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So KP going on about doing more stuff for charity, yet she hasn’t even publicly acknowledged Anna K’s birthday or Harvey’s catwalk today 🤷🏻‍♀️😡😡😡
I really cant get over it 😡
He did so well too.
It might be 10:42 pm in Thailand but if it was my child taking to the catwalk for charity i would be sharing it (ffs she shares everything else)
She obviously knows she's going to get shit for not being there, which i honestly believe she was supposed be at the start, but as usual pencil dick comes first and the fact that she wouldn't have got paid for turning up.
She really is a piece of shit and this proves she only uses him when it suits her.
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This new Katie was meant to be young and fresh looking but all I can see is Ms Trunchbull from Matilda.
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Hampshire Hog

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Good morning Krusty family I hope you are all well 😘

as I see it the way she brings/ drags her kids up,the way she eats speaks lives etc would not do for me 😡I have a daughter her age she has two children both ASD they know the difference between right and wrong, they have good manners unless they are in the middle of a massive meltdown then all hell is let loose but they don’t swear they have pets but they would never hurt them. She is a single parent and apart from our support she has raised them by herself I tell her constantly that she is a good mum and that I am amazed at her inner strength, skanky could learn a thing or two from her.

I get H has other disabilities so does one of her sons he is a big lad and strong. I suppose what I’m trying to say is that H does not need to be the way he is, and skanky doesn’t need to be the way she is, if you instill good manners and appropriate behaviour in your children you hope they will do the same with theirs so far my children have taught all their children the difference between right and wrong and positive behaviours are rewarded appropriately.
Any way happy Saturday one and all 😘
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Oh Ian Hyland , The Mirror - you idiot the only reason that was filmed was for skankies agenda.
I can only agree with you on one part the staff are fantastic -so no I will not give my head a wobble cos the bitch only thought of herself in allowing it never once has she put her son or any kid first so here is some polite advice for you…… go f**k yourself..:.. or you could maybe answer for us one simple question….. what has the walking dead woman got on you????


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Even funnier when you zoom in. What is that shape? Her head is smaller than even the deformed tit on the left. No, not you Cole. 🤣

Deffo, me too, looks very final, she looks like she doesn’t even care anymore, and he is standing by watching it, looking totally disinterested in anything. As bad and lost as she is, WTF is he doing watching this mess. His agenda and motive is weird, he’s nothing without her, yet he appears to be helping push her into oblivion. I can‘t decide if he’s just a c*nt or pure evil, something about him is very wrong, I know that much.
Something is going on with him. He’s silent. He’s barely in the pics and when he is he looks like a back up actor.


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Oooooh let's promo Edna now! Woo hoo!
The brother is a nasty piece of work, many, many years ago he used to hook up with KP fans on Twitter and meet them for sex. His “management” company has been dissolved for failing to submit accounts but I think he has rectified this recently. He’s basically a scumbag - what a gene pool that bunch are 🤮🤮🤮
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Zero chemistry between them. He seems embarrassed to be with her and has no warmth towards her. His lego hair looks ridiculous. She won't stfu talking shite. But she loves the hotel and wants to come back with the kids :LOL::LOL:
Which sums it all up. Normal parents do normal things with their kids. Things that are tiring, boring or even painful but we do them for our kids.
All she wants to do is take them on holiday and that's most likely to record them and make more money out of them. Once they get back, hand them back to the dads and carry on like a single teenager 🤬
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It doesn’t take a genius to see on half Prices IG story she is off her fake tits 😳
Grinding those nashers this early she must be on Colombia’s finest …. And I don’t mean Coffee 👃☕
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So if she's 'filming', that suggests work. Yet we've been told it's a holiday 🤔🤷 This is still confusing me. Is it working or is it on holiday?? Either way they're both still cunts 😁

