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Can we play bingo with soundbites over the next few weeks...

1) he is a mans man.
2) he has a big wiĺly
3) he isnt a pushover and gives as good as he gets.
4) he earns his own money
5) he isnt interested in fame
6) so good with harvey

Can we think of anymore ...
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I always wondered and i know im not alone but did katie drink and possibly do drugs whilst she was pregnant with harvey?
Don't think it's fair to speculate on this. Harvey's disabilities I'm sure have nothing to do with Katie either drinking or doing drugs. I have a daughter with autism and I'd hate to think people would presume I had something to do with her diagnosis. I was the healthiest I've ever been pregnant with her and sometimes these things just happen.
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Yes its in the 'influencer' section.

His wife comes across boring as well.
If not flashing her tits and fanny and selling 'exciting' stories on taking a kids virginity and making him bleed in the process makes her boring then good for her. Being an NHS doctor while rearing her own two children and KP's collateral damage ones makes her a very special stand up woman of the type I'd like my girls to aspire to copy.
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As much as I think she is a dick and made some horrific life choices, I really would love to see her clean up and sort herself out once and for all, for her kids more than anything. But we have seen this with her time and time again, she can never go the distance before some toy boy comes along and she reverts back to her old ways.
The thing about Katie is that she's always been a piece of sh-t. Getting pregnant by random men, taking drugs, getting pissed having abortions (and late term ones at that), cheating, lying and screwing people over. This IS who she is. When she was with CAN and Pete, she was able to hide it with incredibly strict PR and NDA's. No one got near her without signing one. Back when she could afford lawyers, she would threaten to take people to court who broke the contracts...but now that she can't afford lawyers or PR, her real behaviour is front and center, no longer protected. This is who she is and always will be. She's trash. A selfish, creedy, moron who wouldn't be the barely functioning person she is today without the help of her family. She's childlike and stupid. Truly. This is who she has always been and always will be.
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Enough with this sanctimonious nonsense.

You know exactly why all of this is relevant, but I will spell it out since you are making a show of being so open minded your brain has fallen out.

All unknown males - all - are a potential risk to children, and should be treated as such until it can be determined that they are trustworthy. The rate of non-fathers harming the children of their female partners is astronomical. It is common for predatory men to target single mothers with the intention of harming their children.

KP has been with him for three weeks so he is still very, very much an unknown quantity.

The fact that he is gay is relevant because it calls into question his motives behind having relationship with a woman. It could be entirely innocent, such as that it’s a mutually beneficial arrangement for them both: he gets attention, possible free housing, and more views on his channel; she gets an ego-boost, column inches, possible sub-letting money. But it could also be sinister, as he now has unfettered access to a vulnerable young male who is utterly incapable of speaking up for himself. The former scenario is obviously far more likely, but the latter can’t be discounted, because Al is unknown. And the fact that his orientation is to males makes a sinister motivation somewhat more likely than if he were straight in this particular case (the opposite would be true if Harvey were a girl).

On to the porn: this is a smallish flat making privacy difficult. Harvey is known to have gone rampaging through the mansion, so how will he behave in a confined flat during lockdown?

Porn involves continuous re-takes until the scene looks good, therefore the sex goes on for far longer. Al sometimes films scenes with other men, raising questions about which other unknown sleazy men will be allowed into the flat.

(Additionally, the fact his scenes often involve anal raises concerns about biohazards).

Finally, there is nothing wrong with having concerns with the morals and judgement of those who make porn. Not everyone agrees with porn, and you are the one being judgemental towards those with a differing worldview to yourself.

We’re not talking about acquaintances, we’re talking about Harvey living with this man in 24 hour lockdown after knowing him for 3 weeks.

I hope this answers your questions and you stop throwing around accusations of isms and phobias.

My guess is a combination of sympathy-fishing and ineptness. If she is now living in a different county, she may not know where to start with getting him re-assessed for help under a different local authority. Every county is different and has different processes, all of them hard to understand.
What an excellent post. So refreshing to see someone slap down ridiculous woke implications of 'isms and phobias' and right-on defending of what is a very dodgy situation for a vulnerable child to be exposed to.
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Angela 84

New member
Something defo going on. She’s definitely not typing her own posts the spelling and punctuation are perfect. She’s moved 5 mins from Pete. Maybe he’s asked Claire to manage her again for the kids sake?
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Chatty Member
He is a cheesy male stripper, he is listed on this cheesy male stripper site. It’s not even a debate.
Clearly he has other sources of income. But no point denying this isn’t one of them.

