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Pink Squirrel

VIP Member
Apologies if this has been discussed. I’m behind. But OMFG.
So how come he's allowed to be named with absolutely no substance to the allegation so far? And yet Crawl the mystery attacker of the Skanky old slapper is not named? 🤔🤷 How the fuck does this work??
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I think she could end up in some serious trouble over this one.

Firstly if he did do it she has just fucked up the prosecutions case by being high posting on social media.
The victim will not get justice because Katie went to the police and before allowing their investigation to be complete sold the story and put it all over the internet.
This actually falls under Perverting The Course of Justice and there are very strict rules when dealing with allegations of sexual assault. False claims can lead to life imprisonment.

Her actions cover the requirements needed to bring prosecution. Her posts suggest intention of malice.
'Everyone will know what a perverted cretin he is'. 'He is the liar, Manipulator Narcissist'. 'he deserves to be in jail for life'.
Then followed up with a totally bizarre statement which would be shown as a motive 'How socials are allowing him to have my children baffles me'.

The worst part is her statement about the police not believing her. The way it is worded implies he did do it, she tried to intervene, the police did nothing. That is a very big allegation that is attempting to state the police are not serious about rape.

What is important to understand here is that in terms of false allegations the person who made the allegation is classified as the suspect.
The papers say she contacted the police but she herself says they came to her.
I think it is pretty obvious she went to them because the victim would have been instructed by CPS on actions that could hinder successful prosecution. Specifically releasing information that would boost the defences case.
Add to that he was not visited by police, was not taken to the station nor cautioned. That suggests to me the police do not think the story adds up.

If they went to her she will have signed a witness statement. This means the statement would be scrutinised to check for false facts. More specifically it will be checked to see if the statement can be used in court. If it can be used she will have to attend court as a witness.

There is no way she will agree to that as she will be cross examined. She has so many skeletons in her closet she will be scared of them being aired for everyone to hear. The defence will easily prove she has an axe to grind against Kieran and his family. The previous court judgements will show that.

Her own statements will be savaged. She said she went to the police in 2016 to report his grooming. She then divorced him. As we all know they only recently got divorced. She will have to explain why she stayed for 2+ more years together and allowed her older children to be around him.
She tried to save this child but didn't try to save her own children?

I really do think we are entering the end game with her now.
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Thing is - SS obviously took the kids away from her as she is not fit to be a mother. If the allegations are true about KH there is a possibility those poor kids could end up in care. Katie doesn’t give a shit. As long as she get the last laugh.
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Pink Squirrel

VIP Member
She is pure fucking trash. She'll have forced some poor baby sitter to go along with this utter bollocks.
Yet it's perfectly acceptable for her filthy fucking step dad to rape a woman. And it's acceptable for her, heavily fucking pregnant to basically rape 16 year old Gareth Gates 😡😡
She is beyond sick in her head. There really are no words for what a disgusting piece of shit she really is.
And she's too fucking stupid to see that she's still finished. She's still a washed up old tramp. She's still a failure. She's lost everything which is why she's lashing out at the exes.
And I still don't get why Kieran is being named & slapgate is all hush hush 🤷 Can anyone please explain that to me?
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Dawn Dayn

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Worth noting that the police haven't gone to Kieran's home and arrested him, he's going in next week for questioning. No urgency there, doesn't sound like the police are making it a priority.
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If this all happened in 2016, why did she renew her vows with him in 2017. She is just as responsible if the allegations are true, nasty dirty lying cow either way. Ive reported her.
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Jett and Bunny look so genuinely happy and well cared for in all Michelle and Kieran's social media pics. They do lots of age appropriate activities which they clearly enjoy and are always well dressed and well groomed. That Skanky would try and destroy their happy lives out of sheer spite and jealousy is beyond the comprehension of us normal people. Yes, I can see that she could be upset that she's no longer in their lives very much but to set out to completely destroy their happy family life is sickening. I don't think she even loves those poor kids, she just sees them as possessions Kieran has "stolen" from her and her bitterness is aimed at ALL of them - Kieran and the kids for having the temerity to be happy without her.

She's spiralling and fast. Ultimately the only person who will be destroyed by her bitterness is her. It didn't work with Pete or Alex and it won't work with Kieran. I have never looked forward to someone's demise as much as I do her's. I don't think it's far off. No kids, no friends, no money, no career. This won't end well for her.
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And the feckin' article describing her as a 'devoted mum of 5'....... whaaaaaaaat?? Who the fuck writes this absolute shite?? She wasn't a 'devoted mum' when she had fucking custody!
Doting mum's don't lose custody of their kids. I'm led to believe it's incredibly bloody hard for that to happen, so she must have a social services rap sheet the length of the great wall of China!
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Absolutely great comments. I really do hope this is the beginning of the end for her. Price is clearly unhinged, evil & very dangerous. I hope Kieran & poilce take this further. The younger kids are well cared for & seem happy living with KH & Michelle. She has done untold damage by these lies. She is jealous of the fact Social Services deemed KH & PA fit parents to have full custody of the 4 kids. She doesn't like that they have great relationships with their partners. If the accusations were true, she allowed Princess to go to a Little Mix concert with KH in 2017 and she still had a reasonable relationship with KH. Of couse 100% she has lied about KH. I am shocked by this story and very angry. KP cannot & must not be allowed to carry on breaking the law, accusing people of serious things & ranting about Emily etc. She;s unhingend & as i said DANGEROUS. I feel for those poor kids.
The thing is we don't know if it is true or not. It is very possible he could have done that.

What is concerning is that she has used it as a reason to tell the world she was 'right'. It is basically a me me me thing. I tried to save the kid, i wasn't believed by the police, my kids etc. It is designed to make her look like the angel and everyone else the devil.

