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Chatty Member
I know exactly where this is - they did not go for a ‘walk’, they strolled along for 10m max!!! The kids were there with their Mum less than 24 hours according to the Mirror. So she spent precious time with them having pap shots taken When she hadn’t seen them for seven weeks!!!!!
Seriously 😞
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I think Our Lady of all that’s Grotesque definitely shows all the signs of having some personality disorder. No empathy for anyone or anything. Even herself. She’s an empty vessel playing a role.

Anyone got any gossip on the friend Jane Poutney who apparently had an affair with Kieron? Why has she never spoken up? Given her side of the story? There was another one too, Chrissy, another notch on Kieron’s bedpost if you believe what you read in the paper.

I always had the impression that Jane and Chrissy were paid off to make a storyline. All the vile stuff she said about Jane (iirc hoping she died in a car crash!) and she’s never done an interview!

Jane love! Get the kettle on, get online and spill the TEA!
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He never took them out of the public eye though. They were very young when he and Katie split. He’s made the occasional performative stand about it but never really made the effort.

Front page OK story for which he uses his kids to have a massive dig at their mother, dressed up as concern for them. Classy parenting.
You talk bollix regarding him. This is a Katie Price thread in case you forgot. You might feel happier venting on his own thread.
They BOTH made the decision to include the babies in their reality shows and when they split pricey fought like hell against shared custody with him for years because she wanted her personal use of them all to herself.You know fine well (since you're a pricey fan) that heir custody battle raged for years purely based on her wanting full control of them and it was that and her big fat lying gob re him cheating that got her the millions in debt to solicitors. ;)
They are teenagers now and were given the choice of not being seen or being seen in his shows and they opted to be seen. Nor was it their dad who set them up with online accounts three years ago allowing them to sell their lives like mummy. It was darling mummy and they were shut down (by Andre) because they were too young for that. Nor does their dad use them to flog disgusting chemical based food spreads and dangerous laxative based teas, but mummy does. Plus she also has them posing in 'her' cheap fire hazard polyester clothing range that she buys in from Ali express. She has also set up accounts in all 4 names selling kid clothes with the actual manufacturers name removed and her pretendy company name sewn in.
The day Andre does that kind of abuse is the day I'll batter him, not while he has taken custody of them, sorted out their previously chaotic lives from when they lived in her filthy hovel and doesn't use them to flog any dodgy shite.

People need to stop blaming Andre for her crap behaviour. She's a shit mother and a vile human being who literally sells her own mother and disabled child for column inches and wouldn't know the truth if it bit her on her scrawny arse.
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Very traditional

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I bet she will get her own thread on this forum next.....
does anyone else think it’s really weird that 35,000 people are following this 13 year old girl? It’s not like she’s a Disney star or a singer or actress, she’s just a little girl with Z list parents, what’s the appeal in following her?
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Here we go again...

"He’s told her he’s not interested in being famous" :rolleyes:
Of course not. Nobody who goes on Love Island wants fame, do they? 😂 Good grief, at least TRY and make it believable!
Also, what’s she been doing, sneaking around with a ‘secret lover’ for a month, when restrictions are still in place and she has a highly vulnerable person in her house?
Let’s not put your son first though Katie, eh? 🙄
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it’s still sad don’t you think? ☹
It's sadder that the clinics think she's a good advertisement and a good example of their artistry.
Best of it is that she's only 40-ish and has good genes (her mum looks great for an older lady) so had she reined in the surgery she could still be looking really good, but here we are and there's no do-over.
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So what is the current situ with Katie? She no longer lives in the mucky mansion, is it still being renovated or did she sell it and buy something else? Also she no longer has any of her kids full time at home? Younger ones with their dads and Harvey in supported accommodation, But currently isolating with mum. So did the kids just prefer to lives with their dads or did she loose custody?
It's hard to say what the actual arrangement is because child custody and family court matters are private/sealed but if Pete has the power to forbid the kids from appearing on Katie's shows, as well as order her to take drugs tests before she could see them, that implies he has full parental rights over the kids. Plus he registered them in new schools near his home. Not sure about Kieren. Doesn't really seem to matter these days though. Her kids are more of a burden to her anyways. She'd rather shag strangers, snort coke and get pissed.