You repeatedly express concern for Harvey being in a house with this guy but I genuinely don’t get what you are actually worried might happen?
Is it that Harvey walks in to this guys room without knocking and sees him filming an only fans? Yeah that might happen but this is where a comparison between parents having sex is valid. Because that’s also something a vulnerable kid might walk in on which you wouldn’t want, but it rightly isn’t going to stop parents having sex. I’ll accept that he does this stuff as a job so it’s going to be happening more frequently...but surely in the privacy of his own room he should be allowed to do it, as long as he’s not making a lot of noise or mess. Harvey seeing something he shouldn’t could easily be avoided with a locked door.

Describing what’s happening as ‘broadcasting graphic porn’ is kind of misleading. Even amateur stuff usually requires more than one person ...and having actual sex. Not one guy filming titilations - graphic ones yes - on his phone. No one can know how graphic something is or isn’t from the other side of a door - doing it alone, privately, quietly small scale isn’t posing a risk to anyone. Any adult has a right to make or view it, plenty of perfectly decent people do both. So it doesn’t tell us anything about the guy. And saying she hardly knows him is just grasping at straws pretending that’s the issue. When if it was that’s a whole other conversation about her judgement and fitness as a mother - not about what the guy puts on only fans.

But you are strongly implying that someone who does this is dangerous to be around at any time. As if doing porn makes you morally blighted? What do you think might happen ? And why do you always emphasise that its not just any graphic porn, it’s gay graphic porn?
I know the classic excuse that “it’s just a fact.”
But that’s not in question, it’s the deployment of the fact in that context.
It’s mentioned along with the reasons that what he’s doing is a problem - it’s “porn” , it’s “graphic” and it’s “gay.” Other facts like it’s filmed on sundays or on a iPhone 8 or even that it’s tornonly only fans might be true but aren’t mentioned.

Again, I genuinely would like to know what risk this guy supposedly poses to Harvey. on the basis of this evidence. I mean he might be a total tyrant but I’m not even trying to defend him ,I don’t know him, it’s about the implicit homophobia or judgement that doing sex work makes you a danger to vulnerable kids.
Enough with this sanctimonious nonsense.

You know exactly why all of this is relevant, but I will spell it out since you are making a show of being so open minded your brain has fallen out.

All unknown males - all - are a potential risk to children, and should be treated as such until it can be determined that they are trustworthy. The rate of non-fathers harming the children of their female partners is astronomical. It is common for predatory men to target single mothers with the intention of harming their children.

KP has been with him for three weeks so he is still very, very much an unknown quantity.

The fact that he is gay is relevant because it calls into question his motives behind having relationship with a woman. It could be entirely innocent, such as that it’s a mutually beneficial arrangement for them both: he gets attention, possible free housing, and more views on his channel; she gets an ego-boost, column inches, possible sub-letting money. But it could also be sinister, as he now has unfettered access to a vulnerable young male who is utterly incapable of speaking up for himself. The former scenario is obviously far more likely, but the latter can’t be discounted, because Al is unknown. And the fact that his orientation is to males makes a sinister motivation somewhat more likely than if he were straight in this particular case (the opposite would be true if Harvey were a girl).

On to the porn: this is a smallish flat making privacy difficult. Harvey is known to have gone rampaging through the mansion, so how will he behave in a confined flat during lockdown?

Porn involves continuous re-takes until the scene looks good, therefore the sex goes on for far longer. Al sometimes films scenes with other men, raising questions about which other unknown sleazy men will be allowed into the flat.

(Additionally, the fact his scenes often involve anal raises concerns about biohazards).

Finally, there is nothing wrong with having concerns with the morals and judgement of those who make porn. Not everyone agrees with porn, and you are the one being judgemental towards those with a differing worldview to yourself.

We’re not talking about acquaintances, we’re talking about Harvey living with this man in 24 hour lockdown after knowing him for 3 weeks.

I hope this answers your questions and you stop throwing around accusations of isms and phobias.

Someone needs to tell her that then because she's been fishing for sympathy saying she has H in her care 24/7 on account of the lockdown.
Maybe his care facility is short staffed from carers staying at home on lockdown. Who knows what the truth is when dealing with katie price.
My guess is a combination of sympathy-fishing and ineptness. If she is now living in a different county, she may not know where to start with getting him re-assessed for help under a different local authority. Every county is different and has different processes, all of them hard to understand.
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I am a regular tattle user but have created a new account for this as my usual tattle username is similar to a username I use elsewhere and I don’t want this to be too outing.

The rumours about Kieran cheating with her ‘friends’ is 100% true, I’m not sure about the nanny claims but know the Jane and Chrissy ones are true. That is why they have never spoken out. Nothing to do with NDA’s, any money they would make from interviews if it was fake would more than cover any claims against them for breaching an NDA.

From what I have been told, there is no court agreement between Pete and Katie, she voluntarily let Pete have the kids when all the stuff with Kieran happened so that it didn’t affect them. same with Jett and Bunny, that is also not court ordered.