If I was working the case I would be so angry with her and I imagine the victim and their legal representation would be too.
Rather than allow the investigation to run its course and actually get justice she chose to blurt it out to the media. She made it about her.
She is someone convicted of revenge acts including showing an audience videos of her ex. Her credibility in telling the truth is zero.

My view is that she has done so much drugs that her mind has gone. She is struggling to accept that she is getting towards 50, her reputation is shattered and nobody actually likes her anymore. That she has no money, can only attract used car dealers for partners.
Rather than look in the mirror and see she herself is to blame for her fall she has decided to blame everyone else. More specifically all the ex's she has had. It is their fault in her eyes.

We have seen it only weeks ago with her attacks on Peter and his family. Her goal isn't about saving herself, it is destroying others.

I am starting to think this was Carl's plan. He knew she was at rock bottom. that she was an addict with serious mental health problems.
You have to ask yourself why would someone like him allow her to keep doing the things that caused her to lose everything? By all accounts they seem to get wasted most evenings. Why would you take someone like that to Vegas just a day or two after leaving rehab? Why would you put loads of used cars outside someone's house knowing they have a problem of drinking and driving whilst banned?
His actions are of someone who encourages her behaviour, not of someone who wants the person they love to get better.
He pretends he has all this money but yet doesn't want to pay £7k to the court to wipe her fines? The reality is he doesn't have any money, he owes a shit load of it. He doesn't seem to have any friends neither. Every pic he puts up is of himself.

And then there are the children. They are obviously banned from seeing him. The question is why? Most likely because he attacked her in front of the kids. Because he has to be with her 24/7 as he doesn't actually have a job this means she herself can't see the kids. That means no photos to sell to the press.

I think he is pretty much pushing her to the end. She will overdose or something like that and he will claim he was a loving partner, try and go for the sympathy of the public.
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Pink Squirrel

VIP Member
Here we go guys … it’s kicking off! She’s admitted social services are involved!
She's always the fucking victim isn't she? Nothing is EVER her fucking fault! Lie after lie after fucking lie to excuse her disgusting behaviour.
The police must be absolutely sick to death of her. The only time the poisonous bitch will stop is when she's in a fucking box 6ft under 😡😡
I just don't believe it. I believe it's all bullshit generated by her because she's sick in the fucking head. I'm appalled at the press for releasing it when she is for some reason, clearly protected.
I'm desperately clinging on to the hope that her fucking karma will be massive & final 🤞 because if anyone deserves a very public downfall it's that bitch 😡
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Chatty Member
I hope Katie gets arrested and charged for Malicious Communications and thrown in jail!!
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Chatty Member
@SimonMccarthy I think you've legal knowledge...

Do you know why KP is and Kieran has been named yet, her assailant hasn't/can't be named??
I was about to ask the same question. This is what has made me more angry. Can she legally, publicly smear him like this. He hasn't even been questioned yet 😤
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Chatty Member
She states that social know all this.... Which implies that she's "said" something before and her saying people will now know I wasn't lying....

So who has she paid, threatened, coerced into coming forward and make this allegation?

If this was true.... She would have been yelling about it in 2016, 2017, 2018 etc etc

She's a piece of shit.... A lying piece of shit, who is ruining ALL relationships with ALL her children by doing this.
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Dawn Dayn

VIP Member
She's doing this to get the kids back, she knows she can't keep posting old pics, she needs them for ads, and to make her look like a good mum. Thick bitch doesn't realise she won't get them. Awful situation, heart breaking to think of how worried Michelle must be, her and Kieran keeping it together for the kids. Kieran and Pete must've made it clear via ss and lawyers, while you're on drugs and with Cole, no access. She's totally out of control, vile cow.
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It’s so pathetic. She says he shouldn’t have care of the kids and should be in jail… does she not see the nice life they have with him and realise that if they are not with him they will likely end up in foster care? Why would you know that and still post like she does! She’s happy that the ‘truth’ about him is finally being revealed but social services won’t think oh ok well give her back her kids! They’ll be taken off their mum and their dad and how can any loving mum be happy about that?! If I were her I’d be upset about what’s come out about Kieron if it really has come out, not happy.
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What an absolute fucking mess.
HOW is Katie allowed to have that shit up on her IG wall? Would surely jeopardise any legal action?
Has she given ANY thought at all as to what those poor children are going to go through at school tomorrow? Of course not.
And talk about the pot calling the kettle black. KATIE FUCKING PRICE calling for SOMEONE ELSE to be in jail!!!!
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I knew a guy many years ago, that was ` falsely ` accused by his bitter ex of raping her ... one evening, they slept together ... he regretted it, but she had other plans .... eventually after destroying his life, police, social services involved, court .. the whole hog ... it was established that she lied, she even admitted it, they did have sex, but it was ` consensual `between both, but she was bitter that he left her, and hatched this idea to cry rape ... and shockingly, she got away with it, she carried on living her life, and even though he was not guilty in the eyes of the law, those surrounding him, his children, treated him as if he did it .... this type of thing ` STICKS ` and if not true .. can leave someone devastated on all levels ... If this deranged woman, would stoop this low for revenge, she is more fucked in the head, than we thought ... IF he is guilty, he must be punished ... but if he isnt, she really is a special kind of CUNT!!! ... for the childrens sake, IF not true .... she is playing a very dangerous game ... also making it so public before any charges are made, surely is against the law .. she is mouthing off on IG, as if he has been convicted and charged already, as a guilty man ... when her scumbag woman beating bf cant be named, for beating and stamping on her face, during a drunk, drugged induced evening .. Keiron IF you are not guilty, grow some fucking balls, and do your best to keep those children AWAY from their poisonous, toxic, very sick mother
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