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Maybe the two of them need to sit down and have a read at claims they have made. It's most important for liars to keep their story consistent..
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Her Instagram comments could surely hinder him getting a fair trial (if it comes to that) she really is thick as shit.
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Doting mum's don't lose custody of their kids. I'm led to believe it's incredibly bloody hard for that to happen, so she must have a social services rap sheet the length of the great wall of China!
All the people on her gram wittering about what a great mum she is, even when challenged just shout troll. FFS SHE is the only troll in the room (Trolls are people who leave intentionally provocative or offensive messages on the internet in order to get attention, cause trouble or upset someone.)
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Katie, you might have shot yourself in the foot here, love.
If Kieran is deemed unfit to continue full custody of those children, they will not be returned to you as your track record is arguably worse. You are a known drug and alcohol abuser and are living with Carl, who it seems is forbidden to be there when the kids visit.
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Thing is - SS obviously took the kids away from her as she is not fit to be a mother. If the allegations are true about KH there is a possibility those poor kids could end up in care. Katie doesn’t give a shit. As long as she get the last laugh.
That’s what’s really pissed me off. If both parents aren’t classed as fit then they’ll be put into care - wtf. Absolute scum bag (referring to KP obvs)
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Chatty Member
Don't know how to do links on here but there's a new story on the Mirror about Kieran Hayler being questioned by the police in relation to sexually abusing a minor. It states in the story that he believes a third party has set him up. If there turned out to be anything in it I would have thought he would lose custody of his kids.
Well we all know who that third party is....what a nasty bitch if it is just a set up. 🤬
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I think cw is about to be charged, and statements by j&b will see him sent down, I think this is all to get kh to not have the kids testify.
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Well-known member
So, Kieran has been "invited" for a word some time next week.
Carl was (allegedly) arrested on the spot.
How come Kieran's name can be mentioned in the media but Carl's could not?
No idea but it states "Sussex Police have asked him to voluntarily attend a police station next week for an interview. "

If there was serious concern there surely wouldn't be any "voluntarily" and "next week" about it.
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Gets kids taken off her. Does she:

A) turn her life around, get off the coke and drink, sort her finances and buy a smaller affordable nice home and get her kids back?
B)accuse her ex of rape and risk having her kids put into care potentially losing both parents?

The correct answer is A Katie, A. Only a raging narcissist would choose option B. Oh wait...

Oh and Carl's new persona hasn't lasted long has it? He'll be getting wrong off his new management tomorrow and will be back to being a pseudo intellectual. Bellend
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Ok what the fuck. This screams of KP smear. He hasn't been arrested, fucking rape!!!
She'd have sold her left flap already to set him up!!!
Don't buy it!!
This is the trauma shit she's veering too isn't it. Is she going to say Michelle lamped her.
Fuck me bed time. My mind racing.
It's all so extreme but plausible in that toxic piece of shits life.
I'm so confused!!!!
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I have just seen her Instagram stories. What an absolute bunch of crap. She makes it sound like she divorced him because of the claims. That divorce dragged on for years-she did nothing to speed it up. Poor Jett and Bunny. My god. What a disaster.
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Thank god today's my day off! I also always believe victims. But with that skank involved I don't know how I feel about it all. Those poor kids today at school ☹
I know it goes against the grain and there will be people screaming at me but you can’t always believe the “victim”.
In my old line of work I saw quite a few men’s (and some women’s) lives ruined by false accusations.
You have to take each case on it’s own merits and not always blindly believe every accuser.
Just my experience.
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Rita Chevrolet

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She did; She made a "full and frank statement" to The Sun that there she was watching Love Island on telly surrounded by empty voddy bottles and coke wraps when
"................... loike I wuz atakd fer now weasun an' ran to 'Arv's ahse on me injurrd feyt an' stuff................................"

So the Sun invented all this did they? Yeah righty-ho skanky & wanky, of course they did :unsure: They'll have all the text and notes taken during this full and frank statement won't they??

So as we thought channel 4 using just the filming before crash so only 3 instead of 6 and they seem to have cut Carl out of it hmmm
They've got a real bargain for their 50k haven't they? hahaha
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Chatty Member
I thing we all need to do the same Report Report Report 😡😡😡😡😡
Think its time for Skanky to go to the Prory again, in a fecking straight jacket.
Cole can carry on playing on his roller skates
I hope Kieran and Michelle also report her to the police for malicious communication. And pray that it will send her to jail.
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The man hasn’t even been questioned let alone charged and as a victim of rape as a very young child multiple times I find this awful his name is being tarnished if he’s guilty after a court has decided fair enough but rent a gob and the papers splashing it all over Valentino is at high school your telling me nothing will be said to him tomorrow poor kids

i think the telling factor will be if social services remove the kids if they are still with him in the next few days then this is bull shit as any potential safeguardimg is taken very seriously
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No one knows exactly what happened re the kids but people who have experience of this process can see that until the incident at the Essex house, she had weekend access, 1 night/eve in the week and some school holidays. Junior stopped going of his own accord but the other 3 were going.
prior to this, it looked most likely that B&J were with Kieran under an informal arrangement that Kieran was at home with the kids (during their marriage and after they split) because Kp wasn’t able to take them to school regularly - partly her chaotic schedule of work and holidays, and then a restraining order against Michelle and banned from the school grounds.

after slapgate she went to the priory but it is also obvious that social services were involved due to the nature of the incident. As KP was in rehab, the kids went to Kieran but there is also an obvious decision preventing CW from being with the kids - this is obvious from all of social media posts she makes. Amy is also usually present at the visits too.

no doubt KP thought this was temporary but Kieran already said to the Sun that Jett was afraid of CW and the police investigation isn’t over, so she can’t have her access back. No one knows if this is until the case has an outcome or whether there are other issues. Being a recreational drug user isn’t usually a sole reason to put in place supervised contact but high risk of domestic violence and or/children being afraid of a partner IS enough
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You can hear the glee in her posts. She is so happy that even after all these years, and several partners later, she's finally got revenge. I'd never say this about anyone, especially not a parent, but the world would be a brighter place with her not in it.
I don’t understand how it‘s okay for her to make her ‘feelings’ public and not be in serious trouble for libellous comments, after all these are still allegations he hasn’t been charged as far as I know.
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