Does anyone know much about Emily? I have seen it mentioned that she is on the frontline during the current pandemic but I thought she gave up training/working to be with Pete, I could be wrong.

Katie definitely shows all signs of having a personality disorder of some type. I’ve met her a few of times and she was always lovely but she always just looks so dead behind the eyes. I see people have said they don’t think she has ever been in love. I think the opposite, she falls in love too easily with anyone that shows her some attention. I know people like her and they are the same and it often stems from being in previously abusive relationships etc She is desperate for someone to love her but she goes about it completely the wrong way. I don’t think she will ever be fully over Pete.

I think I seen it mentioned in the first thread but the K maddocks/ Maddox thing from when Katie and Pete first split if anyone remembers it. A lot of that was true, I am related to one of the girls that spoke out. Anyone that spoke out about Pete at the time was paid off which is how he managed to maintain his squeaky clean image. They were fuming over the K account because they didn’t know who it was so couldn’t put a stop to it but anyone that used their own account, were paid off. I believe they eventually found out who was running the account and she was paid A LOT of money to stop which is why it just disappeared.

She needs to disappear for a while, get herself well and either drop out the limelight completely or come back with a whole new image.
I don’t blame her doing staged pap shots, even for a pretty ‘minor’ reality star, the shots can be worth thousands. A lot of celebs have agreements with the photographers to get a percent of the sell on value, I imagine this is what Katie does as even though she is a train wreck now, she will get big money from the images. It’s the same with instagram ads, she will bring in thousands from them alone and she seems to do plenty.
What a load of tosh. Nothing personal, but no wonder you are hiding your name. It would probably ring bells with anyone who posted on KP threads on DS as being one of her biggest apologists.;)
For HUGE starters, Emily never gave up anything to be with Andre. Nothing . Her life is as she planned it pre marriage, a career as a doctor.She put her studies on hold briefly to have the first and second babies, same as any young woman, then went straight back to studying and working in hospitals to complete her full training.She was fully supported in her career choice by Peter Andre and he is totally proud of her amazing career and achievements, as he should be.
Of course Can protected their client. It's called management and is what they are paid to do. Same way they cleaned up Katie's shite reputation when she was their client. They hid so much of her crap it's unreal, that was their job and Katie gained from it massively financially because they portrayed her as a loving mummy when she was nothing of the sort. No wonder they chose Andre over her after the split, any misdeeds of his would be child's play compared to the mess that was KP.
As for Kieran cheating. Bullshit. I don't doubt he flirted, he's a decent looking bloke and it's a known fact that once Katie gets the wedding ring she turns off the sex and affection and relegates her blokes to housekeepers, farm workers and baby sitting while she does her own thing.Watching him get any positive attention from anyone with a fanny would trigger her venom. Her insistence on NDA's is well known. Back in the day she could afford to enforce them with her legal team and solicitor's letters flew like confetti if you said anything she decided was negative, hence DS being paranoid when her threads pointed out her faults and disgusting behaviour, but that no longer applies as no legal guys want her business now that her debts are public knowledge among them. Those she shafted re the Kieran crap are just glad to put what was a horrific time for them behind them. They've all moved on and are glad to be out of reach of her venom and won't speak out now in case she initiates another social media assault on them from her bat shit cuckoo weirdo creepy fans.
I'm astonished you "don't blame her for doing pap shoots". If you were one of the many small businesses she shafted by not paying them then you wouldn't be so blasé about her pocketing what should be your cash and blowing it on booze manicures and glued in hair. She owes animal feed people, vets, people who personalised her cars, builders, house keepers, caretaker guy .... the list of locals she has shafted is ridiculous and she should be ashamed to show her face locally.
You know what I wish her ? I wish her what she has inflicted on the people she has trampled underfoot. It's already happening as she's too toxic to get any meaningful work. Everything she touches turns to shit, which makes me pleased. She could don sackcloth and go work with lepers and I'd still say, she's a piece of crap and a horrendous mother.
Oh and never EVER ever in a gazillion years would she offer her kids to Peter Andre to rear. Never ever ever. She hates his guts for daring to be the one bloke who dared ditch her sorry ass when she went too far. Make no mistake ... if he has those kids then he fought her through the courts tooth and nail for them. They were her little hostages to keep him in her life and she was grooming them to follow in her footsteps to piss him off. Social Services have been ridiculously lax re her over the years, but I guess her spending three months in Spain with her blokes, missing their first days in new schools and being videoed singing how she loves coke while getting high with strangers in Ibiza finally made them get their arse in gear and give all four children into the main care of their fathers.

