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Morning everyone and a happy Monday! Had a few skanky free days (I needed them!) dipped in here a few times to have a catch up though. Didnt want to fall too far behind 🤣
So the skank is in Thailand for "work" and is posting photos from years ago to remind everyone what a good muvver she is 🙄
I have a feeling this trip will be the one that finally catches her out 🤞🏻 I pray I'm right!
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So that’s it then. The Sun won’t take her to task,no one in the media is ever going to challenge her version of events either. I have lost hope of her being held to any kind of account.
It’s mind blowing that a “ celebrity” can blatantly lie,or be economical with the truth and is constantly and consistently supported, and encouraged.
I said before that I believe the only person that will bring down KP is KP, albeit with a large dose of CW. I do have sympathy for anybody in an abusive relationship, but she too, is an abusive person so my sympathy is limited.
If anything bad happens you can guarantee that the media will be blaming everything except themselves and those who have enabled her.
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Chatty Member
I would usually be inclined to agree with you.
But for months they’ve been claiming a bombshell is imminent & just to be patient a little while longer. Hence my scepticism. In my opinion, they don’t know anything we don’t know already, and are merely getting a vicarious thrill from dropping little tit bits & then buggering off. Just my viewpoint of course & happy to be proven wrong.
I also want to be proven wrong! Dropping weird riddles and tid bits of information that don't even make sense is wasting our time entirely.

They say cases are pending but the only case outstanding is slapgate so what can't they possibly sell/say without it interfering with that case? It doesn't make any sense.
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I have a question. Apologies if its been asked before: How does the Skank Ho have the power to stop stories about her? PTMe said Skanky put a stop to her story coming out. I thought you'd have to have big money to pay Billy Big Bollocks solicitors for that sort of thing.
I was a semi frequent visitor to the Digital Spy showbiz forums, and every time a Katie Price thread started up, it was shut down the very second that any offensive comments were made about her - other celebrities weren't given this treatment.

I eventually started a thread called KP daily (my kids were small and I had more downtime then!), where I asked people not to post things that would get the thread shut down. It lasted a good while but inevitably got abusive and was closed. In the end people gave up starting discussions about her, as they always got closed. She was pretty much She Who Shall Not Be Named, and we all wondered how the hell she afforded such special treatment
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It really looks like she's had a disastrous lip-job but to know that thing is it's tongue flopping out like a dog's after its run crazily around the garden - WELL!
No wonder she's got such a big gob when she has to fold that thing back inside behind the Teef :)

So now we all know the gambit if we get nicked don't we?
Threaten suicide and the police walk away washing their hands of it all. Great innit?
If someone decides to commit suicide that's their decision their choice. I believe you should not be held to ransom by anybody threatening suicide. You stay strong and tell them you must tell the police or medics so they can get the help they need. Stay around to support if necessary, but don't take on the stress, pressure or fear of someone dying because you didn't do as they asked.
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Now using the suicide card, so leave me alone to do whatever I want cos my MH may push me over, and her fans will use Caroline Flack increasingly in supporting her. Also making the papers back off for fear of accusations of bullying her. Skanky will use every deceit in the book, she’s disgusting, I can’t wait for the truth to come out, despite all her attempts to quash it, still think something bad is gonna break soon.
Agree, it might take far too long to happen but it will. She’s not in therapy. She’s not sorry for anything. It was only a couple of wks ago she was lashing out at Emily, Michelle & Kieron. This bullshit story is deflection and saying she was going to kill herself is pretty much her last trump card. None of it changes the fact that she seems to not be allowed near the kids. She’s not seen jet or bunny since before Christmas. That in itself has got to have a serious social services part to play - a mother removed from her kids lives. She chooses to stay with Crawler. And right now she’s in Thailand to video her growler trying to escape whatever nylon travesty it’s muffled in. All of it is fake. It’s not a life any of us would choose. So let the bazooka bin foghorn her way round Thailand. All it does is prove she’s no mother, she doesn’t care, she’s dead in the head.
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I'm beginning to think that no one is going to expose her dreadful behaviour as they are scared she will try and do a CF. The Sun have washed their hands of her. (No, I am nothing to do with the Sun btw but got the info from someone in the know) I think the only person who can bring her down now is a judge.

