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Unbelievable, I have an evening off from KP and the Sun prints a story 😡😡😡😡 are they for real after saying they were done with her. So sorry guys, I honestly believed what I was told from a very credible source. I will try and find out why they have backtracked. 😡Fuming 😡
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👏🏼 It’s the elephant in the room isn’t it. No one is allowed to say what they really think regarding Harvey. I strongly believe she is the cause of his numerous health issues due to the way she treated the pregnancy. To make money off of that by showing his ongoing struggles in life is disgusting. I have absolutely no interest in Harvey at all. He doesn’t warm my heart, I don’t find him cute. The fact his mother is KP seals the deal for me. She uses that boy as a human shield when she needs to.
This will probably be red-arrowed but I think half of HP's problems were caused or at least played up by KP, he's never legally been registered as blind, he doesn't have prader-willi syndrome either so his weight is down to whoever is responsible for his care over feeding him. The reality is he has a violent temper, is unsafe for the younger children to be around him without proper supervision and is at an age where sexual urges will have kicked in so carers would have to be extra sensitive around him. Being dragged around as a prop for his mother when she wants sympathy is BS too, teaching him foul language for comedy effect should also be frowned upon rather than encouraged or thought of as 'loveable' by some Tattlers. I actually find him scary and rather unpleasant, sorry if that offends people reading but that's my opinion we're just not supposed to say it.
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This will probably be red-arrowed but I think half of HP's problems were caused or at least played up by KP, he's never legally been registered as blind, he doesn't have prader-willi syndrome either so his weight is down to whoever is responsible for his care over feeding him. The reality is he has a violent temper, is unsafe for the younger children to be around him without proper supervision and is at an age where sexual urges will have kicked in so carers would have to be extra sensitive around him. Being dragged around as a prop for his mother when she wants sympathy is BS too, teaching him foul language for comedy effect should also be frowned upon rather than encouraged or thought of as 'loveable' by some Tattlers. I actually find him scary and rather unpleasant, sorry if that offends people reading but that's my opinion we're just not supposed to say it.
I’ve got a disabled son who is about the same age as Harvey, my lad has a severe learning disability, autism, selective mutism and sensory processing disorder. He is a very anxious young man and finds crowds, noise, bright lights and other situations very difficult so I don’t put him in them. He is 6 foot 2, but he’s a gentle giant and likes being in nature, going to the gym, long distance running and cooking. He has used bad language the grand total of three times - in fact he sometimes tells me off for swearing.
Personally I do feel that a large amount of Harvey’s problems are simply because she is a shit parent. She shouts continually and encourages him to swear, she puts him in environments that will set off his sensory issues and anxiety and she’s placated him with food to the extent that he now relies on it for comfort. She’s never done any kind of training to help him with his issues because she takes pride in her kids being ‘feral’.
I don’t blame anyone for finding Harvey a bit frightening, he is very large and can be unpredictable. It bothers me a bit that he’s now some kind of ‘ambassador’ for young adults with autism and learning difficulties because if anything I think it gives the general public totally the wrong impression of what our young people are like.
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Chatty Member
So that’s it then. The Sun won’t take her to task,no one in the media is ever going to challenge her version of events either. I have lost hope of her being held to any kind of account.
It’s mind blowing that a “ celebrity” can blatantly lie,or be economical with the truth and is constantly and consistently supported, and encouraged.
I said before that I believe the only person that will bring down KP is KP, albeit with a large dose of CW. I do have sympathy for anybody in an abusive relationship, but she too, is an abusive person so my sympathy is limited.
If anything bad happens you can guarantee that the media will be blaming everything except themselves and those who have enabled her.
It makes me sick when I think about the hell The s*n and NOTW put George Michael through in tve 1990’s trying to force him to come out. And this b***h gets away with it time and time again
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Thank you to whomever posted Keiron’s link on the last thread

I have some lovely new profile pictures now 🍆
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Pom Bear

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Then you’ll really love my next one 😂😂😂

I’m glad I can make you laugh as you spread your humour & delight so many of us in the process ❤
I always wonder what profile pic you come out with next but they all very funny 😄😄😄😘 xx

Thank you, that's lovely to hear ❤💕🤗💖❤🥰😘 Love Pom xx

Just know that your time and skills are appreciated, it's not just the artistic talent of actually making the pics, they are actual comedy gold too, just brilliant. They keep the thread light hearted and break the tension regularly. They take up your valuable time to create, you always put your heart and soul into special requests, it's lovely ☺ hope you are feeling a bit better love x

Thank you very much that's a lovely message🥰❤💖💕🥰🤗❤😘 xx.
I'm alot better thank you and glad to be back and making people happy with my pics Love Pom ❤🤗🥰😘 xx


I think she actually affects our mental health more than we know. Humour and satire keep us from going insane with the lack of justice. Thank you Pom and my fellow Tattlers for your humour, kindness and for trying to get justice. Trolls, we certainly are not! We are just horrified at one ‘human’ wreaking havoc whilst getting adulation from the media and social media. Sleep tight my darlings x
Thank you 💖❤💕🤗🥰😘 Love Pom 🥰😘 xx
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Apologies this is gonna be a long post, I'm recovering from a bout of 💩 & 🤮 so I have a little time and I'm frustrated and need to vent to like minded people 🥰

I would have far more respect for KFP if she held her hands up and admitted she is wrong and has done wrong. I'd further respect her for going off the grid and going to a proper rehab - with no phone, no media just her and nature (that kind of thing) with intensive therapy. I've said this in previous posts.

