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It her effed up head, those creditors that asked for them money back are trolls who are messing with her mental elf. She probably thinks they don't deserve their money back. The vile skank would only give to charity if she can get publicity from it 🤬
Her mother AFP was terrible too. Number of houses she’s had work done. Always quibbled with the builders that something wasn’t done correctly. Kicked up a stink, knocking money off the work, refusing to pay. People didn’t want to do work for them. Rude and demanding. Because she was KP’s mother, she made them feel she was were doing them a favour by giving them work. A family all tarred with the same brush. However, AFP did well with Harvey, but was paid bloody good money from Dwight. Harvey adores her though. At least she was the only stability the poor lad ever had.
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I think it's just KP that has control over Harvey's cash & personal life. Personally I think the college need to look into some sort of safe guarding order. He has no privacy or dignity where she's concerned. It must be very challenging for the staff at Star College, (all credit to them) looking after Harvey and they will have set routine's for him. When she removes him for the paid publicity shows, all the hard work they do, will be lost. I suspect they will try & get him to use the toilet (which she's never done) but will be back into pads when she has him. There must be some legal authorities that can override her control, as he is clearly vulnerable and unable to make his own life choices & decisions. I believe a lot of his emotional turmoil and rages are down to the way she treats him and her chaotic life. People constantly in/out of her abode's when he's there & all the different 'daddies/uncles'. Certainly she has no motherly skills and she uses him to get attention, sympathy & CASH. IF he does attend Acapulco club with a carer, then shame on Star College for allowing this too.
On that programme "What Harvey did next" she signed over the care of Harvey to the college. Surely they would have the right to stop her taking him to the nightclub in Halifax.:unsure:
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the slosher KP

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Watched the YouTube vid (kinda kept skipping parts) because it was so bloody boring. There’s absolutely nothing about her. She’s not interesting. She’s not funny. She’s not cute.
She’s nothing.
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i can not she the Melia chain of hotels offering her a free stay in exchange for staring in her youtube(they do not need that kind of publicity),it is quite a large chain of hotels all over the world(they have 360 hotels in 46 countries)(i have stayed in 3 of them they were all nice)and i would be surprised if they thought she was a big enough star to advertise their hotels(just because she seems to indicate that it was free by saying thankyou for having us does not mean it was free we know she lies to make out she is a bigger star than she thinks she is)melia was named best luxury hotel chain in 2021 they do not need a washed up ex page 3 person to promote them
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Oh Ian Hyland , The Mirror - you idiot the only reason that was filmed was for skankies agenda.
I can only agree with you on one part the staff are fantastic -so no I will not give my head a wobble cos the bitch only thought of herself in allowing it never once has she put her son or any kid first so here is some polite advice for you…… go f**k yourself..:.. or you could maybe answer for us one simple question….. what has the walking dead woman got on you????
This is why the constant pandering to Skanky is weird. The papers know the truth about her, there is no way he doesn’t know her scamming ways, that piece would have been passed through an editor, who will know its all bollox, yet still they publish. Yeah we know the papers constantly lie, but why do they cosy up to the Skank all the bloody time. They could bring her down in a minute if they so chose, yet it’s puff piece after puff piece, I don’t get why they protect her, they destroy celebs with ease at times, yet Skank is allowed to carry on behaving atrociously and still they support her. 🤷🏽‍♀️

Will say one good thing about the papers though, they hate Crawl, the only time they do mention him it‘s derogatory, they have his number, just a shame it’s not applied to Skank, we’re 50% there in bringing down the tracksuit twins, c’mon papers be bloody honest, take her down as well. 👊🏽🤪
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I wonder if she has ever asked the many men in her life if they like the look or feel of them. I,m not a pervert but I do prefer the feel of a natural breast. Silicone and stuck on beach balls turn me off by the mere look of them . Apologies if have upset anyone.
Exactly. I've been intimate with a few ladies with implants and they felt cold and hard to the touch and I found them quite a turn off. Admittedly this was some years ago when breast implant technology was less advanced, but give me a natural pair with a bit of natural feel, look and sag any day of the week. The hard, round fake ones with nipples pointing skywards or east and west are not sexy at all. I like a real woman, with real curves, who looks like a real woman.
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The prosecuting solicitor/ barrister will do a recap after he states his name and adress then after the recap his solicitor can speak
Yes, me lud I wuz stoned out of my head, I asked her nicely for my engagement ring back as she wuz chatting up the ginger one again, she threw it at me and the argument spilled out into the street, I chased her to Harveys and she was on her broken trotters. I made monkey noises to her, because I can't do a good donkey one, Hee haw. Good luck wombat features!
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that YT video is just weird. He hardly speaks. She says they don’t have sex, he picks a spot on her nose then she says he has tiny balls. She then says she can’t stop eating and is getting fat and moans to Carl about it constantly
It's been obvious for a long time they don't have sex. She's too revolting.
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Good morning Krusty family I hope you are all well 😘

as I see it the way she brings/ drags her kids up,the way she eats speaks lives etc would not do for me 😡I have a daughter her age she has two children both ASD they know the difference between right and wrong, they have good manners unless they are in the middle of a massive meltdown then all hell is let loose but they don’t swear they have pets but they would never hurt them. She is a single parent and apart from our support she has raised them by herself I tell her constantly that she is a good mum and that I am amazed at her inner strength, skanky could learn a thing or two from her.

