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Such a busy week with work, kids, house chores.. Honestly if I once had a few million, or even half a million, I would feel like royalty. How can you throw away so much money? And more importantly, how can you throw away your children??
I guess she read the "poor jett" comments so decided to post a throwback photo of him 😡
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good grief.🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢 What a cunt.
Sounds like an excellent idea for the next thread title Dolly 😂😂😂

Katy Price 141# Good grief 🤢 what a cunt!

It gets my vote, but those mods will mess with the c word and ruin the sentiment
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Yes they do, Jessica Alves has used that Dr Plonker or whatever his name is too. The one in Belgium. And that's a big part of the problem I think, these celebs all use the same surgeons so they basically end up all looking the same. Very weird!
i think she must have used a plastic surgeon who channels pablo picasso
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I can’t quite believe it. Harvey is all she has left and she’s finding it hard to keep up the amazing mum act even to him now.
‘I’m here filming’
Filming what?
Your fucking YouTube channel

I think this and a disastrous PA at Acapulco could (hopefully) mean the press change their narrative on what a fab mum she is to harv 🤞🏼
I hope this is her long overdue downfall…..
It probably means she’s been told she’s not welcome there. She would never give up the chance of free publicity for herself.
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Wow The Fugly one has just announced she’s not coming back for the H Catwalk show, cos she’s ‘working’ 😂 So no support for the poor lad, but probably best for him as she won’t be there creating scenes and making it all about her.

Looks off her head as is normal these days, mother of the century, don’t ya know 🤦🏽‍♀️.….

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I think she would make more money by doing a masterclass on cosmetic surgery and the pitfalls of it. Let’s face it, that is far more apt then her trying to do a makeup masterclass when every pic of her is filtered to the max!
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Meanwhile you Skanky cunt aka Kate Price your youngest daughter is THRIVING whilst you sell your soul for the next fix/mag deal/body op and for what??
90% of this country hates you. They don’t believe you. You're a thief, a liar, an animal abuser and 110% weapons grade CUNT.
You read this thread, we know you do and I hope just one, any one of comments offends you. You are that thick skinned but I know just one would get through. Look at the attached picture of your little girl, running through a park, with shoes on, safe and supervised whilst you shift about on a rented boat, bloated, overweight, well past your prime, with a cunt who is only with you for the noteriety. And look at the hot chocolate she made...did she ever do that for you or maybe did you just ask her to pass you the wrap on the side?? You shameless cuntbag. Oh and as for your mum? When my mum was terminally ill, I spent every hour I could with her so you can fuck right off there as well.
Yeah, you could have killed someone when you crashed your 4x4...shame is, it wasn't you.
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Rita Chevrolet

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It has, it's gross isn't it. The one time he can bring himself to touch her and its in a humiliating and patronising way. And she can't help herself by chucking an insult back at him, like he doesn't loathe her enough already.
Her zit attacks are nothing compared to her going into a hotel swimming pool with all her seeping, pûs-filled wounds leaking into the water being used by all the other hotel guests; (That was on one of her Turkey Botchery sessions). A bit of gunk erupting out of her zits is nothing compared to that :sick:
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I’m never going to catch up but I’ve been looking at the insta stories and watched her YouTube. I think what amazes me the most is how on earth can she be in Thailand when her disabled son who she’s raised alone all his life is doing his first cat walk?? I don’t understand.
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Ok, so ... once upon a time I wanted lipo ... at that time I was very very fit, swimming 1km every day as well as mucking out and riding my horse ... diet and excercise didnt change my shape into exactly how I wanted to look ... a friend had Lipo, so I went for a consultation. The surgeon was brilliant, he was very honest with me ... he could achieve the aesthetic that I wanted ... BUT ... he warned me that I must maintain my current weight within 7lbs (up or down) post surgery ... I was on a real health & fitness kick at that time BUT I am not an athlete or always that focussed on my body, like most people, my weight had always fluctuated, around 14-20lbs up or down from where I was at that day (and still does now) ... I could easily put 10lbs on in a week on holiday. I went home and really researched Lipo ... the surgeon was right & I knew in myself that I couldnt maintain that permanently ... once the fat cells are removed they are gone for good, if you gain weight your body will be a different shape than in the past because the fat cells left in other areas will fill up ... also fat will build around internal organs which is very dangerous. This is what is happening to KP ... she is over 40, lives a sedentary lifestyle and is on holiday eating whatever she feels like ... she has gained a lot of weight fast over a few days (10lbs at least I would say) and the weight gain is around her organs as well as where we can see it (particularly on her face & boobs) ... her legs hips and arms will stay skinny & her stomach flat simply because the fat cells have been sucked out ... it doesnt mean that she has not gained weight. She will also have gained it on her back ... I have big boobs and they are set quite high up, when I gain weight the first thing that happens is that i feel uncomfortable in bed trying to sleep, they make breathing more uncomfortable. I am not convinced that KP has had another boob job ... its not enough time between a flight landing in Switzerland and arriving in Thailand for surgery, plus, Switzerland is the home of the best medical practitioners in the world, they dont need to do freebies & the price would have been extortionate (I lived & worked in Kusnacht years ago) ... her boobs did not look this big at the airport on the way out ... I think that due to the recent lipo when she had her facelift the majority of her holiday weight gain has gone onto her chest ... she is spinning a boob job story to cover this up. To me this is why she suddenly looks so uncomfortable, she wont be sleeping either because her boobs will be making it difficult to breathe like mine do if I gain weight ... this is why she is tired. Her face looks less like the new face lift pictures, even those at the airport leaving UK and more like her old face because of this weight gain. This is just my opinion obviously ... you may be interested in reading about Lipo