Re Slapgate night. The Police know what happened, the ambulance/paramedics know, neighbours, her family and so many more. She is lying when she said the story 'someone' gave is false, she gave that account. It happened. (I'm saying allegedly, as I don't want to be sued) But he kicked her in the head, he punched her and tried to strangle her. It's an abusive relationship. I was sent the same 3 screenshots by 2 separate people yesterday, my head was blown especially when I was told there were worse messages after the attack. I was told she left the kids to run away, so it must of been bad. They both live in a dark and twisted world.
They have dragged those children in to their terrifying lies, I'm so angry and sad. She has put Carl before her children's MH. So seeing her (or SP) putting up more kids pictures yesterday is just another smokescreen.
Obviously Cole is not the one if she was asking if she should get back with KB. So WTF do they get out of this relationship? He knows she would leave him for an ex, he beats up (probably wasn't the first time either) the whole :poop: show is toxic. The pair of them think they are invincible.
Katie has no remorse or empathy, takes what she wants, yet is always playing the victim.
I do love your tea @DC16 none of what you have said about the relationship surprises me. Anybody with any life experiences can see through this charade of a "relationship" and can see through both of them arse wipes.
It'll end badly, one way or another. It's those poor children I really feel for, thank heavens for their fathers and great stepmothers
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She is over - regardless of what she does or what stories she sells , she’s lost her children, her home - she’s stuck in a toxic relationship, she’s fuelled by jealousy and it will catch up with her one day.
She hates herself and that’s enough for me.
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My gawd this is fuckin desperate! Her trying to flog her mashed up lasagna on OF... not sure she says OFs enough times during that pathetic attempt at trying to flog her rock hard, old bits 🤮 put it away you vile, old hag, you ain't "empowering" anybody, just making a further joke of yourself
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Chatty Member
We all know whatever comes out in the next few weeks regarding her and Carl, she will come out on top. If it is true he is abusive which it is looking like he is , she will milk this more than any other drama she has created.
She will (like another poster mentioned) do interview after interview, books, tv shows, Lorriane and loose women etc will fawn over her saying how strong she has been through it all 🙄
So unless Carl or someone else has some really bad stuff on her, she will be back on our screens unfortunately.
I lost a loved one because they turned to drink after being beating regularly by a partner, so I have much sympathy for DV survivor's/sufferers, but I am sorry I have none for KP.
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Joanna Surrey

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"Building adventures." Ha ha hhhaaa, sitting boozing and taking stupid pictures. He's even got a rinky dink bag like the Milky Bar Kid Boyson!😂😂😂😂 Also who the hell wears pink furry slippers in a heatwave? Phew bet the crutch on those cycling shorts is sweating up a storm.
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Peter and Emily have posted a lovely pic of themselves and Kieran has with all the family on the beach, the pics come across as genuinely full of love ❤ - so skanky and coleslaw maybe in Thailand but she’s an empty vessel- millions will never make her happy- because she can’t be happy,so she’s over there to take smutty half naked pictures - I feel sorry for as she’ll never experience what her ex’s have - and love is what really makes you ‘rich’
She will never be happy, absolutely cannot bear the woman but she’s lost everything. It will be grubby OF, restricted access to her kids, constantly dodging any kind of accountability- until it all catches up with her, and it will. She will never, ever make the kind of money she used to, and she’s too bone idle and deluded to change and accept that.
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Jamie Foxx had a disabled sister with downs syndrome. They seemed to have a very close bond. She appeared in one of his music videos, danced on stage with him at a concert, and was an ambassador for Special Olympics, and competed in Special Olympics. I didn't get the impression he ever exploited or patronised her though. She sadly passed, last year I think. She always looked so happy with him.
johnny vegas was at the special olympics one year, i dont know if he had family or knew anyone competeing, but he was so lovely and natural with the contestants. the camera crew didn't know he was there either and the comentator was as suprised as us watching at home. thats a true star, an unselfish person doing what he could to spread happiness and encouragement. not like "whats in it for me, me, me" skanky, old wonky tits and her shit for brains sidekick !
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If Harvey is learning new skills at that college, I can't imagine KP giving praise to the staff or acknowledging them in interviews about H, because it has to be all about HER, the amazing mother of the year looking after a disabled son singlehandedly, god forbid someone else should get the credit.
I don’t think she wants Harvey to learn new skills, she wants him to stay has he is, because his more marketable this way.
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Apologies this is gonna be a long post, I'm recovering from a bout of 💩 & 🤮 so I have a little time and I'm frustrated and need to vent to like minded people 🥰