As much as you can lead a horse to water and all that... Presumably KFP is enabled by SFP, AFP and PFP. There may have been others along the way, but I'm talking about right now. On the very few occasions KFP sees her kids, they could have had an intervention and taken her to Rehab, along with times such as the Cowdray Lunch etc etc

Supposedly, SFP & AFP are just appeasing KFP so they have some sort of contact and time with her. By all accounts appeasing CFW as apparently he is controlling KFP. Whilst I appreciate it will be difficult for SFP, AFP and PFP to intervene, appeasing her enables her and just allows her to crack on as she sees fit. I mean allegedly PFP hid money for her, which is what she used for the recent BH hearing.

Perhaps CFW is in only in this relationship for his own narcissistic gain - money, fame and column inches. So the story goes, he controls her with evidence he has of her taking drugs, perhaps with the kids present amongst other things, helps her hide her money and hides some for her. Exploits her addiction as well as poor Harvey.
As @DC16 mentioned Slapgate happened and it allegedly happened how it was described above. People know, the kids know, family knows, the police etc know. If he did it once, it's likely he is doing it and has done it again.
That video from his IG, where it "cut off/out" was chilling.... KFP never said a word after that.
To say that you can't control KFP was another smoke screen, because apparently he does control her.

Presumably CFW knows he isn't the one.... Presumably he knows that she wants to be in someone else's arms. Fortunately for CFW and unfortunately for KFP, she is so reliant on him, being Chauffeur Cole she is currently stuck. The driving ban has cost her, just not how we'd all like it too.

I know it's not easy to leave an abusive relationship and I understand why women (and men) don't and can't leave. I understand the C&C and how it can massively affect a person and their other relationships. Hence why SFP & AFP probably appease her. It probably does affect her MH, but KFP pulls that card out as and when she likes and not for the right reasons - she does it to blame other people and never holds herself to account. SFP & AFP enable this, with all the ridiculous Instagram statements.

Kids - them poor babies, they will all likely need therapy. Junior seems ok, but I bet he hurts at times. Princess, I think will be the most affected now or in the future, she is at such an impressionable age, she clearly had a great relationship with her Mum (it may not have always been appropriate) and I fear she will feel rejection from KFP the most. Allegedly Bunny and Jett have seen so much - from the video I've learnt about.
It appears that Harvey is just exploited and it's beyond awful!

Whatevers happens with CFW. KFP will likely be thinking of the next paycheck, she will cash in on this relationship and supposedly how awful it was (when/if it ends). We can expect some sort of big story in the future or in "Book 15".

KFP could control the narrative, she could be honest, we all know she takes drugs, by all accounts she is an addict and drinks, we know she has done it around the kids - social media/media. KFP could get in there first and hold her hands up, she wouldn't wholly take herself down, but she would and could take CFW down with that honesty.

There is enough in the media so show that.
CFP is apparently trying to bring her down.... Convenient that a "photographer" was positioned just where CFP stop his Range Rover in the New Forest when KFP was not tying up her shoe laces. Reportedly, keeps a store of evidence to try and bring her down.

I guess there is zero trust in that relationship on either side.

Sorry Krusty's, I could go on.... But I've gone on enough!
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Apparently the Sun will report on "news" about them, but not buy her pictures or interviews.
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Probably spend 7 weeks trying to prise out any tiny morsel of talent they thought he might have had and the final week getting rid of him
To be fair,it’s probably 50/50.
The agency realise (after the first week) that he is a cocky little talent vacuum, and Cole himself getting the rage because Hugo Boss haven’t got back to them.
“Wots ‘appening maaaaatttte”
We’ve got you a vape ad, and a potential scammer promotion.
“Sick, any other interest”
Yes,Barry from Essex wants you to put an aubergine up your arse,
“ I’m leaving, yous muppets don’t know a star when you see one maaaaatte”

My favourite promotion that he ever did was at the start of Skankywank.
It was to advertise cheapie lashes.
Cue serious ( yet sincere) manly face to camera:-
“ people often stop me in the street and ask me where Kate got her lashes........”
No...No they don’t , you fame hungry little cock womble.
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First photos of the gruesome twosome in Thailand...
Fugly the pair of them. After it was confirmed this morning what he is, I can’t look at photos of him anymore, honestly that man turns my stomach, he looks a very very very nasty man. She just looks ridiculous.

We should all look at those photos and realise how pathetic the pair are of them are and how far she’s now fallen. She’d rather stand around thinking they‘re something rather special (they look the complete opposite) than take on the responsibility of being a mother. Hideous awful people, even If the law doesn’t get her, look at how dreadful her life is, might be on holiday but does she ever look happy, no she looks dead inside, he just looks a total c*nt, which is what he is.

