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I'm beginning to think that no one is going to expose her dreadful behaviour as they are scared she will try and do a CF. The Sun have washed their hands of her. (No, I am nothing to do with the Sun btw but got the info from someone in the know) I think the only person who can bring her down now is a judge.

Re Slapgate night. The Police know what happened, the ambulance/paramedics know, neighbours, her family and so many more. She is lying when she said the story 'someone' gave is false, she gave that account. It happened. (I'm saying allegedly, as I don't want to be sued) But he kicked her in the head, he punched her and tried to strangle her. It's an abusive relationship. I was sent the same 3 screenshots by 2 separate people yesterday, my head was blown especially when I was told there were worse messages after the attack. I was told she left the kids to run away, so it must of been bad. They both live in a dark and twisted world.
They have dragged those children in to their terrifying lies, I'm so angry and sad. She has put Carl before her children's MH. So seeing her (or SP) putting up more kids pictures yesterday is just another smokescreen.
Obviously Cole is not the one if she was asking if she should get back with KB. So WTF do they get out of this relationship? He knows she would leave him for an ex, he beats up (probably wasn't the first time either) the whole :poop: show is toxic. The pair of them think they are invincible.
Katie has no remorse or empathy, takes what she wants, yet is always playing the victim.
As I said before nobody else will bring her down - it will be her own doing - shes already tripping herself up non stop, Wanky wont take her shit and turns out to be just as evil as she is.
She is not used to not getting her own way - and her biggest punishment is her looks, she puts them above everything and everybody even her own family and the fact she is looking a state is the worst thing that could happen to her.
Its hurting her deeply - hence the rapid increase in procedures lately, having a younger bloke who she knows could meet someone younger and prettier is also beating her up.
We just sit and wait - she is getting away with all sorts but that makes her braver so her downfall will eventually be more spectacular and one she wont be able to blag and get on good terms with everyone about.
Shes ditched those who cared about her, her family seem to have given up and thankfully 4 of her kids are distanced enough so when the shit does hit the fan it wont hurt them as much.
The public are starting to see her for what she is - yeh there is the odd weirdo who worships her, but you look at the general consensus on her posts and the majority are people who see behind the mask.
Just sit tight people - shes on a downward spiral and she wont be able to blame anyone but herself.
I dont think her exes are angels but the fathers are doing their best and hopefully will hold up the kids and give them a happy home life - thank god they have stepped up to the mark.
Shes trapped with an abusive partner and I think there are blackmail threats between them that if either leave they will spill the beans.
She doesnt have a queue of new "the ones" to have as back up.
And I know all the tv coverage is annoying but remember it gives her more chances of slipping up and showing the real her - which she cant conceal forever.
For now all we can do is see humour in her stupidity and laugh - we are not trolls we are people who see through her facade and she doesnt like it one bit.
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how fucking old is this story?
O....M....G what a vile, lying piece of trash.. "I need things to look after" - you have 5 children, start there you despicable piece of shit. She cannot look after a goldfish! "Done it all alone" - what a crock of shit! I knew she'd blame Harvey for her reasons for getting in that car, I actually commented that very thing on her insta at the time it happened. Wow, a truly gross fuckin scumbag, you deserve every bit of shit that is going to come your way! Whooooo fucking Hooooo
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Pink Squirrel

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I wish I knew. He learned Makaton quite a number of years ago now. He only uses it during interviews, he'd never do it at home
I would imagine he doesn't use Makaton at home because she hasn't bothered to learn it to use with him. I would also imagine she has no clue what any of it means. He used it in the Harvey & ME documentary as the college staff & also his friend Zac used it with him.
It's driven me mad for a long time. Every time I see him using it to communicate & the Skanky tramp doesn't even acknowledge it 😡
She bleats on in her illiterate drivel about him being challenging. NO, he exhibits behaviour that challenges. I suspect she is the fucking cause of most of it.
That whole YouTube is bugger all to do with Harvey or Mencap. It's to fucking shove herself down everyone's throat AGAIN 😡 Fucking me, me, me, me, me, I, I, I, I, I, my, my, my, my, my. Bore off you sad old slapper 😡
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Could we use KP as a nuclear shield from that nutter Putin. She deflects everything else so worth a go and at least her continued existence would have some value for the human race🤠😉
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Anyone watch the Louis Theroux documentary on USA porn industry tonight ? He interviewed a woman about 30, she just does Only Fans now, has 40,000 subscribers, makes $150-250k a month 😱 She lives in a 4 million dollar castle. Skanky will never compete with these women, these are young attractive women, not old patchwork face/body Skanky, who puts up the odd dated looking glamour shot. The tracksuit twins are so clueless about OF, looks like the only research they did was chat to the equally repugnant Katona. The more you look at what she’s doing, the more you realise how she is failing at everything she touches. I can’t see how she can keep going like this, it’s all nonsense including her relationship.

