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You're right, these things happen, but when you piss around with drugs and drink while carrying a tiny human inside you then the risks increase hugely.

This was her on Mothers day (in 2009 I think).

She was living in LA but left Pete and the kids there to come back to Brighton for 'a visit'. When she attempted the marathon with Peter a few weeks later she said she was recovering from a miscarriage and was bleeding heavily but some speculate that she'd had an abortion without telling Peter and that's why she'd left LA and gone to Brighton. That's when the marriage collapsed.
Maybe it was an abortion or maybe it wasn't but she was pregnant when partying and passed out in that cafe in Brighton weeks earlier. So partying while pregnant seems not to bother her despite her claiming otherwise these days. The images are there.
She had sex with the very young Gareth Gates while very pregnant with Harvey too. She's really a grim human.
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Defo, I really like Katie and I’ve been a fan for a few years now and I really want her to turn it around. We’ve had similar issues and we seem to go through stuff at the same time. I really don’t think she should’ve gotten into another relationship, considering she was at Kris’ a few weeks ago! Everyone around her seems to be helping her e.g Pete, Kieran, possibly CAN Management and she’s also managed to move into the house which I’ve seen on rightmove it looks lovely.

his Instagram followers have already jumped and we can see the car is fake for press so god just help her when it ends badly! Hope the kids don’t suffer

she already dragged princess into her mess when she got princess to film the argument with kris recently
Nah, no sympathy from me when it goes tits up again. She loves it, she loves the drama. Doesn't matter if it's good or bad. She manufactures it by renting random blokes by the month/week. They use her, she uses them, job done.
Kids? What kids?
Like I said, lockdown is only just ending and she's off and running with her latest rent a penis pouting and posing like an old fool. Next will be the coke and booze.

New thread title
Katie Price #3. Cocked more often than John Wayne's rifle.
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She has a shiny new all white furnished house and whatever these porn guys are they tend to be fussy regarding surroundings. Less fussy what they put their dick in, but generally neatnicks otherwise. Once this guy realises she can't/won't cook and is a slattern he'll be off like a shot.
Call me psychic but I can see how this evolved. She'll have contacted him and wailed about her leaky tits forcing her off the SAS show and asked him to help her get fit for the one next year, the one she says she's determined to win ... hang on while I shoo this herd of pigs off my roof ...
This is her M.O. She dives in keen as mustard then gets bored after a few weeks and reverts to slobbing around in baggy trackies.
He knows it, she knows it, heck we all know it. He'll be gone in a few weeks but it's such a pity that poor H has yet another 'daddy/uncle' to get temporarily used to.:(
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She just repeats herself, singing, horses, tries to be a sex bomb whilst coming home to her alter ego, mum in trackies, talks about having more kids, never under estimate the pricey etc etc
Doesn't work any more katie, we've all seen it before 😴😴😴
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I think your quote is bizzare ,why would they care unless they are getting down and dirty in front of the kids.

Couples and adults have sex . Social services have 0 involvement at all. Based on your comment people with children shouldn't be having sex 🤔🤔why is it any different to KP and stud muffin doing what ever they do in private

So could any child in any home with parents🙄

I don't like KP and she's really crap at a million things.

The revolving door of daddies in the house is just the start of her poor parenting decisions, but sex in private in the home is not a safeguarding or SS issue

