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Do we think she has seriously moved on to crack ?
I've missed the posts this was related to but It made me think of something I had seen on TV. I think it was the American show Intervention and one of the counsellors said people tend to stick to their drug of choice until they no longer get the same hit, then they go chasing the high and will take anything to get it. But she said no high will ever be as good as the first one and addicts will try to recreate that one hit. Now, I know hee-haw about drugs, my high is a couple of onion bhajis and a garlic naan...but it would make sense if she's spent three decades on coke and no longer getting the rush she needs?
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That would make him more antagonistic to her, She'd probably give him some novel STI. If he was called to the bar in 1981 that would make him born around say 1956 and around 66 years old. He's never going to be in KP's OnlyFans
He was the judge who was preciding on the insolvency case of ex hubby of Petra ecclstone. He owed about 14 million and was putting up lots of paintings and cars etc as collateral , he was gonna sell them as didnt want bankruptcy , but judge Jones said he didn't trust him, didnt like his track record and declared him bankrupt. Let's hope it's only a short postponement and the judge is in a really bad mood.
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Contempt of court includes:

  • disobeying or ignoring a court order
  • taking photos or shouting out in court
  • refusing to answer the court’s questions if you’re called as a witness
  • publicly commenting on a court case, for example on social media or online news articles
If you’re found to be in contempt of court, you could go to prison for up to 2 years, get a fine, or both.
Publicly commenting on a court case
You might be in contempt of court if you speak publicly or post on social media.

For example, you should not:

  • say whether you think a person is guilty or innocent
  • refer to someone’s previous convictions
  • name someone the judge has allowed to be anonymous, even if you did not know this
  • name victims, witnesses and offenders under 18
  • name sex crime victims
  • share any evidence or facts about a case that the judge has said cannot be made public
:unsure: :unsure: :unsure: Obviously why she hasn't spoken out on any of the ongoing cases. The fact that she hasn't said a word, leads me to believe 100% they are still ongoing.
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Anyone with a fraction of shame would not want to get into a car again until they could prove they no longer had a drug problem. After nearly killing someone and being bankrupt, shes talking about buying a flash car. It's not going to happen. It's the shameless comments that boil my blood!
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Palace Tone

Chatty Member
Personally I don’t think it’s happening. The silence from her this week has been deafening. Others could of put the few posts on Instagram for her. I think she’s either been nicked or ran off to the priory and he just couldn’t help himself from bragging about it
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Just catching up, FFS, this is ridiculous, absolutely nothing is sticking, in fact it’s getting worse, she seems to be picking up more and more work despite her disgusting behaviour, I wouldn’t be surprised if C4 give her another MM series, despite the tragic reviews and complaints.

I’m nearly out, I can’t watch her getting away with the bankruptcy, and that hideous thing that hangs off her is getting more smug with each passing day. He is actually annoying me more than she does now, his face is so ughhhh.

I‘m joining you @DC16 in a drink, so sorry about this latest bs. Hope it’s all crap and she’s still brought to book next week, but I have horrible feeling she is going to walk away untouched again. Hope I’m wrong.

Just don’t know how someone as horrible as Skank can do what she does, the system is truly f*cked, can’t believe how unfair this is to all her creditors.

i voted no and at the time NO was 9%
Voted No, now down to 8% 🤷🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️
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I am with you pink on this one @PTMe and @Cloud Chaser t it’s been a long road for them, I hope all her other creditors get some justice 🤞 I am still living in hope that we see justice done (I’m forever the optimist).
I hope the Judge doesn't fall for her MH bullshit. She was on GMB saying she told her Mum to get credit cards because they can't come after you when you're dead. What kind of message is that sending out
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I hope they take everything, horses, MM and all its jewellery to sell and pay at least some back to those she has effectively stolen from.
And give it a week to vacate and fuck off into obscurity.
Another two years left on its driving ban means nothing, we all know it's still driving. Best we can hope for is next time it's behind the wheel illegally it doesn't get out of it.
Not really, this pile of shit is a total waste of oxygen both to its own family and her offspring.
After a month nobody would remember it even existed.
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Exactly and we blame ourselves if our animals don't get it right cos it's our fault we haven't been consistent and present and we are the ones who need bloody training to show those little puppies/ kittens what to do....xx
My Wilma terrier dog was slower to be house trained than any other dog I have been lucky enough to have in my life. I started to despair when she just didn’t get it. Spent hours in the garden with her saying ‘go for a wee wee’ over and over. I nearly did a Skanky and wee’d on the grass myself to show her. Then suddenly one day she chewed up one of her indoor puppy pads….it was if to say she was grown up at last. She was house trained from that moment on. It was funny and a huge relief.
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I think KP is going to be knocked sideways by AFP’s death. My prediction is it will get messy and there will be serious fallout. She’ll lose her biggest cheerleader, the one who has always been there and that will be huge, especially considering her ever dwindling followers/sycophants. I could be wrong but I think AFPs death is gonna hit her like a tonne of bricks. Until now AFP hasn’t looked or acted too ill, it would be easy enough for Cokie to convince herself her mum’s going to be okay. That is obviously changing as AFP is starting to look ill, her colour is dreadful in some pics, she has been given an oxygen tank that she is using. Once AFP is gone the shit will really start flying.
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if this case all falls apart for what ever reason and nothing is done i will be taking a breaki cant take the way she get's away with everything
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If Cuckold Carl is looking for themes for his next photo shoot I’d like to suggest he dresses as a jolly sailor or a fisherman with his tackle out. He could call it ‘Wanker with an anchor’. His subscriber would be well chuffed, whoever he is.
Hoping for a windfall of cash from OF but showing his Sprat won't catch him a mackerel
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racing stripes

Active member
Sadly she only cares about herself. Not her kids, her poorly mum, her pets, nobody. So long as she’s has a man, publicity, cash and her next fix (whatever that may be!) thats all that she cares about. When her mum does go, there will be fake tears, loads of publicity and that will be just up her street. The stress she has caused the mother, won’t even register with her. She’s a sociopathic exhibitionist who is like a robot, no empathy or feelings for anyone or anything. Wouldn’t be surprised if she’s on holiday when Amy goes. Will certainly milk her death unfortunately for cash and endless publicity.
Exactly what I think she truly is a self centred manky cow, oh please don’t come at me because I’m obviously a twoll or just jel 🤣🤣🤣
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