Let her have this crappy holiday, it’s pointless like her entire existence, we always get reports they argue constantly on holiday, who’d want their life. It’s annoying the law doesn’t give us justice, but when you think how crap her life really is, we kinda getting justice in the way she’s destroyed her life.
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Peter and Emily have posted a lovely pic of themselves and Kieran has with all the family on the beach, the pics come across as genuinely full of love ❤ - so skanky and coleslaw maybe in Thailand but she’s an empty vessel- millions will never make her happy- because she can’t be happy,so she’s over there to take smutty half naked pictures - I feel sorry for as she’ll never experience what her ex’s have - and love is what really makes you ‘rich’
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#136 Pouting away , thinking she’s a hotty ; so deluded - next stop porta potty .
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Chatty Member
He also shouldn’t be around animals.Rolo? It’s thought he killed him in a temper.Poor little darling was only few weeks old.😢
Who's mentioned that before? It definitely didn't happen. Harvey didn't kill Rolo, Bunny didn't kill Rolo, Princess didn't kill Rolo.

KP's incompetence as a human killed Rolo. Even when Rolo did die she was more interested in sorting her clothes out than taking Rolo to the vet straight away because she knew he was 'dead anyway'

Carl is a prick but I will say the one thing he is good at is taking care of Sid, he absolutely loves that dog to death (no pun intended 😂)

She was so drunk on this flight and at the hotel. If you watch back their behaviour
Junior 'jumped' due to an almighty argument that he had with skanky, nothing to do with this trip
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So she’s fucked off on holiday for three weeks and is sooo happy she’s posting old photos of the kids whilst there. Any decent mother would be looking forward to seeing their kids after their holidays with their fathers before pissing off out of the country. Get used to it Dolly, as photos are all you deserve!!!
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Whether or not @Binfest is correct in their predictions (and I hope they are), let's just look at the evidence of KP's situation.
Carl has not been pictured with any of the children (except Harvey) for many months.
Nor has Katie, apart from some brief shots with her wider family (supervision). They very plainly do not live with her - she doesn't appear to have a fixed abode for a start, and spends much time on the road, so how could she facilitate any of them getting to school, let alone anything else?
We are led to believe (from various sources, not least KP herself letting it slip) that Social Services are involved .
I know from my professional role that SS do NOT remove children from a parent lightly, or limit contact to supervised only, which indicates that there are very serious reasons behind all this.
I presume it is something along these lines that @Binfest (and others) are alluding to, and that some of it may come out in due course.
I don't know HOW Katie can sleep at night, to be honest. If she's not in a deep depression about this terrible state of affairs then she truly must have some sort of personality disorder, as has been suspected.
No 'normal' person would be able to sleep at night. No 'normal' person would have got to the state where they don't bother with their kids & put a man before them. Clearly any access to the younger kids is supervised and that is only right after the way she lives her life. KP will not be bothered. She is robotic. It's all about her needs, her life, me me me. Nothing is ever her fault, she blames everyone else for the mess her life is. She is a typical sociopath with a Narcissistic personality disorder . She is arrogant & self absorbed. She's using the MH card to fend off various offences. But even though it's very disappointing, I don't think making accusations like she has about Kieran (VERY SERIOUS - I'm pretty sure Kieran is completely innocent), & the online rants towards Emily, Peter & Michelle will go unaddressed. They can't be ignored. Somehow however, the bankruptcy and the driving crimes have not been dealt with, as they would for us 'normal' people. It's very soul destroying seeing her live like a lottery winner, constantly having weekend trips & holidays abroad. She seems to have met someone who is as unsavoury and arrogant as her. Have to suspect from what's happened (court case supposedly 10/3) he's also violent and they both like the white nose talc. Fatal combination. Something has to give soon, we can only live in hope.
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Apologies this is gonna be a long post, I'm recovering from a bout of 💩 & 🤮 so I have a little time and I'm frustrated and need to vent to like minded people 🥰

I would have far more respect for KFP if she held her hands up and admitted she is wrong and has done wrong. I'd further respect her for going off the grid and going to a proper rehab - with no phone, no media just her and nature (that kind of thing) with intensive therapy. I've said this in previous posts.

