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And 3 weeks in Thailand, missing a court date & H's show will no doubt give her adoring deluded fans about 12 minutes of crap footage....filming... my flat ass she was!!!!
The only 'filming' they will be doing is crap of them wandering about with her shouting 'Woo Hoo ... I love it!' to put on youtube or instasham and her spread eagle looking like a roast dinner for OF content with Carol on candid Camera ... she might let Carol get in some footage of himself that he can flog for £6.99 on OF as well ... what an amazing life they live - the glamour 🤦‍♀️ 😂 😂 😂
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This is why the constant pandering to Skanky is weird. The papers know the truth about her, there is no way he doesn’t know her scamming ways, that piece would have been passed through an editor, who will know its all bollox, yet still they publish. Yeah we know the papers constantly lie, but why do they cosy up to the Skank all the bloody time. They could bring her down in a minute if they so chose, yet it’s puff piece after puff piece, I don’t get why they protect her, they destroy celebs with ease at times, yet Skank is allowed to carry on behaving atrociously and still they support her. 🤷🏽‍♀️

Will say one good thing about the papers though, they hate Crawl, the only time they do mention him it‘s derogatory, they have his number, just a shame it’s not applied to Skank, we’re 50% there in bringing down the tracksuit twins, c’mon papers be bloody honest, take her down as well. 👊🏽🤪
I asked this, apparently she threatens to kill herself so the papers are cautious as they don't want another Caroline Flack situation.
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Imagine spending your hard earned cash to go on holiday only to find yourself sharing a hotel with those two scumbags. I'd be demanding a refund.

She looks brutal on that video, like she's on steroids. Those tits are just horrific, even worse on video. No wonder she is out of breath with that weight on her chest. Is she trying to be Lolo Ferrari? More like Lolo Skoda.
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Latest on insta.
The filter is now so intense that her face is just a smudge, you can hardiy see any facial features, it’s like someone has just rubbed it out. What is the point when she released that unfiltered video yesterday, where we saw what a dreadful mess she really looks now. Might add he looks more c*nty with each passing day, God I wish they’d break-up so he disappears into oblivion, I really hate looking at his evil smug face, yuck.
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Chatty Member
It sounds like she’s angling for a free personal trainer to sort her out.
She’ll be looking for a new romance too as part of it 🤮
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Even funnier when you zoom in. What is that shape? Her head is smaller than even the deformed tit on the left. No, not you Cole. 🤣

Something is going on with him. He’s silent. He’s barely in the pics and when he is he looks like a back up actor.
Her tummy button's about four inches too high! Did she have an upward tummy tuck (surplus skin pulled up under her boobs to join all the scars there) so as not to interfere with the tattoo on the original tummy tuck?
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Him going without sex will only last so long, she's said before she doesn't like it but I can't see him putting up with that for long. The cunt looks miserable. How long is he going to go along with this before shit blows up? There's zero attraction there! There's no way he fancies her I don't care what anyone says..

They can't keep that shit up forever...tick tock motherfuckas 😎😘⌚
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A few thoughts on the latest pics released because she’s there but she’s had a tattoo done hasn’t she so these are obvs from last week.

1. Her toenail is so long is makes me feel physically sick even with hypermemasis
2. Her knees give her age away. Can’t get those sorted darl unfortunately.
3. She looks like she physically cannot move or breathe with that ridiculous chest.
Her face looks so flat which is weird, and sunken into her neck. I know we’ve covered the nose to death, but… she really has utterly ruined herself…
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Yes you could be correct. She is very breathless in the video. Too much pressure on her chest, impacting on her lungs. Plus ‘using‘ too. She said in video I think ‘I’m feeling healthy’. She most definitely isn’t. Is she maybe taking steroids as well? Who knows.
I think we are starting to see serious medical problems developing, no idea what is causing the breathing issues, but doesn’t sound good, this is something new isn’t it ?

Skanky is running from surgery to surgery at the moment with little respite in between operations, the doctors conducting these ops are seriously reckless, she must be going to clinics with zero personal care, no decent surgeon would behave like this. She must be on some serious pain meds, her body looks wracked with pain, I do think this is why she is so incoherent at the mo. All of this is probably building serious problems within her body, not just the mess we see on the outside. Her health is f*cked, we’ll only see a further decline from here on, she needs an intervention now, but we know that ain’t happening, she’s actually looking/sounding quite ill, can see some major hospitalisation happening soon, and this time it will be for real.
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Dawn Dayn

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Re are they having sex...I don't think so. Cole is a clean, tidy, person. He wiped Sid's bum after he's been to the loo. Spongebob doesn't wash hers, let alone wipe it. You can see the physical deterioration, I bet her personal hygiene is worse than ever. I'm fairly fussy, although I've never wiped my dogs bum regularly. 😁 There's no way I'd be shagging someone who stank, dirty. Total turn off. I honestly think he's waiting for the court case to be over, for her to lie for him, then he can walk away and say look at the crazy old lady, you can't believe a word she says.
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She actually does look like Crawl here. Tiny, squinty eyes, gum shield teeth and a chiselled jaw. Cole wishes he had her upper body strength though 🤣
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wimble womble

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Looks like she has 16 😱 make up masterclasses lined up this year starting in May 2022......and looking on her facebook there are idiots still prepared to to shell out 80.00 for yet again a non refundable ticket and a goody bag that has now shrunk in value to 20.00........
so it will be one masterclass that goes ahead...........then there will be some sort of drama and the rest will be cancelled to a later date..rinse and repeat rinse and repeat..its about time trading standards checked this little venture over...because i wonder how many people are stuck with tickets worth nothing..this seems a nice little scam if truth be known.........
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She’s six years younger than me but she looks really old. Can I just add I was told yesterday I don’t look my age so my head is rather inflated today 😂
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The absolute STATE of this tattoo. She obviously doesn’t check the quality of her tattooists’ work before committing, because this is absolutely terrible!
OMG up close like that it’s dreadful!! Bloody hell it really is bad. What a shame 😂😂😂
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