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PA might like this forged document concerning Princess, as you can see the person has taken it from the internet and added Princess name to suit her narrative. They are also to thick to understand that if it were to do with Carl it wouldn't have anything to do with sibling incest. If nothing else forgery of a document especially stating a child’s name and with regards to sexual assault is Police worthy. You will see the page number matches as well as the text that they haven’t scribbled out.

Are we saying the artist whose footage shouting roots could be doing this, as she‘s friend‘s with KP on IG, or is she just an innocent woman with her face being used?
Either way the artist should be contacted and by the Police as she’s either involved or being used.

As for the brave motherf*cker hiding behind their (daddywoods.roots) screen, you’re a sad little lowlife who hasn’t even the guts to show their face. So give it your best sweetie you will be found out because what you‘re doing is a serious criminal offence.


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Who knows where the tea is, I was told it was going ahead, just waiting on something. Maybe it will be later in time for the Sunday copies 🤷🏻‍♀️
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You are derailing. This isn't a Pete bashing thread. This is anti skank.
Pete's given those children a happy, stable home from a skank who chose men, drugs, surgery and holidays over her children and exploits them every chance she gets.
Read the room ❤
Quite a shame to see a man who loves his kids and is devoted to them have the piss ripped out of him. Super Daddy? No, just a normal caring Dad. He might have gone overboard with his love because their mother had them calling some other bloke Daddy just after they split, and jouros were asking if he would allow his kids to be adopted!
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Oh just another quick one.. so she apparently has a Monzo account, as well as HSBC and I’ve seen on one of her more recent ‘shows’ her paying with a ‘starling’ turquoise coloured debit card. I only know this as I have one 😂 I’m not that sad. Multiple banks to spread her cash out? @DC16 not sure if something to note or if I’m going crazy.

sending love @Reversible Octopus. Not long myself gone through a similar situation and wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. Things will get better, I promise ❤
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Can someone bring me up to speed? I'm dealing with my own slapgate and it seems really difficult to catch up. Fractured eye socket, broken nose and very very bruised. Very frightened.

All mine, and no makeup..

Makes me hate her more. I was assaulted and I'm hurt and if she lied I hope she fucking burns.
That’s awful. I hope you’re as okay as you can be. Sounds horrible. Lots of Krusties here for you though

This is it though, isn’t it? It emphasises what a vile and cretinous skanky old cretin KP is when hear about someone who has genuinely been hurt. That she can lie about it sickens me.

Talking of sickening, I might have to join Instagram just to call out Sink Wanker for picking on someone who’s had a drink just going about his day.
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Lovely Rosie, I'm sure someone has replied to this already but I'm on catch-up after having to work today to make up for all the hours I spend here during the week. They were in a bar and there was a man, clearly off his head (probably a combo of drink and perhaps drugs) and SB was filming him. The poll was to ask if he should join him in dancing.

This raises two questions for me - firstly if I was out with my partner I wouldn't be spending ages filming some guy to post on the gram, secondly, if I was having a lovely time on holiday I could think of better things to post but most importantly, what a violation of his privacy.

They are sad boring twats who have no content to post and probably thought this was the most exciting thing they have seen. I can hear Screechy saying to Twat, go on babe, put up a poll, that will do your engagement the world of good and we will have Wishdotcom wanting us to promote their high-end stuff.

Fucking twunts.
You are spot on. What makes it all the more bizarre is that these 2 morons are all about perception.
They try to act like millionaires and pretend they are the "in" couple who are so happy, and yet they post videos like this! If that's the best they've got to show the world, then things must be really bad 🤣🤣
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@Reversible Octopus I hope that you have someone in your life to help you through things. Not an easy time for you, violence and being frightened is a horrible thing to live through. Take whatever steps are needed to remove that person from your lives. Take care and big hugs to you and your little one 🤗 xx

If KP did make it up about DV then that insults all of us who have ever been abused.
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Brah Day Izit?

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Oh, how I do love a Saturday night, with a bottle of chilled Dom, reading your brilliant posts and calling out dumb and dumber. Yes, we haven't been given the opportunity to rip the piss at the bikini shots and the fake loved-up posts but this trip has got to be one of the best yet.

Cushion artfully placed on Screechy's tummy when she finally decided she needed to wash one's hair.

Completely violating an innocent man living his best life.