@Bee2020 do you have any stories on Katie drug usage? Is she as bad as the press make out to be? I hope this is ok to ask.
Worse. Her rep is crap re drugs.
This was her boasting she loves coke just two years ago and she's not changed if she's running around with the geordie shore lot(which she still is).

it’s a long story but it was a twitter account who tweeted a lot to expose peter Andre and his brother, Claire Powell and a few others. Her identify was never discovered. A lot of people thought it was katie herself.
Neville Hendrix who was the ex of Claire Powell and had been the producer for of Katie and Peters shows, also got involved and backed up a lot of the accusations made. There were also quite a few others who didn’t hide behind another account.

Some of the allegations were quite serious and yet no legal action was ever taken even against those who didn’t hide behind a fake account. If the allegations had been false you can guarantee Claire especially would have had them all up on court for slander like she did with Katie over her saying Claire and Peter were sleeping together.
Not sueing is not an admission of guilt. They were already deeply financially embroiled in the legal shit over Katie's allegations of an affair between Claire and Peter, so it would have been foolish to instigate another case or cases against a load of batshit motormouths determined to defend KP at any cost.
They chose their battle wisely, as proven by winning and screwing KP financially with a massive legal bill that she still hasn't settled. Once KP was thorooughly thrashed and put back in her box anything her motormouths waffled about was regarded as based on bitterness and bile.
Actually I recall one post, a very clear image of a child at a table doing homework or something and it was claimed he was ... I'm trying to be more polite than the motormouths phrased it ... an 'inappropriate friend' of one or more of the Andre brothers. The child's mother was furious when informed of it and denied even knowing the Andres in any shape or form.
That was the level of the shit that KP defenders resorted to to discredit the Andre's for dumping their idol.
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Chatty Member
I’ll save my ‘sadness’ for those who need plastic surgery due to cancer, accidents and other injuries.
I think I didn’t explain myself properly, I find it sad that someone has deteriorated so much to feel the need to have surgery, her need/want for surgery now is purely down to greed/yes men/enablers around her. the sadness I refer to in this instance is more pity/disappointment/embarrassment.

people that need surgery for actual reasons such as what you have mentioned above is a completely different situation, any normal human being would understand that.
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I just to watch Katie and Peter’s reality shows and he was as crude as she was,always perving over her,simulating sex with her all the time and asking for blow jobs when she was pregnant etc.
That was what sold the show. They weren't paid to be seen doing a bit of gardening or sitting around discussing the econmic situation in Peru. Sex sells and they both played on it to the max. That was their USP for their joint shows back then, sex and dirty talk and dry humping.
He grew out of it and became an adult and she never did. There's the difference.🤪

One thing I have realised after Katie being on SAS is that she has determination and will do whatever it takes. Unfortunately she never seems to use this for the good and she seems to just give up after doing the bare minimum. I mean even just doing what she has done so far is probably more than anything most of us would do.
I disagree with the BIB, sorry. She has no determination whatsoever.
She has fads and goes into something at 100mph, then gets bored and goes on to something else.
I recall her banging on about becoming a paramedic. Never happened. Becoming a nail technician, nope, never happened. Setting up a riding school, couldn't be arsed. Was gonna learn 'proper' cooking, nope, invited Aldo Zilli on her show to teach her and then buggered off riding while he cooked dinner for her extended family and then she turned up in just a towel for the meal. Aldo was fuming. Oh and she was gonna be a vet. Nope. Even her books were all ghost written.
She has no staying power for anything apart from trying to crucify the nation with her attempts at singing.
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Amid the "So happy for you hun" and the "stfu u haterz she's such a good mum she deserves some shagging time to her self" comments on the pic of the "random" on IG I found this little gem:

@stacieshaxton she has 7 carers for her son as my friend is one of them. Shes never there , she cant cope because if her meds. She pays her agent £10,000 a month to keep the bad press away. Her pets have been taken away because of neglect. Her ex's are paid handsomely each month to be nice, thats why she keeps running out of money
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Emily and Katie are two totally different types of women I don’t understand what his type is. When he was with Katie he acted different to what he acts like now.
I just to watch Katie and Peter’s reality shows and he was as crude as she was,always perving over her,simulating sex with her all the time and asking for blow jobs when she was pregnant etc.
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Just watched her special from the other night. I really hate the way she uses Harvey. He is so vulnerable and naive yet she always makes him sing and say swear words and say things to make other people laugh! She parades him around when it suits her and the sad thing is he knows no different.
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Gosh she called her own baby ugly?!

Princess was always adorable, she looked like an actual doll.

I have noticed that since P has been living with her dad she isn’t wearing makeup / posing with duck lips anymore. Good for her
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The comments on the dailh mail article, the lamborghini has a false numberplate, is up for sale on auto trader, and he's either borrowed it from work or rented it for an hour. Not taxed either. 😁
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