As much as you can lead a horse to water and all that... I do strongly believe that KFP is enabled by SFP, AFP and PFP. There would have definitely been others along the way, but I'm talking about right now. On the very few occasions KFP sees her kids, they could have had an intervention and taken her to Rehab, along with times such as the Cowdray Lunch etc etc

Personally IMO, SFP & AFP are just appeasing KFP so they have some sort of contact and time with her. This is also them appeasing CFW as I believe he is controlling KFP. Whilst I appreciate it will be difficult for SFP, AFP and PFP to intervene, appeasing her enables her and just allows her to crack on as she sees fit. I mean allegedly PFP hid money for her, which is what she used for the recent BH hearing.

Perhaps CFW is in only in this relationship for his own narcissistic gain - money, fame and column inches. I believe he controls her with evidence he has of her taking drugs, perhaps with the kids present amongst other things, helps her hide her money and hides some for her. Exploits her addiction as well as poor Harvey.
As @DC16 mentioned Slapgate happened and it happened how it was described above. People know, the kids know, family knows, the police etc know. If he did it once, it's likely he is doing it and has done it again.
That video from his IG, where it "cut off/out" was chilling.... KFP never said a word after that.
To say that you can't control KFP was another smoke screen, because apparently he does control her.

I reckon CFW knows he isn't the one.... He knows that she wants to be in someone else's arms. Fortunately for CFW and unfortunately for KFP, she is so reliant on him, being Chauffeur Cole she is currently stuck. The driving ban has cost her, just not how we'd all like it too.

I know it's not easy to leave an abusive relationship and I understand why women (and men) don't and can't leave. I understand the C&C and how it can massively affect a person and their other relationships. Hence why SFP & AFP probably appease her. It probably does affect her MH, but KFP pulls that card out as and when she likes and not for the right reasons - she does it to blame other people and never holds herself to account. SFP & AFP enable this, with all the ridiculous Instagram statements.

Kids - them poor babies, they will all likely need therapy. Junior seems ok, but I bet he hurts at times. Princess I think will be the most affected now or in the future, she is at such an impressionable age, she clearly had a great relationship with her Mum (it may not have always been appropriate) and I fear she will feel rejection from KFP the most. Allegedly Bunny and Jett have seen so much - from the video I've learnt about.
Harvey is just exploited and it's beyond awful!

Whatevers happens with CFW. KFP will be thinking of the next paycheck, she will cash in on this relationship and how awful it was (when/if it ends). We can expect some sort of big story in the future or in Book 15.

KFP could control the narrative, she could be honest, we all know she takes drugs, she is an addict and drinks, we know she has done it around the kids. KFP could get in there first and hold her hands up, she wouldn't wholly take herself down, but she would and could take CFW down with that honesty.

There is enough in the media so show that.
CFP is trying to bring her down.... Convenient that a "photographer" was positioned just where CFP stop his Range Rover in the New Forest when KFP was not tying up her shoe laces. Keeps a store of evidence to try and bring her down.

I guess there is zero trust in that relationship on either side.

Sorry Krusty's, I could go on.... But I've gone on enough!
Yes SP & AP putting up with it, so they can keep an eye on her. Apparently they did try.
When I say about people are worried she will try a CF, I think she is not past trying to set it up to at least look that way, anything is possible. Isn't MH a great excuse for her to get away with all of this :poop: she brings to her own doorstep :mad:
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Back to school today Krusties! Feeling heavily pregnant and not wanting to get out of bed but I am because I’m a mother and I have a business to run. Krusty is a mother but where is she on a return to school?? Oh that’s right as usual she’s not there for the kids.

Deadbeat mother

Honestly it just gets worse.
She’s been using that exact face pose for years. She’s a serious one trick pony.
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Chatty Member
I see she's advertising Mothers Day gifts from her bath bomb range. What a complete insult to proper mothers!
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