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Brah Day Izit?

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What is sinkboy on about?
Lovely Rosie, I'm sure someone has replied to this already but I'm on catch-up after having to work today to make up for all the hours I spend here during the week. They were in a bar and there was a man, clearly off his head (probably a combo of drink and perhaps drugs) and SB was filming him. The poll was to ask if he should join him in dancing.

This raises two questions for me - firstly if I was out with my partner I wouldn't be spending ages filming some guy to post on the gram, secondly, if I was having a lovely time on holiday I could think of better things to post but most importantly, what a violation of his privacy.

They are sad boring twats who have no content to post and probably thought this was the most exciting thing they have seen. I can hear Screechy saying to Twat, go on babe, put up a poll, that will do your engagement the world of good and we will have Wishdotcom wanting us to promote their high-end stuff.

Fucking twunts.
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Hope her creditors are on their way to MM to rip the floorboards up
Hmmm. Maybe KP wants new flooring at MM and planted this story. Remember episode of Porridge where Fletcher wrote the wife about the garden and police went to dig it up thinking loot was buried there, when all she wanted was the soil turned over and he was in prison?🤣
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Rita Chevrolet

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Maybe they’ve been deported 🤣🤣🤣
Wouldn't it be hilarious if the Thai authorities found out he'd been doing al fresco wanking on the hotel's decking so they chucked him and the slaggy old boiler out then banned them thereafter? :ROFLMAO:
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Chatty Member
Oh, how I do love a Saturday night, with a bottle of chilled Dom, reading your brilliant posts and calling out dumb and dumber. Yes, we haven't been given the opportunity to rip the piss at the bikini shots and the fake loved-up posts but this trip has got to be one of the best yet.

Cushion artfully placed on Screechy's tummy when she finally decided she needed to wash one's hair.

Completely violating an innocent man living his best life.

Those sliders. 🤮

Mobile phone reunimateration

Wanky decking

Matching pink outfits

Shopping in H&M

Manky. germ-ridden plasters

Woooo Hoooooo.
Can you please just leave the 'spongy sliders' hate out. I've worn mine all day, chores, dog walk, erected some shelves, been to the shops and now sitting in my 70's cane rocking chair on the patio having a civilised drink with my husband. I've been fabulously comfortable throughout. #bekind

Hannibal Lector famously said that even a stopped clock is right twice a day. I firmly believe 'spongy sliders' are Skanky's stopped clock moment.

That is all...
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Said it from my first impression of Sink-Boy, he’s a nasty vile, bulling, piece of 💩 One of those dreadful men who harasses and name-calls people on a night out, and then just says “it’s banter”. Met your type all my life, absolute wankers one and all, these men. Do find it kinda funny Skanky is stuck with this extremely thick thug of a man, she chooses to stay with a man with no redeeming features, no sympathy from me Skank, as many of us have said, her deterioration since she met him is shocking, he is certainly enabling, even encouraging her decline.

I‘ve often questioned why he is bringing her down, as he‘s finished as a zeleb when they split, which they will one day, he’s a charmless personality free idiot, with absolutely no talent for even the lowest dregs of the reality tv crowd gigs. Why he doing this I ask myself. Conclusion I’ve come to is the same as that old tale about the frog and the scorpion, "A scorpion asks a frog to carry him over a river. The frog is afraid of being stung, but the scorpion argues that if it did so, both would sink and the scorpion would drown. The frog then agrees, but midway across the river the scorpion does indeed sting the frog, dooming them both. The frog asks the scorpion why, ”It’s my nature” replies the scorpion….Sink-Boy is that scorpion, I genuinely think it’s in his nature to be a cruel bully to others, a throughly nasty piece of work, her family hate him for big reasons, and all his social media from the past has been scrubbed, with little known about his past. He is hiding stuff, bad stuff. When her big fall from grace cometh as Skanky heads ever downward, he will go with her. I will celebrate the day he f*cks off, the man is a bloody menacing thug, can you tell, I’m not too keen on him. 😁
When he's sticking his fingers up his arse, wanking green puss into sinks, wanking on the decking, dating a sl@g with the morals of an ally cat and firing blanks who the fuck is he to bully, humiliate or take the piss out of anybody. Fuckin cunts, pair of em.. one day they'll get theirs and tbh its already happening. Uks most hated pair
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Personally I’d rather have a night out with the bloke doing the crazy dancing, he looks like he’s having a whale of a time. Sinkboy and Skanky, for all their ‘banter’ and woo-hooing are boring as fuck and spend too much time gurning into their own phones. Boring, boring, boring and self obsessed. Also, I expect Sinkboy is a shit dancer and that bloke actually had some moves.
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Oh guys, your overwhelming support has brought me to tears. That's why I love it here. We aren't nasty or trolls or whatever outside folk think. We're a team round here.

