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Just out of interest (I know nothing about the law) if she does get in trouble for malicious communications. Would that be a breach of her suspended sentence?
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Rita Chevrolet

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I completely understand what your saying, I think we all have at some point in our life, it wont go down well in court tho. Part of me doesn't think it true, something's happened and KP has had a hissy fit and is now trying ruin his life, he seems happy and content on his insta. We dont know tho.
Well its a hissy fit alright. Just take for example how she turned on Mr Biffa Price - The One - after one of her drunken, junkie performances when he lamped it one. Straight off screaming looking for someone to shreik her accusations at but unfortunately she came unstuck when the paramedics called the police out so she then had to follow it through, deciding it was a great idea to go straight to The Sun to show of her hideous injuries laying thinly veiled accusations about the love of her life. It was only a matter of days later they were An Item (of filth) again and the whole charade became a mysterious intruder aka The Invisible Man who broke in to attack her viciously as she meekly watched Love Island on the telly then stole her ring in the process! Yeah righty-ho luv :cautious: Its all bloody lies but I expect nothing else from this horrible apparition of bile
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Even if this could be true why add to it by splashing it over your social media, think about your children ffs.
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So, Kieran has been "invited" for a word some time next week.
Carl was (allegedly) arrested on the spot.
How come Kieran's name can be mentioned in the media but Carl's could not?
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If she wasn't a "celeb", they would have been turned away. She just does what she likes, doesn't she? Someone needs to tell that bitch "NO!"
I did…all those years ago when she wanted to sit at our table at a London club (to have a table you had to pay a minimum fee and they weren’t cheap…it meant bottles of premium alcohol and mixers were placed on the table so there was a large supply of alcohol to encourage more spending!)…she couldn’t believe it and got the manager involved…we knew the manager so when we said no to him too, that was that. She really couldn’t believe it. I can only imagine what she is like now, her ego having been massaged so much over the years…she must be a fucking nightmare!
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I know these people are strangers to me but I am genuinely shocked by this dark turn of events.
This thread has generally been entertaining and a bit silly, dogs with huge grins etc. But this is awful.

I do tend to believe victims when they come forward, but this doesnt feel right, Katie has used rape allegations for attention before, event claiming Pete You Cunt knew about it, which he denied.
She changed her child abuse story more often than she changes her knickers so knows what the truth is, she has lied so much that she probably doesnt even know.

I hope the truth comes out and Keiran is either cleared or faces the consequences if he is guilty. Either way, its a stain that will never come out.
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Joanna Surrey

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Well GMB proud of yourselves are you? Wonder if you'll be having her back on after this shit shower. As for Biffa, anybody with an ounce of common sense would look at this and say to themselves " If she can do this to him what could she do to me?" If Kieran lets this get swept under the carpet and forgotten about without finally blowing her out of sky he's a fool who doesn't deserve Michelle, who (let's face it) must be finally reaching the end of her tether with that evil bitch.
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Just done a bit of a Google search - would it be worth reporting her insta story so it gets closed down?!

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She is 100% guilty of it
The Malicious Communications Act 1988 is a British Act of Parliament that makes it illegal in England and Wales to "send or deliver letters or other articles for the purpose of causing distress or anxiety". It also applies to electronic communications.
It's definitely a case of Defamation of Character too if Kieran is innocent. Does she forget she's on Probation too? 😡
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I always believe the woman in these situations..... unless that woman is KP. So she has kept it hidden her ex husband "raped" an underage girl and just brings it out 6 years later?!?!?!?!?!?! The press all say it was KP that went to the police, she says it was the victim that went to the police. Sadly I believe the press (not something I ever thought I would say!). It shows fully what kind of person KP is, one with her own agenda for revenge. If my husband had sexually assaulted someone I would kick them out straight away and report to the police then and there. Not stay married for another 2 years, then leave it 6 years before reporting it. Its all the revenge agenda with her and this story actually makes me feel sick.

If it is a false accusation, this is one of the reasons why women are not believed so many times by the police, courts and public.

If it is real, I hope the women in question gets some support, if it is a false accusation I hope they throw the book at KP as its just sickening.
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All the people on her gram wittering about what a great mum she is, even when challenged just shout troll. FFs SHE is the only troll in the room (Trolls are people who leave intentionally provocative or offensive messages on the internet in order to get attention, cause trouble or upset someone.)
ABSO-BLOODY-LUTELY it boils my piss that the red tops and zelebs misuse the word "troll" - its about the "baiting" not the "calling out"
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Just done a bit of a Google search - would it be worth reporting her insta story so it gets closed down?!

I've just sent that to Kieran
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Glad the tabloids are laying into her by the snippets on herebet she didnt bargain for so much negative views
bet thats why she has dropped KH with these allegations she seems to be throwing everything an anyone under a large blardy bus
she is really spinning out of control

Kate is spinning out of control thats what happens to the dirty old troll
She's made very serious accusations. Kieran must take legal action. NOW let him tell his side of the story about the marriage & what she was like. Never mind non disclosures, he will earn enough. She is dangerous & evil & has to be stopped. PRISON.... False accusations. Surely police can't keep turning a blind eye? Those poor kids. Happy with dady & Michelle and she throws these lie's out. She's EVIL to the core.
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Woke up this morning, had to come here & see what’s going on…. OMG WTAF! Unbelievable
What a F’ing B, let’s hope CH4 ditch the bitch at the very least, regardless of whether KH story is a runner or not, posting on her IG public humiliation of her ex, with unfounded & quite frankly PREVIOUSLY not believed statements is TROLLING ~ apparently KH is being bombarded with ‘hate’ messages calling him all the names under the sun, all instigated by her actions. How anyone could be a ‘fan’ of this monstrosity, vile, vindictive excuse & oxygen stealing waste of human skin is beyond me. CANCEL PRICE NOW.
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I think she could end up in some serious trouble over this one.