Isn't she actually supposed to be a really good horse person? I imagine if she had been less trampy and took on a more respectable image she probably could have had some success in the horsey world and stayed current without constantly needed to embarrass herself
You're obviously choosing to be pedantic in your support of her.
Making porn videos in no way equates to normal parents/ adults having sex in their home, so that's no excuse for her allowing her latest rent-a-penis to indulge his sex fantasies in her home.
He makes videos to titillate, he gets naked and pulls at his penis (yes I've seen one of his masterpieces), often with another bloke or female but also alone. It's his trade, it's how he earns money and is his day job, or do you think he kindly waits until the middle of the night until the kids are asleep before getting his dick out and setting up the lighting and props? All silently of course. Kids wander, they are curious and H in particular is a night wanderer, which pricey has often complained about.
The fact is that she's a mother of five shacked up with a guy who she admits ( she sold the story weeks ago) is making porn vids in her pristine new home. She claims she's drug free and her exes are allowing her time with the children and she chooses to move a porn maker into their sometimes home.
She's a crap horsewoman and never ever had a chance in any worthwhile competition. She's fullof shit on that score as well. All she knows is being a tramp and flogging stories about her blokes cos she's a classy bird like that. She's just a cunt.
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Does anyone know what happened about her brother looking after her money? I remember in one of her reality shows she mentioned how so many 'celebs' spending was outta control & they go bankrupt & she doesn't want to be one of them, so that's why she let her brother be her financial manager, he's not even featured in her 'Crazy Life show', probably cos her house smells of shit !
I read somewhere that when her brother renovated his house, she pitched a fit and accused him of stealing money from her. She‘s an absolute psychopath so the fact she would have the nerve to say those things to one of the few people in her life who tried to help her, manage her and dig her out of the mess she made of her career, comes as no surprise. He put up with her crap for far too long IMO.

What I would like to know is what happened to Gary and Phil? I have a theory as they seemed to bail on her after the court case against CAN heated up. Those two know where ALL her bones are buried. They arranged for her to have sex with that Andre Pinto guy from Ibiza only 3 weeks after Pete their own house! Gary also returned to Britain with her over Mother’s Day when she was filming in the States with Pete. I speculate that they took her to have that poor unborn child aborted because she had no idea who the father was. There was a scene in ’Stateside’ when Pete picks them up at the LAX airport and Katie and Gary gave each other a look in the car...thick as thieves.

I wonder if Gary and Phil were called to testify during the CAN case? Lying to Pete and Claire is one thing...but lying under oath and being dragged into potential perjury, that’s another. And then **poof** they disappeared.
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The thing about Katie is that she's always been a piece of sh-t. Getting pregnant by random men, taking drugs, getting pissed having abortions (and late term ones at that), cheating, lying and screwing people over. This IS who she is. When she was with CAN and Pete, she was able to hide it with incredibly strict PR and NDA's. No one got near her without signing one. Back when she could afford lawyers, she would threaten to take people to court who broke the contracts...but now that she can't afford lawyers or PR, her real behaviour is front and center, no longer protected. This is who she is and always will be. She's trash. A selfish, creedy, moron who wouldn't be the barely functioning person she is today without the help of her family. She's childlike and stupid. Truly. This is who she has always been and always will be.
I get the vibe you're not keen on her.:unsure:

Good summation though. I don't go with wishing her well like some nice folk on here. I wish her exactly what she has inflicted on others over the years. That'll do for me. If she even gets back half of the humiliation and pain she's caused then that's fine.
Her problem at the moment ... apart from looking like a battered barbie doll left on a hot radiator, being bankrupt, having no kids living with her and being a bitch ... is that she trampled over so many people on her way up the ladder that they are cheering on her spectacular descent into hell.
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Just to clarify - Al Worrell is not a cheesy stripper, he broadcasts graphic hard-core gay porn. This fact is not gleaned from a sensationalist tabloid as claimed earlier, but from an astute tattler in version 1 of this thread alongside other forums and research. @BigBulgeAl was the guys previous onlyfans name - the internet is awash with videos & pics of him NSFW if you want to google - not behind a paywall either. I can't believe people are comparing parents having sex compared to a complete stranger broadcasting graphic gay porn under the same roof.
He is a cheesy male stripper, he is listed on this cheesy male stripper site. It’s not even a debate.
Clearly he has other sources of income. But no point denying this isn’t one of them.

