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Chatty Member
He's not all sweetness and light and I've been saying this for years, he's always pulled the poor me card but it's ALWAYS been so clear that he's nasty. I honestly believe that he wanted to control her and he couldn't so he threw his toys out of the pram.
Don't get me wrong she's not and wasn't perfect but towards the end it seemed she'd given up and was down alot of the time.
Everything he does is look at me look at me, not saying she's not the same but he's just as bad!
I agree completely. I used to watch all the Katie and Peter shows and I know she can be awful but you see a lot of behaviour from Pete on those shows where he is constantly berating her, moaning and complaining at her. All she wanted by him was to be loved and supported but I don't think he did. He didn't seem to love her for her. It seemed as if he wanted the glamour model in the bedroom but was sort of embarrassed of her too. She admitted in the shows she got all of her work done to get the attention from Peter.

He's not all sweetness and light and I've been saying this for years, he's always pulled the poor me card but it's ALWAYS been so clear that he's nasty. I honestly believe that he wanted to control her and he couldn't so he threw his toys out of the pram.
Don't get me wrong she's not and wasn't perfect but towards the end it seemed she'd given up and was down alot of the time.
Everything he does is look at me look at me, not saying she's not the same but he's just as bad!
I agree completely. I used to watch all the Katie and Peter shows and I know she can be awful but you see a lot of behaviour from Pete on those shows where he is constantly berating her, moaning and complaining at her. All she wanted by him was to be loved and supported but I don't think he did. He didn't seem to love her for her. It seemed as if he wanted the glamour model in the bedroom but was sort of embarrassed of her too. She admitted in the shows she got all of her work done to get the attention from Peter.
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Pink Squirrel

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Fucking reported mate. I reported bluffs yesterday. Now I don’t know how to report to action fraud as I haven’t actually been ripped off myself

She knows what she’s doing she’s in business with this bloke!
Action Fraud aren't fit for purpose unfortunately. I think we all need to bombard the police, MP's, all the press & media. The BBC have alledgedly made a program about her & Harvey. How would they feel giving airtime to this crook? 😡. She really needs fucking stopping 😡
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What an advert. I will pass thanks 😂

I don’t think it matters to her where she lives,she is not a mother to those children. I do think she cares about them in her own way,and enjoys having them around sometimes,but it’s ludicrous to think she is a proper mother (not saying you are!).As if she washes and irons their clothes, makes them packed lunches,bathes the little ones and puts them to bed etc. When she was rich the nannies did it, paid for by ITV2, and now she’s pretty skint they live with their Dad’s. She can’t pretend otherwise can she?
When she ran out of money she just kept going and finding boyfriends to do all her childcare, housework and DIY. Pretty much all of her TV series was exactly the same with each bloke


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Chatty Member
I am actually tempted to go knock on his door tomorrow and ask to see this fucking amazing grass THAT IS NOT AT YOUR HOUSE! They are at Cole’s now. And he doesn’t have a large extension with black window frames going out into his massive garden, he has white UPVC french doors (like me) and a small garden. The internal doors he has are the same as mine because they were all by the same building company
Katie’s rental has panelling in the lounge and Carl has striped wallpaper

why do I take this so seriously 😂😂
Looking at his house all I can think of is a previous post mentioning that despite all the wealth and material things she's accumulated over the years, she's about to be left with a suitcase and the clothes on her back once Coal is done with her!

It's countdown to Coal kicking Katie to the curb. (Look It's a rhyme)
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A delivery from Lanes of Fur, who use raccoon fur 😔
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Whenever I see people in this colour beige from a distance the always look naked 🤣
I saw a man in beige short a while ago and they almost perfectly matched his skin tone so I thought he was just going around in a t-shirt like winnie the pooh until he got closer 😆
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Chatty Member
I think people feel so strongly because the other kids have dads who can advocate for them and Harvey does not.
I agree Cole is well happy with those hideous teef and all of the money making fame opportunities that are coming their way.
I suspect she’s doing to Cole what she does to all the men and she’s in the clingy phase constantly asking him if he loves her and convincing herself that things will be different this time. Kate the common denominator is YOU, so the hope of it being different this time is slim 😂
100% agree! Can u imagine going on a double date with them? Her clinging on to him, neither of them daring to look in the direction of the opposite sex, her just asking him for reassurance/ego stroking CONSTANTLY, all whilst her lizard tongue comes out and with a mouth full of food and tick tack teef 🤦‍♀️ I’d imagine even he would get bored whilst trying to have an adult convo and eat his dinner 😴. Pitty she can’t stay in that wheel chair then the waiter could just push her to the wall for 30 minute intervals. I doubt she’d even notice tho as long as u gave her a mirror to talk too, ‘appy days 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
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Well well well, look how that turned out!! Half the people who post on this thread predicted weeks ago that is exactly what would happen!! The doctors are shocked but we're not 🤣🤣🤣
Exactly. Been seen walking on holiday, in the car park and everywhere, yet the sun still puts this spin on it. Constantly checking herself out on her phone!!
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Regarding Pete I think he knew exactly what he’d get out of it. I actually said to my boyfriend the other day when Katie Price came up in conversation, how can your type be both Katie and Emily?! I think his type has always been women like Emily, natural women with ‘normal jobs’.

