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Chatty Member
Yes I vaguely remember that! I’m sure they had a few family pets but we never heard what happened to them. I just remember the house they lived in with the swimming pool inside the middle of the house, they had a couple of dogs running around. The kids were only young and the show never featured the dogs much.
Not long after Pete and Katie split up and I never saw the dogs again.
These animals just seem to come and go all the time.
Here's a really interesting article about the animals she had with/before Peter. It's from a former 'friend' who Katie used, and then shopped for benefit fraud once she'd finished with her! What a bitch!

ETA: would help if I included the article

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Pink Squirrel

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What’s a cost night? Should that be cosy? 🤣🙄
Maybe he's counting the cost of another night with her? 🤔

You cannot blame his school, any more than Mrs Nobody can blame her fat kid's school for his obesity when the schools do their best and the parents feed them shite on demand.It's lazy parenting, simple as that.
3 Years ago when pricey spent the whole summer whoring around the continent with/after various blokes was when Harvey was first put in residential care because he'd been left in the care of her hangers on and they couldn't cope. All the bullshit she spouts about being devastated to PUT him into care is bollox. He was put in care because she kept pissing off chasing men and drugs. In just that summer in residential care he lost 3 stone in weight because they controlled his food and probably used fun distraction tactics when he wanted treats. Once he came back into pricey's part time care (due to covid and lockdown) she never bothered her arse continuing the routine and he has slowly ballooned ever since, because she is too immersed in herself and now cole to attempt the regime the residential place initiated back then. Too late now😡 His NHS carers must be at their wits end dealing with his cunt of a ma. Such a waste. That poor young man is a walking heart attack.
This is what blows my mind. He has not got that size overnight. Why in the hell haven't the relevant authorities done something? Surely concerns have been raised by his doctors, hospitals, school etc? She bleats on about the Dr's telling her how serious it is & yet she does absolutely fuck all about it. She just uses his situation to get herself freebies & attention. If he dies she should be fucking jailed for neglect, abuse & manslaughter 😠. Fucking teflon Price gets away with everything.

Idea for a new girl band.....Katie Price, Lauren Goodger & Mel B. All skint, desperate, delusional, in denial, can't sing & crave attention 👍. Any name suggestions? How can we make this happen? 🤔 to email Simon Cowell 😁
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someone needs to seriously look into this, i swiped up on that eyelash curler thing to look at the website, not only is it a hideously terrible page, littered with fake reviews, the refund page looks like it’s been copied from elsewhere as it’s talking about products in dollars. The return address they give for refunds is a random street address in switzerland! Not sure if she is the mastermind or just an idiot helping peddle this tat but this is clearly a scam and i can’t believe it’s being allowed.


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I’m sure she is, I remember in one of her shows the guy she was with at the time sorry can’t remember which but to be fair it’s not easy there have been many, any who they said that she spent hours reading everything that had been written about her every day obsessed was probably the word he used. I would of said narcissistic and self obsessed, by the way I can’t ever remember her having any mental health issues until it became fashionable to play the mental health card to make up for shit decisions and unforgivable behaviour.
By the way I am in no way putting anyone down who does suffer with their mental health I just think a lot of people these days use it as an excuse and to me that is really taking the piss out of true suffers.

She originally said that she got Blade because of the car jacking in South Africa you know the one that didn’t really happen, apparently Princess was really scared and what with all the kidnap threats she needed a guard dog, seriously I can smell the bullshit from here.
I do believe she has mental health issues but my sympathy and empathy for her ended a long time ago. She has the money and resources to get help and she has a responsibility to her children to get the most out of both. Many people will never have access to the help she could get but they do their best with the resources they do have and she just continues to spiral and make her situation worse and worse.
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Dwight should have put his dislike of Katie to the side and stepped up. I’m sure she did make his life a misery but Dwight took the easy way out.
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Chatty Member
Titled 'Maldive's Holiday'. This is what she said was a work assignment! :confused:
I actually forced myself to watch it! God she’s so uncomfortable to watch! So stood on a moving boat, no wince in sight over her feet, dancing about commanding the attention as per! How she can have the nerve to then get photographed by the sun, making it look painful after posting this vid??? Un fucking believable 🙄

Titled 'Maldive's Holiday'. This is what she said was a work assignment! :confused:
I hope these investigators watch these vids 😡. Thing is tho, taking a photographer (her mate) with them makes it look like work doesn’t it 🤦‍♀️
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That story re her lamenting over her full name change to Woods. She is pathetic!
Also, I strongly doubt he will marry her.
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No one gets a bankruptcy is extended only because of non co-operation or dishonesty

You can be made bankrupt and pay nothing towards it but still get discharged after 12 months

It is currently showing that it will automatically get discharged on the 26th

Had to giggle, I clicked on the doc and saw

Skilled trades
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Chatty Member
Regarding the new puppy what I can’t get over is the fact her poor daughters puppy was killed only a couple of months ago and now she’s flaunting the fact she has a new puppy isn’t that cruelty beyond belief what fucking mother would do that to a child seriously what a fucking cunt

New thread title
Frankensteinettas life’s in a downward spiral let’s hope all her shit keeps going viral
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Hiya Facehugger and 265 👋👋 I noticed earlier you were both online and just want to say to you're up far too late on a school night so get to bed now 🤣🤣🤣
I'm 53 FFS!!! you cheeky bugger!
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I have reported her, can you all report the sites on IG and also to ASA. I will go through those other sites and report those as well

Keep posting
I am really bothered about the scamming. I think it’s all her behind it too, not that she is just not doing due diligence
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Watch the latest video. Coal is clearly annoyed with Katie while he's putting the tree up, and she's sat there screeching and being typically obnoxious and immature. She is either high or brain damaged.