I can't quite believe she's tattooed her kids out of her life. And what I find more chilling is that she's left that crap tattoo of him. In fact that's almost framed by the new tatt. The kids are gone & Crawl is staying. Yup, definitely picked an abuser over her kids. Mother of the year right there 👍 And if her new tatt is a tribute to AFP how is AFP feeling about it? She clearly hates Crawl. She is now inked right next to him & has wiped out her grandchildren. Yup, I'm sure AFP will be thrilled that her Skanky whore of a daughter has been so thoughtful 🙄
Skanky has literally stuck 2 fingers up to her mother & kids. She's sent a clear message that she's chosen him. And she's done it very publicly.
I couldn't give 2 hoots about AFP. But I feel so sorry for her kids. They did not deserve to have such a piece of trash for a mother 😡
AFP will see this as a cash opportunity. Picture with oxygen tank, saying 'what a lovely thing to do for me' etc etc bullshite. Anything to jump on the 'gravy train' and earn some cash. That's all this Adam's Family tribute, care about.
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Wow The Fugly one has just announced she’s not coming back for the H Catwalk show, cos she’s ‘working’ 😂 So no support for the poor lad, but probably best for him as she won’t be there creating scenes and making it all about her.

Looks off her head as is normal these days, mother of the century, don’t ya know 🤦🏽‍♀️.….

View attachment 1117396
Wow she looks like a drunk Cockatiel..... What an utter mess.
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Chatty Member
she’s now got comedy breasts to go with her comedy face.
I can’t believe her breasts and head are the same size and her neck and shoulders have turned into eastern shot putter size.
No filter can disguise the mess she’s made of her face.

She must be going for the freak show subscribers on OF.
Who would want to stick free hair extensions on top of that
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Piff paff puff

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Her body has always been disproportionate and it will look ever more obvious as she ages. Lipo won't fix her shape. The menopause will keep making her body more square, exacerbated by her diet of bad food, drugs, booze, unnecessary surgery and lack of exercise. Imagine, when she realises she can't make any more money from her looks. Imagine when she finally realises her kids have grown apart from her, no man will ever fancy her and eventually AFP dies. She'll have no one and be penniless. Not even able to maintain her fakery. Veneers falling out, bald, bloated. Unable to even remove those fake tits, they will degrade over time.
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Claire Powell posted a message a couple of days ago, for International Women's day. It reads:

'You can tell who the strong women are.
They are the ones you see building one another up.
Instead of tearing each other down.

I wonder if this was meant as a dig about the way KP has treated and slandered Michelle & Emily? I hope so.
Will be interesting if anything comes of KP's slanderous rants & accusations made against Kieran. It's very quiet, but maybe (hopefully) the shite will hit the fan when they return from their 'holiday'. I would love there to be a load of legal papers waiting to be served & police knocking at the door (if they can track them down). 👍 🙏
Maybe it was a dig at us so I'm going to build Katie up: she's got lovely broad shoulders, she's got super big boobs, she's got wonderfully high eyebrows, she's got a sensual mouth and could eat a Ryvita sideways without breaking it, she's got fascinating multi-coloured mottled skin, she's..................................................shit, no good, she's a munter.
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Wow just seen this screenshot, she’s in big trouble, this is not a well person, we know her brain is a mess, but something else is going on, never seen her look this bad, she’s piling on weight and her breathing is terrible. Unless someone stops the surgery and sorts her out now she ain’t making Christmas, Honestly this looks end-game, she’s nose-dived another couple of levels in just the 2 weeks she’s been on this holiday, I’m actually shocked at how dreadful she looks.…

View attachment 1119217
I need therapy as just woken up thinking aha! This is who she reminded me of!!!!


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He doesn’t look proud to be with her. He looks disinterested and grimacing. He seems like he’s pushing her to the edge. She’s gone downhill since being with him. She stays because he’s controlling and has loads of dirt on her. She’s clearly on ‘stuff’ as incoherent and all over the place. He’s probably filmed her doing things illegal and she knows it. It’s going to end badly. She lied about SlapGate and the ‘painted’ bruise. Her kids were put at risk, but she’s had to stay with him and lose her kids, because she knows he will ruin her. It’s over anyway. I think her family need to step in. Yes, any career that’s left, will be finished,
when he reveals what he knows, but honestly I think she will die if they don’t do something. He may even blackmail her for loads of cash, he may be doing this already. Something is very wrong. It’s a match made in hell. If the family carry on enabling her, they will only have themselves to blame. The ‘Gravy train’ is well and truly over. Hotel Priory can’t help her, too far gone.
Well said.Her family will never blame her or themselves.It will be the trolls, us, the exes and the media to blame.
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