You repeatedly express concern for Harvey being in a house with this guy but I genuinely don’t get what you are actually worried might happen?
Is it that Harvey walks in to this guys room without knocking and sees him filming an only fans? Yeah that might happen but this is where a comparison between parents having sex is valid. Because that’s also something a vulnerable kid might walk in on which you wouldn’t want, but it rightly isn’t going to stop parents having sex. I’ll accept that he does this stuff as a job so it’s going to be happening more frequently...but surely in the privacy of his own room he should be allowed to do it, as long as he’s not making a lot of noise or mess. Harvey seeing something he shouldn’t could easily be avoided with a locked door.

Describing what’s happening as ‘broadcasting graphic porn’ is kind of misleading. Even amateur stuff usually requires more than one person ...and having actual sex. Not one guy filming titilations - graphic ones yes - on his phone. No one can know how graphic something is or isn’t from the other side of a door - doing it alone, privately, quietly small scale isn’t posing a risk to anyone. Any adult has a right to make or view it, plenty of perfectly decent people do both. So it doesn’t tell us anything about the guy. And saying she hardly knows him is just grasping at straws pretending that’s the issue. When if it was that’s a whole other conversation about her judgement and fitness as a mother - not about what the guy puts on only fans.

But you are strongly implying that someone who does this is dangerous to be around at any time. As if doing porn makes you morally blighted? What do you think might happen ? And why do you always emphasise that its not just any graphic porn, it’s gay graphic porn?
I know the classic excuse that “it’s just a fact.”
But that’s not in question, it’s the deployment of the fact in that context.
It’s mentioned along with the reasons that what he’s doing is a problem - it’s “porn” , it’s “graphic” and it’s “gay.” Other facts like it’s filmed on sundays or on a iPhone 8 or even that it’s tornonly only fans might be true but aren’t mentioned.

Again, I genuinely would like to know what risk this guy supposedly poses to Harvey. on the basis of this evidence. I mean he might be a total tyrant but I’m not even trying to defend him ,I don’t know him, it’s about the implicit homophobia or judgement that doing sex work makes you a danger to vulnerable kids.
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I feel so sorry for Katie - Yes she has messed up but the way she acts is like how some other women these days act too but we just don't see it as they're not in the public eye. Katie has been let down many times by people close to her and yes she doesnt do herself any favours but if you had to read all of the stuff you see written about her, or face the challenges she has, its enough to send anyone over the edge. Unfortunately the people around her aren't helping her they are enabling it......
She shits on everyone around her and uses them as unpaid labour. Cheated on all her husbands and boyfriends. Ditched her brother because she imagined he had abused her money. Took goods and services and didn't pay for them. Accused numerous mates of shagging her men ... yet despite multi cameras in her home and outbuildings and her claiming she has photographic evidence of them shagging she's produced nothing.If she had evidence she'd show it, like she shafted Alex Reid. Absolutely trashed Alex Reid's life by outing his cross dressing and showing personal porn videos around. Refused to let Peter Andre see H, even though he had organised a sensory room and bedroom in his new home for the young H and employed a nurse to stay overnight with him. Her hangers on are chosen by her. They don't just turn up and live there, she invites them and uses them for driving her around and for minding H .She's over 40 FFS and has 5 kids, she should be engaging with her kids and building a relationship with them instead of chasing men half her age and shoving stuff up her nose. She's still posting crap at women because they are with her exes and is even barred from her kids school for swearing and screaming at the woman Kieran is dating. The woman has been granted a restraining order to protect herself from Geriatric Barbie.
More red flags than Chinese independence day.
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Here we go again!same old,same old about time she just shut her trap,who the fuck is interested.🙄
She's a big fat liar. Back then I saw the images of her and horse man in a club snogging and all over each other. Then whoosh! they disappeared off the net within days. There was also one of her up a side alley of a club, deffo her, snogging some guy. Maybe horse man or another bloke but from the same night. She had promised Peter she wouldn't go clubbing because they both agreed she lacked control in drink, but there she was. Back then she had influence (or dirt) on big names and could get stuff disappeared if it damaged her rep.
She also offered Duncan James a blow job while clubbing.
Another time she took off her wedding rings and gave them to some random girl saying she hated being married and Peter was boring.
This was all while married to Andre and he was at home babysitting their kids. She's a dirty tramp.
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He tried to get access in the early years but pricey wasn't having it and he ended up giving up. She pulled the same stunt she always does, " if you don't want me then you don't get access to the kids" and yorke gave up in the end. That's the reason Peter Andre always gets "I love my kids" thrown at him, because he had to repeat it so often in interviews when asked about it during his interminable court battles with her over shared custody. She plays hard ball out of pure spite and to be fair York paid mummy pricey to be H's carer right up until she went off to live in spain part time after her diagnosis of the lung disorder two years ago, so he financially responsible at least. He said that (re the payments) in his bio and pricey didn't deny it or challenge it so you can believe it's true.
It's difficult to relate to a child you've never had access to. The odd thing is that she was pictured (genuine papped ) meeting with York a few times over the years ... without H.
Having said that recalling your kid's birthday should be automatic. Truth will out.
Exactly this! DY has been financially providing for Harvey his entire life. The money went to her mother Amy, who has been the PRIMARY CAREGIVER for Harvey's entire life. Not Katie. Amy made sure he was enrolled in school (both in the UK and America) and took him to dental and medical appointments. She took care of him and provided stability/routine when KP would fuck off to God knows where with God knows who. The constant headline that KP is a "great mom to Harvey" is the greatest scam she has ever pulled. It's no coincidence that the minute Amy moved to Spain, Harvey was put into full time residential care. It's also no coincidence that the minute her husbands leave her and she could no longer afford nannies, the kids no longer lived with KP. She's a useless human being and TERRIBLE mother.