They should still be in the honeymoon phase, but something doesn't seem right. He's making 'jokey' digs at her, and as she does with every partner, she's begun to put him down and criticise him for no reason. After he both put up the tree and decorated it alone (while she tied decorations to her head), she went on to repeat that it 'wasn't that good'.

100% he bought a puppy for the headlines. She said in one of her interviews that she knows what to do to get people talking, and plans life around this. Why isn't she banned from owning animals?!!!
These YouTube videos are unwatchable, from the constant ads, the nagging “subscribe” bell, then Mrs Shouty with her inane childish crap and “singing”. Must really grate to be in the same room.
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I just don't know how she gets away with all her bullshit. Her followers must be so thick.

How she can now be "miraculously" walking despite being told she could be in a wheelchair for months and recovery up to two years.

I'd love to get to the bottom of what really happened to her feet. I doubt we'll ever know the truth.
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Chatty Member

This is the interview that Alex Reid mentions in his interview which he says was all lies!
He's not wrong, there are so many lies and contradictions, here's a summary:

- She always pays her taxes.
- She trained as a paramedic.
- She believes her followers are loyal and will always buy into what she's selling (compared to other celebrities who have more followers than her).
- She turns down lots of paid posts, and doesn't do many paid posts because she doesn’t want to be known for that (this was only a year ago)
- Says she doesn't read what is written about her in the media.
- This crap about having a shield and not being normal, because she's not affected by the media bullying her and writing negative stories. She says this in every interview.
- Ben Stokes (cricketer) got into trouble for mocking Harvey. He apologised and wanted to meet her, she said no why should he...
but in the same breath she knocked Frankie Boyle for not apologising for his awful joke and declining an invitation to meet Harvey.
- Implies that she's going bankrupt because of Alex (or more likely to avoid paying him).
- Said despite impending bankruptcy she's still making good money, and won't lower her fees.
- Suggests that Peter deliberately ruined her image and potential to make money when they separated.
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Cloud Chaser

Well-known member
Hahaha it’s luminous green you can’t miss it 😂
I might have to start driving the longer more annoying way, past a shop and a school and the parking is annoying AF! Thankfully we were spared the airport Parker’s this year who clog up the whole estate for weeks on end!
my daughter gets the bus from outside their house and is always reporting back to me ‘Carl was in the kitchen!’ Or something equally non exciting😂
I was worried about paps being really annoying here but doesn’t seem like she’s remotely famous enough anymore for that!
Please can you edit the bit about your daughter and the bus. Katie can be a nasty piece of work and I’m concerned.

I also think that they’re trying to get at Katie’s first husband. He had a daughter with another woman and Katie testified against him so he lost contact with his daughter. Look at Carl’s nickname for Katie.
I’m not 100% on where Harvey is but I do know the police have the full video clip and evidence Katie was aware it was online.
She STILL has not handed in all her paperwork
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Pink Squirrel

VIP Member
Great work, I will get on the case today too!
I'm gonna try & do a bit more today too. I did report the eyelash thing to ASA last night. What she is doing is wrong. I just don't understand how anyone can still be a 'fan'? She doesn't give a shit about anyone other than herself. Would it be worth reporting all the crap she sells to the police? It's not a 1 off. There are numerous items, all following the same pattern. She fucking knows what she's doing. She really thinks she's untouchable. I bloody hope she's heading for a very public & spectacular fall. I'm still clinging on to my mad theory that Cole's there to bring her down 🤣
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I was a teenager when they were together and even I could see he treated her horribly, I liked Katie back then, I wasn't a 'fan' but I thought she was smart and funny and I had no idea what the hell she was doing with him. I still don't like him now, he makes me feel cold looking at him, I can't explain it, sometimes someone will get in a lift with you and you get out or walk past you in a shop and you shudder, well I feel like that when I see him. I don't like Katie anymore for various reasons but I can't even look at Peter.
So agree with this. She has massive issues but I think she actually did genuinely love Pete but their relationship was all wrong from the start. The way he spoke to her was absolutely disgusting in that clip - you could see that basically he had the needle because they were sitting around and she was making polite conversation with the guy in the Segway place. Thing is, unlike now where she's constantly OTT, she was actually just being nice and friendly, not flirting with him but Pete clearly wasn't happy about it.

I always thought that her choice of partners was off somehow - she was always the bigger name, the one with the money and fame. She never met anyone who was really her equal. The resurgence in Pete's career only really happened off the back of their relationship. And all the ones since him have been complete hangers on, using her for what they can get. Although that cuts both ways, and she will have used them too.

The other sad thing about that clip is how good she looked then, only what 11-12 years ago? And with minimal make up on. Compared to what she's now become. She's an advert for not over-tanning or fucking about with your face.
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I think people feel so strongly because the other kids have dads who can advocate for them and Harvey does not.
I agree Cole is well happy with those hideous teef and all of the money making fame opportunities that are coming their way.
I suspect she’s doing to Cole what she does to all the men and she’s in the clingy phase constantly asking him if he loves her and convincing herself that things will be different this time. Kate the common denominator is YOU, so the hope of it being different this time is slim 😂
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