Can Liposuction Cause Weight Gain? (
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Chatty Member
Yes it is. I've just googled and checked. Harvey is advertised on their site🙁 comments on the DM are open and uncensored. I've had a go.
I emailed Harvey's college last week about this, they replied saying that they were going to look into fingers crossed this nonsense is veetoed!!
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Personally I think KP advertising your hotel is a bad move, if that’s the so called “work” aspect to this holiday.
A z list celeb from the UK who regularly states she has MH issues & is on a suspended sentence for drink (drug) driving just narrowly missing a jail sentence. Then add the boyfriend up in court in a charge. Can’t see it’s good publicity. Hotel should have done a Google search….

If anything as the hotel owner I would try to avoid any publicity from her staying at my hotel as I expect more likely damage business than increase it. Certainly next time I’m over in Thailand won’t be staying there !
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he got "beat" tattooed above the tattoo of her head and he has lots of "ha ha ha ha ha'"s bellow the tattoo of her other head,whats that all about then,bit dark
I found the quotes of Ha ha ha all a bit disturbing too if I’m honest.

The whole set up of these two is weird as f. I just can’t get my head around it. I don’t see love or affection between them. I don’t see sincerity I just see him annoyed as f
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I wonder who all those old blokes were at the dinner table?

Such a strange set up.

How they can pass this off as work is hysterical. Is there a demand out there for people to document their hotel stays? Has someone asked her to do this? Who’s paying? Of course I know it’s all a con and a cover up so they can just fuck off on holiday. You can tell by the way it’s been thrown together and that’s with the editing in place 😳

I used to like watching that Holiday programme on the bbc when I was a kid but this is way off the mark.

Anyway that’s my little review of the shit show 🤣
Its the new holiday show. A plastic face in the sun
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Ok ok so she’s had the ugliest arm tattoo/ half sleeve I’ve ever seen. She is so manly now it’s like she’s lit morphing into Crawl.

And Crawl your mrs hasn’t had that face ever. She bloody wishes she looked like that 😂


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You’re right , my bad ; I’d morphed Jeff Brazier and Jack Nobody into one person 😂😂😂

Shows how interesting & memorable they are !
Yes , Brazier had kids with her , still used her for fame but seemed like a decent bloke in general .
Jack Nobody married her when he clearly didn’t love , or even like her , but he saw his chance & took it .

Part of me feels embarassed I got these two mixed up , part of me is proud I’d morphed them into one 😂😂😂

And Carol won’t be stuck with the rancid old goat , that’s the whole point Rosie , he’ll be seeing her off before long & no mistake ! 😉
And her mother Jacky was always cashing in she was just like KK mum a blardy disgrace as mums
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Has the presidential suite apparently 😡 very lived in
So she even turns that into a pig sty leaving her clothes everywhere! And then didn't she once try to blame the state of the MM on KB? And after he left she got cleaners in and then tried to make out she had tidied it herself? Oh and Crawl the photo of you and KP in the pool is VERY reminiscent of the ones she did with KB that you said weren't going to happen! That didn't last long did it?
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Well if she's just had her boobs done what is she doing exercising and being in a swimming pool. Also she doesn't know the difference between compartments and apartments. She claims she's going to start doing stuff for charity again... why don't you start by paying back your creditors if you want to make amends. It's those people I feel sorry for and obviously goes without saying her gorgeous kids. Gosh she's a shameless cunt
To be shameless you need to know what shame is.
Her and her whole shifty family have no idea of that concept.
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