Now saying she will use a sperm donor for her 6th child 🙄


Look at her stomach. Look at how gaunt and skinny she is everywhere but her stomach. This was the night she got absolutely wasted during a nightclub appearance and declared she was pregnant. Then she walked it back and claimed she was joking (link above). My ass she was joking. What happened to that baby? One of the many pregnancies that would disappear. Now she wants a sperm donor so she can have a new baby that she can't care for but make a few quid off of for a headline. She should be sterilized. And this is the reason she will never be sober. The guilt she feels deep down for aborting so many babies. The guilt she feels deep down for treating everyone in her life like shit. The shame she feels deep down for having no real friends because she insufferable. She will forever be 'self medicating' to numb those feelings.
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I am sick of people ascribing autism to anyone with unpleasant personality traits.
Preach it sister ! It's ridiculous that people see bad behaviour and cover it up with an armchair diagnosis they know fuck all about.
Two of the most fabulous people I know are autistic and not a bad bone in their body.
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Chatty Member
Ive been told (reliable source) she took E in the China White days, when she was pregnant with him. But there is no medical proof E causes the disabilities he has, plus it could be lies.
Yes! A friend who was a ‘picker’ on club doors in the late 90’s told me at the time she was taking coke during her pregnancy and I’m certain she’s still on it. When she was pregnant it was in the paper that she was in a lap dancing club getting a lap dance and (sorry to be crude) inserted a bottle into the lap dancer and there was other “sexual contact” all with KP with a huge pregnancy tummy! She’s vile, always had been.
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Chatty Member
Just to clarify - Al Worrell is not a cheesy stripper, he broadcasts graphic hard-core gay porn. This fact is not gleaned from a sensationalist tabloid as claimed earlier, but from an astute tattler in version 1 of this thread alongside other forums and research. @BigBulgeAl was the guys previous onlyfans name - the internet is awash with videos & pics of him NSFW if you want to google - not behind a paywall either. I can't believe people are comparing parents having sex compared to a complete stranger broadcasting graphic gay porn under the same roof.
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I felt so sorry for her. I used to think she was so tough, funny and down to earth. But you can tell the years of drama (some of her own doing, some not) have just really chipped away at her as a person.
God no, not me, not a bit sorry for her no matter how she ends up.
She lied through her fake teeth on the SAS show. There was no attack on them in SA. No police report, no corroberation from anyone else and the gear and phones she claimed were stolen were still in use next day for more filming. Her mother has a degenerative lung issue, not cancer. Nor was she ever in the Priory, just took photos in the grounds and was sent packing with her camera crew for being dicks.
I was surprised ... actually come to think of it I wasn't ... that she was constantly sat alone on her bed. Generally the women on there hive with each other. Maybe her attention seeking rep precedes her. I did laugh at Ant and co falling for her sob stories and drooling over her. That old titty magic and the passe bo derek corn rows never let her down. :ROFLMAO:
Anthea is 20 years older and Laren only has one hand and both made katie look like a lazy tart.
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How do you know?
He could walk into the room and see this at anytime.
Stop defending the indefensible. Its wrong! Sex work and children and or vulnerable adults do not mix.
Work away from the home, its that easy.
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Miss Havisham