Firstly if he did do it she has just fucked up the prosecutions case by being high posting on social media.
The victim will not get justice because Katie went to the police and before allowing their investigation to be complete sold the story and put it all over the internet.
This actually falls under Perverting The Course of Justice and there are very strict rules when dealing with allegations of sexual assault. False claims can lead to life imprisonment.

Her actions cover the requirements needed to bring prosecution. Her posts suggest intention of malice.
'Everyone will know what a perverted cretin he is'. 'He is the liar, Manipulator Narcissist'. 'he deserves to be in jail for life'.
Then followed up with a totally bizarre statement which would be shown as a motive 'How socials are allowing him to have my children baffles me'.

The worst part is her statement about the police not believing her. The way it is worded implies he did do it, she tried to intervene, the police did nothing. That is a very big allegation that is attempting to state the police are not serious about rape.

What is important to understand here is that in terms of false allegations the person who made the allegation is classified as the suspect.
The papers say she contacted the police but she herself says they came to her.
I think it is pretty obvious she went to them because the victim would have been instructed by CPS on actions that could hinder successful prosecution. Specifically releasing information that would boost the defences case.
Add to that he was not visited by police, was not taken to the station nor cautioned. That suggests to me the police do not think the story adds up.

If they went to her she will have signed a witness statement. This means the statement would be scrutinised to check for false facts. More specifically it will be checked to see if the statement can be used in court. If it can be used she will have to attend court as a witness.

There is no way she will agree to that as she will be cross examined. She has so many skeletons in her closet she will be scared of them being aired for everyone to hear. The defence will easily prove she has an axe to grind against Kieran and his family. The previous court judgements will show that.

Her own statements will be savaged. She said she went to the police in 2016 to report his grooming. She then divorced him. As we all know they only recently got divorced. She will have to explain why she stayed for 2+ more years together and allowed her older children to be around him.
She tried to save this child but didn't try to save her own children?

I really do think we are entering the end game with her now.
Absolutely great comments. I really do hope this is the beginning of the end for her. Price is clearly unhinged, evil & very dangerous. I hope Kieran & poilce take this further. The younger kids are well cared for & seem happy living with KH & Michelle. She has done untold damage by these lies. She is jealous of the fact Social Services deemed KH & PA fit parents to have full custody of the 4 kids. She doesn't like that they have great relationships with their partners. If the accusations were true, she allowed Princess to go to a Little Mix concert with KH in 2017 and she still had a reasonable relationship with KH. Of couse 100% she has lied about KH. I am shocked by this story and very angry. KP cannot & must not be allowed to carry on breaking the law, accusing people of serious things & ranting about Emily etc. She;s unhingend & as i said DANGEROUS. I feel for those poor kids.
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She states that social know all this.... Which implies that she's "said" something before and her saying people will now know I wasn't lying....

So who has she paid, threatened, coerced into coming forward and make this allegation?

If this was true.... She would have been yelling about it in 2016, 2017, 2018 etc etc

She's a piece of shit.... A lying piece of shit, who is ruining ALL relationships with ALL her children by doing this.
Wouldn't surprise me if Harvey's college have warned her hence not visiting him every weekend. I sincerely hope they are protecting him and have got social services involved now. She is one sick bitch. 😡
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If this all happened in 2016, why did she renew her vows with him in 2017. She is just as responsible if the allegations are true, nasty dirty lying cow either way. Ive reported her.
Great point , what kinda mother would renew her wedding vows with someone she reported to the police for abusing a minor the year before . Maybe she needs to answer this
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Dawn Dayn

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As much as I dislike Katie Price , think she is a narcissistic demented Trollop I cannot believe for 1 minute she would risk a potential prison sentence ,( having just escaped one ) to make up these accusations against Kieran. And if anyone plastered all over social media made up disgusting shit about me I would be refuting this ten fold and letting the world know it was untrue!!

Not only for my sake but actually for my children , step children and families sake , so I have to be honest and question why Keiran has not done this.

Hate to say this but there is more to this story and as much as it pains me I'm thinking no smoke without fire. The papers have it all over their front pages with his name, it's not just on Skankys IG so there has to be something going on for sure.
He hasn't been arrested, only going to be questioned by next week, so the police clearly don't see this as a serious thing, although they're investigating it. Pricey lies like other people breathe, it's who she is. I don't doubt Kieran isn't an angel, and under normal circumstances nobody would know anything about this to protect the victim and the investigation, pricey has thrown the alleged victim under the bus with her kids and Kieran, nobody wins here. If it was anybody else reporting this, I'd err on the side of the victim automatically, hate to say it, but I'm just not on this. I think she's so far gone she'd say and do anything to get back at Kieran and Peter.
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Rita Chevrolet

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My goat doesn't smell like skanky does and his house is never in the state of Trampy Towers! He'd be very offended at the comparison! LOL
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Maybe Coal’s saying ‘that was more bullshit’ as in KP was lying? He doesn’t actually say it was media bullshit…

I mean she literally told the sun she was punched didn’t she?
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