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VIP Member
Rightly or wrongly, I think people look at autism or Aspergers for katie as she lacks empathy and is emotionally flat.

People with autism are the same as those without. Some are dicks, some are lovely.
It isnt the only trait a person has.

You would think with all the therapy she has had she would have been diagnosed by now? Althought its under diagnosed in women.
She would then surely milk it for all its worth?

I know from friends that katie had a major coke problem. I was shocked at the
I don’t know about kieran and his cheating. Nothing would surprise me though!
What do you mean "had" a coke habit.
She hasn't had ANY therapy. She claims she was in the priory but all she did was pose on the steps and at the gates with her equally disgusting enabling mother until people complained and she was ordered out onto the public road for her pap stunts.
She did that therapist prog on ch5 a few years ago and the utter lying bullshit she came out with was incredible about her hard life. By the end of the program the therapist needed therapy and was half asleep from the droning voice. Anyway the woman basically (but in psycho babble)told her to grow up and take responsibilityfor her life choices. Which Katie took as verification that everyone had shafted her rather than that she chosen the shafters and was just as shafty back at them. She hears what people say and then translates it in her head to something that suits her needs.
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Chatty Member
Does anyone else think that “Harvey’s Law” sounds horrifically totalitarian? The idea that “online abuse”, ie rude comments online, can be criminalised to the point of putting people on a national register?

Depending on what the government decide is “abuse”, this can and will be used to force people to conform to certain political opinions. It will also be used to silence criticism of public figures and politicians.

Just so sad weaklings don’t get called mean names, that they would never even see if they didn’t set out to look for it.

Katie claiming it’s driven her to suicide, drug abuse and rehab is manipulative nonsense. It’s part of fame, especially her type of fame. If she has mental breakdowns at the sight of anonymous rude words, then the problem is with her. This kind of manipulation should never be used as the basis for laws.
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Chatty Member
I've always been intrigued by the situation with Kieran. Did he really cheat on her? Watching the last series of her reality show, there were a few interactions between them and it came across through his resentful digs at her, that at one point he genuinely cared for her, but simply became fed up of her behaviour and left. He didn't come across like the sneaky, cheating type. If it was a lie, I would wonder why he went along with it?

If she's lost custody of all 4 kids, there must be some compelling evidence about what she is really up to behind the scenes. Either that, or she just couldn't be bothered and gave up on them.

It seems pointless trying to revamp her image now. She looks a wreck, still has those enormous 90s bimbo breasts. And the years of her shennanigans have left her on dustbin level. Her "career" is over. It'll be a sad state of affairs once she is fully able to register that.
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Chatty Member
That's fine, but do your sex worker friends use their homes to film naked blokes pulling on their schlongs and massaging them with baby oil?
I doubt it. Being a sex worker as in going to work as one outside the home is no big deal and of course doesn't/shouldn't affect the children. Using the children's home to film porn of any kind is disgusting, especially at the moment when people are on lockdown and the child is confined to home.
She moaned a week ago about how hard it was caring for H 24/7 at her home while unable to take him out anywhere, yet she's letting her latest rent-a-dick making porn videos in that same home. She's vile.:mad:
I disagree to an extent. If you are filming adult content when the children are asleep in bed and you are in a locked room with an adult available to provide care needs if the child was to wake it isn't. Also this opinion is based on parents. Not the new bloke who will only be around for a few weeks if that.
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Katie will need an amazing body if she is to compete in STRICTLY COME DANCING which is her latest target, the Daily Mail have a story on that but the other newspapers haven't caught up yet and I'm not allowed to post Daily Mail links.
Oh please make it be true.:m

If I can't have the 5* movie and West End show about her life then I'll settle for her wobbling around on a proper dance floor being flung about like a rag doll by a hunky big pro dancer. It would be hilarious.
Oh and the training vids would be pure gold.
"Put your feet like this Katie" ......
"Well lift your arms like this " ......
"Katie please, just t ....."
"Be back in a mo, just need to lube my tits cos their chafing in this lycra and one of them might be leaking again ..."

and she goes home leaving her pro and the camera guys baffled wondering how she survives in real life.
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w the
Desperate to copy Pete with the kids and clap for carers I see. 👀
I'm sorry for laughing but "clap" and katie price must surely lend itself to a rude joke.

Apologies to any carers on the receiving end of her clap.
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Katie’s money woes come from the court case with CAN and PA. She lost a huge amount of money. Hundreds of thousands.
Plus, according to my ex workmate(who once was a huge Katie fan) she was offered the chance several times for them to withdraw the case if she made a public apology, but she refused because she was so sure she'd win. That's why it ran on for literally years. She lost and had to make the apology as well as forking out the compo and paying costs for both sides. Because she'd been so stubborn her legal costs went through the roof and it's alleged that payment to that legal team is part of the bills that caused her recent bankruptcy.
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I'm surprised to hear that from you Freda!
It's OK, I fixed myself overnight.:m
She's just a huge cunt.

