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Chatty Member
Was Pete really that much of an angel?
I always got the impression that he was superficially attracted to her...and moreso when he realised he could use their relationship to revitalise his career. It seemed that during their marriage he began to tire of her...and then one day he just decided he'd had enough? I know I read somewhere that he used to wind her up, and prey on her insecurities. Of course you can never say for sure, but I always felt he picked on/gaslighted her a bit during their reality show days. That's not to ever say she is a nice person, she's clearly very damaged.
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Chatty Member
Seriously the total irony of Katie Price being an ambassador for bullying being the biggest bully ever
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its shaved into a stump, then they make the veneer in a lab, its only quite thin so it is just cemented on and set with a blue light, mines very sturdy and feels like a real tooth. the thing is though they do have to be replaced at some point and they have had their whole mouths done, the process for one for me was two weeks. reputable dentists don't agree with filing down healthy teeth for no reason. only if there is very bad cosmetic damage and most celebrities looked fine to begin with. they all just want to have briiliant white false looking teeth , what will they do when its no longer in fashion ,once they have had all their teeth shaved into stumps it cant be reversed.
In 15 years time or so, there is going to be a sea of former z-list reality TV stars who are broke and working in Tesco etc. For minimum wage all suffering from their (probably gifted) veneers they got done when people knew who they were and none of them will be able to afford to get them replaced.

There will be some mank shots of awful filed teeth when the veneers fall out. Paps will have a field day.
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She has got to be the ex wife from hell.
Emily and Katie are two totally different types of women I don’t understand what his type is. When he was with Katie he acted different to what he acts like now.
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So even if Harvey didn’t know what was being filmed in the house, surely it’s a safeguarding issue if KP is moving this guy in when she doesn’t know much about him. Maybe she’s known this guy for years but I doubt it. Harvey is vulnerable, probably confused by the lockdown, missing his siblings and family and then this guy appears 🤷🏻‍♀️
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I steal names

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It's an utter disgrace. The whole world is in turmoil at the moment, and those who have pre-existing conditions need a little more care than ever. My eldest has Asperger's and is finding everything very difficult at the moment. Goodness only knows how Harvey is coping. I believe he was in residential care before this so not only has that changed for him; as you say, his siblings aren't there, and with his mental age I'm not sure that he can understand lockdown entirely. How many father figures has this young man had to get to know before she ships yet another one in. Even despite his profession, it's entirely unreasonable of her to move yet another man in.
I can't like your comment enough. My eldest child is also autistic, his needs are not as complex as Harvey's, but I have still noticed a huge increase in his stimming, mood swings, and general need for reassurance. No one could ever convince me that KP is able to meet all of H's needs sufficiently, while also moving random guys into their home, in a constant stream. It is gross, and completely unfair on all the children. It speaks volumes that none (as far as I'm aware) of her exes have done anything like this.
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I don’t really understand why it’s a safeguarding issue if he’s in a room away from Harvey and Katie is keeping him occupied?
I’m sure Katie has sex whilst Harvey is in the house, what’s the difference??

It’s not indefensible ... he’s not filming Harvey ffs

You’ve just got a vendetta against KP and nothing she said or did you’d agree with though? And that’s fine if that’s your opinion. Doesn’t make it correct though

Also. Harvey isn’t a child he’s 17 or 18 isn’t he. I know he has problems and mentally isn’t an adult but your talking as if he’s a baby. He was probably in the house when Katie’s filmed sex tapes herself
Are you insane? She's constantly telling us how vulnerable H is and we've seen it in the shows. Were I to judge his mental age I'd put it at 6 or 7, going by his writing, drawings and interaction with his siblings. To all intents and purposes he is a child.

