’s true isn’t it? She could safeguard her vulnerable son who can’t consent to having his photos posted online. She knows he’ll be mocked but does it anyway, because any attention is good attention.
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Heard on the radio this morning that apparently she wants to represent Team GB at the Olympics in the dressage.

If ever there was a better reason to totally cancel the Tokyo Olympics. 😂
She's been trying to get into the Olympic team since 2008 when she announced she wanted to compete at London 2012. There are four Katie Prices registered with British Dressage (nothing under her real name of Katrina Infield), none of them have any points, so if she's competing at all it's unaffiliated and as far as I'm aware she's not competed higher than Novice - the levels go Intro, Prelim, Novice, Elementary, Medium, Advanced Medium, Advanced, Prix St George, Intermediate I, Intermediate II, Grand Prix and the Olympics, World Cup etc. are Grand Prix tests. The team is four riders and I don't think Carl Hester or Charlotte Dujardin will be considering her a threat quite yet...
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Chatty Member
KP delights in hurting people, that’s not autism, that’s being a complete Dick.

She enjoys having power over people, again not autism.
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Katie most definitely don’t do herself no favours at all but Peter Andre, I don’t know he’s just never sat right for me. Think there’s a lot more to it as to why their marriage ended and not just down to her either.
I think initially he fancied her, but he preyed on her insecurities - hence the little digs he would throw at her. I remember once watching their show and he insisted on squeezing a mole/lump on her face. She said she'd always had it, but he kept going on about it. It struck me as odd. It's like he always wanted to knock her down a peg or two. He frequently mocked her or talked down to her. She's obviously no angel either, but I've never bought his 'amazing hisband/father' act. There were lots of stories back in the day about his sleazy escapades, of course being a man he gets away with a lot more in that respect.

She was useful to re-inventing his career. If you remember he was a complete nobody upon appearing on I'm a Celeb, but ultimately they were not compatible and he just checked out of the relationship.

She has always said he never gave her a reason. I believe her. There is quite an interesting book on men who just up and leave a long-term relationship/marriage with no warning. One of the characteristics of these men is that they usually present themselves as doting and loving partners, and there is nearly always another woman waiting in the wings. Make of that what you will.
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Does anybody else remember about a year ago she uploaded a pic on instagram of harvey infront of a shop called FAT BOYS? She ended up deleting it but she KNEW what she was doing! 🤢
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Nothing against sex workers but it's not right moving some man in who she doesn't know to spend constant 24 7 time with in isolation with a vulnerable adult with the mental age of a wee child. And yeah parents have sex when their kids are in the house, but I know my nookie is when they are asleep, (rare as well - teenagers 🙄😬) not spending God knows how long making a wank video in the middle of the day. And her poor older kids, how embarrassing. If I could make some dolla dolla making videos maybe I would but I wouldn't put my kids through that. The teasing at school would be awful. And her kids prob could do a posh school they prob get looked down on. I used to feel sorry for her but I just can't any more
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