I’d say all of us on here, woke up today, got on with our lives being productive members of society, some like me did the school run and had a fun conversation with the little ones, all of us treating other people with respect. Irony we get called Trolls at times 🤦🏽‍♀️

Skanky has none of this, lives in an abusive relationship and stands by a wall in a far-flung destination thinking she’s 18, but really looking a complete wreck, zero care for her children. We all 100x better than her as people, it’s annoying the law has failed in any justice, but I still say her life is horrendous and she will one day trip up and be exposed for what she is.

End of the day, we all better people than her by a mile. She’s a washed up old has-been, she’s in total decline, she’ll crash completely soon, I really think they’re struggling to paper over the cracks, she’s won nothing in life, despite the leniency of the courts, she’s finished, starting OF at her age, that’s really low, she’ll only get lower.

We’re watching her comeuppance, it’s in play, we all so much better than her. We’re watching a complete loser now, her life is total shit, she’s done this to herself, she can’t stop being this utter wreck, her wonderful 2022 is the complete opposite of wonderful. I’m not getting annoyed anymore, just laughing at what a pathetic figure she has become.
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Well I don't think much of creepy Carl's agent, deleted my comment asking if they were representing him in court, rude! 🙄
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I’m so fucking bored of her and Harvey. We’ve seen it and heard it all for years! Is she the only celebrity with a disabled child?
👏🏼 It’s the elephant in the room isn’t it. No one is allowed to say what they really think regarding Harvey. I strongly believe she is the cause of his numerous health issues due to the way she treated the pregnancy. To make money off of that by showing his ongoing struggles in life is disgusting. I have absolutely no interest in Harvey at all. He doesn’t warm my heart, I don’t find him cute. The fact his mother is KP seals the deal for me. She uses that boy as a human shield when she needs to.
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Now using the suicide card, so leave me alone to do whatever I want cos my MH may push me over, and her fans will use Caroline Flack increasingly in supporting her. Also making the papers back off for fear of accusations of bullying her. Skanky will use every deceit in the book, she’s disgusting, I can’t wait for the truth to come out, despite all her attempts to quash it, still think something bad is gonna break soon.
I have my fingers, arms, legs, toes crossed that this bitch and her dickhead of a fella get the downfall they deserve.

Just imagine you had lost your business because this freeloading, tramp didn't pay you. Then you have to watch her spend like she's at the height of her fame, going on 6 luxury holidays a year - all without her children too - nobody gives a fuck about those peoples mental health though, bet they've had a dark thought or two themselves.

She must be held to account for something, someday something has to stick
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Oh yes this is 100% the case, I was also on those Digital Spy threads, sometimes they lasted a few hours, then closed,with complaints from Mods about us opening KP threads. As you say we gave up on creating threads in the end. The Mods were really scared of anything slightly negative appearing. Remember thinking at the time how does she have this power, and now we’ve learned the papers are running scared due to Caroline Flack reasons.

I’ve never seen another so called ‘celeb’ treated like this, for someone so untalented and with all her appalling behaviour, it’s quite the mystery, as this ‘protection’ was going on before Caroline Flack.
I started typing a huge message out earlier when Flack was first mentioned , but deleted in instead of posting it by mistake 🙄

Anyway , the crux of it was that Price has been protected for YEARS , despite the most abhorrent, sickening & criminal behaviour .
This “ protection” she has is nothing to do with CF , in fact it’s likely her that’s planted the
seed to gain yet another “ poor me” angle in an attempt to gaslight the less intelligent populous . CF is just another convenient yawp to add to Price’s unintelligible word salad .

Nothing more.
But , protected she surely is . I don’t believe the ridiculous conspiracy theories mooted in the last thread , but NOBODY gets away with the behaviour she has for so long , nobody .

Certainly not in this day & age of awareness & internet .

Reading The Saville Book [ highly recommended] Hiding In Plain Sight , it would seem his main modus operandi was fear , threats …. Hanging around with club owners & door staff & gangsters. And keeping all parts of his life very separate .Then as time went on , Thatcher , Prince Charles & the like .

Obviously Price cannot do this , as it is her income to expose her own sordid life .But blackmail & threats I can totally see , she’s guilty of many in her past.

However , the ONLY plausible explanation I can entertain is that she has slept with & used drugs with wealthy & influential media types. Let’s face it , Fleet Street runs on cocaine & has done for years , amongst other obvious vices & power play .

Id be VERY surprised that she’d been clever enough , or sober enough to keep proof of her entanglements .

But she is DEFINITELY devious enough . And she also had clever management & a plethora of hangers on who may have helped her.
Other than that I have nothing , she should have been fully bought down years ago for any number of her wrongdoings yet still it continues .

There is obviously a reason why she considers herself to be untouchable , I hope one day we will find out what it is .

And Binfest is full of shit . Riddle me this, riddle me that , none making any sense whatsoever & open to various interpretations . I’m putting them on “ ignore” & respectfully suggest others may wish to do the same . It’s utter nonsense , it clogs up the thread & is clearly just somebody with too much time on their hands .
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