Before I’m a Celeb no one had heard from him in years. He is the definition of a one hit wonder. And I think when he left I’m a Celeb he saw the attention being with Katie got him. If you read the article he was disgusted with her and hated her behaviour/fake look. His parents also hated the idea of her. He probably did grow to love her but he was always embarrassed by her, as were his family. He definitely knew his career would benefit from being with her, he really is worse than her and I’m not a Katie fan but he benefits from the two kids just as much as she does/did.

I think over time he pushed her away and into the hands on Andrew Gould. The rumours were she got pregnant by him and had an abortion. Pete found out and left. There was the uncertainty of whether the baby was Petes or someone else’s and didnt she then get into the same situation with Keiron, Regarding Jett? She also thought Andrew would leave his wife for her which he never did. She took the page Three persona too far men didn’t and still don’t take her seriously. I don’t think she will ever meet a decent man unfortunately as her behaviour is terrible and the men who do want to be associated with her, only do so as they want quick ‘fame’. She should of done what other glamour models did when they got older and focused on her family life and got out of the limelight, she made the money to do so!
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What’s a cost night? Should that be cosy? 🤣🙄
Maybe the payment he will receive and what it will cost her.😉

Why the hell have they let it go on and on! Suppose covid has played a part, conveniently for her! What’s happening with the mucky mansion? Thanks for all this tea by the way 🤣🤣🤣
Haha! She thought she would be smart and pay nothing and just ride it out until the year is over, thinking it will all be over. Had she done the right thing, she could have paid all her creditors by now. Serves her right! Hope they find the money we all know she has stashed.
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Just seen elements did out Ashley Roberts and Jac Jossa’s houses. But Katie had to pay? 😂 or was it an undisclosed ad 🤔 as she showed the bags a lot.

it’s still a tat emporium

RSPCA won’t care or be able to do much I don’t think. I will wait it out and get a lovely dog for mine to have as a companion at some point and I 100% would always rescue
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Perhaps Katie didn't tell the hospital her legal name, IDK, wild guess.
Her NHS number will be against her real name, regardless of how infamous she if her real name is Katrina then that would be on the X-rays.
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Hiya Facehugger and 265 👋👋 I noticed earlier you were both online and just want to say to you're up far too late on a school night so get to bed now 🤣🤣🤣
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Title thread suggestion:
Katie Price just cons and lies, but somehow remains a heroine in her deluded fans eyes
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Never liked Pete he's a slime ball and always playing to the gallery with his good guy routine. I always found it bizarre how he met Emily but anyway 🤷
I recall a few episodes in the early days when katie would be doing her usual blurting on camera and Claire and a couple of hangers on where giving each other the side eye. It was very telling. Her management earned every penny, keeping her on the right side of public opinion.
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We are helping with the case as it affects family and friends.
Finding and securing the missing Range Rover would be a Jack Pot so to speak.
Each letter, each phone call, each email to Katie to remind her of her conditions is actually adding to her cost, but still she chooses to need reminding.🤷🏻‍♀️
When she is publicly examined, I presume that will be under oath? She should be made to say what happened to it, she clearly said on her YouTube video she was going to pick it up next week. (You should use that video clip) But I expect she will do like she always does and lie, like the story in the garden centre yesterday...filming for a tv program, that’s 🤬🤬🤬 she was there shopping and got caught not social distancing or wearing a mask.
I’m so sorry you have family and friends caught up in this, but you know most people on here would love to help as much as possible with anything we can.

Ps. is there info about the Range Rover at all...any dealership claiming to have sold it?
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