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Wow this has taken a really dark turn.
If it is true then he needs locking up.
However something just doesn’t feel right here. If she is making this up she is a vile disgusting human and her and her boz eyed boyfriend need sectioning and locking up. This could be a truly awful and disgusting smear campaign that could ruin his life. The ugly lying twat needs to accept her career is over and go rot in a hole somewhere.
As I said if it is true then Kieran needs to be locked away but if it isn’t and it’s these two pikeys making up lies, surly they will be convicted?
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I’ve gone onto insta and reported her stories so hopefully more people will do the same… I’m so riled 🤬
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Longtime lurker here....but I incandescent with rage over her latest narcissistic stunt!! I'd like to know why she doesn't concentrate on putting her own (famous in the 80s) rapist behind bars. She made a big hoo ha about getting raped when she was with Alex but said she would never reveal who it was!!
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Them poor kids gotta go school tomorrow. No doubt the school parents all talking about it. Kids will hear it and say stuff to B&J
She really doesn’t care does she. Fair enough if it’s true but don’t post it all over social media for the world to see - think about your kids, you know the ones your so worried about living with their dad. Oh yea only worry when it suits you ay Skanky.
It’s all about you
I agree it would be awful if true but KP’s public allegations against KH trial by SM, make it near on impossible for there to be a fair hearing if it went to court. What’s KP’s doing is completely out of order, I’m shocked the Police think this is acceptable behaviour.
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Cole the 🔔🔚 has removed his childish shit hitting the fan post, no way that was on for 24 hours! The old nose candy must've worn off 🥴
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Channel 4 should still not be showing these shows, once the drink drive crash happened. They should have be pulled. She’s not even completed her sentence yet and they are promoting her on tv, it looks like channel 4 are saying it’s ok to commit criminal offences, and still not be blacklisted. What sort of impression does that give. I thought channel 4 had higher standards, obviously not.
Credit where credit's due to the BBC- they pulled production of Harvey and it part 2 when it drug/drunk/drove and crashed it's car.
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I have a feeling now that the horrible Joker faced post was definitely aimed at Kieran...what a cunt Carl is...those children are Kierans and are probably shit scared of coke face cole and Katie is trying to get them back....Katie becareful your kids don't end up like fucking geldofs did you selfish cow

She's going after J & B now because Harvey has pretty much gone and there's no way P & J are coming to visit anytime soon...all of a sudden these two have become valuable to her....poor little mites they don't stand a chance
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Mellow Yellow

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I thought that happened at a park or something?
Apparently the tea we were told that they had a massive argument and that she jumped over a balcony (think 1st floor) in order to get away from him. She then put the story out that it happened in Land of Legends, which was obviously rubbish as then she was supposed to have jumped over a small wall and did not realise that it had a 12 foot drop the other side going into a car park. My money is on her trying to get away from him
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I wonder if the Emily rants were taken down so quickly because Peter had the means to threaten her with an expensive lawsuit.
Kieran does not have the funds to do that.
The Police should be paying her a visit for her libellous posts. With her large platform on social media there‘s no way if it were to go to court there’d be a fair hearing, so she‘s also jeopardising it for the female she supposedly supports 100%. KP cares about no one but herself, yet again she’s shown what a vile lowlife she is.
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I really hope ita not true. And dont think anything like this should be in papers unless someone is charged. End of the day he has 4 kids he needs to make a living for. Theres been many innocent men condemned who were innocent.. wouldnt put it past her to have set him up as awfull as it to say. However if its true, then thoughts are with the girl whose had the courage to speak up..
I don't understand why Kieron, someone who hasn't been charged officially with a crime, is named, yet the 32 year old man ( ahem CW) who was arrested and charged over slapgate is allowed to stay anonymous?
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This is just terrible...I wish the absolute worst on her I really really do.

Insta posts reported also. Please please please let this be the one that ruins her once and for all.
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Thing is katie has claimed in the past in books she herself was raped when she was a kid and never heard her ever mention her attackers name. So if she suffered that kind of trauma as a child why would she risk her children going with all these different men and leaving her daughter in the past with keiran. Im sorry but this goes to court she has some explaining to do, after all stuff lately with social services letting kids down, she won't be able to get away with 'im sorry i didnt know i did wrong'. She doesnt realise shes up to her neck in trouble she may think shes smart but shes done for, finished.
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I hope this shit backfires in her fake, plastic, ugly face 🤬
Like AFP... Paul price was accused of raping a friend of Amy's twice in one night ... he got away with rape but still admitted having sex with Amy's friend twice... that was OK with the Price family ...????? 👪
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Quite agree with what you said. The families are also affected

My son (then nearly 13) was falsely accused of indecent assault to a 10 yo girl.

He was taken to court and found guilty, put on the sex offenders register, it was only 18 months after she admitted she lied. She was sent to a Young Offenders for 3 months!

She ruined his education, and I was terrified he'd do something stupid.

Luckily we have managed to put it all behind us. He's 30 now and just got married and has a happy life but it's something I can never forgive her for or forget.

Unfortunately I have to agree with you. Similar in my line of previous work, bec of false accusations, those who were genuine had to fight harder to be believed and those who had false accusations against them, their lives were destroyed.
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Chatty Member
He now has the evidence to sue her for Defamation if he is innocent , Pwicey has hammered the last nail in her coffin
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I think its a case of ALL WOMEN want what der Pwicey has and that includes Her Men. So she thinks

You can feel the malicious intent in this allegation though because in all the other cases of infidelity concerning Her Husbands it was shreiking at the top of its hideous rasping foghorn gob that it was the woman's fault entirely, that they set out to steal skanky's property and lured her huisbands away. Suddenly in this case one of the ex-husbands becomes the Bad Guy because it suits her Agenda, ie destroy the bloke raising the kids she doesn't want anyway, wrecking the family life he's built with Michelle and generally attempting to ruin just about everything he has built since he escaped from Her.

And its a pretty good deflection for all the Court Cases she's got coming up because we can add all the stress from keeping this ugly "secret" for so long to "Pertec me kids", the mental 'elf ishoos and qall the rest of her bullshit :(

So let's see if the Police proceed with this because they will most certainly have the evidence of her so-called, alleged claim that she grassed on Kieron years ago - just like they have evidence about everything else she has ongoing
God I hate her more every single day :mad:
Everything you’ve said.The malice and glee in her statements is breathtaking.
The idea that she supports personal accountability is laughable, and to be honest, I cannot see her as a campaigner for justice at any level.
I ask myself exactly when did she report KH to the police.We know she’s got form for trying to discredit and destroy all those who she thinks have wronged her.
Those IG posts are pure spite,And I don’t think CW is looking at the big picture.This level of nasty could be his future.
Despicable on so many levels.
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I think I said last week re: her attack on poor Emily, that Katie had sunk to a new low.

And here we are. Even lower.
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Mellow Yellow

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From the woman who had sex with a 17 year old while she was pregnant, she bumps them horse teeth about her exes making money off her names yet shes getting cash in hand gigs talking about them non stop. shes a simple chavvy cretin. Never has anything nice to say about anyone. Something wrong with her its not jail shes needing its a pysch ward. Shes mental
She is not mental. She is a vicious spiteful vindictive c**t who feels invincible and that she can do and say whatever she likes about people to ruin their lives and there are no consequences for her.
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