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Rita Chevrolet

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I wonder if Michelle reads here, this is a great post and might be helpful.

Anyway, I'm going to drop out for now I think as this has rattled me. My stance is always to believe women, but in this case the only woman we have heard from so far is Katie Price, and the way that she has spewed out this bile is just so so wrong. Like everything else she'll win, she always comes out on top and I just can't watch anymore. Not when things like this are being dragged into the public arena, and there's now a real possibility of 2 innocent children ending up in the care system. People might think that won't happen but it really could. They're the ones that stand to be really hurt here. It's all gone beyond celebrity gossip now, it's just becoming tragic.
and the worst thing of all is that their "mother" thought it was alright to destroy the only stable parent they have in their lives - their Dad. She's a real piece of work :(

I agree with a lot of what you say. I think CRAWL is encouraging her behaviour. I think she's probably off her head a lot of the time. She's started New year with rants towards Emily & now these lies. I believe CRAWL did wallop her in front of bother Jett & Bunny or at least 1 of the kids and Kieran has said he won't allow CRAWL to be there when the kids visit. CRAWL has wound her up to make accusations against Kieran. I believe these are lie's and I think the police know this. I hope this is her downfall. Making serious false accusations to police like this and also posting accusations on line are serious offences. Please , please let her go to prison now.... Kieran needs to hire a good lawyer and take her to the cleaners. Gloves off, any non disclosure documents will mean nothing. He could be very rich, sell the story about what really happened in the marriage & what she;s really like. It's the kids that will suffer from her lies though.
The damage has already been done by their lovely "Mother"; Nothing Kieron does comes anywhere near it

No, AR did a lot of really disgraceful and disgusting things to Chantelle (who is Dolly's Mum). KP "supported" C in court (as she also had prior knowledge of his private side, although I felt it was just a way for KP to keep her name out there, which was the only reason for her assisting). AR is not the nice person a lot of people believe him to be.
Well he's nowhere near as appalling as skanky; She lured that Chantelle in, they ganged-up on Alex, ensured he lost his rights to his daughter then once the job was done skanky elbowed Chantelle because she had served her purpose; It was nothing about Chantelle or the child - it was revenge against another escapee husband, purely & simply
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Is it just me or does 'sexual assault of a minor' not sound correct for UK law? A minor is someone under 18 but there is no specific offence
for that.

So the minor ( if true) would be one of the kids :confused::oops::oops: If this is a false accusation, she HAS to be done for it :mad:
So 'it' thinks 'it' can get her kids back by damming the fathers with false accusations in the press?
Because, of course, when you suspect a crime has taken place, you run to the media.
Time this fucking lazy slag had a fall, and a big one and not feet (trotters) first either.
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Remember Carl was issuing a "threat" on the Gram a few weeks ago towards Kieran, he mentioned something about having seen his whatsapp messages to KP, and he hinted about revealing something, maybe it was to do with this

And yes I think Carl's graphic of shit hitting the fan is crass, it's not funny or something to gloat about if it's true ffs, there would be victims.
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Chatty Member
Here we go guys … it’s kicking off! She’s admitted social services are involved!
Yes. Those poor victims Katie.. them. Not you. What is equally as disgusting as assaulting another person, is someone profiting off the tragedy to their own advantage. Like what you’re doing here.
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Dawn Dayn

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I think KP thinks she has kieran done for as she will be thinking everyone will remember his sex addiction drama, what I'm sure she hasn't thought of... Is if this goes as far as a court case, it will all come out that he hasn't a sex addiction, he didn't have multiple affairs and it was all to make money, she will no doubt lie under oath... Its all she seems to do is lie.... But kieran, Jane and her hubby and anyone else dragged Into it no doubt won't risk lying on the stand and will admit it was all made sure kieran will be getting all his ducks in a row incase this goes further.

Imo I believe he is innocent, time will tell.
I think it's likely there was a lot of casual sex going on between all of them. A lot of blurred lines and what the average person would consider to be all sorts of wrong and inappropriate. Whether the alleged victim got caught up in this, and now feels like it was rape we'll probably never know, as pricey the cunt has not kept her mouth shut and let the police investigate. She's maybe made it possible for the victim to be identitfied which is a criminal offence I think (?) Conviction rates for sexual offences are very low, add to that the fact it's already been reported and dismissed, it's likely this will go nowhere, just trash Kieran's reputation.
How she sleeps at night, ruining her children's childhood, dragging them through drama and trauma I'll never know.
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the slosher KP