Those sliders. 🤮

Mobile phone reunimateration

Wanky decking

Matching pink outfits

Shopping in H&M

Manky. germ-ridden plasters

Woooo Hoooooo.
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I never trusted KSR. Always found something really off about her, even when I was in camp KP. I think she's an absolute fruit loop.
Great to see you posting you’ve been missed. I hope all is good for you now 💕
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Dawn Dayn

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Nurse, binfest is out of bed again!*

* Other rubbish trolls are available, step away from the cooking sherry dear, yes you.
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It's amazing how many people say the `c` word on here that probably don't say it IRL. It's her! She sends you to it!!
I do in RL. My apprentice thinks he knows everything. He knows nothing about anything. I told him no fucker knows everything and don't invent anything with your mouth that you don't see with your eyes. Im still learning after all these years,, christ on a bike, it never stops.Grasp that and your halfway there.. Im looking foward to locking horns with this 18 yr old lad again when I go back to work in September. One of the guys I work with gave him a bit of advice. He told him, as guys we've chucked everything at her at some point. She keeps getting back up and responds accordingly. You can learn a lot from her. She's very good at her job. Managers have tried to make her look stupid and have failed miserably. Love MrsC xxxx
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Not a massive deal , back in the days at car shows when I worked at close proximity, I can’t say how . But she would disappear and act all over the place , always drinking and being loud and rude .i can’t a lot more tbh
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Didn't DC16 confirm it was coming though? So it sounds more like delays on the story rather than people lying about a story. The media codes they abide by say they need to give subjects of an article a chance to respond, maybe they've contacted Skank and she's objecting and brought
her legal team in to try and stop it?
Yes, I had it on good authority, I’ve tried asking again, but no response 🤷🏻‍♀️
@kourtneykool (or anyone) do you have access to his OF, the bit where it mentions the decking…if anyone can get that for me please 🙏🙏🙏😘 (where it clearly shows his OF name and what he wrote) x
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I just wanted to reply to a poster on the other thread who gave some good advice with regards to having people like KP in your life but also coming from a different angle, then the thread closed 😱 so here goes.
I think it’s very sound advice. Unfortunately some of us adore these parents and many of us don’t know it’s narcism, or other MH issues often until much later, if ever. I appreciate they don’t deserve it. Mine was my father, I was a daddy’s girl, I love my mother dearly but my brother needed her time more being disabled and I completely understood that he was my world and likewise he adored our father.
It was very difficult for my mother to stand up to him and there wasn’t the help back then. He was never violent it was all mental abuse and the truth is she also loved him. Many people are in these situations and often feel sorry for the narcissist, no doubt because many have sob stories as KP has and often their partner wants to be the knight in shinning armour making it better for them, thinking they will change, they never do as they don‘t see any wrong in what they do. So anyone thinking KP will change if she gets a harsher punishment I think will be disappointed it’s not going to happen, that doesn’t mean she shouldn’t have a harsher punishment far from it, she certainly deserves it with all her driving offences.
It‘s very difficult to explain especially on paper and I appreciate I don’t know for sure but the glimpses I see of Princess you can see she adores her mother and perhaps Junior finds it easier to distance himself than Princess. I also recognise the games KP plays, like buying Princess a puppy that she so wants, then giving it away. It‘s all about control, you forever feel you’re on the end of a yo-yo. I wouldn’t be surprised if KP bought the puppy knowing PA didn’t want the responsibility of one himself but thought it would give her some control over his and Emily’s life, by forcing the puppy on them when she was on her holiday/travel shows and that would give her some sort of win in her head. When it didn’t work she took it out on Princess by giving her dog away. Who does that to a child they supposedly love certainly not a wonderful mother, it was beyond cruel.
Many of us who’ve had a narcissistic parent/partner/person in their life sadly know to well their traits and the control games they play.
I definitely think therapy is the way to go but sadly our NHS is under so much strain that’s easier said than done but there are some private places out there that charge a minimal amount. One thing I think that’s very important is anyone in these situations it’s not your fault, you’ve done nothing wrong it’s them and that’s so important to hold onto.
Sending love and hugs to all who need it 💕
Also KP is still a c*nt, god I hate that word but sometimes needs must! 😉
So true….
Perhaps I am so interested in KP as I see some of my own mother narcissist traits & the damage KP does to those around her. It is the kids I feel for but at least they have stable homes without her around which she basically isn’t much these days.

It will be interesting how the kids relationships change as they become adults. Like all of us with a narcissistic parent they will always be your parent but as an adult u chose how much of a relationship u want to retain.
For me it’s a 5 min excruciating phone call to her every 3 months. My mother doesn’t even deserve that though !
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