And just to quickly introduce myself...i know it seems i've come out of know where. I've been reading about Katie and Pete for years and commenting slightly. I used to read Digital Spy and the 3am site. Does anyone remember that? It was CRAZY in those days. Katie and her minions would comment under fake names and say awful things about Pete's family, calling his parents ******* etc. It was really bad back then!
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Chatty Member
No it's no concern to social services, UNLESS it impacts children at all. If it is entirely separate to the children and the children are unaware, then social services are not interested. I have sex worker friends who are open with social services about their work and it's of no concern.
So a man known to be making graphic gay porn in the same household of a vulnerable autistic child who his mother has known for all of 5 mins is of no concern to SS. OK
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I disagree to an extent. If you are filming adult content when the children are asleep in bed and you are in a locked room with an adult available to provide care needs if the child was to wake it isn't. Also this opinion is based on parents. Not the new bloke who will only be around for a few weeks if that.
:DI'm smiling to think you imagine katie price arranges extra child care, even were it available during lock down.
In this case he's not the parent or even quasi parent nor wants to be.He's 22.He's just another rent-a-penis using her and her new pristine gaff to sell sex videos and images. Just another grifter on the make using her for publicity for his porn pay site and he won't give a shiny shit where H might be while they're busy making porn. She's not exactly mother of the year (despite the award back in the day) so I doubtshe gives a crap.
Also her other two eldest will be mortified visiting her knowing that some strange bloke has been flapping his whanger around on the furniture they're expected to make themselves at home on.
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No it's no concern to social services, UNLESS it impacts children at all. If it is entirely separate to the children and the children are unaware, then social services are not interested. I have sex worker friends who are open with social services about their work and it's of no concern.
That's fine, but do your sex worker friends use their homes to film naked blokes pulling on their schlongs and massaging them with baby oil?
I doubt it. Being a sex worker as in going to work as one outside the home is no big deal and of course doesn't/shouldn't affect the children. Using the children's home to film porn of any kind is disgusting, especially at the moment when people are on lockdown and the child is confined to home.
She moaned a week ago about how hard it was caring for H 24/7 at her home while unable to take him out anywhere, yet she's letting her latest rent-a-dick making porn videos in that same home. She's vile.:mad:
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I always wondered and i know im not alone but did katie drink and possibly do drugs whilst she was pregnant with harvey?
Sorry,I have to say yes she was always on the piss,I got loads of shit on DS for saying it,loads of peeps saying no,he didn’t have signs of alcohol abuse,I think he did..she knows it as well.Sorry but I always thought that.☹
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I just noticed Claire Powell ( Peter andreas manager) has liked her last post!!
Omg! Her arch enemy who she blamed for her marriage to Pete ending, surely Claire hasnt taken her back on her books?! Something going on if she has liked her post though!
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I’ve just caught up on the gardening in a wedding dress story. Oh dear lord!! Why?! She looks ridiculous, and the whole thing is just pointless. I am loving the Mirror’s article though.

“She then poked around the barbecue but it isn't clear if she was actually cooking anything.”

“She then stood up and stuck her hands in the air for some reason. Katie has been married three times so is used to wearing a wedding dress.”

Well done, Mirror writer, well done 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
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Well obviously they haven't seen the half of it. His old Only fans user name conjures up a lot of NSFW images & more - If he is practising Adult content in the same house as Harvey well I don't know what to say - Is this a safeguarding issue? Social Services?
I don’t really understand why it’s a safeguarding issue if he’s in a room away from Harvey and Katie is keeping him occupied?
I’m sure Katie has sex whilst Harvey is in the house, what’s the difference??

How do you know?
He could walk into the room and see this at anytime.
Stop defending the indefensible. Its wrong! Sex work and children and or vulnerable adults do not mix.
Work away from the home, its that easy.
It’s not indefensible ... he’s not filming Harvey ffs

That's fine, but do your sex worker friends use their homes to film naked blokes pulling on their schlongs and massaging them with baby oil?
I doubt it. Being a sex worker as in going to work as one outside the home is no big deal and of course doesn't/shouldn't affect the children. Using the children's home to film porn of any kind is disgusting, especially at the moment when people are on lockdown and the child is confined to home.
She moaned a week ago about how hard it was caring for H 24/7 at her home while unable to take him out anywhere, yet she's letting her latest rent-a-dick making porn videos in that same home. She's vile.:mad:
You’ve just got a vendetta against KP and nothing she said or did you’d agree with though? And that’s fine if that’s your opinion. Doesn’t make it correct though

So a man known to be making graphic gay porn in the same household of a vulnerable autistic child who his mother has known for all of 5 mins is of no concern to SS. OK
Also. Harvey isn’t a child he’s 17 or 18 isn’t he. I know he has problems and mentally isn’t an adult but your talking as if he’s a baby. He was probably in the house when Katie’s filmed sex tapes herself
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She's them all in designer gear, same with her trainers. She changed her style after that last pt boyf. Kids always look scruffy. Esp the girls. Princess not so much now she's older and same with junior but the 2 youngest ones. Mum's like that grate on me, spend all their time on the self, not on kids. The blow job ice cream pic is absolutely cringe. P and j are same age as my kids and they would be so mortified if I got on like that
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He knows it, she knows it, heck we all know it. He'll be gone in a few weeks but it's such a pity that poor H has yet another 'daddy/uncle' to get temporarily used to.:(
I just can’t get my head around why a 23 year old would want to play Daddy/Uncle to a 17 year old, with complex needs. I know he’ll be after the ‘fame’ and money, but it’s still bloody weird.
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Well there you go, you learned something new today.
No need to thank us, we enjoy educating pricey fans.👍

It was disgusting how they used that girl. But yes, she was tracked down and said the story was shite, that she'd only ever said hi to kieran while he paid for goods. Pricey lied as usual while her rent-a-dick husband said nothing. The girl should have sued their arses off, but then again she's local and will know they were living in squalor in that house full of animal shit so probably knew they'd no money.
You know it's possible to dislike both Katie Price and Peter Andre you know? Life isnt as black and white as you, it's ok to slag off Peter Andre, it doesnt automatically make you a Katie Price fan, it would be alot easier if you didn't go round biting everyone's heads off just for daring to have a difference of opinion than you, because that's all its is, your opinion, you dont know Katie or Peter and all the sordid little details with any more certainty than the rest of us. They court the media and put fake stories out to make themselves look good, both Katie AND Peter have played dirty, attention seeking media whores the both of them, but hey that's just MY opinion 😁
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