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VIP Member
Hope her creditors are on their way to MM to rip the floorboards up
Shes done well to save 35 million and evade detection by living a cheap desperate life .Surprised that channel 4 didn’t detect the moolah when they found the dead rats under the MM floorboards.
This is hilarious and disturbing and n equal measure, but there’s not much on telly, so bring it on Sidfest.
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Chatty Member
What a load of cobblers, trying to kill her! Why? He’s a big girls blouse sticking his aresole on film for pennies and she’s past it old animal abusing slapper ,yeah they wish their lives were even half this dramatic! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🙄
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Price and SB are the last two Turkey’s in the shop
Its not fair. I can't eat asparagus any more. I can't eat kippers either and now I won't ever be able to eat turkey ever again. That's all my future Christmases fucked up now.... I am also very careful sitting down on my grey velour sofa and extremely careful where I put my feet when out on the decking.
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Daddy Wood's house still has not sold.

How can Daddy Woods afford a house like this though ? Wonder where the money came from 🤔
For some reason I suspect criminality even though I have no real reason to .

Skank must’ve seen that house early in the relationship & thought she was well in 🤣🤣

Woods probably told her it was part of his millionaires property portfolio .
Imagine that - Queen of the Grifters being grifted 🤣🤣🤣
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VIP Member
Oh bless you❤ I'm sorry you're having a shitty time of late, it will get better I promise🥰 if you need to chat, support or just a laugh we are on the other krusties thread too. We support each other through all sorts🥰
I've been down recently and my medicine (apart from the shit load in my cupboard) is laughter. It gets me through the hard times, without it I wouldn't be here. So thankyou to you too for making me smile with your comment, love and hugs xxx🥰❤😘
Thank you @MrsEms, I will survive and walk through this. I’m sorry you’ve been down too and I’m happy to make you smile, especially as you always put a smile on my face. I will jump on the Krustie thread, as all my fellow Krusties are wonderful, kind people.

I hear you on the medicine this thread provides - it’s certainly more effective than most of my normal prescriptions, and is much more addictive. It gets me through the darkness, this thread is wholly responsible for getting me off antidepressants, lifting my depression substantially and putting me in the space to heal.

I’m sending big hugs and love to you too 🤗. Thank you for being a shining, funny light xxx

To stay on topic Kipper is a mega (whiffy) cunt.
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VIP Member
Met KP when she was with the toe fucking Dane Bowers at a music roadshow circa late 1999/early 2000. She was so beautiful up close. Really hard to believe she’s turned her face into a building site, and her body into an American Football playing fullback.

Does anyone else remember when she turned up on the Girls Aloud documentary series in the mid 00’s and Cheryl even said she was jealous of KP’s looks/body? She had a chance to age beautifully like her own Mother did in her 40s/50s/60s but her sense of wanting to compete with younger models has left her disfigured. 😬
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Bull***t Buster

VIP Member
Hiding a boob job, or letting folk think shes had one
Yep definitely! Why would you have a cushion over your chest in a hairdressers? Seriously how much more can one persons body tolerate? I'm surprised she hasn't had blood poisoning or worse by now the amount of times she has been put under and cut open. The problem is this will never end, she is trapped in a vicious circle, she doesn't like how she looks so she goes under the knife, still doesn't like how she looks so back under the knife she goes, rinse and repeat! She is striving for a look that she is just never going to get. She will end up dead!
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VIP Member
You’re on fire the last few days @MrsEms.

I’m having a shit personal time, but it’s nowhere near Kipper’s levels of shit, my life is a dreamscape compared to hers. This thread keeps me going as it reminds me that my life has only hit a few minor speed bumps, whilst Kipper has driven off the cliff. No matter what, my life will never look like hers but that’s possibly because I’m dealing with my issues. Yo Skanky Cunt you should try tackling your problems head on, it’s actually not as horrific as it might seem and you may stand a chance of gaining respect from the public, as well as rebuilding your standing with your kids and their fathers along with the rest of your family. Bet you’re too much of a coward to sort your shit out. Here’s a tip on how to take the first step, it starts with the word sorry, try practicing saying it a mirror until it doesn’t sound or feel alien coming out of your mouth.
Oh bless you❤ I'm sorry you're having a shitty time of late, it will get better I promise🥰 if you need to chat, support or just a laugh we are on the other krusties thread too. We support each other through all sorts🥰
I've been down recently and my medicine (apart from the shit load in my cupboard) is laughter. It gets me through the hard times, without it I wouldn't be here. So thankyou to you too for making me smile with your comment, love and hugs xxx🥰❤😘
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He's a steroid fuelled fat boy, luckily he appears to have castrated himself in the name of vanity.
This, he’s too lazy to put the hours into the gym work required to get ‘the body’, as we saw from his piss-poor attempt at the MMA rubbish, it’s all about the ‘roids’ with his type. Would account for the alleged Jaffa status, and his constant angry man syndrome (although I think that’s his normal way, prob the roids heighten it) Might add I also believe Skank is perimenopausal, in fact I’m convinced she is. Whatever, he deffo doesn’t want a child with her, so he’s probably gobbling every pill he can to stop that happening….do they even have sex…let’s not think about that 🤮 He’s the complete package isn’t he, wanking for coin, and accordingly now, bending over showing the starfish for a fiver, what a winner she’s got in ‘millionaire’ Sink-Boy 🤦🏽‍♀️
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Fancy being vocal about ‘trolling’ and bullying then filming some guy who is off his tits but not doing anyone any harm - just so you and your followers can mock him. Hypocrite.
Ah yes. The Cole and Katie sliding scale of twolldom and harassment.
It’s only applicable when applied to others.But it’s ok if they do it.
Eg Kp actually guilty of breaking restraining order
Taking handicapped child into nightclub for money
Mocking random person in a bar.
No wonder we use the c word.
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i haent read the entire thread so im sure its been covered but he claims he is trying to help her escape and is close and speaking on behalf of her with her permission but in the next breath calling her the skank? this isnt a very clever troll
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VIP Member
Nice double negative there in fact you would give him away, you thick twat.
I was literally thinking the same thing. Probably doesn't even know what double negative means. He's the "I didn't do nuffin!" type 😂
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