Oh right, so you think he's been in the house when she's filmed her own sexual shenanigans ... so that's all right then, any tom DICK or Harry can do the same then since mummy does it.
I sincerely hope you never have responsibility for a child because frankly your attitude toward a vulnerable boy is very very Social Services level weird.
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Piff paff puff

VIP Member
What a load of tosh. Nothing personal, but no wonder you are hiding your name. It would probably ring bells with anyone who posted on KP threads on DS as being one of her biggest apologists.;)
For HUGE starters, Emily never gave up anything to be with Andre. Nothing . Her life is as she planned it pre marriage, a career as a doctor.She put her studies on hold briefly to have the first and second babies, same as any young woman, then went straight back to studying and working in hospitals to complete her full training.She was fully supported in her career choice by Peter Andre and he is totally proud of her amazing career and achievements, as he should be.
Of course Can protected their client. It's called management and is what they are paid to do. Same way they cleaned up Katie's shite reputation when she was their client. They hid so much of her crap it's unreal, that was their job and Katie gained from it massively financially because they portrayed her as a loving mummy when she was nothing of the sort. No wonder they chose Andre over her after the split, any misdeeds of his would be child's play compared to the mess that was KP.
As for Kieran cheating. Bullshit. I don't doubt he flirted, he's a decent looking bloke and it's a known fact that once Katie gets the wedding ring she turns off the sex and affection and relegates her blokes to housekeepers, farm workers and baby sitting while she does her own thing.Watching him get any positive attention from anyone with a fanny would trigger her venom. Her insistence on NDA's is well known. Back in the day she could afford to enforce them with her legal team and solicitor's letters flew like confetti if you said anything she decided was negative, hence DS being paranoid when her threads pointed out her faults and disgusting behaviour, but that no longer applies as no legal guys want her business now that her debts are public knowledge among them. Those she shafted re the Kieran crap are just glad to put what was a horrific time for them behind them. They've all moved on and are glad to be out of reach of her venom and won't speak out now in case she initiates another social media assault on them from her bat shit cuckoo weirdo creepy fans.
I'm astonished you "don't blame her for doing pap shoots". If you were one of the many small businesses she shafted by not paying them then you wouldn't be so blasé about her pocketing what should be your cash and blowing it on booze manicures and glued in hair. She owes animal feed people, vets, people who personalised her cars, builders, house keepers, caretaker guy .... the list of locals she has shafted is ridiculous and she should be ashamed to show her face locally.
You know what I wish her ? I wish her what she has inflicted on the people she has trampled underfoot. It's already happening as she's too toxic to get any meaningful work. Everything she touches turns to shit, which makes me pleased. She could don sackcloth and go work with lepers and I'd still say, she's a piece of crap and a horrendous mother.
Oh and never EVER ever in a gazillion years would she offer her kids to Peter Andre to rear. Never ever ever. She hates his guts for daring to be the one bloke who dared ditch her sorry ass when she went too far. Make no mistake ... if he has those kids then he fought her through the courts tooth and nail for them. They were her little hostages to keep him in her life and she was grooming them to follow in her footsteps to piss him off. Social Services have been ridiculously lax re her over the years, but I guess her spending three months in Spain with her blokes, missing their first days in new schools and being videoed singing how she loves coke while getting high with strangers in Ibiza finally made them get their arse in gear and give all four children into the main care of their fathers.

Worse. Her rep is crap re drugs.
This was her boasting she loves coke just two years ago and she's not changed if she's running around with the geordie shore lot(which she still is).