I would have far more respect for KFP if she held her hands up and admitted she is wrong and has done wrong. I'd further respect her for going off the grid and going to a proper rehab - with no phone, no media just her and nature (that kind of thing) with intensive therapy. I've said this in previous posts.

As much as you can lead a horse to water and all that... Presumably KFP is enabled by SFP, AFP and PFP. There may have been others along the way, but I'm talking about right now. On the very few occasions KFP sees her kids, they could have had an intervention and taken her to Rehab, along with times such as the Cowdray Lunch etc etc

Supposedly, SFP & AFP are just appeasing KFP so they have some sort of contact and time with her. By all accounts appeasing CFW as apparently he is controlling KFP. Whilst I appreciate it will be difficult for SFP, AFP and PFP to intervene, appeasing her enables her and just allows her to crack on as she sees fit. I mean allegedly PFP hid money for her, which is what she used for the recent BH hearing.

Perhaps CFW is in only in this relationship for his own narcissistic gain - money, fame and column inches. So the story goes, he controls her with evidence he has of her taking drugs, perhaps with the kids present amongst other things, helps her hide her money and hides some for her. Exploits her addiction as well as poor Harvey.
As @DC16 mentioned Slapgate happened and it allegedly happened how it was described above. People know, the kids know, family knows, the police etc know. If he did it once, it's likely he is doing it and has done it again.
That video from his IG, where it "cut off/out" was chilling.... KFP never said a word after that.
To say that you can't control KFP was another smoke screen, because apparently he does control her.

Presumably CFW knows he isn't the one.... Presumably he knows that she wants to be in someone else's arms. Fortunately for CFW and unfortunately for KFP, she is so reliant on him, being Chauffeur Cole she is currently stuck. The driving ban has cost her, just not how we'd all like it too.

I know it's not easy to leave an abusive relationship and I understand why women (and men) don't and can't leave. I understand the C&C and how it can massively affect a person and their other relationships. Hence why SFP & AFP probably appease her. It probably does affect her MH, but KFP pulls that card out as and when she likes and not for the right reasons - she does it to blame other people and never holds herself to account. SFP & AFP enable this, with all the ridiculous Instagram statements.

Kids - them poor babies, they will all likely need therapy. Junior seems ok, but I bet he hurts at times. Princess, I think will be the most affected now or in the future, she is at such an impressionable age, she clearly had a great relationship with her Mum (it may not have always been appropriate) and I fear she will feel rejection from KFP the most. Allegedly Bunny and Jett have seen so much - from the video I've learnt about.
It appears that Harvey is just exploited and it's beyond awful!

Whatevers happens with CFW. KFP will likely be thinking of the next paycheck, she will cash in on this relationship and supposedly how awful it was (when/if it ends). We can expect some sort of big story in the future or in "Book 15".

KFP could control the narrative, she could be honest, we all know she takes drugs, by all accounts she is an addict and drinks, we know she has done it around the kids - social media/media. KFP could get in there first and hold her hands up, she wouldn't wholly take herself down, but she would and could take CFW down with that honesty.

There is enough in the media so show that.
CFP is apparently trying to bring her down.... Convenient that a "photographer" was positioned just where CFP stop his Range Rover in the New Forest when KFP was not tying up her shoe laces. Reportedly, keeps a store of evidence to try and bring her down.

I guess there is zero trust in that relationship on either side.

Sorry Krusty's, I could go on.... But I've gone on enough!
CRAWL is probably doing the same as Mark Croft did with Katona. Getting photographic & video evidence of the drug use, as some form of blackmail. It will eventually all come out.
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