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I think most folk are fed up of her antics now. It’s just the same story - repeated every few months.

She comes across to me, as strangely cold. There doesn’t seem to be much behind the eyes, and her voice is almost robotic .
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Enough with this sanctimonious nonsense.

You know exactly why all of this is relevant, but I will spell it out since you are making a show of being so open minded your brain has fallen out.

All unknown males - all - are a potential risk to children, and should be treated as such until it can be determined that they are trustworthy. The rate of non-fathers harming the children of their female partners is astronomical. It is common for predatory men to target single mothers with the intention of harming their children.

KP has been with him for three weeks so he is still very, very much an unknown quantity.

The fact that he is gay is relevant because it calls into question his motives behind having relationship with a woman. It could be entirely innocent, such as that it’s a mutually beneficial arrangement for them both: he gets attention, possible free housing, and more views on his channel; she gets an ego-boost, column inches, possible sub-letting money. But it could also be sinister, as he now has unfettered access to a vulnerable young male who is utterly incapable of speaking up for himself. The former scenario is obviously far more likely, but the latter can’t be discounted, because Al is unknown. And the fact that his orientation is to males makes a sinister motivation somewhat more likely than if he were straight in this particular case (the opposite would be true if Harvey were a girl).

On to the porn: this is a smallish flat making privacy difficult. Harvey is known to have gone rampaging through the mansion, so how will he behave in a confined flat during lockdown?

Porn involves continuous re-takes until the scene looks good, therefore the sex goes on for far longer. Al sometimes films scenes with other men, raising questions about which other unknown sleazy men will be allowed into the flat.

(Additionally, the fact his scenes often involve anal raises concerns about biohazards).

Finally, there is nothing wrong with having concerns with the morals and judgement of those who make porn. Not everyone agrees with porn, and you are the one being judgemental towards those with a differing worldview to yourself.

We’re not talking about acquaintances, we’re talking about Harvey living with this man in 24 hour lockdown after knowing him for 3 weeks.

I hope this answers your questions and you stop throwing around accusations of isms and phobias.

My guess is a combination of sympathy-fishing and ineptness. If she is now living in a different county, she may not know where to start with getting him re-assessed for help under a different local authority. Every county is different and has different processes, all of them hard to understand.
Exactly, moving a man in youve known as 3 weeks is risky to your kids, end off. Especially those that are more vulnerable than most.
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Chatty Member
So even if Harvey didn’t know what was being filmed in the house, surely it’s a safeguarding issue if KP is moving this guy in when she doesn’t know much about him. Maybe she’s known this guy for years but I doubt it. Harvey is vulnerable, probably confused by the lockdown, missing his siblings and family and then this guy appears 🤷🏻‍♀️
Apparently not Lenny - it appears to be perfectly fine for an unfamiliar male to be broadcasting his a-hole in the same house as Harvey, I actually cannot believe some people think this is perfectly acceptable. KP herself has stated H often roams the house at night waking up her other kids, smashing doors, windows. The stuff this guy films is pretty graphic and should be behind a paywall anyway., I would not want my kid in the same house.
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