Tbf, I think this is how most parents of a child with a severe disability privately feel. But that's just it, privately feel... not state it in an interview with a tabloid journo! Once again, using Harvey for a publicity stunt. So sad.
Exactly. It's a reality you discuss within your immediate family and dear friends, not something to sell for the price of some new cycle shorts outfits and some blow.:mad:
Besides which I doubt H would even notice if she was gone for good. He managed three months without her two summers ago when she was trying to nail a wealthy bloke in Spain and singing about loving coke. He actually thrived in his sheltered accommodation and even lost some weight, then piled it back on when she was back in his life because she uses junk food and sweets as a pacifier for him.
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Here we go yet again. 😂 Have a bottle of gin each time she's in the papers with her new chimp for, walking in the park loved up, as soon as she can at the airport with him and her fake designer luggage on a trip to Turkey to get butchered, etc 😏
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How are the veneers fixed on? I know nothing about this process yet all the “slebs” seem to have it done. What a price to pay just for fancy teeth!
Seeing what’s under those veneers made me go queasy! There’s no way I would want them done! Sorry to anyone who has! They do look nice but the thought of my teeth being like that!🙈scared me! I have always looked after my teeth and had two braces and the thought of them being shaved down to little peg things makes me feel sick!
It’s prob unpopular opinion on here, and I speak from a point of view where I used to be a Katie fan back in the day (when with pete) and we are of similar ages- but I did actually felt abit sorry for her in MCL. I know and understand a lot of it is her own doing and in that respect I have ZERO sympathy- but I would love to see her have a make over, get rid of the boobs, the extensions, sort her life out, sort her obsession out with her appearance and focus on being a mum!! Just find herself abit and really work on her family and personal goals and get rid of the wrong people around her!!! She had it all once and it’s sad that she’s let it all go and keeps making bad decisions.
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Chatty Member
I just can’t get my head around why a 23 year old would want to play Daddy/Uncle to a 17 year old, with complex needs. I know he’ll be after the ‘fame’ and money, but it’s still bloody weird.
I may get hate saying this but I feel like any guy under the age of 30 getting with women with child very strange unless they have children themselves.. but I think I hate from experience. All of my friends had children young (14-19) and all of them have been in relationships with men without children and it's never worked and 90% of the time the men have treated the children like shit.. I'm sure there is exceptions but I'm yet to see it. Nearly all of them get the girl pregnant, stay for 3-6onths after the birth and leave...

Also to add. Having a sex worker in a home with children is absolutely fine if it is done safely but it is a massive concern if the sex worker isn't a parent and is new in the household.. how long before we get a leaked sex tape...
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New member
Well obviously they haven't seen the half of it. His old Only fans user name conjures up a lot of NSFW images & more - If he is practising Adult content in the same house as Harvey well I don't know what to say - Is this a safeguarding issue? Social Services?
No it's no concern to social services, UNLESS it impacts children at all. If it is entirely separate to the children and the children are unaware, then social services are not interested. I have sex worker friends who are open with social services about their work and it's of no concern.
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I actually thought it was Jodie Kidd they meant not Katie Price, they said model who likes horses and then said she was 6ft?
Yep, deffo wasn't KP or she'd have blurted it out and then flogged the story over and over and over.
Not to belittle sexual assault, but in her world it would be her eternal meal ticket.
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My crazy clean up.
Katie goes to live with Pete. Emily gives her medical, dietary, mental advice (she does write a column 😂) and Pete goes to her house for some sos diy

Harvey and Pete get to spend some quality time together.
it lasts 3 days before Katie goes mental - tries some moves on Pete and off she goes.
That would be Insania
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Anyone seen the scum online, according to reports Harvey wasn't well on Sunday but there's pictures of Katie filming a dating show with Pete wicks etc. Anyone else think that Harvey has found some sherbet.... And I don't mean the one with a liquorice stick in
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Of course not. Nobody who goes on Love Island wants fame, do they? 😂 Good grief, at least TRY and make it believable!
Also, what’s she been doing, sneaking around with a ‘secret lover’ for a month, when restrictions are still in place and she has a highly vulnerable person in her house?
Let’s not put your son first though Katie, eh? 🙄
Essex boi☑
Car salesman☑
Muscle Mary☑
Love Island wannabe☑

Perfect. Ticks all her boxes. He could be 'The One'.

Strange how she's so besotted with this fabulous new lover that she's still stalking Boyson and screaming in his windows like a loony.

My crystal ball tells me she'll sell a rebuttal interview to the press in the next few days claiming "he's just a mate and stop printing lies about me!" Ker-ching! £££££
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I came on here fully ready to snark on her new video for Juniors birthday but I just can’t... the way Junior treats Harvey with so much care is absolutely precious! That boy got his heart of gold from his dad
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VIP Member
DS's moderation is sooo strict. I got a warning this week for calling out a troll on a thread, I wasn't even horrible, just pointed out some inconsistencies in his persona. Why is it like that there, when it's so free here??
It’s not that free here. I’ve had 5 warnings and a temporary ban! 🙈
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