I get H has other disabilities so does one of her sons he is a big lad and strong. I suppose what I’m trying to say is that H does not need to be the way he is, and skanky doesn’t need to be the way she is, if you instill good manners and appropriate behaviour in your children you hope they will do the same with theirs so far my children have taught all their children the difference between right and wrong and positive behaviours are rewarded appropriately.
Any way happy Saturday one and all 😘
Brilliant post 👏. I agree with all 9f this. Your daughter sounds like an absolute treasure. I hope life will bring her good things, and the children too.

Our son, has ASD and learning disabilities - not like Harvey at all. It breaks my heart how Harvey has been "allowed" to do the thjngz he does. That is down to the parental influence and not Harvey's fault.

I had no idea how to parent our son, I just knew I had to keep doing the same thing, and keep as strong as I could. Like your daughter, I was a single Mum (1st husband/my sons Dad couldn't cope), but I had much valued support from my parents and sisters. We still have 🙏💖

Many years ago I set up a swimming club for young people with disabilities - many had got used to having bad behaviour, and slowly some of it was changed by rules at thd club, and what was accepted/or not. To see a young man never carry his own things, near dry himself - basically Nanny or Mum did it all - he was accountable for nothing. I'm not saying he was like Harvey but he was severely Autistic, but he loved the water.

I still think if him often, as thd club brought changes to him - he went to club competitions, won medals - and Nanny never carried his kit eventually 🙏😁. Too many thijngs to mention here, but Harvey hasn't had those boundaries - well from what we have seen in their reality shows and such he hasn't.

I'm not for a minute saying all people with ASD or learning disabilities are the same - like us they are all individual and should be treated as such.

In many respects Harvey is a product of his environment - the mother took the easy option, and gave in. Anything for a quiet life. The rest if the Family did the same. And now they have this big, strong man that rarely has been told "no". Not OK, and they have failed him.

It's hard being a parent that has to keep saying no, no, no.... It sucks, but hand on heart our Boy is the kindest, most caring of people. It hasn't been easy, and it still isn't... You just have to do the best you can. And Ms Price doesn't, and never has.

What I came to say after seeing her on the DM - he is staying fit/healthy isn't he - looks like he is fattening his pig up, for the slaughter. If he does a number on her she won't cope - she's already off the rails - that would tip her too far.

Sorry, big sorry for long message - makes me very sad where Harvey is concerned. It didn't need to be like this for Harvey, I'm sure it didn't.

Still c##ts 😣
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Miss Lola

Chatty Member
I was just wondering when was the last time she saw J&B. Got to be before Christmas? Princess & Junior - god knows - not seen them on her own since Slapgate.
Happy to stand corrected if I’m wrong. How sad though. Putting CW first.
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I've just googled her pussy tattoo. Yuck and she still tries to say she's never gone full nude.🤣🤣😃. Actually what was satisfying looking at these pics was the physical deterioration there for all to see. Scroll down and you can see a lot of professional shoots from her heyday. Much as I detest her she was absolutely stunning, the camera loved her. You literally would never believe it's the same butchered bloated munter we've been seeing all week.
I want to know what is it that's made her that odd shape!!?? Seriously, because I don't want to end up like that. Is it drug use? Alcohol? Not exercising? Bad diet? Surgery? Age?
I don't get it, she used to be so slender and petite, now she's built like the honey monster.
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Anyone seen the post on KH IG? Bunny makes a hot chocolate. Makes my heart melt, those kids are so lovely. Way better off without their mother. I tried to do a screen shot but still can't figure it out x
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Just when u think you could despise these 2 any more than you do they lower the bar further.

How infuriating playing the mental health card to postpone his court case so they can take a very public holiday showing daily pics of them. Seriously no one takes a private photographer entourage when they need timeout for MH issues. To seriously think she could improve her MH anyway with a boob job & new tattoo which looks hideous. God awful woman….

She is playing the MH card way too much when she actually does have some form of MH breakdown which is extremely likely with her haphazard life noone will believe her & think either it’s an excuse or more attention seeking.
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Ooooh spill, I’m not sure I can actually watch it, I need happy thoughts on Friday’s, I’ll just get angry and annoyed viewing her crap, does he feature 🤦🏽‍♀️🤪😜
Same as me. I do not want to start my weekend watching her. It's nice when one of us takes one for the team!
Ok - Skanky takes us for a hour of the gym - she is out of breath by the time she gets there - she can manage 10 mins on the Stairmaster -can’t do the running machine because of the broken hooves. We see her room - all her clothes are in a pile at the bottom of a wardrobe along with all her Boombod and JYY stuff because she still has to post! Wigs all hanging up in bags. No sign of Crawl anywhere.
Lots of food being presented - lots of “l LOVE IT” Crawl and Kate in the pool where he picks a spot on her nose and she says he has tiny balls - lots lots more to come apparently!
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I can’t quite believe it. Harvey is all she has left and she’s finding it hard to keep up the amazing mum act even to him now.
‘I’m here filming’
Filming what?
Your fucking YouTube channel

I think this and a disastrous PA at Acapulco could (hopefully) mean the press change their narrative on what a fab mum she is to harv 🤞🏼
I hope this is her long overdue downfall…..
Did they ever post their findings about how easy it is to wed in Las Vegas or was it just a cover up for the bad press they got after being spotted with marriage licence ...I am shooketh 🙄
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Why? Why for the love of God do I Google the shit I hear about on here. It was the same with LK's growler. 🤢🤢
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