Not sueing is not an admission of guilt. They were already deeply financially embroiled in the legal shit over Katie's allegations of an affair between Claire and Peter, so it would have been foolish to instigate another case or cases against a load of batshit motormouths determined to defend KP at any cost.
They chose their battle wisely, as proven by winning and screwing KP financially with a massive legal bill that she still hasn't settled. Once KP was thorooughly thrashed and put back in her box anything her motormouths waffled about was regarded as based on bitterness and bile.
Actually I recall one post, a very clear image of a child at a table doing homework or something and it was claimed he was ... I'm trying to be more polite than the motormouths phrased it ... an 'inappropriate friend' of one or more of the Andre brothers. The child's mother was furious when informed of it and denied even knowing the Andres in any shape or form.
That was the level of the shit that KP defenders resorted to to discredit the Andre's for dumping their idol.
😂  thank fuck you called bee2020 out, what a load of absolute bullshit. Actually thought it was Jordan herself lol
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It was all when she split with Pete, I don’t know the ins and outs but I remember in Katie’s book (yes I read it, yes I was a fan! 😱) she said that Claire was always Interfering in their marriage and was always around and she spoke really negative about her. Claire had managed and been friends with Pete for years and so naturally Claire stood by Pete. But it all went abit bitter between Claire and Katie and I’m sure there was some court cases between KP and CAN, I don’t know the exact reasons but i just remember they fell out and a lot of mud was thrown. But it seems like something is happening behind the scenes imo. I mean Katie’s got a new rented house, new insta, she’s been off the grid for a while until fauy recently and Claire is liking her photos! So mag e she’s got involved again and trying to salvage what she can, maybe for the sake of Pete and the kids. Who knows.
In a telly interview she accused Claire and Peter Andre of having an affair and was taken to court over it. Ended up paying them compo which they put into an account for Harvey's future welfare. I bet that's gone up her nose too.:rolleyes: On her last trip to thailand she brought Harvey and kept posting images of him swimming etc and going on about him loving HIS holiday blah blah blah. Turns out some of the younger reality titty girls were there too and they were all partying together. Call me cynical but I suspect the holiday was paid for from H's fund, hence the emphasis on it being H's holiday. None of her other kids were there.
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Are you insane? She's constantly telling us how vulnerable H is and we've seen it in the shows. Were I to judge his mental age I'd put it at 6 or 7, going by his writing, drawings and interaction with his siblings. To all intents and purposes he is a child.

Oh right, so you think he's been in the house when she's filmed her own sexual shenanigans ... so that's all right then, any tom DICK or Harry can do the same then since mummy does it.
I sincerely hope you never have responsibility for a child because frankly your attitude toward a vulnerable boy is very very Social Services level weird.
Hahaha calm down luv. I dunno how you think my opinion on an Internet forum concludes that I am social services level weird.

my attitude towards a vulnerable lad? Did I say it was okay to do it where he could walk in, hear etc? Nope I don’t think I did, happy for you to point out where I did???

do people not have sex whilst their kids are in the house asleep or whatever?
I’m no fan of Katie but what’s her bloke doing something In private got to do with her son?
Also I said despite being 17/18 I agree he’s got the mental age of a child. I hardly think Harvey’s holding the camera whilst he’s doing it. Also, how do you know he’s not pre filmed it?
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Well-known member
That video with Harvey was horrendous!! She’s as thick as pig shit,she cannot string a sentence together to save her life. And what about “cos he’s got obesity”?? She just learns words parrot fashion and repeats then without the correct grammar/meaning/context. She also doesn’t give him a shred of dignity or privacy,bless him, he’s trying to sleep and she’s getting him to do the usual repeat after me “do you love me Harvey” bullshit.
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Piff paff puff

VIP Member
:DI'm smiling to think you imagine katie price arranges extra child care, even were it available during lock down.
In this case he's not the parent or even quasi parent nor wants to be.He's 22.He's just another rent-a-penis using her and her new pristine gaff to sell sex videos and images. Just another grifter on the make using her for publicity for his porn pay site and he won't give a shiny shit where H might be while they're busy making porn. She's not exactly mother of the year (despite the award back in the day) so I doubtshe gives a crap.
Also her other two eldest will be mortified visiting her knowing that some strange bloke has been flapping his whanger around on the furniture they're expected to make themselves at home on.
Honestly, her older kids must be disgusted on a daily basis. She's the opposite of everything you want and need in a mother. I can't imagine how weird and embarrassing it must be to be related to it :eek: 😦😨
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So yesterday we had a picture of her in bed snuggled up with jett and bunny and then a picture of her snogging some random.
I currently am still getting trollied on ig by her so called fans... Its quite personal the things they say. It hurts but there all about stop bullying online
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