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'I didn't go to the police 'this time around' speaks volumes!
Them poor kids gotta go school tomorrow. No doubt the school parents all talking about it. Kids will hear it and say stuff to B&J
She really doesn’t care does she. Fair enough if it’s true but don’t post it all over social media for the world to see - think about your kids, you know the ones your so worried about living with their dad. Oh yea only worry when it suits you ay Skanky.
It’s all about you
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I really hope ita not true. And dont think anything like this should be in papers unless someone is charged. End of the day he has 4 kids he needs to make a living for. Theres been many innocent men condemned who were innocent.. wouldnt put it past her to have set him up as awfull as it to say. However if its true, then thoughts are with the girl whose had the courage to speak up..
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ALL her exes should stoop to her level and sell their stories on her, its the only way she will leave them alone. it worked for charles drury.
Pete stood up to her, she backed off, Boyson stood up to her, she backed off, Drury,… @PTMe, see you stand up to this bully.. it has to find other targets. EMILY, didn’t work the backlash was more than she expected, I know let’s go after Kieron. And all because she cannot come to terms that her children are no longer in her custody because of her actions towards them, mother of the year, nah! Mother of something, sure.
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Bloody hell. There’s no way I’m going to be able to keep up with this thread and work today.
I’ve two words for you KP. Gareth Gates.
How old was he love when you slept with him? You seem to be proud of it, in my mind that makes you as bad as any other child abuser. When you’re whiter than white yourself then start throwing your 2p worth in. Until then stfu and have a nice quiet life with coal.
Yeah he was just a kid himself and clearly mortified he denied it but she ran to papers bragging she took his virginity while she was pregnant at the time. All the things katies done to people in the past will be biding their time, look what she done to that jade goody fgs, moaning about a dying woman raising awareness for cerivical cancer. Bragging about sleeping with another man to the papers the day hes getting married. Says enough about her, i hope every ex and everyone shes publically bullied and harrassed comes for her now. Fruit loop needs sectioned and anyone else thats enabled that turds behaviour over the years.
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Worth noting that the police haven't gone to Kieran's home and arrested him, he's going in next week for questioning. No urgency there, doesn't sound like the police are making it a priority.
I think Sussex Police are familiar with the bitch who cried wolf by now.
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Katie, i think the world is coming for you this time. Enough is enough....

One step too far on those broken trotters...
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Is Cole just staying with her until Slapgate is resolved? At the moment she is protecting him and not cooperating with the investigation after she sobered up. She has chosen Cole over her kids, But if he were to dump her she would go ballistic and probably give evidence against him as revenge

However Cole's latest tweet is interesting and seems "carefully worded"
"she was never hit in the face. That was more bullshit"
Does that mean she was hit elsewhere?
Although I do believe that the fight may have been mutual
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I don't think it is anyone' s place to speculate about the accusations , All I would say is what is it 6 years ago , and she reckons she reported it then , Now she's saying social services should take the kids , err why don't you take them if you think he's unfit ? you reckon you have shared custody , Anyone else would be worried how it would affect their kids not crowing from the rooftops , whatever the fact's are of these accusations does not change the fact that this Rancid Bitch is a self centred evil toe rag , one poisonous cow ,who will never be happy unless she is wallowing in somebody else's misery
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I think she could end up in some serious trouble over this one.

Firstly if he did do it she has just fucked up the prosecutions case by being high posting on social media.
The victim will not get justice because Katie went to the police and before allowing their investigation to be complete sold the story and put it all over the internet.
This actually falls under Perverting The Course of Justice and there are very strict rules when dealing with allegations of sexual assault. False claims can lead to life imprisonment.

Her actions cover the requirements needed to bring prosecution. Her posts suggest intention of malice.
'Everyone will know what a perverted cretin he is'. 'He is the liar, Manipulator Narcissist'. 'he deserves to be in jail for life'.
Then followed up with a totally bizarre statement which would be shown as a motive 'How socials are allowing him to have my children baffles me'.

The worst part is her statement about the police not believing her. The way it is worded implies he did do it, she tried to intervene, the police did nothing. That is a very big allegation that is attempting to state the police are not serious about rape.

What is important to understand here is that in terms of false allegations the person who made the allegation is classified as the suspect.
The papers say she contacted the police but she herself says they came to her.
I think it is pretty obvious she went to them because the victim would have been instructed by CPS on actions that could hinder successful prosecution. Specifically releasing information that would boost the defences case.
Add to that he was not visited by police, was not taken to the station nor cautioned. That suggests to me the police do not think the story adds up.

If they went to her she will have signed a witness statement. This means the statement would be scrutinised to check for false facts. More specifically it will be checked to see if the statement can be used in court. If it can be used she will have to attend court as a witness.

There is no way she will agree to that as she will be cross examined. She has so many skeletons in her closet she will be scared of them being aired for everyone to hear. The defence will easily prove she has an axe to grind against Kieran and his family. The previous court judgements will show that.

Her own statements will be savaged. She said she went to the police in 2016 to report his grooming. She then divorced him. As we all know they only recently got divorced. She will have to explain why she stayed for 2+ more years together and allowed her older children to be around him.
She tried to save this child but didn't try to save her own children?

I really do think we are entering the end game with her now.
I hope so! Seems to me like maybe he's let the kids testify to slapgate and this is revenge. To not even bring him straight in for questioning on such a serious allegation speaks volumes. She's utter filth.
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The restaurant may have been in Mayfair but it can't be a very high class place if they let people in dressed like that. He's wearing a hoodie, jeans and trainers.
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For anyone saying dark shot went on with kieron. She said the same with pete. I honestly don't care but no one should be in the papers for sequel abuse unless there are charges. Everyones more infavour of him and this is going to back fire on her. Unless there is video concrete evidence nothing will come of it. Feel for his family when their are 4 mouthed to feed. And the fact they are laughing about it all whilst he's doing everything for the kids is a utter disgrace. Even if he ended up guilty I hope Michelle would get the kids cos she doesnt deserve them. She can't look after a dog never mind kids
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Why the actual fuckerty fuck she wood (you see what I did there!) know this without being the accuser is bonkers. Someone cries (and I'm so sorry for the trigger wording) rape and the police ring KP who has no legal custody and she sells a story and it's published as gospel...
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