That's the thing. When someone is assaulted genuinely it's devasating. My whole world is destroyed. If I could laugh without crying I would. I'm just can't support her. I am now more incensed to take her down.

I did report it. 💗
That’s horrific to hear. I’m really sorry that’s happened to you 😢

I will try to bring you up to speed but it’s very early and my brain is not working too well.

Skanky and Wanky are on holiday in Thailand pretending it’s a work thing. It is for SB as he’s had the great idea of doing an OF video of him wanking, and spunking, all over the decking of wherever they are staying. Yes, gross 🤢.
Some Krusties have discovered that filming is not allowed in Thailand without prior permission and so we doubt they have this.

No big story has yet emerged to take the Skank down although we are all still hoping it will happen. Well, not all as some people have given up believing it will.

There haven’t been many photos from their jollies- perhaps because they both look totally miserable. We did see some of them shopping in H&M but that’s about all except for one of SB on his Insta babbling something about not being able to sleep. It was 07:20 so it would have been a beautiful time for a walk along the beach if he’d had half a brain.

Thats all I can recall atm but hopefully others can fill in the missing details.

Sending love ❤ to you and your daughter xx
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It's funny to read that so many other posters here don't use the c-word irl, I don't at all...I know, me the potty mouthed one!
I use it on here though in regards to just flows and sums her up in one word. It's easy once you try. Cunt, cunt cunttuty, cunt🤣 Anyway a poem about the cunt😁

There was a woman called Price,
Who was rather not very nice.
Her boyfriends a runt
and she is a CUNT
and looks like she's riddled with lice🤣
You’re on fire the last few days @MrsEms.

I’m having a shit personal time, but it’s nowhere near Kipper’s levels of shit, my life is a dreamscape compared to hers. This thread keeps me going as it reminds me that my life has only hit a few minor speed bumps, whilst Kipper has driven off the cliff. No matter what, my life will never look like hers but that’s possibly because I’m dealing with my issues. Yo Skanky Cunt you should try tackling your problems head on, it’s actually not as horrific as it might seem and you may stand a chance of gaining respect from the public, as well as rebuilding your standing with your kids and their fathers along with the rest of your family. Bet you’re too much of a coward to sort your shit out. Here’s a tip on how to take the first step, it starts with the word sorry, try practicing saying it a mirror until it doesn’t sound or feel alien coming out of your mouth.
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All this just before her next court case ?
It also feels like it’s been written in that same style as the poster before a while back which caused ructions….
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Hey , Rooty Mc Rootface .

Do you have any Black & White Proof about any of this , or is it just the ❄ talking ?

i actually don’t care , this is on par with LadyBird Gate & I LOVED that 🤣🤣

Do you love it ? 🐞
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Yep, wooohooo I love it.

Bloody rude cretin… 🤣 you didn’t exactly show 93 pages did you, or anything of real black and white proof. You just said a load of stuff.
Right back at you gutter $lag 😘😘😘
I got told to I was a slut who needed to do my roots (pot fucking kettle), I should fuck my mum and die of cancer.
I merely pointed out that’s not very nice and Katie is against trolling after all. Said person also said they were Ryan and then suddenly they were Kate and Chelsea (is it Chelsea? Who everyone was saying before). Oh and im being brought down.
I also reminded them Boris Becker got jailed for hiding money during bankruptcy so Kate was a bit silly to be posting it all over social media if it was her messaging me…..
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Just a guess re: holding the cushion over her front: When you sit down like that it shows belly rolls (unless you wear something very voluminous and floaty to hide it or are extremely toned).

Huge boobs don’t make the waist look slim unless you’re very hour-glass. She would be much better off getting rid of those implants and doing a bit of exercise. I saw a picture when she was with one of her ex’s (the last one? I lose rack) when she looked so much better. Now she just looks very broad and strange.:rolleyes:
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