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She’s desperate.. all over paige and Paige defo not into her. Hee body language says it all.. I couldn’t watch either. It’s just so cringe.
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I don’t think it even started 😂😂 one of her longest relationships on tiktok
Que the heartbroken TikTok’s about how much Paige has broke Katie’s heart and she will never love again, until someone inboxes her then she will be back in love within 24 hours.
Katie defo gave Paige the ick 😂
Is it all over already lol


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She's on the phone to that Kelly, the mug who katie uses when she looses everyone, Kelly will be shoved aside again when there's new fanny on the scene.
If I was gifting someone then they said they were giving it to someone else I'd be so pissed off. Would never gift anyone who the other day had 400£ sitting on their kitchen side, she always has money she is a beg and a liar
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the cheek

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Sprinkles Got some good views in. More people know the better


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Genuinely don’t think she would say her name or bring her up personally, I have to say her Misses is one Katie does not want to mess with and I think Katie knows this deep down. She will just dig and point but won’t say it out loud. She knows she’s balancing on the edge so will keep it her way for now; until that wind blows her off and then it’s game over for her.
For me, this is all an online thing. Like for most of us tattlers but for the one she’s accusing it was real life. I cannot imagine how it would be having what happened to her; my inner anger just wouldn’t. And Katie needs to mind herself going forward. She is genuinely happy, has a great life, the same as a lot (if not all!) of her ex’s have now. They are all settled, getting married, having a great life and then there is buck tooth Katie … begging.
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Ffs I can’t believe I’ve missed it all! Happened quicker than I thought! 🤣
Why did she bother going to England to get clean if Katie was giving her tablets? I’m so confused
Katie was probs telling her it’s the way to detox etc
She’s a massive manipulator
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that or she’s putting it all on for sympathy and gifts, I see someone offered to get her food and rather than answer them she’s followed them as the girls said I’ve accepted you Katie and low and behold she’ll be conning this woman away from the live, why when she’s ‘feeling low’ money fixes it all it’s not even real but she’ll turn it and be like she offered, will she allow this woman to get her food, no because she’ll not want to give her address but what she will want is the money equivalent
She doesn't need money for bloody food, she was ordering loads of shit off of amazon yesterday or day before, she has a bloody cheek if she takes money off people. She must lie in bed at night and come up with plans on how she can gain sympathy and con people out of money. I can't believe people still fall for her bullshit
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Katie Bailey #12 - Beggys dangerous behaviour and girls still fall for it, HOW? I’m sure it’s time she signs some kind of register now.
Katie Bailey #12 - Beggys dangerous behaviour and girls still fall for it, HOW? I’m sure it’s time she signs some kind of register now.
Eta - just an idea but if someone has one better? 😇
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Easy life for her. Chills him out. That's what I wad told about 18 months ago.
When I thought anything that evil woman does wouldn’t shock me, well I’m shooketh, that’s plain abuse getting someone addicted to something meaning when their older they will go onto stronger stuff as they get used to that. I just can’t believe the way some people parent!
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Merry Christmas fellow truth tellers. How anyone has her in their house is beyond me posting their baby online like she is hers. Her videos make my vagina dry and shrivel up, I can't imagine what people think about her dancing around, talking to her phone she must look like a right prick. Also is she trying to kill her dog feeding it stuffing? Dogs can't eat onion dickhead, if you don't know basics about dogs you shouldn't have one!
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I seen on the live over the wkend how she feels about Kim , the eye roll when she questions which room she is going to chill in , nasty cunt, she's playing her because she can't be with the ones she wants to be
I dont actually think she wants anyone, she just likes to be in control and then destroying those peoples lives, and makes herself look like the victim
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She’s like a cartoon character with pound signs in her eyes. Reported to social services yet again. I couldn’t watch her live for more than a few minutes because she’s so full of rubbish. On live with the woman she slated…..
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